Template:Debug All Settings/Name
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Revision as of 11:04, 23 February 2009 by Dedric Mauriac (talk | contribs)
- AdvanceSnapshot
- AFKTimeout
- AgentChatColor
- AllowIdleAFK
- AllowMultipleViewers
- AllowTapTapHoldRun
- AnimateTextures
- AnimationDebug
- AppearanceCameraMovement
- ApplyColorImmediately
- ApplyTextureImmediately
- ArrowKeysMoveAvatar
- AskedAboutCrashReports
- AsyncKeyboard
- AuctionShowFence
- AudioLevelAmbient
- AudioLevelDistance
- AudioLevelDoppler
- AudioLevelMaster
- AudioLevelMedia
- AudioLevelMic
- AudioLevelMusic
- AudioLevelRolloff
- AudioLevelSFX
- AudioLevelUI
- AudioLevelVoice
- AudioStreamingMusic
- AudioStreamingVideo
- AutoAcceptNewInventory
- AutoLeveling
- AutoLoadWebProfiles
- AutoLogin
- AutoMimeDiscovery
- AutoPilotLocksCamera
- AutoSnapshot
- AutomaticFly
- AvatarAxisDeadZone0
- AvatarAxisDeadZone1
- AvatarAxisDeadZone2
- AvatarAxisDeadZone3
- AvatarAxisDeadZone4
- AvatarAxisDeadZone5
- AvatarAxisScale0
- AvatarAxisScale1
- AvatarAxisScale2
- AvatarAxisScale3
- AvatarAxisScale4
- AvatarAxisScale5
- AvatarBacklight
- AvatarCompositeLimit
- AvatarFeathering
- AvatarPickerSortOrder
- AvatarSex
- BackgroundChatColor
- BackgroundYieldTime
- BackwardBtnRect
- BasicHelpRect
- BeaconAlwaysOn
- BrowserHomePage
- BlockAvatarAppearanceMessages
- BrowserProxyAddress
- BrowserProxyEnabled
- BrowserProxyExclusions
- BrowserProxyPort
- BrowserProxySocks45
- BuildAxisDeadZone0
- BuildAxisDeadZone1
- BuildAxisDeadZone2
- BuildAxisDeadZone3
- BuildAxisDeadZone4
- BuildAxisDeadZone5
- BuildAxisScale0
- BuildAxisScale1
- BuildAxisScale2
- BuildAxisScale3
- BuildAxisScale4
- BuildAxisScale5
- BuildBtnState
- BuildFeathering
- ButtonFlashCount
- ButtonFlashRate
- ButtonHPad
- ButtonHeight
- ButtonHeightSmall
- ButtonVPad
- CacheLocation
- CacheSize
- CacheValidateCounter
- CameraMouseWheelZoom
- CameraOffset
- CameraOffsetBuild
- CameraOffsetDefault
- CameraPosOnLogout
- CameraPositionSmoothing
- ChatBarStealsFocus
- ChatBubbleOpacity
- ChatFontSize
- ChatFullWidth
- ChatHistoryTornOff
- ChatOnlineNotification
- ChatPersistTime
- ChatShowTimestamps
- ChatVisible
- ChatterboxRect
- CheesyBeacon
- ClientSettingsFile
- CloseChatOnReturn
- CloseSnapshotOnKeep
- ClothingBtnState
- CmdLineDisableVoice
- CmdLineGridChoice
- CmdLineHelperURI
- CmdLineLoginURI
- ColorPaletteEntry01
- ColorPaletteEntry02
- ColorPaletteEntry03
- ColorPaletteEntry04
- DebugBeaconLineWidth
- DebugInventoryFilters
- DebugPermissions
- DebugShowColor
- DebugShowRenderInfo
- DebugShowTime
- DebugViews
- DebugWindowProc
- DefaultObjectTexture
- DisableCameraConstraints
- DisableRendering
- DisableVerticalSync
- DisplayAvatarAgentTarget
- DisplayChat
- DisplayDebug
- DisplayDebugConsole
- DisplayIM
- DisplayLinden
- DisplayRegion
- DisplayTimecode
- Disregard128DefaultDrawDistance
- Disregard96DefaultDrawDistance
- DoubleClickAutoPilot
- DragAndDropToolTipDelay
- DropShadowButton
- DropShadowFloater
- DropShadowSlider
- DropShadowTooltip
- DynamicCameraStrength
- EditCameraMovement
- EditLinkedParts
- EffectColor
- EnableRippleWater
- EnableVoiceChat
- EnergyFromTop
- EnergyHeight
- EnergyWidth
- FilterItemsPerFrame
- FindLandArea
- FindLandPrice
- FindLandType
- FindPeopleOnline
- FindPlacesPictures
- FirstLoginThisInstall
- FirstName
- FirstPersonAvatarVisible
- FirstPersonBtnState
- FirstRunThisInstall
- FixedWeather
- FloaterAboutRect
- FloaterActiveSpeakersRect
- FloaterActiveSpeakersSortAscending
- FloaterActiveSpeakersSortColumn
- FloaterAdvancedSkyRect
- FloaterAdvancedWaterRect
- FloaterAudioVolumeRect
- FloaterBuildOptionsRect
- FloaterBumpRect
- FloaterBuyContentsRect
- FloaterBuyRect
- FloaterCameraRect3
- FloaterChatRect
- FloaterClothingRect
- FloaterContactsRect
- FloaterCustomizeAppearanceRect
- FloaterDayCycleRect
- FloaterEnvRect
- FloaterFindRect2
- FloaterFriendsRect
- FloaterGestureRect2
- FloaterHUDRect2
- FloaterHtmlRect
- FloaterIMRect
- FloaterInspectRect
- FloaterInventoryRect
- FloaterJoystickRect
- FloaterLagMeter
- FloaterLandRect5
- FloaterLandmarkRect
- FloaterMediaRect
- FloaterMiniMapRect
- FloaterMoveRect2
- FloaterMuteRect3
- FloaterOpenObjectRect
- FloaterPayRectB
- FloaterRegionInfo
- FloaterScriptDebugRect
- FloaterSnapshotRect
- FloaterViewBottom
- FloaterWorldMapRect2
- FlyBtnState
- FlycamAbsolute
- FlycamAxisDeadZone0
- FlycamAxisDeadZone1
- FlycamAxisDeadZone2
- FlycamAxisDeadZone3
- FlycamAxisDeadZone4
- FlycamAxisDeadZone5
- FlycamAxisDeadZone6
- FlycamAxisScale0
- FlycamAxisScale1
- FlycamAxisScale2
- FlycamAxisScale3
- FlycamAxisScale4
- FlycamAxisScale5
- FlycamAxisScale6
- FlycamFeathering
- FlycamZoomDirect
- FlyingAtExit
- FocusOffsetDefault
- FocusPosOnLogout
- FolderAutoOpenDelay
- FolderLoadingMessageWaitTime
- FontMonospace
- FontSansSerif
- FontSansSerifBold
- FontSansSerifFallback
- FontSansSerifFallbackScale
- FontScreenDPI
- FontSizeHuge
- FontSizeLarge
- FontSizeMedium
- FontSizeMonospace
- FontSizeSmall
- ForceShowGrid
- ForwardBtnRect
- FPSLogFrequency
- FreezeTime
- FullScreen
- FullScreenAspectRatio
- FullScreenAutoDetectAspectRatio
- FullScreenHeight
- FullScreenWidth
- GridCrossSections
- GridDrawSize
- GridMode
- GridOpacity
- GridResolution
- GridSubUnit
- GridSubdivision
- GroupNotifyBoxHeight
- GroupNotifyBoxWidth
- HelpHomeURL
- HelpLastVisitedURL
- HighResSnapshot
- HtmlFindRect
- HtmlHelpLastPage
- HtmlHelpRect
- HTMLLinkColor
- HtmlReleaseMessage
- IgnorePixelDepth
- IMChatColor
- IMInChatHistory
- IMShowTimestamps
- ImagePipelineUseHTTP
- InBandwidth
- InventoryAutoOpenDelay
- InventorySortOrder
- InvertMouse
- JoystickAvatarEnabled
- JoystickAxis0
- JoystickAxis1
- JoystickAxis2
- JoystickAxis3
- JoystickAxis4
- JoystickAxis5
- JoystickAxis6
- JoystickBuildEnabled
- JoystickEnabled
- JoystickFlycamEnabled
- JoystickInitialized
- KeepAspectForSnapshot
- LagMeterShrunk
- LandBrushForce
- Language
- LanguageIsPublic
- LastFeatureVersion
- LastFindPanel
- LastName
- LastPrefTab
- LastRunVersion
- LastSnapshotHeight
- LastSnapshotType
- LastSnapshotWidth
- LCDDestination
- LeftClickShowMenu
- LimitDragDistance
- LimitSelectDistance
- LipSyncAah
- LipSyncAahPowerTransfer
- LipSyncEnabled
- LipSyncOoh
- LipSyncOohAahRate
- LipSyncOohPowerTransfer
- llOwnerSayChatColor
- LocalCacheVersion
- LogMessages
- LoginAsGod
- LoginLastLocation
- LoginPage
- LosslessJ2CUpload
- LSLFindCaseInsensitivity
- LSLHelpRect
- MainloopTimeoutDefault
- MainloopTimeoutDefault
- MapOverlayIndex
- MapScale
- MapShowEvents
- MapShowInfohubs
- MapShowLandForSale
- MapShowPeople
- MapShowTelehubs
- Marker
- MaxDragDistance
- MaxSelectDistance
- MeanCollisionBump
- MeanCollisionPhysical
- MeanCollisionPushObject
- MeanCollisionScripted
- MeanCollisionSelected
- MemoryLogFrequency
- MenuAccessKeyTime
- MenuBarHeight
- MenuBarWidth
- MiniMapRotate
- MiniMapScale
- MouseSensitivity
- MouseSmooth
- MouseSun
- MouselookBtnState
- MoveDownBtnRect
- MoveUpBtnRect
- MuteAmbient
- MuteAudio
- MuteMedia
- MuteMusic
- MuteSounds
- MuteUI
- MuteVoice
- MuteWhenMinimized
- NewCacheLocation
- NextLoginLocation
- NoAudio
- NoHardwareProbe
- NoInventoryLibrary
- NoPreload
- NoVerifySSLCert
- NotecardEditorRect
- NotifyBoxHeight
- NotifyBoxWidth
- NotifyMoneyChange
- NotifyTipDuration
- NumSessions
- NumpadControl
- ObjectChatColor
- OpenDebugStatAdvanced
- OpenDebugStatBasic
- OpenDebugStatNet
- OpenDebugStatRender
- OpenDebugStatSim
- OutBandwidth
- OverdrivenColor
- OverlayTitle
- PacketDropPercentage
- particlesbeacon
- ParcelMediaAutoPlayEnable
- PerAccountSettingsFile
- PermissionsCautionEnabled
- PermissionsCautionNotifyBoxHeight
- PermissionsManagerRect
- physicalbeacon
- PickerContextOpacity
- PicksPerSecondMouseMoving
- PicksPerSecondMouseStationary
- PieMenuLineWidth
- PinTalkViewOpen
- PingInterpolate
- PitchFromMousePosition
- PlayTypingAnim
- PrecachingDelay
- PreviewAnimRect
- PreviewClassifiedRect
- PreviewEventRect
- PreviewLandmarkRect
- PreviewObjectRect
- PreviewScriptRect
- PreviewSoundRect
- PreviewTextureRect
- PreviewURLRect
- PreviewWearableRect
- ProbeHardwareOnStartup
- PropertiesRect
- PTTCurrentlyEnabled
- PurgeCacheOnNextStartup
- PurgeCacheOnStartup
- PushToTalkButton
- PushToTalkToggle
- QAMode
- QuietSnapshotsToDisk
- QuitAfterSeconds
- RadioLandBrushAction
- RadioLandBrushSize
- RecentItemsSortOrder
- RectangleSelectInclusive
- RegionTextureSize
- RememberPassword
- RenderAnisotropic
- RenderAppleUseMultGL
- RenderAttachedLights
- RenderAttachedParticles
- RenderAvatarCloth
- RenderAvatarLODFactor
- RenderAvatarMaxVisible
- RenderAvatarVP
- renderbeacons
- RenderBumpmapMinDistanceSquared
- RenderCubeMap
- RenderCustomSettings
- RenderDebugGL
- RenderDebugPipeline
- RenderDebugTextureBind
- RenderDeferred
- RenderDynamicLOD
- RenderFSAASamples
- RenderFarClip
- RenderFastAlpha
- RenderFastUI
- RenderFlexTimeFactor
- RenderFogRatio
- RenderGamma
- RenderGammaFull
- RenderGlow
- RenderGlowIterations
- RenderGlowLumWeights
- RenderGlowMaxExtractAlpha
- RenderGlowMinLuminance
- RenderGlowResolutionPow
- RenderGlowStrength
- RenderGlowWarmthAmount
- RenderGlowWarmthWeights
- RenderGlowWidth
- RenderHUDInSnapshot
- RenderHiddenSelections
- RenderHideGroupTitle
- RenderHideGroupTitleAll
- renderhighlights
- RenderInitError
- RenderLightRadius
- RenderLightingDetail
- RenderMaxPartCount
- RenderMaxVBOSize
- RenderName
- RenderNameFadeDuration
- RenderNameHideSelf
- RenderNameShowTime
- RenderObjectBump
- RenderQualityPerformance
- RenderReflectionDetail
- RenderReflectionRes
- RenderResolutionDivisor
- RenderShaderLODThreshold
- RenderShaderParticleThreshold
- RenderSunDynamicRange
- RenderTerrainDetail
- RenderTerrainLODFactor
- RenderTerrainScale
- RenderTextureMemoryMultiple
- RenderTreeLODFactor
- RenderUIInSnapshot
- RenderUnloadedAvatar
- RenderUseFBO
- RenderUseFarClip
- RenderUseImpostors
- RenderUseShaderLOD
- RenderUseShaderNearParticles
- RenderVBOEnable
- RenderVolumeLODFactor
- RenderWater
- RenderWaterMipNormal
- RenderWaterRefResolution
- RenderWaterReflections
- RotateRight
- RotationStep
- RunBtnState
- RunMultipleThreads
- SafeMode
- SaveMinidump
- ScaleShowAxes
- ScaleStretchTextures
- ScaleUniform
- ScriptErrorColor
- ScriptErrorsAsChat
- ScriptHelpFollowsCursor
- scripttouchbeacon
- scriptsbeacon
- SearchURLDefault
- SearchURLQuery
- SearchURLSuffix2
- SelectMovableOnly
- SelectOwnedOnly
- SelectionHighlightAlpha
- SelectionHighlightAlphaTest
- SelectionHighlightThickness
- SelectionHighlightUAnim
- SelectionHighlightUScale
- SelectionHighlightVAnim
- SelectionHighlightVScale
- ServerChoice
- ShowActiveSpeakers
- ShowAllObjectHoverTip
- ShowAxes
- ShowCameraControls
- ShowChatHistory
- ShowCommunicate
- ShowConsoleWindow
- ShowCrosshairs
- ShowDebugConsole
- ShowDebugStats
- ShowDirectory
- ShowEmptyFoldersWhenSearching
- ShowHoverTips
- ShowInventory
- ShowLandHoverTip
- ShowLeaders
- ShowMatureClassifieds
- ShowMatureEvents
- ShowMatureFindAll
- ShowMatureGroups
- ShowMatureSims
- ShowMiniMap
- ShowMovementControls
- ShowNearClip
- ShowNewInventory
- ShowInInventory
- ShowObjectUpdates
- ShowOverlayTitle
- ShowParcelOwners
- ShowPermissions
- ShowPropertyLines
- ShowSearchBar
- ShowSelectionBeam
- ShowStartLocation
- ShowTangentBasis
- ShowToolBar
- ShowTools
- ShowTutorial
- ShowVoiceChannelPopup
- ShowVolumeSettingsPopup
- ShowWorldMap
- ShowXUINames
- SitBtnState
- SkinCurrent
- SkyAmbientScale
- SkyEditPresets
- SkyNightColorShift
- SkyOverrideSimSunPosition
- SkySunDefaultPosition
- SkyUseClassicClouds
- SlideLeftBtnRect
- SlideRightBtnRect
- SmallAvatarNames
- SnapEnabled
- SnapMargin
- SnapToMouseCursor
- SnapshotFormat
- SnapshotLocalLastResolution
- SnapshotPostcardLastResolution
- SnapshotQuality
- SnapshotTextureLastResolution
- soundsbeacon
- SpeakingColor
- SpeedTest
- StatsAutoRun
- StatsFile
- StatsNumRuns
- StatsPilotFile
- StatsQuitAfterRuns
- StatsSessionTrackFrameStats
- StatsSummaryFile
- StatusBarHeight
- StatusBarPad
- SystemChatColor
- SystemLanguage
- TabToTextFieldsOnly
- TerrainColorHeightRange
- TerrainColorStartHeight
- TextureMemory
- TexturePickerRect
- TexturePickerShowFolders
- TexturePickerSortOrder
- ThirdPersonBtnState
- ThrottleBandwidthKBPS
- ToolHelpRect
- ToolTipDelay
- ToolboxAutoMove
- ToolboxRect
- ToolboxShowMore
- TrackFocusObject
- TurnLeftBtnRect
- TurnRightBtnRect
- TutorialURL
- TypeAheadTimeout
- UIAutoScale
- UIFloaterTestBool
- UIImgBtnCloseActiveUUID
- UIImgBtnCloseInactiveUUID
- UIImgBtnClosePressedUUID
- UIImgBtnForwardInUUID
- UIImgBtnForwardOutUUID
- UIImgBtnJumpLeftInUUID
- UIImgBtnJumpLeftOutUUID
- UIImgBtnJumpRightInUUID
- UIImgBtnJumpRightOutUUID
- UIImgBtnLeftInUUID
- UIImgBtnLeftOutUUID
- UIImgBtnMinimizeActiveUUID
- UIImgBtnMinimizeInactiveUUID
- UIImgBtnMinimizePressedUUID
- UIImgBtnMoveDownInUUID
- UIImgBtnMoveDownOutUUID
- UIImgBtnMoveUpInUUID
- UIImgBtnMoveUpOutUUID
- UIImgBtnPanDownInUUID
- UIImgBtnPanDownOutUUID
- UIImgBtnPanLeftInUUID
- UIImgBtnPanLeftOutUUID
- UIImgBtnPanRightInUUID
- UIImgBtnPanRightOutUUID
- UIImgBtnPanUpOutUUID
- UIImgBtnRestoreActiveUUID
- UIImgBtnRestoreInactiveUUID
- UIImgBtnRestorePressedUUID
- UIImgBtnRightInUUID
- UIImgBtnRightOutUUID
- UIImgBtnScrollDownInUUID
- UIImgBtnScrollDownOutUUID
- UIImgBtnScrollLeftInUUID
- UIImgBtnScrollLeftOutUUID
- UIImgBtnScrollRightInUUID
- UIImgBtnScrollRightOutUUID
- UIImgBtnScrollUpInUUID
- UIImgBtnScrollUpOutUUID
- UIImgBtnSlideLeftInUUID
- UIImgBtnSlideLeftOutUUID
- UIImgBtnSlideRightInUUID
- UIImgBtnSlideRightOutUUID
- UIImgBtnSpinDownInUUID
- UIImgBtnSpinDownOutUUID
- UIImgBtnSpinUpInUUID
- UIImgBtnSpinUpOutUUID
- UIImgBtnTabBottomInUUID
- UIImgBtnTabBottomOutUUID
- UIImgBtnTabBottomPartialInUUID
- UIImgBtnTabBottomPartialOutUUID
- UIImgBtnTabTopInUUID
- UIImgBtnTabTopOutUUID
- UIImgBtnTabTopPartialInUUID
- UIImgBtnTabTopPartialOutUUID
- UIImgBtnTearOffActiveUUID
- UIImgBtnTearOffInactiveUUID
- UIImgBtnTearOffPressedUUID
- UIImgCheckboxActiveSelectedUUID
- UIImgCheckboxActiveUUID
- UIImgCheckboxInactiveSelectedUUID
- UIImgCheckboxInactiveUUID
- UIImgCreateSelectedUUID
- UIImgCreateUUID
- UIImgCrosshairsUUID
- UIImgDefaultEyesUUID
- UIImgDefaultGlovesUUID
- UIImgDefaultHairUUID
- UIImgDefaultJacketUUID
- UIImgDefaultPantsUUID
- UIImgDefaultShirtUUID
- UIImgDefaultShoesUUID
- UIImgDefaultSkirtUUID
- UIImgDefaultSocksUUID
- UIImgDefaultUnderwearUUID
- UIImgDirectionArrowUUID
- UIImgFaceSelectedUUID
- UIImgFocusSelectedUUID
- UIImgFocusUUID
- UIImgGrabSelectedUUID
- UIImgMoveSelectedUUID
- UIImgRadioActiveSelectedUUID
- UIImgRadioActiveUUID
- UIImgRadioInactiveSelectedUUID
- UIImgRadioInactiveUUID
- UIImgResizeBottomRightUUID
- UIImgRotateSelectedUUID
- UIImgRotateUUID
- UIImgScaleSelectedUUID
- UIImgScaleUUID
- UIImgWhiteUUID
- UIScaleFactor
- UISndAlert
- UISndBadKeystroke
- UISndClick
- UISndClickRelease
- UISndDebugSpamToggle
- UISndHealthReductionF
- UISndHealthReductionM
- UISndHealthReductionThreshold
- UISndInvalidOp
- UISndMoneyChangeDown
- UISndMoneyChangeThreshold
- UISndMoneyChangeUp
- UISndNewIncomingIMSession
- UISndObjectCreate
- UISndObjectDelete
- UISndObjectRezIn
- UISndObjectRezOut
- UISndPieMenuAppear
- UISndPieMenuHide
- UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight0
- UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight1
- UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight2
- UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight3
- UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight4
- UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight5
- UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight6
- UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight7
- UISndSnapshot
- UISndStartIM
- UISndTeleportOut
- UISndTyping
- UISndWindowClose
- UISndWindowOpen
- UseAltKeyForMenus
- UseChatBubbles
- UseDebugLogin
- UseDebugMenus
- UseDefaultColorPicker
- UseEnergy
- UseExternalBrowser
- UseFreezeFrame
- UseOcclusion
- UserChatColor
- UseStartScreen
- UseWebPagesOnPrims
- UserConnectionPort
- UserLogFile
- UserLoginInfo
- VectorizeEnable
- VectorizePerfTest
- VectorizeProcessor
- VectorizeSkin
- VelocityInterpolate
- VerboseLogs
- VersionChannelName
- VertexShaderEnable
- VFSOldSize
- VFSSalt
- VivoxDebugLevel
- VivoxDebugServerName
- VoiceCallsFriendsOnly
- VoiceEarLocation
- VoiceHost
- VoiceImageLevel0
- VoiceImageLevel1
- VoiceImageLevel2
- VoiceImageLevel3
- VoiceImageLevel4
- VoiceImageLevel5
- VoiceImageLevel6
- VoiceInputAudioDevice
- VoiceOutputAudioDevice
- VoicePort
- WarnAboutBadPCI
- WarnAboutDirectX9
- WarnAboutOldGraphicsDriver
- WarnAboutPCIGraphics
- WarnBrowserLaunch
- WarnDeedObject
- WarnFirstAppearance
- WarnFirstAttach
- WarnFirstBalanceDecrease
- WarnFirstBalanceIncrease
- WarnFirstBuild
- WarnFirstDebugMenus
- WarnFirstFlexible
- WarnFirstGoTo
- WarnFirstInventory
- WarnFirstLeftClickNoHit
- WarnFirstMap
- WarnFirstMedia
- WarnFirstOverrideKeys
- WarnFirstSandbox
- WarnFirstSculptedPrim
- WarnFirstSit
- WarnFirstStreamingMusic
- WarnFirstStreamingVideo
- WarnFirstTeleport
- WarnFirstVoice
- WarnNewClassified
- WarnQuickTimeInstalled
- WarnReturnToOwner
- WatchdogEnabled
- WaterEditPresets
- WaterGLFogDensityScale
- WaterGLFogDepthFloor
- WaterGLFogDepthScale
- WindLightUseAtmosShaders
- WindowHeight
- WindowMaximized
- WindowWidth
- WindowX
- WindowY
- WLSkyDetail
- XferThrottle
- YawFromMousePosition
- YieldTime
- ZoomDirect
- ZoomTime