Classifieds test
Classifieds Test
Classifieds are created in the Profile window, and browsed in the Search window.
User A
User B
Create Classifieds (User A)
Blank Classifieds
- Give away most of your money to User B. Make sure you have less than L$250.
- If you already have classifieds, delete them.
Section I
- Right click avatar and choose Profile .
- Select the "Classified" tab.
- Verify that the "Delete" button is not clickable.
- Click the "New" button.
- Verify that a dialog box pops up informing the user:
- Where they may find their ad and how long it will be viewable.
- How to add their ad to the classifieds directory.
- That the more money paid to post the ad, the higher up the list it will appear in the directory.
- Verify that a dialog box pops up informing the user:
- Click Cancel. The dialog box should go away and no classifieds ad should be created.
- Click the "New" button again, then click the "OK" button on the popup dialog.
- You should have a blank unpublished classified.
- If you have a viewer version that's 1.22.XX.XXXXX
- Verify that the button "Publish..." is not clickable.
- If you have a viewer versions that's 1.23.XX.XXXXX
- The "Publish..." button is clickable
- Click the Auto-renew checkbox
- Confirm that the Publish button is no longer grayed out.
- Click the "Publish..." button.
- Verify that dialog box appears informing user that a classified ad name is required.
- Click "Close" on the dialog box and uncheck the Auto-renew checkbox
- Confirm that the Publish button is once again grayed out.
- Change the classified ad category type from Shopping to one of the other available category types (e.g. Service).
- Verify that the "Publish..." button is still grayed out. (currently this "Publish..." button is enabled when any category other than Shopping is selected)
- Set the Classified category type back to Shopping.
- Click "Delete...".
- Verify that a dialog appears warning the user that there are no reimbursements for fees paid to place ad.
- Click "Cancel" button.
- Verify that nothing happens.
- Click "Delete..." button again, then click the "OK" button on the popup dialog.
- Verify classified ad has been removed and delete button is once again grayed out.
- Create a new blank unpublished classified.
- Close Profile window.
- Go back to the classifieds tab (steps 1-2)
- Verify that no classified ads are visible.
Section II
- Create another unpublished classified
- Enter text in provided fields.
- Verify that classified title can only hold 63 characters max.
- Press "Publish..." button.
- Verify that dialog box appears asking about mature content.
- Click No and verify that two things happen:
- A dialog box appears asking for "Price for Ad (L$)".
- "Not Mature Content" is now selected in the parent dialog.
- Press the Cancel button.
- Reset the Mature content to default setting "- Select Mature -".
- Bring up the Mature Content Dialog and click the Yes button this time.
- Verify a dialog box appears asking for "Price for Ad (L$)".
- Verify "Mature Content" is now selected in the parent dialog.
- Enter a value larger than the L$ your avatar currently holds.
- Verify that a dialog appears warning you that ad fees are non refundable.
- Click Cancel verify that no classified has been created.
- Press Publish button and repeat steps 6-7.
- Click "Yes" and verify that Classified ad is not published
- Verify dialog appears informing the user that they have insufficient funds.
- The unpublished classified should still have the following text near the bottom of the ad, "Ad placed: Not yet published"
- Click "Map" button.
- Verify Map window opens showing current location.
- Note your current region name.
- Click "Set Location" button.
- Verify text "(will update after publish)" and current map coordinates are inserted into ad.
- Minimize Profile window and fly to neighboring region.
- Restore Profile window and click "Teleport" button.
- Verify that you are teleported back to region and coordinates listed in the classified.
- Click on gray photo area of classified.
- Verify "Pick: Texture" window is displayed.
- Click "Cancel" and confirm that no changes were made.
- Click on Photo Area again.
- check the "Apply Immediately" checkbox if unchecked.
- Select first a photo and then a texture from the Library or your Inventory.
- Verify changes made in the "Pick: Texture" window are reflected in the classified.
- Click the "Blank" button.
- Verify that the ad photo area is white.
- Click on the Default button.
- Verify that the ad photo area is the default picture (i.e. gray box with a black X)
- Uncheck the "Apply Immediately" checkbox.
- Repeat steps 20-21 and verify that changes are made to the Texture window ONLY.
- Click the "Cancel" button and close the texture window.
- Click the "Publish..." button and enter 0 as the price for ad.
- Click "Set Price" button.
- Verify that popup informs user that minimum ad price is L$50.
- Close Dialog, click "Publish..." and attempt to enter letters and symbols into price field.
- Verify that you are ONLY able to enter numbers into field.
- Close Dialog, click "Publish..." and click "Set Price" button.
- Verify that popup dialog appears reminding user that fees are non-refundable.
- Click Ok
- Verify that L$50 was removeed from your balance.
- Confirm that dialog appears informing you of new balance.
- Confirm that map coordinates have been added to classified.
- Confirm that "Publish..." button text is now "Update" and is grayed out.
- Confirm that text below category type now reads "Ad placed: mm/dd/yyyy, Paid L$<amount> for listing."
- Minimize Profile window.
- Fly or Teleport to nearby region.
- Change various fields:
- Classified category type
- Mature/Not Mature type
- Current location (i.e. click "Set Location" button)
- Click "Update" button
- Confirm that all changes are saved.
- Repeat steps 11-13 of Section I
Published Classifieds
Section III
- Have User B give User A back enough money to create plenty of classifieds.
- We will be making some classifieds to test browsing with. We want to be able to search for just these classified, so make up a unique name to search for. Give each classified this name and append a number (e.g. "DonTestClassified 1")
- Create the following classified ads:
- <Name> 1, Shopping, Price 50, Not Mature.
- <Name> 2, Shopping, Price 55, Mature.
- <Name> 3, Property Rental, Price 50, Mature.
- <Name> 4, Property Rental, Price 55, Mature.
- <Name> 5, New Product, Price 50, Not Mature.
- <Name> 6, New Product, Price 55, Not Mature.
- <Name> 7, Service, Price 50, Mature.
- <Name> 8, Service, Price 55, Not Mature.
- Close the Profile floater.
- Reopen the Profile floater, and open the Classified tab.
- Verify that all classifieds are there, with the correct information.
Browse Classifieds (User B)
- Open up the Classifieds tab in the Search window.
- Initiate a search for "skins".
- Verify that all 3 filters function correctly for searching:
- Search: <String> should limit results to case-insensitive matches of <String>
- The Any Category combo box should limit results to only the specified category.
- The Include mature content checkbox should work as expected.
- Verify that all 3 filters function correctly for searching:
- Verify that clicking on the "Name" and "Price" buttons sorts results by those columns. Repeated clicking should reverse the sort order.
- Search for a classified that wouldn't exist (typing random letters for Search: <String> should work).
- Verify that "None found." is shown as the results.
- Click on a few of the results.
- Verify that the Name and Price info shown on the right matches the selected result.
- Try to modify values in the panel on the right.
- Verify that you can't change any values.
- Select a result.
- Click the "Map" button.
- Verify that the location shown on the map corresponds to the location displayed in Search.
- Select a different result.
- Click the "Teleport" button.
- Verify that you teleport and now have the correct location marked on your map.
- Search for User A's classifieds using the following filter, then click "Search":
- Search: <Name> from the previous section
- Any Category
- Uncheck "Include mature content"
- Verify that only classifieds 1, 5, 6 and 8 show up.
- Check "Include mature content" and click search.
- Verify that all classifieds now show up.
- Search for various categories. The following results should match up:
- Shopping --> classified 1, 2
- Property Rental --> classified 3, 4
- New product --> classified 5, 6
- Service --> classified 7, 8
- Search: <Name> from the previous section
- Select a result. Click the "Profile" button.
- Verify that a User A's Profile appears.
- Click the "Classified" tab for the Profile panel that just appeared.
- Verify that you can view all of User A's classifieds.
- Verify that you can't modify any classifieds information via the Profile window.
- Close the Profile window.
- Make sure "Include mature content" is checked.
- Log out, and log back in.
- Re-open the Classifieds in the Search window.
- Verify that the "Include mature content" checkbox is still checked.