User:Jaclyn Iredell

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Revision as of 21:40, 14 January 2008 by Jaclyn Iredell (talk | contribs)
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Hey there, Jaclyn Iredell here. I'm new to the Secondlife Mentor program, but I am looking forward to helping you guys as much as possible.

I have been in Secondlife (abbreviated SL to save time) since August 4, 2006. When I first started, there were nowhere near as many people as there are now, but it was essentially the same place. An amazing user-created world, changing everyday!

I've seen lots of changes, including voice chat, windlight and the ban of some things that were definitely in need of bans.

I'm not a master builder, by any means, but I am a good builder, and hopefully I can turn you into one as well...

They always say parents want their children to surpass them, and to create a world better than before. I believe Mentors want the same for their pupils. At least I know I do.

I've also had experience making clothes, textures, flexi prim objects, hair, shoes, invisiprims... well you get the idea.

If I could tell you one thing, it would be to learn. Learning sets you ahead of the curve. That's where you wanna be, and that's where you belong. Thus sayeth me. :P

Looking forward to work with you all!

xoxo Jacjac