User:Jesse Barnett/lsl
- Global abbreviations file for SciTE
- Customised by Jesse Barnett 1/27/08
- For Linux, place in $prefix/share/scite
- For Windows, place in same directory as SciTE.EXE (or Sc1.EXE)
- Contains a list of entries of the form abbreviation=expansion
- Type the abbreviation and press Ctrl+B to insert the expansion
- The '|' marke the position the caret will be after expansion.
- C
main=int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {\n|\n}
- C / LSL shared
for=for (|) {\n\t\n} do=do {\n\t\n} while (|); while=while (|) {\n\t\n} if=if (|) {\n\t\n} else=else {\n\t|\n}
- LSL states
default=default {\n\t|\n} state=state | {\n\t\n}
- Header
header=//\n//Created by: Jesse Barnett\n//Copyright: None; Use it as you please!
- Custom LSL Global Variables
owner=\nkey owner_id; \nowner() {\n\t owner_id = llGetOwner();\n}\n random=\ninteger rand_chan;\nrandom() {\n\t rand_chan = (integer) llFrand(-10000) - 10000000;\n}\n header_info=llOwnerSay("/me.esl " + llGetTimestamp());
- LSL events
state_entry=state_entry() {\n\t|\n} state_exit=state_exit() {\n\t|\n} touch_start=touch_start(integer num_detected) {\n\t|\n} touch=touch(integer n) {\n\t|\n} touch_end=touch_end(integer n) {\n\t|\n} collision_start=collision_start(integer num_detected) {\n\t|\n} collision=collision(integer num_detected) {\n\t|\n} collision_end=collision_end(integer num_detected) {\n\t|\n} land_collision_start=land_collision_start(vector pos) {\n\t|\n} land_collision=land_collision(vector pos) {\n\t|\n} land_collision_end=land_collision_end(vector pos) {\n\t|\n} timer=timer() {\n\t|\n} listen=listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) {\n\t|\n} no_sensor=no_sensor() {\n\t|\n} sensor=sensor(integer num_detected) {\n\t|\n} control=control(key id, integer level, integer edge) {\n\t|\n} not_at_target=not_at_target() {\n\t|\n} at_target=at_target(integer tnum, vector targetpos, vector ourpos) {\n\t|\n} not_at_rot_target=not_at_rot_target() {\n\t|\n} at_rot_target=at_rot_target(integer tnum, rotation targetrot, rotation ourrot) {\n\t|\n} money=money(key id, integer amount) {\n\t|\n} email=email(string time, string address, string subj, string message, integer num_left) {\n\t|\n} run_time_permissions=run_time_permissions(integer perm) {\n\t|\n} attach=attach(key id) {\n\t|\n} dataserver=dataserver(key queryid, string data) {\n\t|\n} moving_start=moving_start() {\n\t|\n} moving_end=moving_end() {\n\t|\n} on_rez=on_rez(integer start_param) {\n\t|\n} object_rez=object_rez(key id) {\n\t|\n} link_message=link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) {\n\t|\n} changed=changed(integer change) {\n\t|\n} remote_data=remote_data(integer event_type, key channel, key message_id, string sender, integer idata, string sdata) {\n\t|\n}</lsl>