LSL Protocol/Restrained Love Relay/Reference Implementation

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Restrained Life viewer v1.10 Relay Protocol Specification

By Marine Kelley


This document is meant for people who want to create or modify in-world objects to use the features of someone else's RestrainedLife viewer, typically cages and pieces of furniture, which per definition are usually not owned by that person.


The RestrainedLife viewer only executes commands issued through llOwnerSay () messages. Therefore, in order to issue commands to someone using the viewer who does not own the object, that person must wear an attachment that relays commands after some security checks.

Why this spec ?

Now that RestrainedLife viewer v1.10 is out, many cages and furniture creators are interested in using its features such as sit, outfit, tp etc. These objects can be found in public places, or owned by friends... but as they are usually not owned by the user, the relay has to implement some basic security in order to avoid griefing. On top of it, the user does not want to be forced to switch to another relay when going to the next piece of furniture.

This is the purpose of this specification : to lay common rules so all the relays implementing it are compatible with all the furnitures implementing it too. Without such a specification, one cage/furniture would talk to the relay specifically made to operate with it and that's all, eventually making the creator stay behind because people rather use standard objects.