Talk:AWG Scalability through per-resident subdivision of the Grid
Revision as of 03:21, 17 February 2009 by Jesrad Seraph (talk | contribs)
- In various places you refer to user resource allocation proportional to land acreage. You need to rephrase those references to be proportional to prim allocation, as that corresponds to a slice of CPU power and bandwidth. The association of those with land acreage is purely artificial, because land devoid of prims and devoid of people uses no CPU nor any bandwidth, but only disk storage. Since the cost of disk storage for the relevant land representations is effectively zero, 3rd parties will undoubtedly offer vast acreage at very low cost. As a result, LL's acreage-based pricing system can be expected to alter under pressure of competition, ie. to similarly decouple acreage from prim allocation. As your design is looking ahead, it would be best to couple it to something that represents CPU and bandwidth more directly, instead of the very weak and temporary proxy of land acreage. Morgaine Dinova 14:50, 24 November 2008 (UTC)
- It sure is sad that suggestions such as yours are totally ignored by LL. They need this kind of redesign badly, yet don't even realize it. Morgaine Dinova 14:50, 24 November 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you for your support and remarks, Morgaine. I'll be updating this proposal around a more pertinent measure of elementary grid processing. As for LL going on with the arbitrary geographic allocation of resources, well, I guess it just makes sense for their business model of being a glorified colocation service, as it appears to make their internal accounting easier and leverage their position vertically. They're probably not ready to become wholesalers of grid processing, and I think their profit is still significantly found in the brokerage of smaller land units despite the Land Store, Estate management features and OpenSpace sims. In any case I'm content to know that there's at least one virtual world project which is following this P2P, owner-subdivided decentralised model of grid simulation with the added bonus of being open-source and free.--Jesrad Seraph 11:21, 17 February 2009 (UTC)