Dialog Menus Control
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This is example of usage and function library needed in each scripts to use this dialog menus module.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This menus control REQUIRED Nargus Dialog Control script. You MUST have both Nargus Dialog Control and Nargus Dialog Menus in the same prim for it to work.
Menus Usage
- Initialize menus control using:
- llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuClear, "", NULL_KEY);
- Using "packDialogMessage" function to generate new menu, and add it to menus list:
- llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuAdd, packDialogMessage(....), "MenuName");
- While "MenuName" is the same of this menu, ie: MainMenu
- To make a dialog button show a sub-menu, use following as return value of the button:
- MENU_<name>
- Replace "<name>" with the actual name of the added menu (without parenthesis).
- Repeat (2) and (3) for all menus you want
- To show a menu, use:
- llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuShow, "MenuName", llGetOwner());
- Where "MenuName" is the name of menu to show. To show last-used menu, leave this field empty.
- Dialog will return value the same way as usual call to Nargus Dialog Module script.
Sample Scripts
- OnTouchSelectTexture (Tiyuk Quellmalz)
If anyone uses this module, please IM Nargus Asturias, I'd love to hear what you think.
Scripts & Example
<lsl> // READ ME: // To see this sample in action; // Put "Nargus Dialog Control" and "Nargus Dialog Menus" along with this script // in a prim and touch.
// Dialog constants integer lnkDialog = 14001; integer lnkDialogNotify = 14004; integer lnkDialogResponse = 14002; integer lnkDialogTimeOut = 14003;
integer lnkDialogReshow = 14011; integer lnkDialogCancel = 14012;
integer lnkMenuClear = 15001; integer lnkMenuAdd = 15002; integer lnkMenuShow = 15003;
string seperator = "||"; integer dialogTimeOut = 0;
// ********** DIALOG FUNCTIONS ********** string packDialogMessage(string message, list buttons, list returns){
string packed_message = message + seperator + (string)dialogTimeOut; integer i; integer count = llGetListLength(buttons); for(i=0; i<count; i++) packed_message += seperator + llList2String(buttons, i) + seperator + llList2String(returns, i);
return packed_message;
dialogReshow(){llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkDialogReshow, "", NULL_KEY);} dialogCancel(){
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkDialogCancel, "", NULL_KEY); llSleep(1);
dialogNotify(key id, string message){
list rows; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkDialogNotify, message + seperator + (string)dialogTimeOut + seperator, id);
} // ********** END DIALOG FUNCTIONS **********
state_entry(){ llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuClear, "", NULL_KEY); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuAdd, packDialogMessage( "[ Main Menu ]\n" + "Messages go here", [ "BUTTON_1", "BUTTON_2", "BUTTON_3", "BUTTON_X" ], [ "MENU_SubMenu1", "MENU_SubMenu2", "MENU_SubMenu3", "EXIT" ] ), "MainMenu"); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuAdd, packDialogMessage( "[ Sub Menu 1 ]\n" + "Messages go here", [ "SUB_1_1", "SUB_1_2", "SUB_1_3", "MAIN MENU", "SUB_3", "BUTTON_X" ], [ "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "MENU_MainMenu", "MENU_SubMenu3", "EXIT" ] ), "SubMenu1"); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuAdd, packDialogMessage( "[ Sub Menu 2 ]\n" + "Messages go here", [ "SUB_2_1", "SUB_2_2", "SUB_2_3", "MAIN MENU", "SUB_1", "BUTTON_X" ], [ "2.1", "2.2", "2.3", "MENU_MainMenu", "MENU_SubMenu1", "EXIT" ] ), "SubMenu2"); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuAdd, packDialogMessage( "[ Sub Menu 3 ]\n" + "Messages go here", [ "SUB_3_1", "SUB_3_2", "SUB_3_3", "MAIN MENU", "SUB_2", "BUTTON_X" ], [ "3.1", "3.2", "3.3", "MENU_MainMenu", "MENU_SubMenu2", "EXIT" ] ), "SubMenu3"); llSetText("Touch me to show menu", <1,1,1>, 1); }
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){ if(num == lnkDialogTimeOut){ dialogNotify(llGetOwner(), "Menu time-out. Please try again."); state default; }else if(num == lnkDialogResponse){ llWhisper(0, str); } } touch_start(integer num_detected){ llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuShow, "", llDetectedOwner(0)); }
} </lsl>
Nargus Dialog Menus v1.01 (by Nargus Asturias)
<lsl> // ********** DIALOG MENUS MODULE ********** // // By Nargus Asturias // Version 1.01 // // Multi-layer menus management module for Nargus Dialog Control. // Use same packing method as Nargus Dialog Control // // HOW TO USE: // 1) Initialize menu by sending "lnkMenuClear" signal: // llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuClear, "", NULL_KEY); // // 2) Add menu dialog using provided function (or manually, please referr to Nargus Dialog Control // manual). Make sure signal is sent with "lnkMenuAdd" and key field is menu's name; // llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuAdd, ......, "MainMenu"); // // To make a button show submenu, use following as return value of the button: // MENU_<name> // Replace "<name>" with the actual name of the added menu (without parenthesis). // // 3) Repeat (2) for as much menus as needed // // 4) To show a menu, use: // llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkMenuShow, name, llGetOwner()); // When "name" is name of the menu to show. To show last-used menu, leave this field empty. // // 5) Dialog will return value the same way as usual call to Nargus Dialog Module script. // ******************************************* //
// Dialog constants integer lnkDialog = 14001; integer lnkDialogNotify = 14004; integer lnkDialogResponse = 14002; integer lnkDialogTimeOut = 14003;
integer lnkDialogReshow = 14011; integer lnkDialogCancel = 14012;
string seperator = "||"; integer dialogTimeOut = 0;
// ********** DIALOG FUNCTIONS ********** dialogReshow(){llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkDialogReshow, "", NULL_KEY);} dialogCancel(){
llSleep(1); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkDialogCancel, "", NULL_KEY);
} // ********** END DIALOG FUNCTIONS **********
// Constants integer lnkMenuClear = 15001; integer lnkMenuAdd = 15002; integer lnkMenuShow = 15003;
// Menus variables list menuNames; // List of names of all menus list menus; // List of packed menus command, in order of menuNames
// Variables integer lastMenuIndex; // Latest called menu's index
// ********** Menu Functions ********** clearMenusList(){
menuNames = []; menus = [];
lastMenuIndex = 0;
addMenu(string name, string message, list buttons, list returns){
// Reduced menu request time by packing request commands string packed_message = message + seperator + (string)dialogTimeOut; integer i; integer count = llGetListLength(buttons); for(i=0; i<count; i++) packed_message += seperator + llList2String(buttons, i) + seperator + llList2String(returns, i);
// Add menu to the menus list menuNames += [name]; menus += [packed_message];
showMenu(string name, key id){
if(llGetListLength(menuNames) <= 0) return; integer index; if(name != ""){ index = llListFindList(menuNames, [name]); if(index < 0) index = lastMenuIndex; }else index = lastMenuIndex; lastMenuIndex = index; // Load menu command and execute string packed_message = llList2String(menus, index); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkDialog, packed_message, id);
// ********** States ********** default{
state_entry(){ clearMenusList(); }
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){ // Menu response commands if(num == lnkDialogResponse){ if(llGetSubString(str, 0, 4) == "MENU_"){ str = llDeleteSubString(str, 0, 4); showMenu(str, id); } } // Menu management commands else if(num == lnkMenuClear) clearMenusList(); else if(num == lnkMenuAdd){ list data = llParseString2List(str, [seperator], []);
string message = llList2String(data, 0); list buttons = []; list returns = [];
integer i; integer count = llGetListLength(data); for(i=2; i<count;){ buttons += [llList2String(data, i++)]; returns += [llList2String(data, i++)]; }
addMenu((string)id, message, buttons, returns);
}else if(num == lnkMenuShow){ dialogCancel(); showMenu(str, id); } }
} </lsl>