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Revision as of 22:01, 31 October 2007 by SuezanneC Baskerville (talk | contribs) (New page: A prudent and thrifty person might want to do some research before buying or renting land in Second Life, and once you've got some land, you might have need of some help in figuring out ho...)
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A prudent and thrifty person might want to do some research before buying or renting land in Second Life, and once you've got some land, you might have need of some help in figuring out how to split it up or sell it or to make it look nice or other tasks like that.

There's plenty of information to be found elsewhere in this wiki, or by asking Second Life Mentors, or by searching the web, or picking up notecards inworld, or a number of other methods.

One form of "help with land" would be a list of people that are willing to be IM'ed inworld in Second Life with questions about land.

That's what this page is for: a place for people that are willing to be IM'ed in Second Life with questions about land to list their names.