LSL Test Harness/ja
LSL ポータル | 関数 | イベント | 型 | 演算子 | 定数 | 実行制御 | スクリプトライブラリ | カテゴリ別スクリプトライブラリ | チュートリアル |
The LSL Test Harness is a platform for testing LSL scripts developed for Linden Lab by i3D Inc. Second Life developers may want to use this to confirm that their scripts function consistently from update to update. The test harness is freely available (under Creative Commons license: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5) to download and use.
The LSL Test Harness consists of three or more inworld objects. You can create any object, even use the default plywood cube prim, just ensure that you place the appropriate scripts and notecards in the proper objects.
The Controller
The controller provides the interface for you to issue instructions to the test harness. It will listen to your commands on a chat channel and execute them. Alternatively you can make a touch-based controller.
- Rez or create an object, name it Controller.
- Add the script Controller_Controller (available to copy/paste here).
The Coordinator
The coordinator handles the communication between the controller and the actual test units themselves.
- Rez or create an object, name it Coordinator
- Add the following scripts: (available to copy/paste at the linked locations)
- Now add the notecard Coordinator_nc and open it
- If you wish to have the harness send you reports via email, add your email address to the email field
- If you want the harness to http post the reports, add your url to the Http: field
The Test Unit(s)
The Test Units actually conduct the LSL tests. Therefore they consist of a generic script for running tests, plus the specific script (which you write) which holds the testing code. You may create as many test units as you need. To faciliate development of test scripts, several examples are included in the code repository (here) and these may be used as templates.
- Rez or create an object and call it something descriptive (e.g. Test Unit - Rotations).
- Add the script TestUnit_TestHarness
- Add the notecard TestUnit_nc
- Open the notecard and edit the UnitName and GroupName fields
- UnitName is the name you want for this particular test
- GroupName specifies a family of tests, in case you want to do something like run all your math testing test units (you'd define a groupName "Math").
- Open the notecard and edit the UnitName and GroupName fields
- Add your test script which should be called [GroupName]_[UnitName]
- You can use TestUnit_TestScript.lsl as a template
- Just add your test lsl to the indicated section and report the result
- Alternatively, there are some sample test scripts at Test Harness Sample Tests
Once you have the Controller, Coordinator, and all your Test Units rezzed, ensure that they are within chat distance of each other, and then you can issue the following commands in the control channel (default is 1234)
- ActivateRegistration will make the coordinator round up all test units in chat range
- ActivateTest will start all selected test units
- ActivateReport will generate your specified report (chat, email, http)
- Reset will reset all test units
- SetTestSelected will specify which test units should execute
- SetTestSelected::All all test units in range
- SetTestSelected::[GroupName] all units in that group
- SetTestSelected::[UnitName] a specific unit
- SetReportMethod you can choose from three report methods
- SetReportMethod::CHAT::channel::0 for open chat
- SetReportType - specify report type as NORMAL, QUITE, VERBOSE, STATS
- SetReportType::NORMAL
- SetControlChannel used to change the internal comm channel
- SetBroadcastChannel chat channel for report output (typically 0)