User:Benjamin Linden/Office Hours/2007 Jul 03

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Transcript of Benjamin Linden's office hours:

Squirrel Wood: hey Ben ^^
Tao Takashi: Hi Benjamin!
Wyn Galbraith: Hey Benjamin!
Benjamin Linden: hi everyone!
Roof Doors: Ann Burgess is at the door.
Benjamin Linden: apologies for being late
Dale Glass: hiya :-)
Wyn Galbraith: Relog Lance.
Lance Amat: interestingly i seen ann sitting but not jasmine
Benjamin Linden: wow big crowd today
Roof Doors: Ann Burgess is at the door.
Phli Foxchase: hello
Benjamin Linden: hi Phli
Benjamin Linden: hey Squirrel, glad you could make it again
Lance Amat: i am trying to relog. thanks all
Benjamin Linden: hey Tao
Squirrel Wood: ^^
Benjamin Linden: hi Wyn :-)
Wyn Galbraith: Hello!
Wyn Galbraith is stinkie today ;)
Squirrel Wood: I'm here cause I DO enjoy these office hours ^^
Upper Deck Door: Ann Burgess is at the door.
Benjamin Linden: that's great to hear Squirrel?
Wyn Galbraith: It's all Squirrel' fault
Benjamin Linden: oops sorry
Benjamin Linden: I mean to use an exclamation poitn!
Benjamin Linden: :-)
Squirrel Wood: Poit! Narf! ^^
Free Info NoteBook from SquirrelTech: This is a free item and is not meant to be sold.
Benjamin Linden: sorry, we're having multiple overlapping meetings here
Benjamin Linden: hi Dale
Benjamin Linden: so I have some news before we get started
Wyn Galbraith: Ok, shoot.
Benjamin Linden: next week we're going to try something new with this office hour
Benjamin Linden: some of you have been to Rob's bug triage on Mondays
Wyn Galbraith ears twitch.
Squirrel Wood: Yups
Wyn Galbraith: Missed it due to building fever.
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Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
Benjamin Linden: we're really happy with the success that those triages has had in getting bugs imported into our internal system
Wyn Galbraith missed this Monday' he mean.
Wyn Galbraith: *she
Benjamin Linden: and we want to expand on those efforts to include more traiges per week
Benjamin Linden: targeted at specific types of bugs
Wyn Galbraith: So we get to do interface bug?
Benjamin Linden: so for this office hour we'll be looking at UI bugs specifically -- you guessed it Wyn
Lance Amat: i lost my hair in the process, lol
Phli Foxchase: :)
Lance Amat: now you try to the chair jas
Squirrel Wood: cool ^^
Wyn Galbraith: *bugs, keep dropping letters. Whoop!
Wyn Galbraith loves bugs.
Squirrel Wood: Ooo... did Rob manage to move that pet issue of mine yet?
Camber Front Door: Ann Burgess is at the door.
Benjamin Linden: I think that will help structure these meetings a bit more and drive more actionable results
Lance Amat: thanks you guys.. sorry we busted your meeting.. thanks again
Free Info NoteBook from SquirrelTech: This is a free item and is not meant to be sold.
Wyn Galbraith: Any one is welcome to the meetings.
Tao Takashi: which reminds me of that german translation effort :)
Lance Amat: come darling..
Maki Guyot gave you R.I.P. Dolltopia - Blog Post Announcement.
Lance Amat: ty
Benjamin Linden: what about the translation Tao?
Tao Takashi: those people on the forums who wanted to help with translating the client properly
Tao Takashi: you said you maybe have some update for me this week as you met with the internationalization team
Benjamin Linden: ah yes
Benjamin Linden: so I did speak with them last week
Benjamin Linden: according to a recent update from the internationalization team: "We hope to have the KB translated by the middle of July and a first pass of the German viewer into an optional viewer by the end of July."
Wyn Galbraith cheers.
Tao Takashi: ok, so no help needed then?
Phli Foxchase: and for the french people ? :)
Squirrel Wood: I prefer my client with an english flavour ^^
Tao Takashi: me, too ;-)
Benjamin Linden: Phli, I didn't ask about French specifically but I do know that it will be one of the supported languages
Phli Foxchase: ok
Tao Takashi: but many people on the forums prefer german and wanted to fix that translation which is now implemented
Benjamin Linden: we will definitely want German eyes on the new translation and reporting bugs once it rolls out
Tao Takashi: guess it's the same with other countries
Tao Takashi: well, I am sure you will get those eyes :)
Squirrel Wood: Okay. I shall complain aboot each and every typo I find ;)
Tao Takashi: not sure about the bugs, Jira is eventually to complex for many people but we will see
Benjamin Linden: it would be great if we could make Jira more accessible to people
Wyn Galbraith: Maybe the German bugs can go through a represenative group that can deal with Jira.
Dale Glass: heh, that worries me due to how slow it is lately
Tao Takashi: maybe also too slow which many people might turn down
Phli Foxchase: jira is slow yep
Tao Takashi: yes, maybe we can find somebody feeling responsible for those bugs
Benjamin Linden: slow as in performance?
Dale Glass: the jira client is great, but can't login
Benjamin Linden: or as in responsiveness
Dale Glass: loading jira pages is slow
Phli Foxchase: 12 sec at least
Tao Takashi: which makes it no fun to use and thus acceptance is eventually low
Tao Takashi: probably low ;-)
Tao Takashi: just use trac ;-)
Wyn Galbraith: When I worked at WordStar we had the WABbits, the WordStar Adviosry Board. Made up of power user.
Dale Glass: the jira client greatly compensates for that, but it's readonly at the time. If it could log in, then it'd make the whole thing a lot more tolerable
Wyn Galbraith: *users
Wyn Galbraith keeps dropping letters.
Benjamin Linden: yeah that's bad. I know that Rob is working with our hosting service to get improve the performance. you guys may want to bring that up at his office hours (if you haven't already)
Tao Takashi: Rob is aware of that according to the sldev list, guess there's not much more we can do to help
Dale Glass: well, it's old news really. Been said several times on sldev
Wyn Galbraith: Every one mention Jira's downfall at mostly every meeting.
Benjamin Linden: haha ok
Benjamin Linden: I'll chat with Rob about it
Wyn Galbraith: More like complains
Very Susanti: hiya what is the topic of today Jira complaints?
Tao Takashi: but I know that it's hard to find an acceptable issue tracker which is not too complex to use
Benjamin Linden: Another thing that's great about Rob's office hours is how he gets community input for the bug triage. Basically the entire agenda is written by Residents before the triage.
Tao Takashi now settled for trac for most things.. Mantis is maybe also ok but seems to have grown in complexity with every release
Benjamin Linden: I would love to see us get to that point with the UI bug triage, where it's somewhat self-sustaining.
Squirrel Wood: jira.... loading times per page are between 30 and 60 seconds mostly. for me.
Wyn Galbraith: What happens I think is that we go through the bug list.
Wyn Galbraith: So if you pulled a list of the UI bugs we could cover them.
Very Susanti: when is the new chatterbox coming?
Very Susanti: sometime this week?
Tao Takashi: yep, give us a new first look :)
Very Susanti: First crash this time arround I think
Benjamin Linden: there is some filtering that happens, by votes and a few other metrics, that helps narrow down and prioritize the list of bugs
Wyn Galbraith: Is the filter buttom missing on the inventory list of the first look voice?
Benjamin Linden: I'll post instructions on how to create an agenda based on the bug list
Wyn Galbraith: Oh wait there it is, in a menu now. hrm, not a button anymore?
Benjamin Linden: where was the button before, Wyn?
Wyn Galbraith: Next to Sort I believe.
Benjamin Linden: hey Very, didn't see you sneak in
Wyn Galbraith just now noticed it missing.
Wyn Galbraith: I'd have to load the other view to make sure.
Benjamin Linden: oh it was a separate menu item
Wyn Galbraith: *viewer
Wyn Galbraith: I believe so.
Benjamin Linden: yes, I think we changed that because it overlapped with the file menu
Very Susanti cloaks herself with lagg particles
Benjamin Linden: I would need to go back to Jira to make sure
Wyn Galbraith: Anyone using the regular viewer? Oh well, darn I use it a lot ;)
Dale Glass: I'm using the regular one
Wyn Galbraith: There's a filter button next to sort in the inventory, correct?
Benjamin Linden: we'd hoped to get the chatterbox changes in before this most recent update but they didn't get done quite in time
Very Susanti: no I am only first look now
LifeFactory Writer: /Good day! Forgive takes a very long time for the scene to load, and I do not want to step on anyone.
Wyn Galbraith is on first look.
Dale Glass: show filters is in the file menu
Tao Takashi: yep
Wyn Galbraith: So they did that change on purpose?
Tao Takashi: I think it was a button long ago
Dale Glass: hmm, don't remember really, almost never use filters
Tao Takashi: me neither, maybe because they are too hidden in the menu
Wyn Galbraith uses them all the time, due to the mass her inventory is.
Benjamin Linden: yes, there was a change, I can go look in jira if you'd like me to find the rationale. I remember discussing it with Torley
Tao Takashi: make it like spotlight or so
Dale Glass: If I may change subject, I'd like opinions on how to design something
Tao Takashi: or tabs :)
Very Susanti: yes let us reorder the communications tabs
Wyn Galbraith: Ah. Well, might be something I have to get use to then :)
Benjamin Linden: that's a common request, Very, it's possible we'll do it a future point
Fremont Cunningham returns from RLI
Very Susanti: good I will keep making, with more frequency as time gfoes by
Squirrel Wood: Eww. RL.
Wyn Galbraith: No horror stories :)
Very Susanti: ackk I mean, good I will keep making it, with greater frequency as time goes by
Dale Glass: ok, I'm working on getting a ratings system into the viewer and would like opinions on how to present it
Dale Glass: here's what it looks like atm:
Dale Glass:
Benjamin Linden: wow, is this a working prototype, Dale?
Dale Glass: yep, in my current viewer
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Benjamin Linden: impressive! just so I understand, are the nametags color coded based on the rating?
Dale Glass: this is a rather different thing from SL ratings. My scores are calculated based on the opinions of positively rated people
Dale Glass: yep
Dale Glass: negative ratings would get red nametags
Very Susanti notices Dale is 100
Benjamin Linden: lol
Dale Glass: right, your own rating is always 100
Dale Glass: it goes like this:
Fremont Cunningham: How is 'gaming' of this system prevented?
Benjamin Linden: I have a few comments
Dale Glass: your own: 100. Your direct rating on somebody: +/-10. The opinion of that person, if their rating is positive is +/-1. And goes on for another level with +/- 0.1
Dale Glass: hmm?
Benjamin Linden: just in terms of UI, color-coding the entire nametag probably is a bit much, we could probably come up with a smaller icon or symbol that changes color. also, some people will probably be opposed to nametags getting any bigger than they are
Dale Glass: gaming is prevented because ratings aren't global, you decide who to trust
Dale Glass: I was thinking about something like that, yes. Whole nametag was the initial easiest option
Tao Takashi: they could game my trust ;-) but ok, it's harder :)
Dale Glass: as you can see in the second one, there are several rating types, it could be desirable to show them all if they exist
Benjamin Linden: right, for proof of concept it makes sense
Very Susanti: interesting idea but who is the system of record for this rating data? I mean that is the the real issue with pluggins, trusting the vendors
Dale Glass: what do you mean?
Benjamin Linden: so I only see ratings that I've given other people?
Dale Glass: it works like this:
Dale Glass: you rate Alice positively. Alice's score is 10 for you now
Very Susanti: I mean I could do alot from a pluggin, empty your Lindens to my account
Dale Glass: Alice rates Bob positively, Bob's score is now 1 for you
Dale Glass: Bob rates Eve negatively, Eve now appears as -0.1
Very Susanti: I mean there should be a certification process or something, that is the hard part about pluggins
Very Susanti: making them is usually the easy part
Dale Glass: you need to have a path to a person to get a score for them. All of them add up and you get the result
Benjamin Linden: Dale, where are the ratings stored?
Dale Glass: my database
Benjamin Linden: is it another table in the database?
Very Susanti: kind of a trust network?
Dale Glass: I run my own DB server for it
Very Susanti: an ontology of sorts?
Tao Takashi: if something wants to access your Lindens it should ask you beforehand like scripts do
Dale Glass: I have HUDs that query it with llHTTPRequest
Dale Glass: anybody wants one?
Benjamin Linden: it queries your database Dale?
Dale Glass: the system is already working and has hundreds of users. I've got a HUD for using it, but that's somewhat inconvenient, so I decided to make a viewer-based version as well
Dale Glass: yeah, it's an avatar scanner
Benjamin Linden: I'd love a copy to play with
Dale Glass: when it sees somebody it sends a request to my server and asks for their score
Update Server: Dale Glass is offering you 'TrustNet Scanner'. This is attempt 1 of 3 that can be made in a week. See for more infor
Dale Glass: here you go, then :-)
Update Server owned by Dale Glass gave you 'TrustNet HUD 1.0' ( ).
Squirrel Wood: I bet there is no rating for tail floofyness :p
Benjamin Linden: thanks Dale
TrustNet HUD 1.0 say, You haven't rated anybody yet, so no scores can be calculated. Give at least one rating to start getting scores.
TrustNet HUD 1.0 say, See this for more information on how TrustNet ratings work:
Very Susanti: if ratings were part of the agent profile from the beginning and not querried from the server when you loaded profiles I wonder if they would still be arround
Dale Glass: it's an avatar scanner, you click a name in the list and select an action
Dale Glass: click "give copy" to make the server send that person the latest version of the scanner
Benjamin Linden: can I see other people's ratings too, or just mine?
Benjamin Linden: I take it this doesn't aggregate ratings
Dale Glass: at the time you only see scores from your point of view
Very Susanti: I would like a hud Dale if you don't mind
Very Susanti: do you have the rating algorithm documented somewhere?
Dale Glass: yep
Dale Glass: sec...
Dale Glass: here you go, with graphs:
Dale Glass: err
Dale Glass: darn copy/paste
Dale Glass:
Benjamin Linden: Dale, in the window where you set the rating, what does "Local" mean?
Dale Glass: means the rating would be for your use only
Dale Glass: by default other people can rely on your ratings
Dale Glass: the idea is: I rate my friends positively. If my friends say, get griefed, they rate the jerk negatively
Dale Glass: then if I come near him I automatically know some of my friends gave him a negative score
Dale Glass: you can ask the server for details on that
Benjamin Linden: I thought you only saw your own ratings?
Dale Glass: checking "local" would prevent that, your rating would be for your use only
Dale Glass: you only see ratings from your point of view, which is different
Squirrel Wood: So you have public and private ratings
Dale Glass: think Amazon: You tell it what books you like, it recommends you things to read
Very Susanti: hmmm I have always been kinda concerned about rating systems they tend to group people in cliques
Dale Glass: but you can't check what any given user has read
Very Susanti: local rating systems may increase the isolation of social networks
Very Susanti: it would be aninteresting study
Benjamin Linden: on Amazon you can see the aggregate rating people have given something (along with individual reviews)
Benjamin Linden: is that what you would like this to do?
Very Susanti: I had a friend in grad school who does political science who does research in this kind of thing
Dale Glass: no, not like that
Dale Glass: it's like book recommendations
Dale Glass: you tell the system who you like and don't
Dale Glass: based on that, it tries to calculate who you might like or not
Very Susanti: I would prefer to see a rating systems for stores and services not people
Dale Glass: the opinions of random people you're not related to aren't taken into account
Dale Glass: if it's hard to understand, here's how to do what it does manually:
LifeFactory Writer: /so sorry....
Dale Glass: when you see somebody new, IM your friends list and ask "anybody met this guy before?"
Dale Glass: then they'd IM their friends in turn, and those their friends, and all report back to you
Very Susanti: that is one way to make friends life, jump in their lap and see what happens
Tao Takashi: here's my blog post from back then about trustnet, btw:
LifeFactory Writer: /Ha!
Dale Glass: so you calculate a score: opinions of friends are worth more than those of friends of friends
LifeFactory Writer: /I have heard that wil get me in trouble!
LifeFactory Writer: /I am so sorry!
Benjamin Linden: this is very interesting Dale, I'll read through your Wiki page so I can understand it better
Tao Takashi: wow, it was back in December, time runs again..
Very Susanti: before my rez day
Squirrel Wood: The Hedgetorley has landed ^^
Benjamin Linden: ah there's Torley
Torley Linden: Hahah hey everyone. :)
Tao Takashi: and I will also run again.. :) next office hour :)
Very Susanti: how does this scale? how many hops deep to you go?
Torley Linden: How's everyone?
Tao Takashi: thanks for hosting, Benjamin! :)
Tao Takashi: Hi Torley :)
Benjamin Linden: thanks for coming everyone!
Very Susanti: Hi Torley
Tao Takashi: and see you all soon!
Squirrel Wood: me? doing fine XD
Dale Glass: your direct ratings, then your friend's opinions, then their friends'. Stops there
Benjamin Linden: Dale, we can discuss your ratings system more on Thursday if you'd like
Dale Glass: each level counts for 1/10 of the previous one
Torley Linden: Ohhh was this talk about TrustNet?
Squirrel Wood: 't was once again a very interesting hour ^^
Dale Glass: sure
Benjamin Linden: I'll try to read your wiki page before then
Dale Glass: yep
Fremont Cunningham: Hi Torley
Torley Linden: hiii :)
LifeFactory Writer: /Hello :)
LifeFactory Writer: /Thank you for letting me sit in.
Very Susanti: bye all
Torley Linden: Ben and I are off to a meeting, take care everyone. :)
Benjamin Linden: thanks for coming LifeFactory
LifeFactory Writer: /I did have an interface question....about time :)
Dale Glass: later :-)
Benjamin Linden: next office hours are Thursday at 3pm
Benjamin Linden: take care everybody!