Combined Library
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The Combined Library is comprised of about 40 functions all of which are released under CC-by v3.0 license.
The library is still being worked on so only some of the compiled functions will be posted at this time. All functions in the library are hand optimized. To understand the logic, it is best to pull the code apart but be wary of LSL's strict order of operations.
String Functions
The design of the logic had to overcome two hurdles. The first was keeping it from searching previous replacements (otherwise you could fall into an infinite loop or infinitely grow the memory). The second was so that it could do null replacements. Both of these hurdles were overcome but at the cost of some readability.
The way it works is it keeps an Unsearched Buffer (UB) which is a subset of the Input Buffer (IB) and it records the Position of the UB in the IB (P). Each iteration it searches the UB and adds that resulting index to the P, then it uses P as the index to replace that section in the IB, finally it recalculates the new P, then is uses IB with the new P to update UB. <lsl> string str_replace(string src, string from, string to) {//replaces all occurrences of 'from' with 'to' in 'src'.
integer len = (~-(llStringLength(from))); if(~len) { string buffer = src; integer b_pos = -1; integer to_len = (~-(llStringLength(to))); @loop;//instead of a while loop, saves 5 bytes (and run faster). integer to_pos = ~llSubStringIndex(buffer, from); if(to_pos) {
// b_pos -= to_pos; // src = llInsertString(llDeleteSubString(src, b_pos, b_pos + len), b_pos, to); // b_pos += to_len; // buffer = llGetSubString(src, (-~(b_pos)), 0x8000);
buffer = llGetSubString(src = llInsertString(llDeleteSubString(src, b_pos -= to_pos, b_pos + len), b_pos, to), (-~(b_pos += to_len)), 0x8000); jump loop; } } return src;
} </lsl>
<lsl> string TrimRight(string src, string chrs) {//Trims characters from the right end of the string
integer i = llStringLength(src); do;while(~llSubStringIndex(chrs, llGetSubString(src, i = ~ -i, i)) && i); return llDeleteSubString(src, -~i, 0xFFFF);
string TrimLeft(string src, string chrs) {//Trims characters from the left end of the string
integer i = ~llStringLength(src); do;while(i && ~llSubStringIndex(chrs, llGetSubString(src, (i = -~i), i))); return llDeleteSubString(src, 0xFFFF0000, ~-i);
string TrimBoth(string src, string chrs) {//Trims characters from both ends of the string
integer i = ~llStringLength(src); do;while(i && ~llSubStringIndex(chrs, llGetSubString(src, (i = -~i), i))); i = llStringLength(src = llDeleteSubString(src, 0xFFFF0000, (~-(i)))); do;while(~llSubStringIndex(chrs, llGetSubString(src, (i = ~-i), i)) && i); return llDeleteSubString(src, (-~(i)), 0xFFFF);
} </lsl>
Unicode functions
LSL uses UTF-8 to as the base format for strings. UTF-8 is an encoding system for storing Unicode characters, each Unicode character has a number. These functions allow for the conversion between the string form and the integer form. They may not be pretty but they are tight and get the job done quickly.
UTF8 to Unicode Integer
Converts a character into it an integer. <lsl> integer UTF8ToUnicodeInteger(string input)//Mono Safe, LSO Safe {
integer result = llBase64ToInteger(llStringToBase64(input = llGetSubString(input,0,0))); if(result & 0x80000000){//multibyte, continuing to use base64 is impractical because it requires smart shifting. integer end = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(input = (string)llParseString2List(llEscapeURL(input),(list)"%",[]),-8,-1)); integer begin = (integer)("0x"+llDeleteSubString(input,-8,-1)); return ( ( 0x0000003f & end ) | (( 0x00003f00 & end) >> 2 ) | (( 0x003f0000 & end) >> 4 ) | (( 0x3f000000 & end) >> 6 ) | (( 0x0000003f & begin) << 24) | (( 0x00000100 & begin) << 22) ) & (0x7FFFFFFF >> (5 * ((integer)(llLog(~result) / 0.69314718055994530941723212145818) - 25))); } return result >> 24;
} </lsl>
Unicode Integer to UTF8
Convert an integer into a character. <lsl> string UnicodeIntegerToUTF8(integer input)//Mono Safe, LSO Safe {
integer bytes = llCeil(llLog(input) / 0.69314718055994530941723212145818); bytes = (input >= 0x80) * (bytes + ~(((1 << bytes) - input) > 0)) / 5;//adjust string result = "%" + byte2hex((input >> (6 * bytes)) | ((0x3F80 >> bytes) << !bytes)); while (bytes) result += "%" + byte2hex((((input >> (6 * (bytes = ~-bytes))) | 0x80) & 0xBF)); return llUnescapeURL(result);
string byte2hex(integer x)//Mono Safe, LSO Safe {//Helper function for use with unicode characters.
integer y = (x >> 4) & 0xF; return llGetSubString(hexc, y, y) + llGetSubString(hexc, x & 0xF, x & 0xF);
}//This function would benifit greatly from the DUP opcode, it would remove 19 bytes.
string hexc="0123456789ABCDEF"; </lsl>
List Functions
The design of the logic had to overcome two hurdles. The first was keeping it from searching previous replacements (otherwise you could fall into an infinite loop or infinitely grow the memory). The second was so that it could do null replacements. Both of these hurdles were overcome but at the cost of some readability.
The way it works is it keeps an Unsearched Buffer (UB) which is a subset of the Input Buffer (IB) and it records the Position of the UB in the IB (P). Each iteration it searches the UB and adds that resulting index to the P, then it uses P as the index to replace that section in the IB, finally it recalculates the new P, then is uses IB with the new P to update UB. <lsl> list ListReplace(list src, list from, list to) {//replaces all occurrences of 'from' with 'to' in 'src'.
integer len = ~([] != from); if(~len) { list buffer = src; integer b_pos = -1; integer to_len = ~([] != to); @loop;//instead of a while loop, saves 5 bytes (and run faster). integer to_pos = ~llListFindList(buffer, from); if(to_pos) {
// b_pos -= to_pos; // src = llListReplaceList(src, to, b_pos, b_pos + len); // b_pos += to_len; // buffer = llList2List(src, (-~(b_pos)), 0x4000);
buffer = llList2List(src = llListReplaceList(src, to, b_pos -= to_pos, b_pos + len), (-~(b_pos += to_len)), 0x4000); jump loop; } } return src;
} </lsl>
Compares two lists, returns true if identical.
Note: It will ignore the sign on zero (0.0 == -0.0). If the sign on zero is important to you, follow the instructions in the comments on how to enable checking for this. Currently no functions in LSL treat negative zero differently then positive zero. <lsl> integer ListCompare(list input_a, list input_b) {
integer b = input_a != input_b; if(!b) { if((b = [] != input_a)) { integer counter = b; do { if((b = llGetListEntryType(input_a,counter)) - llGetListEntryType(input_b,counter)) jump end_a; //Don't need to bother with TYPE_KEY if(b == TYPE_FLOAT) { if((b = (llList2Float(input_a,counter) != llList2Float(input_b,counter)))) jump end_b; } else if(b == TYPE_VECTOR) {//it costs more to update b and jump out then to just return if((b = (llList2Vector(input_a,counter) != llList2Vector(input_b,counter))))//so just return. jump end_c; } else if(b == TYPE_ROTATION) { if((b = (llList2Rot(input_a,counter) != llList2Rot(input_b,counter)))) jump end_d; } else//comment this line out if you care about the sign on zero. if((b = (llList2String(input_a,counter) != llList2String(input_b,counter)))) jump end_e; }while((counter = -~counter)); //if you get here, b equals zero, so we don't even have to change it's value for the return. } } @end_a;@end_b;@end_c;@end_d;@end_e; return !b;
} </lsl>