User:Bridie Linden/Office Hours/2007 Aug 29

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Transcript of Bridie Linden's office hours:

[14:59] Bridie Linden: Howdy all!
[14:59] Bridie Linden: Sorry I'm late!
[14:59] Daedalus Young: hiya
[14:59] Jansen Miles: 'Lo.
[15:00] Benja Kepler: hi
[15:00] Bridie Linden: Other LIndens are on their way too
[15:00] Justa Koba: just on time. Not late
[15:00] Bridie Linden:
[15:00] Torley Linden shouts: Hello everyone!
[15:00] Bridie Linden wipes brow
[15:00] Bridie Linden: Lots of meetings today!
[15:00] Torley Linden: Friendly greetings. :D
[15:00] Torley Linden: Yeah, so many meetings, it's craaaazy.
[15:00] Daedalus Young: hi Torley
[15:00] Torley Linden: Ack, wrong viewer, I'm gonna relog quickly...
[15:00] Justa Koba: Hi Torley
[15:01] Bridie Linden laughs
[15:01] Daedalus Young: need .... Wind ... Light ...
[15:01] Bridie Linden: :)
[15:01] Bridie Linden: Hang in there Daedalus!
[15:01] Daedalus Young: heh yes, can't wait
[15:01] Bridie Linden: Standard preamble for any new folks today...
[15:01] Bridie Linden: please be sure to take a look @
[15:01] Bridie Linden: Also, see Torley's great post on better bug reporting:
[15:02] Torley Tester: Back. In a matter of speaking. Thanks. :)
[15:02] Torley Tester: My other account is locked out. :\ Bug!
[15:02] Bridie Linden: Here's today's agenda:
[15:02] Bridie Linden: wb, Torley!
[15:02] Bridie Linden: (short list today!)
[15:02] Wyn Galbraith: Hello all.
[15:02] Torley Tester: *checks*
[15:02] Bridie Linden: Help creating/editing the agenda each week is always welcome - hint, hint.
[15:02] Bridie Linden: Hello Wyn!
[15:02] Bridie Linden: We'll be on the look out for good repros, system info, linking duplicate issues, making sure priority is set correctly before we import issues into our internal issue tracker.
[15:02] Wyn Galbraith: Torley got locked out!
[15:02] Torley Tester: Yeah, we definitely appreciate Resident participation in what crashes are hot...
[15:02] Bridie Linden: This will be a text-chat triage and I'll be posting the transcripts after the triage is over.
[15:03] Daedalus Young: hi Rob
[15:03] Bridie Linden: Anything else before we get started? Aric Linden is on his way, too
[15:03] Torley Tester: Oh great.
[15:03] Torley Tester: Heya Rob!
[15:03] Wyn Galbraith's laptop is beginning to over heat.
[15:03] Torley Tester: Yikes Wyn. :O
[15:03] Rob Linden: hi all
[15:03] Torley Tester: Iridium will be here after working on some Burning Life stuff.
[15:03] Bridie Linden: Oh let me see if I have WarKirby's new urler...
[15:03] Justa Koba: Hello Rob
[15:04] Wyn Galbraith goes to get an icepack, "It's very hot on this side of the bay today."
[15:04] Torley Tester: I prefer cooler temperatures generally.
[15:05] Bridie Linden: ah well, can't find it right now
[15:05] Bridie Linden:
[15:05] Bridie Linden: Crash on Login (attempt 1)
[15:05] Daedalus Young: was closed as dupe of vwr-1646
[15:05] Torley Tester: Hmmm I thought this was fixed earlier but it needs to be distinguished what is causing this.
[15:06] Torley Tester: Bibi Book is the only one who's commented since I resolved it earlier.
[15:06] Bridie Linden: Yes, I see that...
[15:06] Torley Tester: It may not even be the same cause...
[15:06] Daedalus Young: I haven't had the (attempt 1) since last triage we discussed it
[15:07] Bridie Linden: Hmm - re-resolve?
[15:07] Torley Tester: I have never seen "(attempt 1)" literally in an error message, personally.
[15:07] Bridie Linden: ask Bibi to try again?
[15:07] Daedalus Young: oh, it's no error message, it showed up on login
[15:07] Torley Tester: Oh...
[15:07] Daedalus Young: where normally it just says "logging in"
[15:07] Mercia McMahon: I regularly get it on an eMac running Panther, but never on Linux or Vista
[15:07] Laetizia Coronet: hi all
[15:07] Torley Tester: Ah OK, on the progress bar... I see.
[15:07] Torley Tester: This is a good example of an issue that needs more Residents (who are having it) to chime in.
[15:07] Daedalus Young: yes
[15:07] Bridie Linden: Or leave open and see if any one else chimes in?
[15:08] Torley Tester: GMTA, Bridie.
[15:08] Daedalus Young: hi Laetizia
[15:08] Bridie Linden: GMTL Torley!
[15:08] Bridie Linden: LOL
[15:08] Laetizia Coronet: sorry Jansen
[15:08] Bridie Linden: ok, let's leave this one and check on it next week...
[15:08] Saijanai Kuhn: clock unmerge
[15:08] Torley Tester: K, I'll leave a comment.
[15:08] Bridie Linden: Thx, next up VWR-2257 - Votes: 1 - Upload Animation window, crash after moving frame slider with In percentage set
[15:09] Torley Tester: This looks like it has good info!
[15:09] Torley Tester: A video repro and an attached BVH.
[15:09] Torley Tester: Looks good to import.
[15:09] Torley Tester: What do you guys think? =D
[15:09] Laetizia Coronet: afk
[15:09] Benja Kepler: and it happens with SL bvh files too
[15:09] Laetizia Coronet: I think you are not here
[15:10] Torley Tester: I must emphasize I appreciate your video bug repros, Benja -- time and time again.
[15:10] Bridie Linden: Agrees w/Torley
[15:10] Benja Kepler: yvw TT
[15:10] Bridie Linden: on both counts!
[15:10] Justa Koba: I do not know if it is the same at all, but I crash any time I try to upload anything for the past week
[15:10] Bridie Linden: import and thank you Benja!
[15:10] Torley Tester: Yes! *imports*
[15:10] Bridie Linden: Really Justa?
[15:10] Justa Koba: yes
[15:10] clock second hand: Hello, Avatar!
[15:10] clock second hand: Hello, Avatar!
[15:11] Justa Koba: anything added to or accessed from my inventory
[15:11] Saijanai Kuhn: seconds
[15:11] Bridie Linden: Let's discuss more later...
[15:11] Bridie Linden: Next up, VWR-2221 - Editing results in a crash
[15:11] Saijanai Kuhn: clock merge
[15:12] Aric Linden: /hello?
[15:12] Saijanai Kuhn: seconds
[15:12] Torley Tester: Heya Aric!
[15:12] Bridie Linden: Welcome Aric!
[15:12] Aric Linden: Heya torley Safari guide
[15:12] Torley Tester: Hahaha.
[15:12] Bridie Linden: Short list today:
[15:12] Torley Tester: Hm, VWR-2221 should have crash logs.
[15:12] Aric Linden: sorry i'm late.
[15:13] Torley Tester: And copies of the objects perhaps if possible...
[15:13] Daedalus Young: I tried it just now, but saw nothing weird at all, having bandwidth window open
[15:13] Torley Tester: Yeah, I wonder if it's very specific depending on content.
[15:13] Torley Tester: Sound like a good idea to ask for more info?
[15:13] clock second hand: Hello, Avatar!
[15:13] Daedalus Young: I did notice more issues with attachments at "hip" position, but the comment is about the head
[15:13] Bridie Linden: Strange one
[15:13] Saijanai Kuhn: seconds
[15:13] Aric Linden: are we on 1926?
[15:13] Torley Tester: VWR-2221.
[15:13] Justa Koba: yes, the item would be good to see
[15:14] Aric Linden: ahh. thanks
[15:14] Torley Tester: NP.
[15:14] Bridie Linden: It sounds like when you lose connection to sim
[15:14] Torley Tester: Yeah... so the viewer doesn't actually quit... but it's a disconnect.
[15:14] Torley Tester: We should have system info here too.
[15:14] Bridie Linden: I think 'needs more info'...anyone want to ping Ambrosia whittenton?
[15:15] Aric Linden: I will
[15:15] Bridie Linden: Thx
[15:15] Aric Linden: np
[15:15] Bridie Linden: Next, VWR-2211 - 64bit processor systems Crash when tyring to upload
[15:15] Torley Tester: Thanks!
[15:16] Bridie Linden: Any thoughts on this one Aric?
[15:17] Aric Linden: I'm curious to know if his 64 bit system exhibits similar behavior when he, say, tries to upload an image to yahoo or something
[15:17] Saijanai Kuhn: Mac OS X 10.4 is only partly 64-bit so can't tell if it is a 64-bit issue or XP issue
[15:17] Torley Tester: Hrmmm...
[15:17] Aric Linden: I suspect it's related to network handling in 64 bit
[15:17] Bridie Linden: good questions
[15:18] Torley Tester: Aric, did you want to add a comment there?
[15:18] Bridie Linden: Resolve as 'needs more info' and add those questions to comments?
[15:18] Aric Linden: /nods
[15:18] Torley Tester: Thanks. :D I'll resolve parallel to Aric's commentary. =)
[15:18] Bridie Linden: great!
[15:18] Mercia McMahon: I never tried uploading anything other than taking a snapshot, but I can try in Linux but my Vista is only 32-bit (a Dell c521)
[15:19] Bridie Linden: Thx Mercia
[15:19] Torley Tester: Hmmm I suspect we need a stronger reminder to include crash log and system info for crashes in the Issue Tracker itself...
[15:19] Bridie Linden: Moving swiftly along...
[15:19] Rob Linden: 2211 could be a Kakadu thing...transcode before upload
[15:19] Rob Linden: but anyway, moving along
[15:19] Bridie Linden: Next, VWR-1690 SL Locks up, and TCP/IP temporarily fails for whole system
[15:19] Torley Tester: Aric left a comment on that this morning!
[15:19] Bridie Linden: Ah!
[15:19] Aric Linden: grins
[15:20] Torley Tester: Right on, preemptive!
[15:20] Bridie Linden: B/c Bridie actually remembered to ask him to! :)
[15:20] Torley Tester: Haha nice Bridie!
[15:20] Torley Tester: I love the chain of cause-and-effect.
[15:20] Bridie Linden: resolve back to Planet?
[15:20] Torley Tester: Needs More Info again, then?
[15:21] Torley Tester: What do you guys think? =)
[15:21] Justa Koba: it seems to be a firewall problem
[15:21] Bridie Linden: yes, please.
[15:21] Aric Linden: I don't think it's netword specifcally
[15:21] Justa Koba: if she dosen't know how to enable the ports how is she to know?
[15:22] Torley Tester: K... *Needs More Info* again it is... Justa, if you have further questions for discussion do you wanna leave a comment there?
[15:22] Aric Linden: I think it's the way they're doing the 32 bit simulation in 64 bit. i think it's causing buffer probs
[15:22] Bridie Linden: Justa - any chance you'd help us do some leg work? maybe try IMing PlanetThoughts for us?
[15:22] Justa Koba: k
[15:22] Rob Linden: what does the Microsoft KB say about 32-bit Windows on 64-bit arch? Is there specific recommendation?
[15:22] Bridie Linden: thx much!
[15:23] Bridie Linden: I don't know Rob, anyone else know?
[15:23] Mercia McMahon is still logged in after uploading on Linux will add comment to vwr-2211
[15:23] Aric Linden: Rob, I don't remember teh specifics, but I know there are problems
[15:23] Rob Linden: I'm wondering if "more info" is needed, or if this is "not supported" because it's known flakey
[15:23] Bridie Linden: Ty Mercia
[15:23] Aric Linden: I went through this at my last job
[15:23] Aric Linden: It may be that there are configurations that will make this manageable for him
[15:23] Torley Tester: I think running 32-bit Windows on 64-bit processors is generally fine -- I did that with my last system, an Opteron 170. But I haven't checked the Microsoft KB.
[15:23] Aric Linden: but we don't have a way of supporting it internally
[15:24] Torley Tester: After all, reason why a lot of people don't want to go 64-bit Windows is because of lack of driver support and certain other incompatibility tssues.
[15:25] Aric Linden: exactly. I suspect that this is the case here; there's either a driver misfit or a config issue
[15:25] Torley Tester: Besides, aren't most modern desktop processors 64-bit now anyway?
[15:26] Torley Tester: (It's so quiet)
[15:26] Ciaran Laval: Where's everyone gone?
[15:26] Torley Tester: Ciaran, we're still here!
[15:26] Daedalus Young: I got redmapped
[15:26] Jansen Miles: I've been running XP SP2 then Vista 32 on this Athlon 64 for two years. I have hardware issues, but no problems with SL beyond voice not working (which I think is a hardware incompatibility between my Creative Labs card and my mobo).
[15:26] Wyn Galbraith is melting.
[15:26] Torley Tester: Thanks Jansen.
[15:26] Ciaran Laval: I crashed
[15:26] Bridie Linden: on to next one...
[15:26] Torley Tester: OK...
[15:26] Jansen Miles: Everything's 64 bit today, if you're talking the new multi-core procs.
[15:27] Bridie Linden: VWR-2239 - Win client / Nvidia Quadro 4500 / constant crashing
[15:27] Torley Tester: Nice comment there, Benja.
[15:27] Benja Kepler: aye
[15:27] Aric Linden: exactly.
[15:27] Aric Linden: the resolution is "get a new card"
[15:27] Bridie Linden: Resolve Torley?
[15:27] Torley Tester: OK, "Won't Finish" and I'll note that.
[15:28] Bridie Linden: Ty
[15:28] Bridie Linden: Next, VWR-2194 - Vista is not supported yet in Second Life
[15:28] Aric Linden: I think this one can be resolved as well.
[15:28] Bridie Linden: MichaelFrancis commented
[15:29] Torley Tester: Ah yes...
[15:29] Bridie Linden: First step if you're running vista, 'eh?
[15:29] Jansen Miles: Sounds like hardware or gfx drivers, not Vista. I've ONLY run SL under Vista.
[15:29] Torley Tester: BTW, segueway... we're fleshing out a Windows Vista wiki page with info --
[15:29] Aric Linden: yes, jansen, you have to have the uptodate native drivers
[15:29] Torley Tester: If you have useful into to add to it (and of course I linked to Aric's recent post), please do.
[15:30] Torley Tester: I made specific mention of updating your graphics drivers on that page too, after talking to MichaelFrancis earlier.
[15:30] Wyn Galbraith: The problem is that if you buy a new windows system you get Vista.
[15:30] Bridie Linden: And finally -- VWR-2244 Editting Attachment on Nose causes SL to Crash
[15:30] etherkye Hansen: vista >.<
[15:30] Bridie Linden: Again, Benja with the helpful comments!
[15:31] Bridie Linden: Resolve as 'needs more info'?
[15:31] Justa Koba: pretty much the same as VWR-2221 is it not
[15:31] Bridie Linden: Could be...
[15:31] Torley Tester: Hmmm intriguing observation Justa.
[15:31] Torley Tester: It does *sound* the same...
[15:31] Torley Tester: We can resolve as dupe if so... any other opinions on this?
[15:31] Bridie Linden: Or link them as related?
[15:31] Aric Linden: If kyder wants to pass the head to QA for trying to repro, that'd be swell
[15:31] Justa Koba: the attachments, again would be good to see what's in them
[15:32] Ciaran Laval: I think seeing what's in the attachment would be a good move
[15:32] Torley Tester: I'd link as related if they sounded more different, but... this sounds the same.
[15:32] Torley Tester: I asked for providing attachments in the other one.
[15:32] Wyn Galbraith: Need more info.
[15:32] Torley Tester: We usually like to resolve dupes so "stray info" doesn't get lost and we can focus.
[15:32] Torley Tester: Otherwise stuff gets spread across 2, 3, etc. issues, all containing pieces of a larger puzzle.
[15:32] Bridie Linden: Good thinking...
[15:33] Aric Linden: agreed
[15:33] Saijanai Kuhn trots out issue oabut LSL top-level jira project in background
[15:33] Bridie Linden: Sooo...2 more items I want to spontaneously add to the agenda...
[15:33] Torley Tester: I'll resolve this as dupe, then, unless anyone sees something different from VWR-2221.
[15:33] Aric Linden: looks at bridie
[15:33] Benja Kepler: good night all!
[15:33] Wyn Galbraith: Sleep sweet Benja.
[15:33] Ciaran Laval: Night Benja
[15:33] Aric Linden: hey benja, thanks for all your help!
[15:33] Benja Kepler: yvw
[15:33] Bridie Linden: Night Benja, thx
[15:33] Torley Tester: Thanks for your prolific help Benja! Nite.
[15:34] Justa Koba crosses fingers after a week of not being able to do things
[15:34] Bridie Linden: 1.) We've made it through all of the crashes (so far) that hadn't been imported...what should we do with this time each week?
[15:34] Bridie Linden: and item 2.) is very exciting!
[15:34] Aric Linden: set me free
[15:34] Torley Tester: Haha.
[15:34] Saijanai Kuhn: what is item 2?
[15:34] Bridie Linden:
[15:34] Bridie Linden: :)
[15:34] Torley Tester: w00t Bridie with da multitaskin'!
[15:34] Wyn Galbraith let's Aric out of his cage, "Fly little birdy, Fly"
[15:34] Iridium Linden: I'm so sorry that I'm late.
[15:35] Aric Linden: love bridie for getting it done!
[15:35] Torley Tester: Iridium, I know you were busy! Good to see you!
[15:35] Al Sonic: By the way, my VWR-2191 can probably be closed...
[15:35] Torley Tester: Why's that Al?
[15:35] Iridium Linden: Likewise.
[15:35] Wyn Galbraith: We're all done Iridium!:)
[15:35] Bridie Linden: Hey Iridium!
[15:35] Torley Tester: *checks Al's comment*
[15:35] Saijanai Kuhn: open discussio time/
[15:35] Saijanai Kuhn: ?
[15:35] Bridie Linden: So, should I keep open office hours?
[15:35] Al Sonic: Well I fixed that issue I toldya about before, by deleting the Application Data folder.
[15:35] Ciaran Laval: Why does my group change to ???
[15:35] Torley Tester: Al, wanna resolve it yourself? You can feel free to do it, you have the power. Good to know it got fixed!
[15:36] Bridie Linden: or should we start triaging another area?
[15:36] Al Sonic: Ah, okie, just never done it before.
[15:36] Torley Tester: No worries -- you can resolve as "Fixed".
[15:36] Wyn Galbraith: Why not move on to other areas.
[15:36] Saijanai Kuhn: lots of suggestions are low-priorty due to bugs. BUt you guys are supposed to hit all bugs first now, I think
[15:36] Al Sonic: Ah thanx.
[15:37] Torley Tester: Bridie, did you see Liana's earlier suggestion of Hippotropolis for open source-related meetings too?
[15:37] Rob Linden: we're definitely very focused on bugfixing right now
[15:37] Bridie Linden nods to Rob
[15:37] Torley Tester: Yup, the blog post Bridie just made, makes that clear too.
[15:37] Rob Linden: Torley....this is a very cool pad; I'd hate to tear this meeting out of here
[15:37] Saijanai Kuhn: What about a feature request which is really a feature-restoration request?
[15:38] Torley Tester: Rob: =D I like what Bridie's got groovin' on too.
[15:38] Torley Tester: Saijanai, what's that?
[15:38] Rob Linden: as much as I'd like to steer more traffic to Hippotropolis
[15:38] Torley Tester: Hm, I've been continually logged out of the wiki today...
[15:38] Bridie Linden: I'd really like to encourage this group to try out the RC viewer! :)
[15:38] Justa Koba: I'm sorry, Birdie, did you have a chance to read the note I had my gf pass to you earlier today?
[15:38] Saijanai Kuhn: the text resize options broke in the voice first loo and the bug was propgated into the final viewer code
[15:38] Torley Tester: Yes, I'm downloading the new 1.18.3 RC viewer as I type!
[15:38] Justa Koba: I look forward to trying the new viewer
[15:38] Iridium Linden: wow, you're finished.
[15:38] Saijanai Kuhn: or is tht fixed in 1.18.3?
[15:38] Iridium Linden: :(
[15:38] Torley Tester: Saijanai: What's the issue for that?
[15:38] Bridie Linden: Justa, glanced aat it...
[15:38] Bridie Linden:
[15:38] Jansen Miles: Release candidate viewer?
[15:39] Bridie Linden: Yes Jansen!
[15:39] Saijanai Kuhn: not sure if there is one. I had assumed it would fix itself by the time the viewer got relased nad it never did. My bad
[15:39] Torley Tester: More info about Release Candidate viewers and what they beneficially mean to YOU --
[15:39] Saijanai Kuhn: I'll make a jira for it if there isn't one
[15:40] Torley Tester: Saijanai: Thanks, if it's still broken it sounds like something for the agenda for Ben's UI bug triages.
[15:40] Daedalus Young: ohh, gives me version, while is the latest
[15:40] Daedalus Young: is that a bug?
[15:40] Al Sonic: Ooh, hippotropolis sounds like a good place to visit.
[15:40] Torley Tester: Daedalus: Hmmm... 1.18.2 had fixes to the voice code as I recall, I can ping some Lindens about that...
[15:40] Iridium Linden: Hey, just a reminder that the Internationalization triage will be held this Friday at 2pm.
[15:41] Daedalus Young: the win version also gives
[15:41] PonygirlSarah Clapper: my group, if youll follow me, we'll go
[15:41] Daedalus Young: and so does Linux
[15:41] Bridie Linden: We've started this program so that Residents can have a peak at fixes/new features that are just about ready for prime time and give us feedback BEFORE they're part of the default download
[15:41] RanRan Torres: progress ?
[15:41] Torley Tester: Daed: Yeah it should be 1.18.2 I reckon...
[15:41] Saijanai Kuhn: BTW, Im creating a UI featture patch on my mac. NOt sure how to submit it cause the example uses a windows app to do the patch creation.
[15:41] Daedalus Young: see , the latest versions are 1.18.2, but the get links give me
[15:41] Torley Tester: I just looked there too Daed.
[15:42] Torley Tester: OK, I'll ask Jeff about it (who posted earlier about
[15:42] Mercia McMahon: btw if I run the Linux pre-Voice viewer I am asked if I want to download the Voice viewer to my Applications folder, that is an OSX message!
[15:42] Torley Tester: Thanks for the observation.
[15:42] Daedalus Young: ok
[15:42] Daedalus Young: yw
[15:42] RanRan Torres: so , is anyone willing to talk to us about our issue ?
[15:42] Bridie Linden: RanRan, what's up?
[15:43] Torley Tester: Ah Jeff just replied, "I know, it has to do with the fact that the website now uses the version manager, which still returns" -- that should be fixed in the future, needless to say.
[15:43] Torley Tester: All these versions to keep track of. @_@
[15:43] Bridie Linden nods
[15:43] Rosen Janus: Heya, Torley. ^^
[15:43] Daedalus Young: ah I see
[15:43] RanRan Torres: We have been to the concierge and got very rude brush offs
[15:43] Torley Tester: Heya Rosen!
[15:43] Daedalus Young: well np big problem
[15:44] Rosen Janus: I think I even see some performance fixes in the new Release Candidate software
[15:44] Torley Tester: I'm just adding resolutions to the web agenda so that they're ready for Bridie to archive.
[15:44] RanRan Torres: its about the age verification . We want to speak to someone about it
[15:44] Jansen Miles: Well, I now look forward to a Windlight RC viewer soon. :-)
[15:44] Bridie Linden: Not sure we can help RanRan -- this is the end of a bug triage, but perhaps we can point you in the right direction
[15:44] Rosen Janus: RC? What'd I miss?
[15:44] RanRan Torres: that would be helpfull
[15:44] Saijanai Kuhn: is that Daniel LInden or Robin, or both, for that kind of thing?\
[15:44] Rosen Janus: Oh.. Release Candidate. XD
[15:44] etherkye Hansen: i'll take the name of whoever is inharge of age verification
[15:44] Al Sonic: Ooh. Foliage.
[15:44] Bridie Linden: Hey Rosen,
[15:44] Rosen Janus: I saw. ^^ Good work.
[15:44] Torley Tester: WindLight will be a First Look -- the main distinction is that it has a greater major set of themed features, as detailed in the blog post too.
[15:45] Mercia McMahon: ty for the meeting off to my next one now
[15:45] Rob Linden: go to Robin's Tuesday office hour
[15:45] Jansen Miles: nods
[15:45] Saijanai Kuhn: Will the first look include all the bugfixes in the current candidate?
[15:45] Justa Koba: Can some one please tell me something about my support ticket? I crash every time I access my inventory. I have not gotten any clue from anyone for over a week, I have every pice of info I can imagine you would need
[15:45] Torley Tester: And Bridie and I are directly working on WindLight... I'm doing casual product updates @
[15:45] Wyn Galbraith passed the verification thing this morning.
[15:45] Justa Koba: My gf can play just fine opn her acct on the same pc
[15:45] Alexa Linden: or Chadrick's Friday office hours at 11am SLT
[15:45] Torley Tester: Saijanai: That depends where it's branched off of, I think, but we try to keep it recent (and have been doing so internally).
[15:45] etherkye Hansen reufuses to use an unsecrure site
[15:46] Bridie Linden: It should Saijanai...
[15:46] Torley Tester: The current internal WindLight is based on 1.18.2, as an example. And a not-too-distant build will likely be based on 1.18.3.
[15:46] Bridie Linden: but as Torley said depends on timing...
[15:46] Saijanai Kuhn: about that patch submission on a Mac issue.. .
[15:46] Torley Tester: Who else here likes "Knights of Cydonia"? I think about it every time I see dramatic skies.
[15:46] RanRan Torres: i may have lost that during the techno speak , who did you say ?
[15:47] Wyn Galbraith: Haven't seen that one yet Torley.
[15:47] Saijanai Kuhn: is there an application for Linux/Mac users, or do I have to get a friendly windows person to run the patch creation software?
[15:47] Bridie Linden: RanRan, please try attending Robin Linden's office hours on Tuesday.
[15:47] Bridie Linden:
[15:48] Wyn Galbraith: I think she is.
[15:48] Ciaran Laval: I think Robin might be outta town Tuesday
[15:48] Torley Tester: Wyn: It's one of my fave music videos.
[15:48] Rosen Janus: =D The sculpts even preview the right way.
[15:48] Torley Tester: OK, pardon if I go silent, doing pass of PJIRA bugs. Ciaran, I've seen that bug time to time -- a region restart should remedy that.
[15:48] Wyn Galbraith: I'll see if Netflix has it.
[15:48] Ciaran Laval: Does anyone know why my group is ??? is it search related?
[15:48] Rob Linden: not sure what you mean Saijanai
[15:49] Al Sonic: Eh, for the sculpts to full 'preview the right way', there'd have to be about 4 sculpted prim preview options.
[15:49] Saijanai Kuhn: The example for how to submit a patch inolves a program called cygwin I think. Is that Windows only, or a windows port of a UNix app?
[15:49] Ciaran Laval: It happens out of the region though Torley but I'll look at it properly
[15:49] Torley Tester: Hmmm in the Release Notes for 1.18.3, what are these "CID"-numbers? Haven't seen them before.
[15:49] Wyn Galbraith: Bye bye
[15:49] Iridium Linden: K, I'm off. See everyone Friday.
[15:50] Torley Tester: *checks* Oh, looks like internal issues Tofu worked on?
[15:50] Rosen Janus: Well, my sculpt map always showed a line that was just.. it was like a sculpt with a path cut
[15:50] rubbertoy Hax: well wishes, and i hpe You all trust third party companies to hand them over your personal data.... *sighs* i wont.....
[15:50] Saijanai Kuhn: that's a non-stched planer sculpty I think...
[15:50] Al Sonic: Yeah. 'cause it was previewing under 'plane' mode instead of 'sphere'.
[15:50] Torley Tester hushes and does Issue Tracker resolution passed, *smiles at "Fixed Internally" turning into "Fixed"*
[15:50] Daedalus Young: sculpted prim previews as sculpt_type_plane
[15:51] Daedalus Young: a normal sculpty will fill up the line and the poles
[15:51] Wyn Galbraith just decides to melt to the floor in a puddle of green. "Too hot to think."
[15:51] Rosen Janus: By the way, Bridie, nice music. ^^
[15:51] Bridie Linden: Well, we're winding down on my office hours ---
[15:51] Wyn Galbraith: Is that Irish?
[15:51] Bridie Linden: Yes, Wyn! :)
[15:51] Al Sonic: Mhmm.
[15:51] Rosen Janus: Celtic.
[15:52] Wyn Galbraith: Love it.
[15:52] Rosen Janus: Well, Celtic/Irish. Same thing. XD
[15:52] Bridie Linden: We'll put our Linden heads together and figure out what makes sense for next week's triage - suggestions welcome
[15:52] Wyn Galbraith usually doen't have music on.
[15:52] Bridie Linden: (Bridie is an old fashioned traditional Irish name...)
[15:52] Rosen Janus: I'd love to hear Jeff Danna's "Blood of Cu Chulainn. X3 Lol
[15:52] Al Sonic: Ah.
[15:52] Wyn Galbraith: I think choosing something that has a lot of issues might be good.
[15:53] Bridie Linden: In the mean time, please try out the RC viewer and spread the word. Report and issues in PJIRA of course...
[15:53] Daedalus Young: misc-misc has a lot of issues :P
[15:53] Ciaran Laval: Bridie do you have a link to the agenda on the wiki or do you present it when you start the meeting? Sorry it's the first time I've been to one of your meetings
[15:53] Bridie Linden: We really appreciate your participation and hope that the RC process will help everyone.
[15:53] Daedalus Young: Ciaran, see
[15:53] Bridie Linden: Thx Daed!
[15:54] Daedalus Young: yw Bridie :)
[15:54] Rosen Janus: Oh, and Torley, I might need to talk to you about something after the meeting since it might take a while.
[15:54] Ciaran Laval: Cheers Daedalus
[15:54] Saijanai Kuhn: AH, OK. Misread the wiki on submissions.
[15:54] Torley Tester: Rosen, what did you wanna talk about?
[15:54] Rosen Janus: Or whoever knows about the SL Risk API. =/
[15:54] Torley Tester: I'm heading in a bit to Prospero's Office Hour... in 5 min.
[15:54] Bridie Linden: I'm going to head out too -- thx again all!
[15:54] Torley Tester: Hm, sorry, I don't know about the SL Risk API much -- that would be something to ask Support's billing expertise.
[15:54] Torley Tester: Have a good one Bridie!
[15:54] Daedalus Young: thanks you too
[15:55] Rosen Janus: o.O But I can't submit a ticket like that with a basic account, can't I?