Viewing and analyzing sales

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Xstreet provides excellent sales records for its merchants. The data in these records can be searched, sorted, and even exported to a spreadsheet to accommodate the needs of each merchant.
The basics
The following are some basic points about your sales data:
- You can view your Marketplace sales from the My Marketplace Sales link. This link can be found by clicking the My Account link at the top of any Xstreet web page.
- By default, you're shown sales records from the past seven days, from the most recent sale to oldest. If you're a prolific merchant, the list may continue over several pages.
Modifying your data view
The following are some points that can help you view your data:
- You can change the date range you're looking at in the Date fields above the list.
- You can look up specific products by the name. You can even do partial name lookups if you want to look at everything with a similar name. For example, say you have an outfit called "Allure" in ten colors. Instead of looking up "Allure in blue" and only seeing the sales for the blue items, you could just look up "Allure", which displays a list of all sales in all colors.
- You can also quickly sort your view by clicking on the column headers. One click will sort them in one direction, and a second click will reverse that order.
Exporting your data
To export your data:
- Click the View CSV Output link to display your current list (even if it's several pages long) into a new browser window in .csv-ready format.
- Your web browser should have an option that lets you save the page you're looking at.
- For example, in Firefox, select File > Save Page As.
- From the Save as type dropdown, select All Files.
- Type in the desired File name, adding the .csv extension at the end.
- For example, my_sales.csv.
- Open your spreadsheet application of choice and open the file you just saved. You can now use your spreadsheet application to work with your sales data according to your usual methods.