Smooth Rotating Door
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Smooth Rotating Door Script
Most doors in SL use the same method for opening. They set the door's rotation in one or more steps, resulting in a somewhat choppy motion. This script uses a mixture of llTargetOmega() and llSetLocalRot() to achieve a very smooth, pleasant looking animation for the door. In laggy environments it might be that the script displays a somewhat flaky behavior, but for most cases it will work nicely.
<lsl>// Smooth Door Script - Version 1.0 // by Toy Wylie // Distributed under the following licence: // - You can use it in your own works // - You can sell it with your work // - This script must remain full permissions // - This header notice must remain intact // - You may modify this script as needed
float openingTime=2.0; // in seconds float openingAngle=90.0; // in degrees float autocloseTime=5.0; // in seconds
float omega=0.0;
vector axis; rotation closedRot; rotation openRot;
integer swinging; integer open;
openDoor(integer yes) {
vector useAxis=axis; open=yes;
if(!yes) useAxis=-axis;
llSetTimerEvent(openingTime); llTargetOmega(useAxis,omega,1.0);
default {
state_entry() { swinging=FALSE; open=FALSE; omega=TWO_PI/360*openingAngle/openingTime; llTargetOmega(ZERO_VECTOR,1.0,1.0); }
touch_start(integer dummy) { if(!swinging) { if(!open) { axis=llRot2Fwd(llGetLocalRot()); closedRot=llGetLocalRot(); openRot=llEuler2Rot(<openingAngle,0.0,0.0>*DEG_TO_RAD)*closedRot; } swinging=TRUE; openDoor(!open); } }
timer() { if(swinging) { swinging=FALSE; llTargetOmega(axis,0.0,0.0); if(open) { llSetLocalRot(openRot); llSetTimerEvent(autocloseTime); } else { llSetLocalRot(closedRot); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); } } else { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); openDoor(!open); swinging=TRUE; } }