Coordinator Coordinator.lsl
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/////// Coordinator_Coordinator
/////// This is the main script of the coordinator. It manages the states of the
/////// coordinator, and communicates with both the controller and test units.
//Coordinator_Coordinator .1 -> initial framework 7.01.2007
//Coordinator_Coordinator .2 -> bug fixing and testing 7.8.2007
//Coordinator_Coordinator .3 -> added reportTimeoutLength 7.11.2007
// General Specification for Coordinator from
// * There should be no need to link any new objects, including test units, to the coordinator.
// * There is no need for secure communication between test objects and the coordinator.
// * The coordinator does not need to be a single lsl script.
// * The coordinator will announce the ability for nearby test units to register.
// * Once a test session has begun, the coordinator will not accept any more registrations.
// * The coordinator can start a group of tests and collect results.
// * The coordinator can start a single test unit and collect results.
// * The coordinator can start all known tests.
// * The coordinator will have a variable test broadcast channel.
// * The coordinator will accept commands from its controller and broadcast appropriate commands to all, groups, or individual test units.
// * Collect reported results from registered test units.
// o All pass/fail messages by group and test unit.
// o All late registrations.
// * It should be possible for an agent or another script to control the coordinator.
// * Every test session will record a start time, test location,
// * The collection of all tests which failed the last test session is an ad-hoc test group known only to the controller. For example we run all tests in 'quiet mode' and then all failures are treated as a new group which allows 'verbose mode' testing individually or all at once.
// * If results are filling memory, the coordinator should output information prematurely, but needs to keep statistical totals as well as the known failed group.
// * Every time summary or transient results are output, the session id, and current time are included in the output.
// * The coordinator must know by the end of a test session and be able to report on:
// o Which test units passed
// o Which test units failed
// o Which test units failed to report before timeout.
// * At the end of every test session it is possible to get a summary from the coordinator.
// * The summary reports:
// o Number of test units in the last session
// o Number of passed test units.
// o Number of failed test units.
// o Number of test units which failed to report before timeout.
// Command Protocol
// All commmands, input,output,chat, or linked message will be :: separated
// lists in string form.
// CHAT commands
// Chat commands will be on the specified controlChannel
//////// INPUT ///////////
// Registration - response from testUnits to RegisterUnit command
// format example -> Registration::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitName::TestUnit1::groupName::Group1
// UpdateUnitStatus - response from testUnits to request to send out unit status information
// format example -> UpdateUnitStatus::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitStatus::PASS
// ActivateRegistration - initiate the registration process
// format example -> ActivateRegistration
// SetTestSelected - specify test to be run. ALL, a specific unitName, or a groupName
// format example -> SetTestSelected::ALL
// SetControlChannel - channel for chat communication among elements in the system
// format example -> SetControlChannel::-1234
// SetBroadcastChannel - chat channel to output reports on
// format example -> SetBroadcastChannel::0
// SetRegTimeoutLength - registration time limit
// format example -> SetRegTimeoutLength::10
// SetTestTimeoutLength - test time limit
// format example -> SetTestTimeoutLength::10
// SetReportTimeoutLength - report time limit
// format example -> SetReportTimeoutLength::10
// ActivateTest - command to begin testing process
// format example -> ActivateTest
// SetReportType - specify report type. NORMAL, QUITE, VERBOSE, STATS
// format example -> SetReportType::NORMAL
// SetReportMethod - CHAT, EMAIL, HTTP
// format example -> SetReportMethod::CHAT::channel::0
// ->
// ->
// ActivateReport - initiate the report process
// format example -> ActivateReport
//////// OUTPUT ///////////
// Reset - sends message to test units calling for a reset of test units
// format example -> ALL::Reset
// RegisterUnit - sends out chat on controlChannel requesting unit registration information
// format example -> ALL::RegisterUnit
// RunTest - message to specified test units starting tests in test units
// format example -> ALL::RunTest
// Report - initiating request for full report from test units
// format example -> ALL::Report
// UpdateUnitStatus - chat message to initiate status update from test units
// format example -> ALL::UpdateUnitStatus
// SetControlChannel - changes controlChannel to value given
// format example -> ALL::SetControlChannel::-1234
// RegistrationComplete - notification that the registration process is complete
// format example -> RegistrationComplete
// TestComplete - notification that the test phase is complete
// format example -> TestComplete
// ReportComplete - notification that the report phase is complete
// format example -> ReportComplete
// LINK MESSAGE commands
// link message commands will be sent out and received on the toAllChannel
//////// INPUT ///////////
// ReportRequest - request from Coordinator_TestUnitReports to generate a chat request for a test unit report
// format example -> ReportRequest::unitName
// ReportComplete - notification from Coordinator_TestUnitReports script that reporting is done
// format example -> ReportComplete
//////// OUTPUT ///////////
// Reset - resets this script
// format example -> Reset
// ClearAll - empties all lists
// format example -> ClearAll
// AddUnitToList - provides unit information of newly registered unit to Coordinator_TestUnits
// format example -> AddUnitToList::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitName::TestUnit1::groupName::Group1
// UpdateUnitStatus - provides unit status information to Coordinator_TestUnits
// format example -> UpdateUnitStatus::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitStatus::PASS
// ReportUnitStats - initiates a ReportStats output from Coordinator_TestUnits
// format example -> ReportUnitStats
// RequestUnitCount - request for number of units registered from Coordinator_TestUnits
// format example -> RequestUnitCount
// OutputReports - generates report dump for whatever collection specified
// format example -> OutputReports::testSelected::ALL::controlChannel::-1234::broadcastChannel::1
// SetReportMethod - provides report output parameter to Coordinator_TestUnitsReports
// format example -> SetReportMethod::CHAT::channel::0
// ->
// ->
// SetReportType - provides type of Report desired to Coordinator_TestUnitsReports
// format example -> SetReportType::NORMAL
// SetTestSelected - provides type of test selected to Coordinator_TestUnitsReports
// format example -> SetTestSelected::ALL
// SetReportTimeoutLength - report time limit
// format example -> SetReportTimeoutLength::10
// AddUnitReport - update to Coordinator_TestUnitsReports
// format example -> AddUnitReport::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::Report::Successful Completion of Test
// Global Variables
integer toAllChannel = -255; // general channel - linked message
integer broadcastChannel = 0; // report broadcast channel - chat
integer controlChannel = 1234; // command communication channel - chat
integer controlChannelListen; // handler for the listener event
integer debug = 0; // level of debug message
integer debugChannel = DEBUG_CHANNEL; // output channel for debug messages
integer notecardLines; //
key notecardRequestKey; // notecard globals
key notecardLineRequest; // notecard stores UnitName and GroupName
integer currentNoteLine; //
string testSelected = "ALL"; // specifies what units to test. ALL, a specific unitName, or a group
string reportType = "NORMAL"; // determines length and content of report type
// NORMAL - failures and summary information
// QUITE - summary information only
// VERBOSE - everything
string reportMethod = "CHAT";
integer startTime = 0; // time that the tests were run, with llGetUnixTime()
integer regTimeoutLength = 0; // time in seconds to allow for registration
integer testTimeoutLength = 0; // time in seconds to allow for testing
integer reportTimeoutLength = 0; // report in seconds to allow for reporting
string emailAddress; // an email address for report output if EMAIL is the selected report method
string httpUrl; // an website url for report output if HTTP is the selected report method
////////// Function: ParseCommand
////////// Input: string message - command to be parsed
////////// Output: no return value
////////// Purpose: This function calls various other functions or sets globals
////////// depending on message string. Allows external command calls
////////// from chat controlChannel and linked messages
////////// Issues: no known issues
ParseCommand(string message)
if(debug > 1)llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ "->ParseCommand: " + message);
//reset all scripts
if(message == "reset")
//broadcast to other scripts reset command
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "reset", NULL_KEY);
llSay(0, "Coordinator Reset");
//reset this script as well
//format example -> SetBroadcastChannel::1
else if(llSubStringIndex(message, "SetBroadcastChannel::") != -1)
//parse value from string by deleting message upto index of ::
//and set global broadcastChannel variable
broadcastChannel = (integer)llDeleteSubString( message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "::") + 1);
//provide feedback on the change
llSay( 0, "broadcastChannel now set to: " + (string)broadcastChannel);
//relay information to Coordinator_TestUnitsReports script
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, message, NULL_KEY);
//format example -> SetControlChannel::1
else if(llSubStringIndex(message, "SetControlChannel::") != -1)
//notify specified test units of change
llSay(controlChannel, testSelected + "::" + message);
//parse value from string by deleting message up to index of ::
//and set global controlChannel variable
controlChannel = (integer)llDeleteSubString( message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "::") + 1);
//provide feedback on the change
llSay( 0, "controlChannel now set to: " + (string)controlChannel);
//update listener
//format example -> SetRegTimeoutLength::10
else if(llSubStringIndex(message, "SetRegTimeoutLength::") != -1)
//parse value from string by deleting message upto index of ::
//and set global regTimeoutLength variable
regTimeoutLength = (integer)llDeleteSubString( message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "::") + 1);
//provide feedback on the change
llSay( 0, "regTimeoutLength now set to: " + (string)regTimeoutLength);
//format example -> SetReportTimeoutLength::10
else if(llSubStringIndex(message, "SetReportTimeoutLength::") != -1)
//parse value from string by deleting message up to index of ::
//and set global reportTimeoutLength variable
reportTimeoutLength = (integer)llDeleteSubString( message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "::") + 1);
//provide feedback on the change
llSay( 0, "reportTimeoutLength now set to: " + (string)reportTimeoutLength);
//relay information to Coordinator_TestUnitsReports script
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, message, NULL_KEY);
//format example -> SetTestTimeoutLength::10
else if(llSubStringIndex(message, "SetTestTimeoutLength::") != -1)
//parse value from string by deleting message upto index of ::
//and set global testTimeoutLength variable
testTimeoutLength = (integer)llDeleteSubString( message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "::") + 1);
//provide feedback on the change
llSay( 0, "testTimeoutLength now set to: " + (string)testTimeoutLength);
//format example -> SetTestSelected::ALL
else if(llSubStringIndex(message, "SetTestSelected::") != -1)
//parse value from string by deleting message upto index of ::
//and set global testSelected variable
testSelected = llDeleteSubString( message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "::") + 1);
//provide feedback on the change
llSay( 0, "testSelected now set to: " + (string)testSelected);
//format example -> SetReportType::NORMAL
else if(llSubStringIndex(message, "SetReportType::") != -1)
//parse value from string by deleting message upto index of ::
//and set global reportType variable
reportType = llDeleteSubString( message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "::") + 1);
//notify specified test units of change
llSay(controlChannel, testSelected + "::" + message);
//provide feedback on the change
llSay( 0, "reportType now set to: " + (string)reportType);
//relay information to Coordinator_TestUnitsReports script
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, message, NULL_KEY);
//format example -> SetReportMethod::CHAT::channel::0
else if(llSubStringIndex(message, "SetReportMethod::") != -1)
//parse value from string by deleting message upto index of ::
//and set global reportMethod variable
reportMethod = llDeleteSubString( message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "::") + 1);
//provide feedback on the change
llSay( 0, "reportMethod now set to: " + (string)reportMethod);
//relay information to Coordinator_TestUnitsReports script
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, message, NULL_KEY);
if(llSubStringIndex( message, "CHAT") != -1)
//dump report method parameters into usable list
list methodParameters = llParseString2List( reportMethod, ["::"], [""]);
//pull channel from parameters list
integer channel = (integer)llList2String( methodParameters, llListFindList( methodParameters, ["channel"]) + 1);
} //end ParseCommand
////////// Function: Initialize
////////// Input: no input parameters
////////// Output: no return value
////////// Purpose: This function initializes any variables or functions necessary
////////// to get us started
////////// Issues: no known issues
//initiate data server call to begin reading notecard
notecardRequestKey = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines("Coordinator_nc");
////////// Function: ActivateCoordinator
////////// Input: no input parameters
////////// Output: no return value
////////// Purpose: This function activates any variables or functions necessary to get
////////// us running
////////// Issues: no known issues
//remove possible listeners
//create new listeners
controlChannelListen = llListen(controlChannel,"",NULL_KEY,"");
// //
// //
// //
// //
// State Entry of default state //
// On Rez of default state //
on_rez(integer start_param)
// Listen of default state //
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
if(debug > 0){llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ ":listen:" + message);}
if(debug > 0){llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ ":channel:" + (string)channel);}
//from Controller
if(channel == controlChannel)
if( message == "ActivateRegistration" )
// State Change //
//not a state specific command, so send to general command parse
ParseCommand ( message );
} //end of listen
// Link Message of default state //
link_message(integer sender_number, integer number, string message, key id)
//if link message is on the correct channel
if(number == toAllChannel)
//not a state specific command, so send to general command parse
//ParseCommand( message );
} //end of link message
// data server of default //
dataserver(key queryid, string data)
if(queryid == notecardRequestKey) // line number request
notecardLines = (integer)data;
currentNoteLine = 1;
notecardLineRequest = llGetNotecardLine("Coordinator_nc", currentNoteLine);
} //end line number request
if(queryid == notecardLineRequest) //reading a line from the notecard
// if the string "BroadcastChannel:" exists in the data string, parse the unitName from between the []
if(llSubStringIndex(data,"BroadcastChannel:") > -1)
broadcastChannel = (integer)llGetSubString(data, llSubStringIndex(data,"[") + 1,llSubStringIndex(data,"]") - 1);
// if the string "ControlChannel:" exists in the data string, parse the groupName from between the []
else if(llSubStringIndex(data,"ControlChannel:") > -1)
controlChannel = (integer)llGetSubString(data, llSubStringIndex(data,"[") + 1,llSubStringIndex(data,"]") - 1);
// if the string "RegistrationTimeout:" exists in the data string, parse the groupName from between the []
else if(llSubStringIndex(data,"RegistrationTimeout:") > -1)
regTimeoutLength = (integer)llGetSubString(data, llSubStringIndex(data,"[") + 1,llSubStringIndex(data,"]") - 1);
// if the string "TestTimeout:" exists in the data string, parse the groupName from between the []
else if(llSubStringIndex(data,"TestTimeout:") > -1)
testTimeoutLength = (integer)llGetSubString(data, llSubStringIndex(data,"[") + 1,llSubStringIndex(data,"]") - 1);
// if the string "ReportTimeout:" exists in the data string, parse the groupName from between the []
else if(llSubStringIndex(data,"ReportTimeout:") > -1)
reportTimeoutLength = (integer)llGetSubString(data, llSubStringIndex(data,"[") + 1,llSubStringIndex(data,"]") - 1);
//send it on to Coordinator_TestUnitsReports
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "SetReportTimeoutLength::" + (string)reportTimeoutLength, NULL_KEY);
// if the string "Email:" exists in the data string, parse the groupName from between the []
else if(llSubStringIndex(data,"Email:") > -1)
emailAddress = llGetSubString(data, llSubStringIndex(data,"[") + 1,llSubStringIndex(data,"]") - 1);
// if the string "Http:" exists in the data string, parse the groupName from between the []
else if(llSubStringIndex(data,"Http:") > -1)
httpUrl = llGetSubString(data, llSubStringIndex(data,"[") + 1,llSubStringIndex(data,"]") - 1);
//if additional lines on the notecard
if(currentNoteLine < notecardLines - 1)
currentNoteLine += 1;
//initiate another line request from the dataserver
notecardLineRequest = llGetNotecardLine("Coordinator_nc", currentNoteLine);
// Done setting up, turn on listener
} //end line request
} //end data server
} // end default
// //
// //
// //
// //
// State Entry of REGISTRATION state //
//throw timer event for max registration time limit
//simple implementation, will be at least regTimeoutLength
//becuase of the potential for time dilation
llSetTimerEvent( regTimeoutLength );
//setup listener for this state
//clear lists
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "ClearAll", NULL_KEY);
//send out registration request to testUnits
llSay( controlChannel, "ALL::RegisterUnit");
// On Rez of REGISTRATION state //
on_rez(integer start_param)
// State Change //
state default;
// Listen of REGISTRATION state //
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
if(debug > 0){llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ ":listen:" + message);}
if(debug > 0){llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ ":channel:" + (string)channel);}
//from Controller
if(channel == controlChannel)
// Registration()
// format example -> Registration::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitName::TestUnit1::groupName::Group1
if ( llSubStringIndex( message, "Registration::" ) != -1 )
// AddUnitToList()
// format example -> AddUnitToList::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::Report::Successful Completion of Test
//first remove "Regsitration::", then add "AddUnitReport::", the link message to Coordinator_TestUnits
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "AddUnitToList::"
+ llDeleteSubString( message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "::") + 1)
//not a state specific command, so send to general command parse
//ParseCommand ( message );
} //end of listen
// Link Message of REGISTRATION state //
link_message(integer sender_number, integer number, string message, key id)
//if link message is on the correct channel
if(number == toAllChannel)
//not a state specific command, so send to general command parse
ParseCommand( message );
} //end of link message
// timer of REGISTRATION state //
//broadcast registration is complete
llSay( controlChannel, "RegistrationComplete");
//move to SETUP state
// State Change //
state SETUP;
} //end of timer
// //
// //
// //
// //
state SETUP
// State Entry of SETUP state //
// SetControlChannel()
// format example -> ALL::SetControlChannel::-1234
llSay( controlChannel , "ALL::SetcontrolChannel::" + (string)controlChannel );
// SetReportType()
// format example -> SetReportType::NORMAL
llSay( controlChannel, "SetReportType::" + reportType );
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "SetReportType::" + reportType, NULL_KEY);
//set report time out
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "SetReportTimeoutLength::" + (string)reportTimeoutLength, NULL_KEY);
// SetReportMethod - CHAT, EMAIL, HTTP
// format example -> SetReportMethod::CHAT::channel::0
// ->
// ->
if(reportMethod == "CHAT")
//send to both testUnits via chat, and Coordinator_TestUnitsReports via linked message
llSay( controlChannel, "SetReportMethod::CHAT::channel::" + (string)broadcastChannel );
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "SetReportMethod::CHAT::channel::" + (string)broadcastChannel, NULL_KEY);
else if( reportMethod == "EMAIL")
//send to both testUnits via chat, and Coordinator_TestUnitsReports via linked message
llSay( controlChannel, "SetReportMethod::EMAIL::address::" + emailAddress );
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "SetReportMethod::EMAIL::address::" + emailAddress, NULL_KEY);
else if( reportMethod == "HTTP")
//look for the "http://" in the url
if( llSubStringIndex( llToLower( httpUrl ), "http://") != -1)
//send to both testUnits via chat, and Coordinator_TestUnitsReports via linked message
llSay( controlChannel, "SetReportMethod::HTTP::url::" + httpUrl );
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "SetReportMethod::HTTP::url::" + httpUrl, NULL_KEY);
//send to both testUnits via chat, and Coordinator_TestUnitsReports via linked message
llSay( controlChannel, "SetReportMethod::HTTP::url::http://" + httpUrl );
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "SetReportMethod::HTTP::url::http://" + httpUrl, NULL_KEY);
// initiate output of registered units
// ReportUnitStats()
// format example -> ReportUnitStats
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "ReportUnitStats", NULL_KEY);
} // end state entry
// On Rez of SETUP state //
on_rez(integer start_param)
// State Change //
state default;
// Listen of SETUP state //
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
if(debug > 0){llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ ":listen:" + message);}
if(debug > 0){llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ ":channel:" + (string)channel);}
//from Controller
if(channel == controlChannel)
//if a registration command comes it during SETUP, then it is a late registration
// Registration()
// format example -> Registration::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitName::TestUnit1::groupName::Group1
if ( llSubStringIndex( message, "Registration::" ) != -1 )
// AddUnitToList()
// format example -> AddUnitToList::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitName::TestUnit1::groupName::Group1
//first remove "Registration::", then add "AddUnitToList::", then link message to Coordinator_TestUnits
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "AddUnitToList::"
+ llDeleteSubString( message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "::") + 1)
//parse string command into a parameter list
list unitStatusParameters = llParseString2List( message, ["::"], [""] );
//use variable name to find first variable of concern - unitKey
integer commandIndex = llListFindList( unitStatusParameters, ["unitKey"] );
//use index to pull the unitKey
string unitKeyTemp = llList2String( unitStatusParameters, commandIndex + 1);
// UpdateUnitStatus()
// format example -> UpdateUnitStatus::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitStatus::LATE_REGISTRATION
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "UpdateUnitStatus::unitKey::"
+ unitKeyTemp
+ "::unitStatus::LATE_REGISTRATION"
} // end if Registration
//Controller indicates a run test command
else if( message == "ActivateTest" )
// State Change //
state TEST;
//not a state specific command, so send to general command parse
ParseCommand ( message );
} //end of listen
// Link Message of SETUP state //
link_message(integer sender_number, integer number, string message, key id)
//if link message is on the correct channel
if(number == toAllChannel)
// ReportStats - sends out unit information including status
// format example -> ReportStats::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitName::TestUnit1::groupName::Group1::unitStatus::PASS
if ( llSubStringIndex( message, "ReportStats") != -1)
//output on control channel
llSay( controlChannel, message );
// dump string parameters into usable list
list unitParameters = llParseString2List( message, ["::"], [""]);
//pull name, group and status from unitParameters
string name = llList2String( unitParameters, llListFindList( unitParameters, ["unitName"]) + 1);
string group = llList2String( unitParameters, llListFindList( unitParameters, ["groupName"]) + 1);
string status = llList2String( unitParameters, llListFindList( unitParameters, ["unitStatus"]) + 1);
string uKey = llList2String( unitParameters, llListFindList( unitParameters, ["unitKey"]) + 1);
//output for user
//after a bit of formatting
llSay( 0 , "****************UNIT:" + uKey + "***************************");
llSay( 0 , "NAME: " + name);
llSay( 0 , "GROUP: " + group);
llSay( 0 , "STATUS: " + status);
llSay( 0 , "****************UNIT:" + uKey + "***************************");
//not a state specific command, so send to general command parse
//ParseCommand( message );
} //end of link message
// //
// //
// //
// //
state TEST
// State Entry of TEST state //
//throw timer event for max registration time limit
//simple implementation, will be at least regTimeoutLength
//because of the potential for time dilation
llSetTimerEvent( testTimeoutLength );
if( testSelected == "FAILS")
//send out test command to selected testUnits
llSay( controlChannel, testSelected + "::RunTest");
// On Rez of TEST state //
on_rez(integer start_param)
// State Change //
state default;
// Listen of TEST state //
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
if(debug > 0){llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ ":listen:" + message);}
if(debug > 0){llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ ":channel:" + (string)channel);}
//from Controller
if(channel == controlChannel)
// UpdateUnitStatus()
// format example -> UpdateUnitStatus::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitStatus::PASS
if ( llSubStringIndex( message, "UpdateUnitStatus::" ) != -1 )
//send on the Coordinator_TestUnits
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, message, NULL_KEY);
//not a state specific command, so send to general command parse
ParseCommand ( message );
} //end of listen
// Link Message of TEST state //
link_message(integer sender_number, integer number, string message, key id)
//if link message is on the correct channel
if(number == toAllChannel)
//if we are retesting failed units
if( testSelected == "FAILS" )
// ReportStats - sends out unit information including status
// format example -> ReportStats::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::unitName::TestUnit1::groupName::Group1::status::PASS
if ( llSubStringIndex( message, "ReportStats") != -1)
// dump string parameters into usable list
list unitParameters = llParseString2List( message, ["::"], [""]);
//pull status from command string
string status = llList2String( unitParameters, llListFindList( unitParameters, ["unitStatus"]) + 1);
//if we find a failed unit
if ( status == "FAIL" )
//pull key from unitParameters
string uKey = llList2String( unitParameters, llListFindList( unitParameters, ["unitKey"]) + 1);
//call for a test run on this particular unit
llSay( controlChannel, uKey + "::RunTest" );
//not a state specific command, so send to general command parse
//ParseCommand( message );
} //end of link message
// timer of TEST state //
//broadcast test is complete
llSay( controlChannel, "TestComplete");
llSay( 0, "TestComplete");
//move to REPORT state
// State Change //
state REPORT;
} //end of timer
} // end TEST
// //
// //
// //
// //
state REPORT
// State Entry of REPORT state //
//turn the listener back on for this state
// On Rez of REPORT state //
on_rez(integer start_param)
// State Change //
state default;
// Listen of REPORT state //
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
if(debug > 0){llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ ":listen:" + message);}
if(debug > 0){llSay(debugChannel, llGetScriptName()+ ":channel:" + (string)channel);}
//from Controller
if(channel == controlChannel)
// ActivateReport()
// format example -> ActivateReport
if ( message == "ActivateReport" )
//send on the Coordinator_TestUnits
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, "OutputReports::testSelected::" + testSelected, NULL_KEY);
// AddUnitReport()
// format example -> AddUnitReport::unitKey::00000-0000-0000-00000::Report::Successful Completion of Test
else if ( llSubStringIndex( message, "AddUnitReport" ) != -1 )
//send on the Coordinator_TestUnits
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, toAllChannel, message, NULL_KEY);
//Controller indicates a retest command
else if( message == "ActivateTest" )
// State Change //
state TEST;
//Controller indicates a run test command
else if( message == "ActivateRegistration" )
// State Change //
//not a state specific command, so send to general command parse
ParseCommand ( message );
} //end of listen
// Link Message of REPORT state //
link_message(integer sender_number, integer number, string message, key id)
//if link message is on the correct channel
if(number == toAllChannel)
// ReportRequest()
// format example -> ReportRequest::unitName
if(llSubStringIndex(message, "ReportRequest::") != -1)
// controlChannel request to test units for a report
// format example -> 00000-0000-0000-00000::Report
llSay( controlChannel , llDeleteSubString( message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "::") + 1) + "::Report");
// ReportComplete()
// format example -> ReportComplete
else if( message == "ReportComplete" )
// notify controller
llSay( controlChannel , "ReportComplete" );
//not a state specific command, so send to general command parse
//ParseCommand( message );
} //end of link message
} // end REPORT