Military Lands

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Visit Coalition Island, the central meeting hub of Military Lands - SLURL

What is Coalition Island and Military Lands?

Welcome to Coalition Island, part of the United States Military Islands in Second Life.

Coalition Island is a nexus of United States armed forces activity and collaboration taking place in Second Life (collectively called "Military Lands"). It is geographically located at the center of a rapidly growing continent that includes the Air Force-MyBase, the Navy-NUWC, and the Army - two groups Tradoc & Defense Web. The continent currently contains 20 Islands with 10 more islands planned for the near future.

The purpose of Coalition Island is to introduce Residents to each of the armed services, allowing them to learn more about how these groups use Second Life while learning more about what they do in real life. Each of these groups uses Second Life for a wide variety of reasons including collaboration, outreach, family counseling, simulation, prototype testing and training.

For more details on Coalition Island, please contact Scott Linden, Government Account Manger, Linden Lab.

Military Lands FAQ

Content pending.

Related Links

Military Lands Public Events Calendar

Government using Second Life (GuSL) Mailing List

Real Life Government in Second Life Overview Page

Real Life United States Military in Second Life Inworld Group

Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds' Technical Working Group Wiki