User:Jesse Barnett/lsl.api

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  1. Customized by Jesse Barnett 1/27/08
  1. Custom definitions

random() owner() header header_info rand_chan owner_id

  1. LSL variables

address amount channel id message name num_detected

  1. LSL Types

integer float vector rotation key string list

  1. LSL Definitons

ACTIVE AGENT AGENT_ALWAYS_RUN AGENT_ATTACHMENTS AGENT_AWAY AGENT_BUSY AGENT_CROUCHING AGENT_FLYING AGENT_IN_AIR AGENT_MOUSELOOK AGENT_ON_OBJECT AGENT_SCRIPTED AGENT_SITTING AGENT_TYPING AGENT_WALKING ALL_SIDES ANIM_ON at_rot_target(integer tnum, rotation targetrot, rotation ourrot)Result of LLRotTarget library function call at_target(integer tnum, vector targetpos, vector ourpos)Result of llTarget library function call attach(key id)Triggered when an agent attaches or detaches from agent ATTACH_BACK ATTACH_BELLY ATTACH_CHEST ATTACH_CHIN ATTACH_HEAD ATTACH_LEAR ATTACH_LEYE ATTACH_LFOOT ATTACH_LHAND ATTACH_LHIP ATTACH_LLARM ATTACH_LLLEG ATTACH_LPEC ATTACH_LSHOULDER ATTACH_LUARM ATTACH_LULEG ATTACH_MOUTH ATTACH_NOSE ATTACH_PELVIS ATTACH_REAR ATTACH_REYE ATTACH_RFOOT ATTACH_RHAND ATTACH_RHIP ATTACH_RLARM ATTACH_RLLEG ATTACH_RPEC ATTACH_RSHOULDER ATTACH_RUARM ATTACH_RULEG changed(integer change)Triggered various event change the task:(test change with CHANGED_INVENTORY, CHANGED_COLOR, CHANGED_SHAPE, CHANGED_SCALE,:CHANGED_TEXTURE, CHANGED_LINK) CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP CHANGED_COLOR CHANGED_INVENTORY CHANGED_LINK CHANGED_SCALE CHANGED_SHAPE CHANGED_TEXTURE collision(integer num_detected)Triggered while task is colliding with another task collision_end(integer num_detected)Triggered when task stops colliding with another task collision_start(integer num_detected)Triggered when task starts colliding with another task control(key id, integer level, integer edge)Result of llTakeControls library function call CONTROL_BACK CONTROL_DOWN CONTROL_FWD CONTROL_LBUTTON CONTROL_LEFT CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON CONTROL_RIGHT CONTROL_ROT_LEFT CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT CONTROL_UP DATA_BORN DATA_NAME DATA_ONLINE DATA_RATING DATA_SIM_POS DATA_SIM_STATUS dataserver(key queryid, string data)Triggered when task receives asynchronous data default DEG_TO_RAD email(string time, string address, string subj, string message, integer num_left)Triggered when task receives email EOF FALSE INVENTORY_ALL INVENTORY_ANIMATION INVENTORY_BODYPART INVENTORY_CLOTHING INVENTORY_GESTURE INVENTORY_LANDMARK INVENTORY_NOTECARD INVENTORY_OBJECT INVENTORY_SCRIPT INVENTORY_SOUND INVENTORY_TEXTURE land_collision(vector pos)Triggered when task is colliding with land land_collision_end(vector pos)Triggered when task stops colliding with land land_collision_start(vector pos)Triggered when task starts colliding with land LAND_LARGE_BRUSH LAND_LEVEL LAND_LOWER LAND_MEDIUM_BRUSH LAND_NOISE LAND_RAISE LAND_REVERT LAND_SMALL_BRUSH LAND_SMOOTH LINK_ALL_CHILDREN LINK_ALL_OTHERS link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)Triggered when task receives a link message via LLMessageLinked library function call LINK_ROOT LINK_SET LINK_THIS listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)Result of the llListen library function call llAbs(integer val)[integer] llAcos(float val)[float] Returns the arccosine in radians of val llAddToLandPassList(key avatar, float hours)Add avatar to the land pass list for hours llAdjustSoundVolume(float volume)adjusts volume of attached sound (0.0 - 1.0) llAllowInventoryDrop(integer add)If add == TRUE, users without permissions can still drop inventory items onto task llAngleBetween(rotation a, rotation b)[float] Returns angle between rotation a and b llApplyImpulse(vector force, integer local)applies impulse to object, in local coords if local == TRUE (if the script is physical) llApplyRotationalImpulse(vector force, integer local)applies rotational impulse to object, in local coords if local == TRUE (if the script is physical) llAsin(float val)[float] Returns the arcsine in radians of val llAtan2(float y, float x)[float] llAttachToAvatar(integer attachment)Attach to avatar task has permissions for at point attachment llAvatarOnSitTarget()[key] If an avatar is sitting on the sit target, return the avatar's key, NULL_KEY otherwise llAxes2Rot(vector fwd, vector left, vector up)[rotation] returns the rotation defined by the coordinate axes llAxisAngle2Rot(vector axis, float angle)[rotation] Returns the rotation generated angle about axis llBase64ToInteger(string str)[integer] Little endian decode of a 4 character Base64 string into the lower 24-bits of an integer. llBase64ToString(string str)[string] Converts a Base 64 string to a conventional string. If the conversion creates any unprintable characters, they are converted to spaces. llBreakAllLinks()Delinks all tasks in the link set (requires permission PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS be set) llBreakLink(integer linknum)Delinks the task with the given link number (requires permission PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS be set) llCeil(float val)[integer] returns smallest integer value >= val llCloseRemoteDataChannel(key channel)Closes XML-RPC channel. llCloud(vector v)[float] returns the cloud density at the object position + v llCollisionFilter(string name, key id, integer accept)if accept == TRUE, only accept collisions with objects name and id (either is optional), otherwise with objects not name or id llCollisionSound(string impact_sound, float impact_volume)Suppress default collision sounds, replace default impact sounds with impact_sound (empty string to just suppress) llCollisionSprite(string impact_sprite)Suppress default collision sprites, replace default impact sprite with impact_sprite (empty string to just suppress) llCos(float theta)[float] theta in radians llCreateLink(key target, integer parent)Attempt to link task script is attached to and target (requires permission PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS be set). If parent == TRUE, task script is attached to is the root llCSV2List(string src)[list] Create a list from a string of comma separated values llDeleteSubList(list src, integer start, integer end)[list] Remove the slice from the list and return the remainder llDeleteSubString(string src, integer start, integer end)[string] removes the indicated substring and returns the result llDetachFromAvatar()Drop off of avatar llDetectedGrab(integer number)[vector] returns the grab offset of the user touching object (returns <0,0,0> if number is not valid sensed object) llDetectedGroup(integer number)[integer] Returns TRUE if detected object is part of same group as owner llDetectedKey(integer number)[key] returns the key of detected object number (returns empty key if number is not valid sensed object) llDetectedLinkNumber(integer number)[integer] returns the link position of the triggered event for touches and collisions only llDetectedName(integer number)[string] returns the name of detected object number (returns empty string if number is not valid sensed object) llDetectedOwner(integer number)[key] returns the key of detected object's owner (returns empty key if number is not valid sensed object) llDetectedPos(integer number)[vector] returns the position of detected object number (returns <0,0,0> if number is not valid sensed object) llDetectedRot(integer number)[rotation] returns the rotation of detected object number (returns <0,0,0,1> if number is not valid sensed object) llDetectedType(integer number)[integer] returns the type (AGENT, ACTIVE, PASSIVE, SCRIPTED) of detected object (returns 0 if number is not valid sensed object) llDetectedVel(integer number)[vector] returns the velocity of detected object number (returns <0,0,0> if number is not valid sensed object) llDialog(key avatar, string message, list buttons, integer chat_channel)Shows a dialog box on the avatar's screen with the message.Up to four strings in the list form buttons.If a button is clicked, the name is chatted on chat_channel. llDie()deletes the object llDumpList2String(list src, string separator)[string] Write the list out in a single string using separator between values llEdgeOfWorld(vector pos, vector dir)[integer] Checks to see whether the border hit by dir from pos is the edge of the world (has no neighboring simulator) llEjectFromLand(key pest)Ejects pest from land that you own llEmail(string address, string subject, string message)Sends email to address with subject and message llEuler2Rot(vector v)[rotation] returns the rotation representation of Euler Angles v llFabs(float val)[float] llFloor(float val)[integer] returns largest integer value <= val llForceMouselook(integer mouselook)If mouselook is TRUE any avatar that sits on this object is forced into mouselook mode llFrand(float mag)[float] returns random number in range [0,mag) llGetAccel()[vector] gets the acceleration llGetAgentInfo(key id)[integer] Gets information about agent ID. Returns AGENT_FLYING, AGENT_ATTACHMENTS, and/or AGENT_SCRIPTED llGetAgentSize(key id)[vector] If the agent is in the same sim as the object, returns the size of the avatar llGetAlpha(integer face)[float] gets the alpha llGetAndResetTime()[float] gets the time in seconds since creation and sets the time to zero llGetAnimation(key id)[string] Get the currently playing locomotion animation for avatar id llGetAnimationList(key id)[list] Gets a list of all playing animations for avatar id llGetAttached()returns the object attachment point or 0 if not attached llGetBoundingBox()[list] Returns the bounding box around an object (including any linked prims) relative to the root prim, in a list: [ (vector) min_corner, (vector) max_corner ] llGetCenterOfMass()[vector] Get the object's center of mass llGetColor(integer face)[vector] gets the color llGetCreator()[key] Returns the creator of the object llGetDate()[string] Gets the date as YYYY-MM-DD llGetEnergy()[float] Returns how much energy is in the object as a percentage of maximum llGetForce()[vector] gets the force (if the script is physical) llGetFreeMemory()returns the available heap space for the current script llGetGeometricCenter()[vector] Returns the geometric center of the linked set the script is attached to. llGetGMTclock()[float] Gets the time in seconds since midnight in GMT llGetInventoryCreator(string item)[key] Returns the key for the creator of the inventory item. llGetInventoryKey(string name)[key] Returns the key of the inventory name llGetInventoryName(integer type, integer number)[string] Get the name of the inventory item number of type llGetInventoryNumber(integer type)[integer] Get the number of items of a given type in the task's inventory.Valid types: INVENTORY_TEXTURE, INVENTORY_SOUND, INVENTORY_OBJECT, INVENTORY_SCRIPT, INVENTORY_CLOTHING, INVENTORY_BODYPART, INVENTORY_NOTECARD, INVENTORY_LANDMARK, INVENTORY_ALL llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, integer mask)[integer] Returns the requested permission mask for the inventory item. llGetKey()[key] Get the key for the task the script is attached to llGetLandOwnerAt(vector pos)[key] Returns the key of the land owner, NULL_KEY if public llGetLinkKey(integer linknum)[key] Get the key of linknumber in link set llGetLinkName(integer linknum)[string] Get the name of linknumber in link set llGetLinkNumber()[integer] Returns what number in a link set the script is attached to (0 means no link, 1 the root, 2 for first child, &c) llGetListEntryType(list src, integer index)[integer] Returns the type of the index entry in the list(TYPE_INTEGER, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_KEY, TYPE_VECTOR, TYPE_ROTATION, or TYPE_INVALID if index is off list) llGetListLength(list src)[integer] Get the number of elements in the list llGetLocalPos()[vector] gets the position relative to the root (if the script isn't physical) llGetLocalRot()[rotation] gets the rotation local to the root (if the script isn't physical) llGetMass()[float] Get the mass of task name that script is attached to llGetNextEmail(string address, string subject)Get the next waiting email with appropriate address and/or subject (if blank they are ignored) llGetNotecardLine(string name, integer line)[key] Returns line line of notecard name via the database event llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name)[key] Returns number of lines in notecard 'name' via the database event (cast return value to integer) llGetNumberOfPrims()[integer] Returns the number of prims in a link set the script is attached to llGetNumberOfSides()[integer] Returns the number of sides llGetObjectDesc()[string] Returns the description of the object the script is attached to llGetObjectDetails(key id, list params)[key]Returns details of the object with the key id specified in the params list llGetObjectMass(key id)[float] Get the mass of the object with key id llGetObjectName()[string] Returns the name of the object script is attached to llGetObjectPermMask(integer mask)[integer] Returns the requested permission mask for the root object the task is attached to. llGetOmega()[vector] gets the omega llGetOwner()[key] Returns the owner of the task llGetOwnerKey(key id)[key] Find the owner of id llGetPermissions()[integer] return what permissions have been enabled llGetPermissionsKey()[key] Return agent that permissions are enabled for. NULL_KEY if not enabled llGetPos()[vector] gets the position (if the script isn't physical) llGetPrimitiveParams(list params)[list] Gets primitive parameters specified in the params list. llGetRegionCorner()[vector] Returns a vector with the south west corner x,y position of the region the object is in llGetRegionFPS()returns the mean region frames per second llGetRegionName()returns the current region name llGetRegionTimeDilation()returns the current time dilation as a float between 0 and 1 llGetRootPosition()[vector] Gets the global position of the root object of the object script is attached to llGetRootRotation()[rotation] Gets the global rotation of the root object of the object script is attached to llGetRot()[rotation] gets the rotation (if the script isn't physical) llGetScale()[vector] gets the scale llGetScriptName()Returns the script name llGetScriptState(string name)[integer] Resets TRUE if script name is running llGetSimulatorHostname()[string] Gets the hostname of the machine script is running on (same as string in viewer Help dialog) llGetStartParameter()[integer] Get's the start paramter passed to llRezObject llGetStatus(integer status)[integer] gets value of status (STATUS_PHYSICS, STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB, STATUS_ROTATE_X, STATUS_ROTATE_Y, and/or STATUS_ROTATE_Z) llGetSubString(string src, integer start, integer end)[string] returns the indicated substring llGetSunDirection()[vector] Returns the sun direction on the simulator llGetTexture(integer face)[string] gets the texture of face (if it's a texture in the object inventory, otherwise the key in a string) llGetTextureOffset(integer side)[vector] Returns the texture offset of side in the x and y components of a vector llGetTextureRot(integer side)[float] Returns the texture rotation of side llGetTextureScale(integer side)[vector] Returns the texture scale of side in the x and y components of a vector llGetTime()[float] gets the time in seconds since creation llGetTimeOfDay()[float] gets the time in seconds since Second Life server start llGetTimestamp()[string] Gets the timestamp in the format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ff..fZ llGetTorque()[vector] gets the torque (if the script is physical) llGetVel()[vector] gets the velocity llGetWallclock()[float] gets the time in seconds since midnight llGiveInventory(key destination, string inventory)Give inventory to destination llGiveInventoryList(key destination, string category, list inventory)Give inventory to destination in a new category llGiveMoney(key destination, integer amount)transfer amount of money from script owner to destination llGodLikeRezObject(key inventory, vector pos)rez directly off of a UUID if owner has dog-bit set llGround(vector v)[float] returns the ground height below the object position + v llGroundContour(vector v)returns the ground contour below the object position + v llGroundNormal(vector v)returns the ground normal below the object position + v llGroundRepel(float height, integer water, float tau)Critically damps to height if within height*0.5 of level (either above ground level or above the higher of land and water if water == TRUE) llGroundSlope(vector v)returns the ground slope below the object position + v llInsertString(string dst, integer position, string src)[string] inserts src into dst at position and returns the result llInstantMessage(key user, string message)IMs message to the user llIntegerToBase64(integer number)[string] Little endian encode of lower 24-bits of integer as a 4 character Base64 string. llKey2Name(key id)[string] Returns the name of the object key, iff the object is in the current simulator, otherwise the empty string llList2CSV(list src)[string] Create a string of comma separated values from list llList2Float(list src, integer index)[float] Copy the float at index in the list llList2Integer(list src, integer index)[integer] Copy the integer at index in the list llList2Key(list src, integer index)[key] Copy the key at index in the list llList2List(list src, integer start, integer end)[list] Copy the slice of the list from start to end llList2ListStrided(list src, integer start, integer end, integer stride)[list] Copy the strided slice of the list from start to end llList2Rot(list src, integer index)[rotation] Copy the rotation at index in the list llList2String(list src, integer index)[string] Copy the string at index in the list llList2Vector(list src, integer index)[vector] Copy the vector at index in the list llListen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg)[integer] sets a callback for msg on channel from name and id (name, id, and/or msg can be empty) and returns an indentifier that can be used to deactivate or remove the listen llListenControl(integer number, integer active)makes a listen event callback active or inactive llListenRemove(integer number)removes listen event callback number llListFindList(list src, list test)[integer] Returns the start of the first instance of test in src, -1 if not found llListInsertList(list dest, list src, integer start)[list] Inserts src into dest at position start llListRandomize(list src, integer stride)[list] Returns a randomized list of blocks of size stride llListReplaceList(list dest, list src, integer start, integer end)[list] Replaces start through end of dest with src. llListSort(list src, integer stride, integer ascending)[list] Sort the list into blocks of stride in ascending order if ascending == TRUE. Note that sort only works between same types. llLoadURL(key avatar_id, string message, string url)Shows dialog to avatar avatar_id offering to load web page at URL. If user clicks yes, launches their web browser. llLog(float val)[float] Returns the base e log of val if val > 0, otherwise returns 0. llLog10(float val)[float] Returns the base 10 log of val if val > 0, otherwise returns 0. llLookAt(vector target, F32 strength, F32 damping)Cause object name to point it's forward axis towards target llLoopSound(string sound, float volume)plays attached sound looping indefinitely at volume (0.0 - 1.0) llLoopSoundMaster(string sound, float volume)plays attached sound looping at volume (0.0 - 1.0), declares it a sync master llLoopSoundSlave(string sound, float volume)plays attached sound looping at volume (0.0 - 1.0), synced to most audible sync master llMakeExplosion(integer particles, float scale, float vel, float lifetime, float arc, string texture, vector offset)Make a round explosion of particles llMakeFire(integer particles, float scale, float vel, float lifetime, float arc, string texture, vector offset)Make fire like particles llMakeFountain(integer particles, float scale, float vel, float lifetime, float arc, integer bounce, string texture, vector offset, float bounce_offset)Make a fountain of particles llMakeSmoke(integer particles, float scale, float vel, float lifetime, float arc, string texture, vector offset)Make smoke like particles llMapDestination(string simname, vector position, vector lookat) llMD5String(string src, integer nonce)[string] Performs a RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm on string with nonce. Returns a 32 character hex string. llMessageLinked(integer linknum, integer num, string str, key id)Sends num, str, and id to members of the link set(LINK_SET sends to all tasks,LINK_ALL_OTHERS to all other tasks,LINK_ALL_CHILDREN to all children, LINK_THIS to self llMinEventDelay(float delay)Set the minimum time between events being handled llModifyLand(integer action, integer size)Modify land with action (LAND_LEVEL, LAND_RAISE, LAND_LOWER)on size (LAND_SMALL_BRUSH, LAND_MEDIUM_BRUSH, LAND_LARGE_BRUSH) llMoveToTarget(vector target, float tau)critically damp to target in tau seconds (if the script is physical) llOffsetTexture(float offsets, float offsett, integer face)sets the texture s, t offsets for the chosen face llOpenRemoteDataChannel()Creates a channel to listen for XML-RPC calls. Will trigger a remote_data event with channel id once it is available. llOverMyLand(key id)[integer] Returns TRUE if id is over land owner of object owns, FALSE otherwise llOwnerSay(string msg)says msg to owner only (if owner in sim) llParcelMediaCommandList(list command)Sends a list of commands, some with arguments, to a parcel. llParcelMediaQuery(list query)[list] Sends a list of queries, returns a list of results. llParseString2List(string src, list separators, list spacers)[list] Breaks src into a list, discarding separators, keeping spacers (separators and spacers must be lists of strings, maximum of 8 each) llParseStringKeepNulls(string src, list separators, list spacers)[list] Breaks src into a list, discarding separators, keeping spacers (separators and spacers must be lists of strings, maximum of 8 each), keeping any null values generated. llParseStringKeepNulls(string src, list separators, list spacers)[list] Breaks src into a list, discarding separators, keeping spacers (separators and spacers must be lists of strings, maximum of 8 each, creates empty list entries) llParticleSystem(list rules)Creates a particle system based on rules. Empty list removes particle system from object.List format is [ rule1, data1, rule2, data2 . . . rulen, datan ] llPassCollisions(integer pass)if pass == TRUE, collisions are passed from children on to parents (default is FALSE) llPassTouches(integer pass)if pass == TRUE, touches are passed from children on to parents (default is FALSE) llPlaySound(string sound, float volume)plays attached sound once at volume (0.0 - 1.0) llPlaySoundSlave(string sound, float volume)plays attached sound once at volume (0.0 - 1.0), synced to next loop of most audible sync master llPointAt(vector pos)Make agent that owns object point at pos llPow(float base, float exponent)[float] returns 0 and triggers Math Error for imaginary results llPreloadSound(string sound)preloads a sound on viewers within range llPushObject(key id, vector impulse, vector ang_impulse, integer local)Applies impulse and ang_impulse to object id llRegionSay(integer channel, string msg)says msg on channel throughout sim llReleaseCamera(key avatar)Return camera to agent llReleaseControls()Stop taking inputs llRemoteDataReply(key channel, key message_id, string sdata, integer idata)Send an XML-RPC reply to message_id on channel with payload of string sdata and integer idata llRemoteDataSetRegion()If an object using remote data channels changes regions, you must call this function to reregister the remote data channels.You do not need to make this call if you don't change regions. llRemoteLoadScriptPin(key target, string name, integer pin, integer running, integer start_param)If the owner of the object this script is attached can modify target,they are in the same region,and the matching pin is used,copy script name onto target,if running == TRUE, start the script with param. llRemoveInventory(string inventory)Remove the named inventory item llRemoveVehicleFlags(integer flags)removes the enabled bits in 'flags' llRequestAgentData(key id, integer data)[key] Requests data about agent id. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised llRequestInventoryData(string name)[key] Requests data from object's inventory object. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised llRequestPermissions(key agent, integer perm)ask agent to allow the script to do perm (NB: Debit, ownership, link, joint, and permission requests can only go to the task's owner) llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, integer data)[key] Requests data about simulator. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised llResetOtherScript(string name)Resets script name llResetScript()Resets the script llResetTime()sets the time to zero llRezAtRoot(string inventory, vector pos, vector vel, rotation rot, integer param)Instantiate owner's inventory object at pos with velocity vel and rotation rot with start parameter param. The last selected root object's location will be set to pos llRezObject(string inventory, vector pos, vector vel, rotation rot, integer param)Instanciate owners inventory object at pos with velocity vel and rotation rot with start parameter param llRot2Angle(rotation rot)[float] Returns the rotation angle represented by rot llRot2Axis(rotation rot)[vector] Returns the rotation axis represented by rot llRot2Euler(rotation q)[vector] returns the Euler representation (roll, pitch, yaw) of q llRot2Fwd(rotation q)[vector] returns the forward vector defined by q llRot2Left(rotation q)[vector] returns the left vector defined by q llRot2Up(rotation q)[vector] returns the up vector defined by q llRotateTexture(float rotation, integer face)sets the texture rotation for the chosen face llRotBetween(vector v1, vector v2)[rotation] returns the rotation to rotate v1 to v2 llRotLookAt(rotation target, F32 strength, F32 damping)Cause object name to point it's forward axis towards target llRotTarget(rotation rot, float error)[integer] set rotations with error of rot as a rotational target and return an ID for the rotational target llRotTargetRemove(integer number)removes rotational target number llRound(float val)[integer] returns val rounded to the nearest integer llSameGroup(key id)[integer] Returns TRUE if ID is in the same sim and has the same active group, otherwise FALSE llSay(integer channel, string msg)says msg on channel llScaleTexture(float scales, float scalet, integer face)sets the texture s, t scales for the chosen face llScriptDanger(vector pos)[integer] Returns true if pos is over public land, sandbox land, land that doesn't allow everyone to edit and build, or land that doesn't allow outside scripts llSendRemoteData(key channel, string dest, integer idata, string sdata)[key] Send an XML-RPC request to dest through channel with payload of channel (in a string), integer idata and string sdata.A message identifier key is returned.An XML-RPC reply will trigger a remote_data event and reference the message id.The message_id is returned. llSensor(string name, key id, integer type, float range, float arc)Performs a single scan for name and id with type (AGENT, ACTIVE, PASSIVE, and/or SCRIPTED) within range meters and arc radians of forward vector (name, id, and/or keytype can be empty or 0) llSensorRemove()removes sensor llSensorRepeat(string name, key id, integer type, float range, float arc, float rate)sets a callback for name and id with type (AGENT, ACTIVE, PASSIVE, and/or SCRIPTED) within range meters and arc radians of forward vector (name, id, and/or keytype can be empty or 0) and repeats every rate seconds llSetAlpha(float alpha, integer face)sets the alpha llSetBuoyancy(float buoyancy)Set the tasks buoyancy (0 is none, < 1.0 sinks, 1.0 floats, > 1.0 rises) llSetCameraAtOffset(vector offset)Sets the camera at offset used in this object if an avatar sits on it llSetCameraEyeOffset(vector offset)Sets the camera eye offset used in this object if an avatar sits on it llSetColor(vector color, integer face)sets the color llSetDamage(float damage)Sets the amount of damage that will be done to an object that this task hits. Task will be killed. llSetForce(vector force, integer local)sets force on object, in local coords if local == TRUE (if the script is physical) llSetForceAndTorque(vector force, vector torque, integer local)sets the force and torque of object, in local coords if local == TRUE (if the script is physical) llSetHoverHeight(float height, integer water, float tau)Critically damps to a height (either above ground level or above the higher of land and water if water == TRUE) llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, integer mask, integer value)Sets the given permission mask to the new value on the inventory item. llSetLinkAlpha(integer linknumber, float alpha, integer face)If a prim exists in the link chain at linknumber, set face to alpha llSetLinkColor(integer linknumber, vector color, integer face)If a task exists in the link chain at linknumber, set face to color llSetLocalRot(rotation rot)sets the rotation of a child prim relative to the root prim llSetObjectDesc(string name)Sets the object's description llSetObjectName(string name)Sets the objects name llSetObjectPermMask(integer mask, integer value)Sets the given permission mask to the new value on the root object the task is attached to. llSetParcelMusicURL(string url)Sets the streaming audio URL for the parcel the object is on llSetPos(vector pos)sets the position (if the script isn't physical) llSetPrimitiveParams(list rule)Set primtive parameters based on rules. llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(integer pin)If pin is set to a non-zero number, the task will accept remote scriptloads via llRemoteLoadScriptPin if it passes in the correct pin.Othersise, llRemoteLoadScriptPin is ignored. llSetRot(rotation rot)sets the rotation (if the script isn't physical) llSetScale(vector scale)sets the scale llSetScriptState(string name, integer run)Control the state of a script name. llSetSitText(string text)Displays text rather than sit in pie menu llSetSoundQueueing(integer queue)determines whether attached sound calls wait for the current sound to finish (0 = no [default], nonzero = yes) llSetSoundRadius(float radius)establishes a hard cut-off radius for audibility of scripted sounds (both attached and triggered) llSetStatus(integer status, integer value)sets status (STATUS_PHYSICS, STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB, STATUS_ROTATE_X, STATUS_ROTATE_Y, and/or STATUS_ROTATE_Z) to value llSetText(string text, vector color, float alpha)Set text floating over object llSetTexture(string texture, integer face)sets the texture of face llSetTextureAnim(integer mode, integer face, integer sizex, integer sizey, float start, float length, float rate)Animate the texture on the specified face/faces llSetTimerEvent(float sec)Cause the timer event to be triggered every sec seconds llSetTorque(vector torque, integer local)sets the torque of object, in local coords if local == TRUE (if the script is physical) llSetTouchText(string text)Displays text in pie menu that acts as a touch llSetVehicleFlags(integer flags)sets the enabled bits in 'flags' llSetVehicleFloatParam(integer param, float value)sets the specified vehicle float parameter llSetVehicleRotationParam(integer param, rotation rot)sets the specified vehicle rotation parameter llSetVehicleType(integer type)sets vehicle to one of the default types llSetVehicleVectorParam(integer param, vector vec)sets the specified vehicle vector parameter llShout(integer channel, string msg)shouts msg on channel llSin(float theta)[float] theta in radians llSitTarget(vector offset, rotation rot)Set the sit location for this object (if offset == <0,0,0> clear it) llSleep(float sec)Put script to sleep for sec seconds llSound(string sound, float volume, integer queue, integer loop)plays sound at volume and whether it should loop or not llSoundPreload(string sound)preloads a sound on viewers within range llSqrt(float val)[float] returns 0 and triggers a Math Error for imaginary results llStartAnimation(string anim)Start animation anim for agent that owns object llStopAnimation(string anim)Stop animation anim for agent that owns object llStopHover()Stop hovering to a height llStopLookAt()Stop causing object name to point at a target llStopMoveToTarget()Stops critically damped motion llStopPointAt()Stop agent that owns object pointing llStopSound()Stops currently attached sound llStringLength(string str)[integer] Returns the length of string llStringToBase64(string str)[string] Converts a string to the Base 64 representation of the string. llSubStringIndex(string source, string pattern)[integer] Finds index in source where pattern first appears (returns -1 if not found) llTakeCamera(key avatar)Move avatar's viewpoint to task llTakeControls(integer controls, integer accept, integer pass_on)Task controls from agent task has permissions for. If (accept == (controls & input)), send input to task. If pass_on send to agent also. llTan(float theta)[float] theta radians llTarget(vector position, float range)[integer] set positions within range of position as a target and return an ID for the target llTargetOmega(vector axis, float spinrate, float gain)Attempt to spin at spinrate with strength gain llTargetRemove(integer number)removes target number llTeleportAgentHome(key id)Teleports agent on owner's land to agent's home location llToLower(string src)[string] convert src to all lower case and returns the result llToUpper(string src)[string] convert src to all upper case and returns the result llTriggerSound(string sound, float volume)plays sound at volume (0.0 - 1.0), centered at but not attached to object llTriggerSoundLimited(string sound, float volume, vector tne, vector bsw)plays sound at volume (0.0 - 1.0), centered at but not attached to object, limited to AABB defined by vectors top-north-east and bottom-south-west llUnSit(key id)If agent identified by id is sitting on the object the script is attached to or is over land owned by the objects owner, the agent is forced to stand up llVecDist(vector v1, vector v2)[float] returns the 3D distance between v1 and v2 llVecMag(vector v)[float] returns the magnitude of v llVecNorm(vector v)[vector] returns the v normalized llVolumeDetect(integer detect)If detect = TRUE, object becomes phantom but triggers collision_start and collision_end eventswhen other objects start and stop interpenetrating.Must be applied to the root object. llWater(vector v)[float] returns the water height below the object position + v llWhisper(integer channel, string msg)whispers msg on channel llWind(vector v)[vector] returns the wind velocity at the object position + v llXorBase64Strings(string s1, string s2)[string] Performs an exclusive or on two Base 64 strings and returns a Base 64 string. s2 repeats if it is shorter than s1. LOOP MASK_BASE MASK_EVERYONE MASK_GROUP MASK_NEXT MASK_OWNER money(key id, integer amount)Triggered when money is given to task moving_end()Triggered when task stops moving moving_start()Triggered when task begins moving no_sensor()Result of the llSensor library function call not_at_rot_target()Result of LLRotTarget library function call not_at_target()Result of llTarget library function call NULL_KEY object_rez(key id)Triggered when task rezes in another task on_rez(integer start_param)Triggered when task is rezed in from inventory or another task PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_AGENT PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_AUTO_ALIGN PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_LOOP PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_PAUSE PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_PLAY PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_STOP PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TEXTURE PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TIME PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_UNLOAD PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_URL PASSIVE PERM_ALL PERM_COPY PERM_MODIFY PERM_MOVE PERM_TRANSFER PERMISSION_ATTACH PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS PERMISSION_DEBIT PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION PI PI_BY_TWO PING_PONG PRIM_BUMP_BARK PRIM_BUMP_BLOBS PRIM_BUMP_BRICKS PRIM_BUMP_BRIGHT PRIM_BUMP_CHECKER PRIM_BUMP_CONCRETE PRIM_BUMP_DARK PRIM_BUMP_DISKS PRIM_BUMP_GRAVEL PRIM_BUMP_LARGETILE PRIM_BUMP_NONE PRIM_BUMP_SHINY PRIM_BUMP_SIDING PRIM_BUMP_STONE PRIM_BUMP_STUCCO PRIM_BUMP_SUCTION PRIM_BUMP_TILE PRIM_BUMP_WEAVE PRIM_BUMP_WOOD PRIM_COLOR PRIM_HOLE_CIRCLE PRIM_HOLE_DEFAULT PRIM_HOLE_SQUARE PRIM_HOLE_TRIANGLE PRIM_MATERIAL PRIM_MATERIAL_FLESH PRIM_MATERIAL_GLASS PRIM_MATERIAL_LIGHT PRIM_MATERIAL_METAL PRIM_MATERIAL_PLASTIC PRIM_MATERIAL_RUBBER PRIM_MATERIAL_STONE PRIM_MATERIAL_WOOD PRIM_PHANTOM PRIM_PHYSICS PRIM_POSITION PRIM_ROTATION PRIM_SHINY_HIGH PRIM_SHINY_LOW PRIM_SHINY_MEDIUM PRIM_SHINY_NONE PRIM_SIZE PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ PRIM_TEXTURE PRIM_TYPE PRIM_TYPE_BOX PRIM_TYPE_CYLINDER PRIM_TYPE_PRISM PRIM_TYPE_RING PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE PRIM_TYPE_TORUS PRIM_TYPE_TUBE PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA PSYS_PART_END_COLOR PSYS_PART_END_SCALE PSYS_PART_FLAGS PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA PSYS_PART_START_COLOR PSYS_PART_START_SCALE PSYS_PART_TARGET_LINEAR_MASK PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK PSYS_SRC_ACCEL PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN PSYS_SRC_INNERANGLE PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE PSYS_SRC_OMEGA PSYS_SRC_OUTERANGLE PSYS_SRC_PATTERN PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE_EMPTY PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE RAD_TO_DEG remote_data(integer event_type, key channel, key message_id, string sender,integer idata, string sdata)Triggered by various XML-RPC calls (event_type will be one of REMOTE_DATA_CHANNEL, REMOTE_DATA_REQUEST, REMOTE_DATA_REPLY) REMOTE_DATA_CHANNEL REMOTE_DATA_REPLY REMOTE_DATA_REQUEST REVERSE ROTATE run_time_permissions(integer perm)Triggered when an agent grants run time permissions to task SCALE SCRIPTED sensor(integer num_detected)Result of the llSensor library function call SMOOTH SQRT2 state_entry()Triggered on any state transition and startup state_exit()Triggered on any state transition STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB STATUS_DIE_AT_EDGE STATUS_PHANTOM STATUS_PHYSICS STATUS_RETURN_AT_EDGE STATUS_ROTATE_X STATUS_ROTATE_Y STATUS_ROTATE_Z STATUS_SANDBOX timer()Result of the llSetTimerEvent library function call. touch(integer num_detected)Triggered while agent is clicking on task touch_end(integer num_detected)Triggered when agent stops clicking on task touch_start(integer num_detected)Triggered by the start of agent clicking on task TRUE TWO_PI TYPE_FLOAT TYPE_INTEGER TYPE_INVALID TYPE_KEY TYPE_ROTATION TYPE_STRING TYPE_VECTOR VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE VEHICLE_BUOYANCY VEHICLE_FLAG_CAMERA_DECOUPLED VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_UP_ONLY VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_WATER_ONLY VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY VEHICLE_FLAG_MOUSELOOK_BANK VEHICLE_FLAG_MOUSELOOK_STEER VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_OFFSET VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME VEHICLE_TYPE_AIRPLANE VEHICLE_TYPE_BALLOON VEHICLE_TYPE_BOAT VEHICLE_TYPE_CAR VEHICLE_TYPE_NONE VEHICLE_TYPE_SLED VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE ZERO_ROTATION ZERO_VECTOR </lsl>