Linden Lab Official:How to report an underage Resident

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Second Life for adults, also known as "the Main Grid", requires that all Residents be 18 years or older, as stated in section 2.2 of our Terms of Service.

We take the problem of underage Residents very seriously. If you find someone under 18 years of age who shouldn't be on the Main Grid, here's what you need to do:

  1. First, make sure they've actually admitted their underage status within Second Life, in their own words in chat. For example, "I'm 14" is clear evidence. We can't accept hearsay or rumors, so "I heard that so-and-so is a young teen" or "That griefer behaves like they belong on the Teen Grid!" don't count. "Confessions" on external instant messaging programs or any areas outside of Second Life itself can't be investigated either.
  2. Inworld, use Help > Report Abuse to bring up the abuse reporter tool.
  3. Click Select category and choose Age.
  4. Enter the required information as indicated, and please be specific. If you recently heard an underage admission in chat, copy-and-paste the snippet into the Details field. If it happened earlier and you don't have a chat record, just recite as much as you remember to help us know what to look for.
  5. Click the Report Abuse button and our Abuse Team will investigate it and take appropriate action. Thanks for your help.

In most cases, teens found on the Main Grid will be transferred to Teen Second Life, and their inventory will be cleared. This is done to discourage "shopping accounts" created for the purposes of bringing stuff across grids.

Accounts found to be 12 years or younger are too young to be on any version of Second Life, sorry.

If you're between the ages of 13-17 and somehow ended up on adult Second Life, please contact a Mentor on Help Island and let them know firsthand that you'd like to be moved to the correct grid. If you think it would be funny, you can also file an Abuse Report against yourself, with your name and age. Your honesty is appreciated, and we hope you'll make lots of new friends while having fun in Teen Second Life!