User:Arbitar Basiat
Arbitar Basiat
I'm Arbi, Arbitar, Arbitar Basiat, Mr. Basiat, Iirteria, Voltaic, Az, Azu, Azuruk, Azuruk Botha, Mr. Botha Whatever you want to call me, I'm me, although I'm best known as simply Arbi. If I can help you, let me know, I'd love to if I can. I'm best at scripting related and protocol related questions (ie, how things work behind-the-scenes in SecondLife) I always have tons of open projects. Recently a Mentor, I'm more than willing to help you if you need it, you need only ask!
I've grown considerably since I initially landed in SecondLife so long ago. I've picked up and been able to at least master most of the aspects of SecondLife, and more! If you need help with any of these things, let me know, and I'll do my best to help you!
- Physics
- Internal Communication (interacting with other objects and scripts inworld effectively)
- External Communication (interacting with web servers, etc)
- Tracking and maintaining large amounts of data
- General Mathematics
- Notecard
- User interaction
- Menus (blue menus)
- Intuitive voice commands
- Using PHP to interact with MySQL to create dynamic sites
- Use of PHP's socket commands
- Security
- C#
- Terrain and object rendering
- Optimizing the draw process (streamlining it)
- Basic Dynamics/Physics
- Sound Management
- Standard windows applications
- MySQL interaction
- Complete client\server application model
- Industrial
- Complex/detailed industrial themes
- Large and immersive environments
- 'Dark' ('Goth')
- Natural
- Rock formations and cliffs
- Crystal formations
- Plants and trees
- Building 'around' terrain in any theme
- Sculpties
- Protocol Research
- Investigating 'How SecondLife Works' on a lower level
- Understanding how the protocol could be used in unwanted ways-- exploitation
- Animation
- Static and sitting poses
- Sound Ripping
- Gestures
- Working around the various bugs that SecondLife likes to throw in your face at just the wrong time
Current Projects
Multitool HUD
- Unintrusive interface
- Completely hidden when it's not needed, except for the main menu button and requested 'constant' buttons
- HUD menus and blue menus, toggleable
- Voice commands
- Customizable channel
- Land management functions
- Track anyone who is on your land and what they are doing, anywhere
- Web interface for those who opt-in
- Ban/Unban
- Ban management to expand banlist past the parcel/estate limit
- Teleport Home
- Organize so only one link issues Teleport Home command to avoid 'TPHome Hell'
- Terrain memory for reverting land on mainland
- Self-propigating access lists
- Cross-region support
- Eject
- Shutoff mode
- Sim performance warnings
- (SL)URL Catcher
- Non-detach updating
- Settings persist on update
- Avatar tracking/anti-stalker
- Chat range notification
- Toggleable entry and exit
- Toggleable shout range notification
- Show chat range bubble
- Constant on-screen scanner
- Avatar particle finder
- Sim scanning
- Remote sim scanning
- Leverage the new, faster, llGetObjectDetails once an avatar has been sensed
- Monitor certain avatars actions faster, and specifically
- Break the 16 avatar limit in specific situations by using multiple sensors
- Chat range notification
- Emotes
- Location bookmarks with aliases
- Share bookmarks with others nearby who also have the HUD
- Location history
- Object Rezzer
- Alias support
- Flight assistant
- Slow-down speeds for accuracy
- Speed-up speeds for getting places-- fast
- Go-to ability to push yourself to any position instantly
- Dash
- Dash forward double the distance of your camera from your avatar
- Bind it to a key
- Toggleable for use in different states (sitting, flying, standing, hovering, etc)
- Greifing prevention
- Collision detection
- Owner name resolution
- Key displayed
- Velocity displayed
- Nonphysical movement
- Offsensor movement
- Nonphysical
- Physical
- Double-dedicated movelock
- Automatically changes mode based on 'threat' level
- Warnings for suspicious activity
- Collision detection
- Greifing management
- Object key finder
- Avatar key lookup
- Similar object locator
- Object chat identifier
- By-name object locator
- Online tracker
- Add people by name or by key
- Provides updates for people's online status changing regardless of if one is allowed to see it
- Channel listener (spy)
- Add and remove channels on the fly
- Blacklist and whitelist objects
- 'Private' debug mode for scripters
- Avatar Follower
- Physical and nonphysical movement
- Hide chair (fake flight)
- Animation Override
- Support for all kinds of animation states
- Always blacklist certain animations
- Posing Stand
- Basic initial pose animations
- Ability to place custom animations and props (scenes) into it
- Automatically align to axis
- Adjust sit target for height
- Scripted object scanner
- Ignore owner
- Ignore group
- Ignore on blacklist
- Constant on-screen scanner
- Sandbox sky build area
Past Projects
Contact Information
You can contact me a number of ways; take your pick and go for it. If I can respond at the moment, I will!
- Email
- SecondLife Instant Message
- Arbitar Basiat
- Azuruk Botha
- SecondLife Location
- Tumble Arrow - Zoe 167,247,21
- [Un-Possible] - Zoe 22,122,54
- Scripting Spot - Orwood 120,35,26
- MSN Messenger/Live Messenger