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Emblem-important-yellow.png LSL Feature Request
The described function does not exist. This article is a feature request.


Function: llRequestMoney( key source, key destination, integer amount, string message );

Sends a request to agent source that they give L$ amount to agent destination, possibly for the reason specified in message The resulting notification should also indicate which object and agent that initiated request

• key source The Resident who the money is being requested from
• key destination The intended recipient of the money
• integer amount number of L$, must be greater than zero
• string message Useful for indicating why the money is being requested


<lsl> // Free content vendor with donation request // The vendor can be placed around the grid // The vendor doesn't have to be owned by the creator string content = "Free Shirt"; key creator = "83b3987f-9520-4275-8efe-3ac13dd3f635"; default {

   touch_start(integer touched)
       llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0),content);   // Give the Resident the free content
       llRequestMoney(llDetectedKey(0),creator,50); // Request the Resident donate L$50 



Deep Notes


//function void llRequestMoney( key source, key destination, integer amount, string message );