Inworld Locations for Volunteers

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Revision as of 18:04, 13 February 2008 by Lexie Linden (talk | contribs)
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Recommended Locations

An In-world Landmark giver is located at Sl Volunteer IslandπŸ–ˆ. It is a push-pin that you can drop notecards or landmarks in and touch it to receive a copy


Other Infohubs

These are marked as Infohub on the map. New residents are sometimes being assigned these as home locations.

Welcome Areas

Linden Meeting Spaces

Volunteer Resources

Help Islands

Please note that only Volunteers can access Help Islands. However, "Help Island Public" and "Help Island Public2" are accessible by anyone. Please also note that "Help Island Public2" is an overflow for the busy "Help Island Public," not a load-balanced location. As such, it is sparsely populated. While "Help Island Public" is restarting after a crash, there will be no traffic diverted to "Help Island Public2."

International Areas


Resident owned

French speaking groups

See Also

These sims are not dedicated to SL Education, but you'll usually find French helpers.


Resident owned


Linden Lab owned


Resident owned

Spanish speaking groups

There are many groups where Spanish speaking residents can find help and make friends. Some of the more significant groups are (in no special order):

See Also


There are no "permanent" help structures for either Brazilian or Portuguese users, but you can join their respective major groups for more help: Brasileiros no SL (for Brazil) and Tugas no SL (for Portugal). People there will usually point new users to the most recently built areas with Portuguese content.

There is an island for Brazilian users run by residents called, very appropriately, BrasilπŸ–ˆ. Another place is listed as having information for Brazilian users: PSDB - Diretorio SLπŸ–ˆ.

Multi Language

NCI INTERNATIONALπŸ–ˆ. An International Learning Area and Tutorial Area


These locations are for the technically advanced - those who are familiar with building and scripting. There are very experienced people in the sandboxes as well, but are often too preoccupied to help the Newbies who arrive interested in finding out what they can do.

Unmanaged sandboxes have no one in particular overseeing the operations of the area. They often rely on auto-returns and may have scripts disabled to prevent griefer attacks.

Managed Sandboxes have administrators or sandbox guardians who oversee the activities on the sandboxes. They are often reachable by a paging system or group chat, if they are not physically present.

Badlands Sandboxes are areas where a mix of griefers and non-griefers gather. A fight can break out at any time, so it is best to have your shields on while you are on this land. If you need a good shield, obtain the MystiTool Freebie available from the SkyBeam Sandbox.

Unmanaged Sandboxes

Managed Sandboxes

Badlands Sandboxes