Converter for .3dm Files from MoI (or Rhino, see 'Limits' and 'discussion') to Sculpt Map (.TGA)
How to use ?
Copy the 3dm2sculpt.exe File to the Folder where you save your .3dm Files.
Drag and Drop a .3dm File on 3dm2sculpt.exe.
If it worked, you will find a new .tga File in the same Folder.
Note : if a File of the same Name exists, it will be overwritten.
Alternative : use the command Line like "3dm2sculpt mycuteobject.3dm"
Where to Download ?
Mod Version: (if it doesn't work, you may need to install this)
Old Version:
Updated :
- Normals should be OK now :)
- TGA size changed from 64x64 to 128x128
- Object is now centered correctly
- Multiple Objects are exported as numbered .TGA Files
- Fixed broken File, this Time as .ZIP
- Output Image flipped horizontally
The Object needs perfect UV Coordinates. Each surface of an object will be output in it's own file. The user will have to manually stitch multi-surface objects together with a image editing application.
Warning : this Program is new and needs more testing, make sure to use the Preview in the Upload Dialog.
Who did it ?
Cindy Crabgrass started it with a lot of help from Michael Gibson, author of MoI (Moment of Inspiration) and then Strife Onizuka took the provided source and embellished it.
Questions ? Comments ? Did it work or Crash ?
Works with Rhino
It does work with Rhino-generated *.3dm files under certain, rather specific conditions which are not very intuitive to the novice Rhino user (which I most certainly am). I have a web page on using Rhino in combination with 3dm2sculpt which I intend to maintain and update regularly.
Designing in Rhino for Second Life
Thanks so very much to Cindy Crabgrass and associates for their fine work.
Hope this helps. Aplonis Ember