I can't get into the land I own.

This article is part of the Extended Second Life Knowledge Base that includes advanced and specialized information. This information was originally provided by Linden Lab, but is not actively maintained nor guaranteed to be accurate. Linden Lab does not certify nor assume any responsibility for this information.
See the official Second Life Knowledge Base for the most current information.
There are a few possible reasons for not being able to get into land that you own:
- If there's a rolling restart going on, the Region your land is in may be temporarily offline. Check the status blog.
Is it a parcel on the mainland?
- The Region you're trying to enter is full; that is, it's reached its maximum number of avatars. Take a look at the Region you're trying to enter on the World Map and see how many green dots are on it.
- In the About Land window's Options tab, it's possible to set Teleport Routing to Blocked. You might be able to get around this by teleporting into a neighboring parcel and walking or flying in.
Is the parcel on a private Region you own?
- Has your account gone delinquent? "Delinquent" means you have not paid all your fees and bills. You can check by viewing your Account Summary in your Dashboard (shown by clicking Account on the left).
- If you can get there fine, but other people cannot, please see the section below.
Is the parcel on a private Region owned by someone else?
- It's possible that the estate owner has changed the access permissions. You should contact the estate owner to find out what's going on.
- It's possible that it has been taken offline because of issues with the owner's account. You should contact the Estate owner to find out what's going on.
Did you check your maturity setting?
- Compare your maturity setting with the Region maturity. For example, if your maturity preference is set to PG and the land is set to Mature, you will need to adjust your maturity setting to PG and Mature or PG, Mature and Adult, to access the Mature land.
- Change your maturity setting from the Viewer menu. Go to Edit > Preferences > click on the General tab.
- If you don't have the option to set your preference to the Region maturity, see "How to become verified as an adult" for information.
- If you do not see options to adjust your maturity preferences, check your Viewer version by going to Help > About Second Life from the Viewer menu. Preferences can be adjusted using Viewer 1.23 and higher. Download the latest Viewer.
I can get there, but my friends can't!
- Make sure either Allow Public Access or Allow Group Access are enabled, or individual names are added to the Allowed Residents list in the Access tab of the About Land window. If you choose to limit access to a certain group, make sure your friends are in the group!
- In the About Land window's Options tab, it's possible to set Teleport Routing to Blocked. You might be able to get around this by teleporting into a neighboring parcel and walking or flying in.
- If your land is in a private Region, verify that the Region either has Allow Direct Teleport enabled in the Estate tab of the Region/Estate window, or a Telehub set up.
- If your land is in a private Region, make sure either Allow Public Access is enabled, or individual people or groups are added to the Allowed Residents or Allowed Groups lists in the Estate tab of the Region/Estate window
- Residents who cannot enter your land should check their maturity settings in the Preferences window. Let your friends know how your Region is rated so they will know which Preference to set, or they can look up the Region on the map and view the Region maturity.