Linden Lab Official:Registration API Reference

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To gain the capability URL for each service, POST your Second Life "first_name", "last_name", and "password" to

For more information on capability URLs, see Using capability URLs.

GET operations


The get_last_names operation retrieves the last names and corresponding IDs with which you are able to register new users.

Example GET Response:



The get_error_codes operation returns an LLSD document describing the Reg API error codes. This information is reproduced in Registration API Error Codes.

The errors are in an array, and each error is, in addition, contained in an array. The first element in the array is the error code, the second is the name of the error, the third is the description.

Example GET response:

           <string>invalid flow</string> 
           <string>The registration flow does not exist</string> 
           <string>missing required field</string> 
           <string>You are missing one of the required fields</string> 
           <string>malformed xml</string> 
           <string>Your xml is malformed</string> 

POST operations


The create_user operation creates a new Second Life user.

  • POST to this url a LLSD XML document, representing a hash, containing at least "username" (string), "last_name_id" (integer), "email" (string), "dob" (string in YYYY-MM-DD format), "password" (string)
  • Optional arguments are "limited_to_estate" (integer), "start_region_name" (string), "start_local_x" (float between 0-128), "start_local_y", "start_local_z", "start_look_at_x" (float between 0-1), "start_look_at_y", "start_look_at_z"
  • If all is successful, a hash containing the new user's agent_id will be returned. If there are errors, instead an array containing the applicable error codes will be returned.

POST Parameters


  • key: username
    • value (String): Desired username (i.e. SL first name). Between 2-31 alpha-numeric characters.
  • key: last_name_id
    • value (Integer): ID of desired SL last name.
  • key: email
    • value (String): Users email address.
  • key: password
    • value (String): Desired password. Between 6-16 characters.
  • key: dob
    • value (String): Users date of birth in the YYYY-MM-DD format.. Users under 18 cannot be registered to the mainland (see limited_to_estate)
  • limited_to_estate (not required)
    • value (Integer): ID of estate that the user will be limited to. Default is estate 1, the mainland. To change this to another estate, you must own the estate.
      • You can get the numeric estate ID via the debug menus (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D to enable them). Then use Client > View Admin Options. This will allow you to view, but not use, the options that admins (Lindens) can use. Now go to the Server menu, which appeared with the Client one. Select God Tools, look at the Region tab... the Estate ID is listed there. Don't worry about pressing or changing something you shouldn't... as they are just viewable options, any changes you make won't stick. -- Spike Linden
  • start_region_name (not required)
    • value (String): Name of the region that the user will be initially teleported to. Default is the orientation island of the estate. This can only be set to simulators in the user's limited to estate.
  • start_local_x (not required)
    • value (Float): X coordinate of the region that the user will be teleported to.Between 0-256. Default is 128 (center). This parameter is ignored unless start_region_name is set.
  • start_local_y (not required)
    • value (Float): Y coordinate of the region that the user will be teleported to.Between 0-256. Default is 128 (center). This parameter is ignored unless start_region_name is set.
  • start_local_z (not required)
    • value (Float): Z coordinate of the region that the user will be teleported to.Between 0-256. Default is 128 (center). This parameter is ignored unless start_region_name is set.
  • start_look_at_x (not required)
    • value (Float): X component of the unit vector representing initial look direction.Between 0-1. Default is 0. This parameter is ignored unless start_region_name is set.
  • start_look_at_y (not required)
    • value (Float): Y component of the unit vector representing initial look direction.Between 0-1. Default is 1. This parameter is ignored unless start_region_name is set.
  • start_look_at_z (not required)
    • Currently z component is ignored (set to 0).

Return Value

Map - If user creation is sucessful, a map with the new user's information is returned

  • key: agent_id
    • value (Integer): ID of new SL user.


  • Array - If user creation fails, an array of error code(s) is returned.
    • Integer - Represents an error code (see get error codes)

Example Posted Message:

    <key>start_region_name</key><string>da boom</string>

Example Reply Message:



The check_name operation checks to see if a user can be registered with a given Second Life first name and last name.

POST the new user's desired "username" and "last_name_id", and you'll get back LLSD XML, representing a boolean. The same parameter restrictions for the "create user" service apply here.

Example Posted Message:


Example Reply Message:
