Doc Team/2009-03-11

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Revision as of 14:38, 18 November 2009 by Torley Linden (talk | contribs) (moved User:Jeremy Linden/Office Hours/2009-3-11 to Doc Team/2009-03-11)
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  • [12:59 SLT] Sipo Honi: Hello all.
  • [12:59 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Hello Sipo
  • [13:00 SLT] Lephty Lewsey: hello
  • [13:00 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: This is my first time it ok to just listen in?
  • [13:00 SLT] Sipo Honi: Hello Jeremy, Dreamin22 and Lepthy
  • [13:00 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Sipo Honi has pinged you.
  • [13:00 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Of course, Dreamin22!
  • [13:00 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: :-)
  • [13:00 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Hi all :-)
  • [13:00 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Thanks!
  • [13:00 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Heya Jon and Torley!
  • [13:01 SLT] Torley Linden: HYTHAR!
  • [13:01 SLT] Jon Linden: maximum greetings
  • [13:01 SLT] Torley Linden: Hey Jeremy, Jon, everyone!
  • [13:01 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Torley Linden has pinged you.
  • [13:01 SLT] Torley Linden: Rezzing in...
  • [13:01 SLT] Torley Linden: HAHA I like that.
  • [13:01 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Hey
  • [13:01 SLT] Sipo Honi: Hello
  • [13:01 SLT] Jon Linden: i sort of suspect there are people on all of these couches, so i'm'a wait until everything's rezzed
  • [13:01 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: I see we have some watermellon wanna bees....LOL
  • [13:01 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Actually, there are quite a few seats open.
  • [13:01 SLT] Daniel Voyager: Hey everyone :)
  • [13:02 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Hey Tor--- waitaminute...
  • [13:02 SLT] Torley Linden: :O
  • [13:02 SLT] Jon Linden: hehehehe
  • [13:02 SLT] Torley Linden: Daniel that's great.
  • [13:02 SLT] Daniel Voyager: lol
  • [13:02 SLT] Torley Linden: We're clones!
  • [13:02 SLT] Daniel Voyager: Yup
  • [13:02 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Hehehe
  • [13:03 SLT] Ardy Lay: Awe sheesh. Center stage...
  • [13:03 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Uh ho, watch what you say around Ardy.
  • [13:03 SLT] Ardy Lay hides behind Torley.
  • [13:03 SLT] Torley Linden: Oh gosh it's a Dalek!
  • [13:03 SLT] Daniel Voyager: RUN
  • [13:03 SLT] Torley Linden: They only come to EXTERMINATE... and talk all robot-like.
  • [13:03 SLT] Jonit Ivory: it iso be
  • [13:03 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Where's a TIME LORD when you need 'em.
  • [13:03 SLT] Daniel Voyager: lol
  • [13:04 SLT] Torley Linden: I want a Tom Baker avatar with scarf and jelly beans.
  • [13:04 SLT] Torley Linden: Or Jelly Babies I think they're more properly called.
  • [13:04 SLT] Ardy Lay: Hehe
  • [13:04 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Oh yeah!!!
  • [13:04 SLT] Torley Linden: Welcome welcome everyone to our Doc Team office hour!
  • [13:04 SLT] Sipo Honi: Hello Torley, hehe.
  • [13:04 SLT] Torley Linden: If you haven't checked it out yet, visit our blog!
  • [13:04 SLT] Torley Linden: Kate just posted a new... post!
  • [13:05 SLT] Torley Linden: On distinguishing between bugs and... well, desired functionality like features. ;D
  • [13:05 SLT] Torley Linden: Hiya Sipo!
  • [13:05 SLT] Jon Linden: does anyone have questions or comments related to the blog, the KB, or anything else for us?
  • [13:06 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Hey Colton. Nice fishing stick!
  • [13:06 SLT] Colton Linden: Thanks :)
  • [13:07 SLT] Courteous Avedon: What did you think of the article on the artist Filthy Fluno that ran in the Sunday New York Times Magazine?
  • [13:07 SLT] Jon Linden: i heard about it, but haven't had a chance to read it yet
  • [13:07 SLT] Jeremy Linden: I'm somewhat biased... Filthy has visited us in the Boston office a couple times :-)
  • [13:07 SLT] Courteous Avedon: The article wasn't running images of Second Life...would they have had a copyright issue?
  • [13:07 SLT] Sipo Honi: Boston, wow thats where I study, I actually live in Peru. *off topic*
  • [13:08 SLT] Torley Linden: I like artists attracting other artists to make use of Second Life.
  • [13:08 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: agreed
  • [13:08 SLT] Jor3l Boa: hola muchachoss !!
  • [13:08 SLT] Jor3l Boa: Hola muchachooossss!!!
  • [13:08 SLT] Torley Linden: Courteous, we'd likely have to see/know more to understand.
  • [13:08 SLT] Torley Linden: HOLAAAA
  • [13:08 SLT] Courteous Avedon: yes
  • [13:08 SLT] Sipo Honi: Hola Jor3l
  • [13:08 SLT] Jor3l Boa: :D
  • [13:08 SLT] Torley Linden: I'm glad Brett noticed the lack of SLURLs.
  • [13:08 SLT] Jon Linden: i'm not sure either, courteous, but it's a good question
  • [13:08 SLT] Torley Linden: Whenever possible, provide a SLURL!
  • [13:09 SLT] Torley Linden: Otherwise people can't find cool places in Second Life.
  • [13:09 SLT] Das Wade: Im seing double
  • [13:09 SLT] Jon Linden: don't worry, Das, many of us are
  • [13:09 SLT] Torley Linden: I like seeing folks drop in on that middle mat.
  • [13:10 SLT] Sophie Wellesley laughs but it is embarassing to sit there and wait for a rez LOL
  • [13:10 SLT] Jeremy Linden considers painting a big red X on the target landing zone.
  • [13:10 SLT] xstorm Radek: :-)
  • [13:10 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: you feel like you should have a speech ready!
  • [13:10 SLT] Colton Linden: Just don't change the height to 100
  • [13:10 SLT] Das Wade: I heard it was you torley.. how could we resist
  • [13:10 SLT] Torley Linden: Or we could put up a soap box. Heh.
  • [13:10 SLT] Jeremy Linden: That's how I always get here! 200m up so I can survey the situation before taking a seat.
  • [13:10 SLT] Sipo Honi: I don't know if this is off topic or not, if it exists or not, but it might help with improving user experience maybe?
  • [13:10 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Go for it, Sipo.
  • [13:10 SLT] Jeremy Linden: We love thoughtful input :-)
  • [13:10 SLT] Sipo Honi: Did you hear about a texture search for SL from the web?
  • [13:11 SLT] Jeremy Linden: I haven't heard about anything like that, specifically... Has someone made one?
  • [13:11 SLT] Jon Linden: that's not something i've heard about either
  • [13:11 SLT] Sipo Honi: Actually, Me and Jor3l over there made one :)
  • [13:11 SLT] Torley Linden: And Kate's here!
  • [13:11 SLT] Kate Linden: Hi !
  • [13:11 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Very cool! Can you share the URL?
  • [13:11 SLT] Sipo Honi: Sure!
  • [13:12 SLT] Jor3l Boa: hola muchachoss !!
  • [13:12 SLT] Jor3l Boa: Hola muchachooossss!!!
  • [13:12 SLT] Jor3l Boa: hola kate :)
  • [13:12 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Sipo, this is great news!
  • [13:12 SLT] Kate Linden: I've just posted a new KBAotW on our TNT blog.
  • [13:12 SLT] Sipo Honi: Its very easy to use.
  • [13:12 SLT] Jeremy Linden: KBAotW = Knowledge Base Article of the Week.
  • [13:12 SLT] Jor3l Boa: or :)
  • [13:12 SLT] Jonit Ivory: I crash and I come back to a Required update on the RC, how annoying
  • [13:12 SLT] Sipo Honi: It works by hosting the textures on one of our servers and they can be shared to all the SL community :)
  • [13:13 SLT] Torley Linden: Yes Jonit, 1.22 official is out today. Quick tip for anyone who wants a ONE-CLICK link to download Second Life: :)
  • [13:13 SLT] Kate Linden: Torley twins!
  • [13:13 SLT] Kate Linden: Cute avatar Daniel lol
  • [13:13 SLT] Jon Linden: what would a typical use case for this texture search be?
  • [13:13 SLT] Jeremy Linden: So all the textures are free to use by anyone who uses your site?
  • [13:13 SLT] Torley Linden: Hey jor3l I see one of my textures in there so far... I'm trying to get a better understanding of this too...
  • [13:14 SLT] Sipo Honi: For examle, you want a texture of a door, you type in door and get the texture
  • [13:14 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: that is just so you can throw stuff at us when we land Jeremy
  • [13:14 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Sophie Wellesley has pinged you.
  • [13:14 SLT] Sipo Honi: Its very simple
  • [13:14 SLT] Torley Linden: Oh neat!
  • [13:14 SLT] Marianne McCann: Hiya
  • [13:14 SLT] Torley Linden: I just signed up at, got a validation code, then searched for a texture. Found it, clicked it, it was delivered.
  • [13:14 SLT] Torley Linden: This could make browsing a lot faster than, well, inworld texture browsers.
  • [13:14 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: sweet!
  • [13:15 SLT] Sipo Honi: It is a very nice tool
  • [13:15 SLT] Sipo Honi: and free of course
  • [13:15 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: that is cool Torley
  • [13:15 SLT] Marianne McCann: Is that TRU, or another? I know TRU moved a lot of their stock to the web
  • [13:15 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: tweet that
  • [13:15 SLT] Torley Linden: I clicked on the website and it sent it to me inworld in an Xstreet-ish way, if that helps communicate the model.
  • [13:15 SLT] Jaymes Kjeller: Hello eveyone, everything's rezzing in for me now. :)
  • [13:15 SLT] Jeremy Linden: I'm guessing you guys are using a bot to upload and send the textures?
  • [13:15 SLT] Torley Linden: Haha yeah Sophie I'm going to try it out further and learn more.
  • [13:15 SLT] Sipo Honi: No bot
  • [13:15 SLT] Marianne McCann: Sorry to anyone I ran over before rezzing
  • [13:15 SLT] Sipo Honi: Its all communication
  • [13:15 SLT] Marianne McCann: lsl?
  • [13:15 SLT] Sipo Honi: Yes
  • [13:16 SLT] Sipo Honi: and of course database and php
  • [13:16 SLT] xstorm Radek: i had problems with TRU in the past im glad to see new texture librarys come in to SL
  • [13:16 SLT] Viorel Daviau: Dang, sorry.
  • [13:16 SLT] Torley Linden: Suggestion: wish direct links to textures were easier. Or eventually, tags and collections to organize them a la Flickr.
  • [13:16 SLT] Jor3l Boa: and Ajax :)
  • [13:16 SLT] Sipo Honi: All that is needed is a prim to host the textures :) they act as servers
  • [13:16 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: tags, of course they need tags :)
  • [13:16 SLT] Das Wade: i would still love to know how they come inworld wothout a bot
  • [13:16 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: makes sense
  • [13:16 SLT] Das Wade: lol
  • [13:16 SLT] Torley Linden: Great innovation, thanks for sharing this... now to observe growth. :D
  • [13:16 SLT] Sipo Honi: You can see Torley, we already introduced categories
  • [13:17 SLT] Jaymes Kjeller: A Flickr-style interface would be cool, it would make things a lot easier.
  • [13:17 SLT] Torley Linden: Das, what Sipo mentioned... servers are inworld which get messages from the website.
  • [13:17 SLT] xstorm Radek: can not a watermark on textures show there makers and the data be added for info ?
  • [13:17 SLT] Torley Linden: I gave up on inworld texture browsers a long time ago, it just took too long when I was in a creative rush.
  • [13:17 SLT] Sipo Honi: The database gets a record of the owner, and it shows the UUID
  • [13:17 SLT] Marianne McCann: Hi Again Ghosty!
  • [13:17 SLT] Sipo Honi: The textures get delivered to the avatar with no need of registration
  • [13:17 SLT] Ghosty Kips: Hallo
  • [13:18 SLT] Sipo Honi: Its something I would like to share with everyone but I dont have a big voice, hehe
  • [13:18 SLT] xstorm Radek: i like that
  • [13:18 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Yes, I know one of the hardest parts of building (for me) is finding or creating the right textures... something like this could be very handy :-)
  • [13:18 SLT] Torley Linden: Well it was pretty simple in my little trial to make it work, Sipo.
  • [13:18 SLT] Das Wade: I love it
  • [13:18 SLT] Torley Linden: Yeah, imagine the social possibilities:
  • [13:18 SLT] Torley Linden: being able to pool textures together with friends and have a common set there which is updated, instead of repeatedly dragging folders on each other.
  • [13:18 SLT] Torley Linden: And then grabbing them as-needed to maintain style and consistency in a group build.
  • [13:19 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: file share for textures
  • [13:19 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: or anything really
  • [13:19 SLT] xstorm Radek: it will speed up things when it comes to building on large scale
  • [13:19 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: it could be set up ...
  • [13:19 SLT] Torley Linden: You know what, if this was extended to other media like sounds too, that'd be bad@$$.
  • [13:19 SLT] Sipo Honi: Well, I encourage everyone here to share this textuer feature :) very handy for the SL community
  • [13:19 SLT] Sipo Honi: Nice Idea torley!
  • [13:19 SLT] Torley Linden: Sounds can be even more troublesome to browse inworld because they need to cache.
  • [13:19 SLT] xstorm Radek: yes true
  • [13:19 SLT] Torley Linden: And then it's like WAIT WAIT WAIT.
  • [13:19 SLT] Das Wade: Thanks Sipo
  • [13:19 SLT] Sipo Honi: We have the scripts, just some change and we could share sounds animations!
  • [13:19 SLT] Spino Forcella: hello to everyone ㋡
  • [13:20 SLT] Terri Holrych: wow how cutttee
  • [13:20 SLT] xstorm Radek: may i have a copy of the info please
  • [13:20 SLT] Torley Linden: If sounds had an online Flash preview or something...
  • [13:20 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Sipo, is there a recommended email or posting area for people to make comments and share feedback with on this tool?
  • [13:20 SLT] Torley Linden: Great question, Dreamin22. So I can direct inquiries to the right place.
  • [13:20 SLT] Sipo Honi: There is a support email you can share your ideas with :)
  • [13:20 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: :-)
  • [13:20 SLT] Torley Linden: Terri, that's a lot of strawberry!
  • [13:21 SLT] Terri Holrych: thanks!!!!
  • [13:21 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Great. I'll check it out after the group meet.
  • [13:21 SLT] Terri Holrych giggles
  • [13:21 SLT] Sipo Honi: Just now we only have about 600 textures in the server , imagine it after many people have it, thousands of textures!
  • [13:21 SLT] Jor3l Boa: <- :)
  • [13:21 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: anyone care to discuss the new viewer, and what it has?
  • [13:21 SLT] Torley Linden: Thx.
  • [13:21 SLT] Sipo Honi: But Torley, I liked your idea about the sound :)
  • [13:21 SLT] Torley Linden: Yes that's right up our alley Sophie since we're updating docs for it.
  • [13:22 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: Torley, I have been in for 3 years :) not on this avatar LOL but a long time...and I dont like how everyone is gray now..
  • [13:22 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: will the new viewer address that
  • [13:22 SLT] Sipo Honi: It would be nice if SL could provide a way to reproduce sounds outside of SL, the same way textures can be seen outside of SL
  • [13:22 SLT] Resu Paulse: atras tuyo
  • [13:22 SLT] Jonit Ivory: I'm less dangerous grey
  • [13:22 SLT] Torley Linden: Hm, can you describe further? Is it just avatars or other textures that are gray unless you, for instance, zoom in on them and give them cursor focus?
  • [13:23 SLT] Sipo Honi: Also, I noticed sometimes texture links are broken or go missing for some reason.
  • [13:23 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: only avatars, not other textures
  • [13:23 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: and it is not just me
  • [13:23 SLT] Torley Linden: Sipo, that sounds familiar, like a known Issue Tracker bug.
  • [13:23 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: slow rez than ever
  • [13:23 SLT] Torley Linden: Sophie, I don't know about "only avatars" but "textures in general" is an ongoing known issue.
  • [13:24 SLT] Viorel Daviau: Such hate, gray folks are people too :p
  • [13:24 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: major pipe at the moment (at work)
  • [13:24 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: and on a macbook pro with an HD display
  • [13:24 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: so it is not me LOL or at least it should not be me
  • [13:24 SLT] Torley Linden: If anyone's experiencing "Textures are so slow to load or don't load until I move the cursor over them", that's hot.
  • [13:24 SLT] Torley Linden: Haha Ardy!
  • [13:24 SLT] Marianne McCann: Biorel - must we separate avatars by the color of their mess, rather than the content of their profile? /me winks
  • [13:24 SLT] Torley Linden: Indeed.
  • [13:24 SLT] Marianne McCann: Viorel*
  • [13:25 SLT] Jonit Ivory: I experience invisible avatars, only attachments visible uintil I zoom in
  • [13:25 SLT] Torley Linden: Sipo, I wonder if that "MISSING IMAGE" is
  • [13:25 SLT] Viorel Daviau: Hehe Mari
  • [13:25 SLT] Jonit Ivory: there is a JIRA but I forget the number
  • [13:25 SLT] Sipo Honi: Let me take a look at it.
  • [13:25 SLT] Ardy Lay:
  • [13:25 SLT] Torley Linden: Jonit, see if that still happens with Avatar Impostors off in Preferences > Graphics tab?
  • [13:25 SLT] Jonit Ivory: ok sure, nice idea Torley
  • [13:25 SLT] Marianne McCann: I see that from time to time Jonit. Usually seems to be an issue of distance, and often when impostors are a part of it
  • [13:25 SLT] Torley Linden: Oh wait sorry Sipo, wrong one I pointed to.
  • [13:25 SLT] Torley Linden: That's another. :O
  • [13:25 SLT] Sipo Honi: Hehe
  • [13:25 SLT] Terri Holrych: are we on voice too
  • [13:26 SLT] Torley Linden: No Terri.
  • [13:26 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: Dreamin is still gray to me...:(
  • [13:26 SLT] Ellla McMahon: Jonit ?
  • [13:26 SLT] Terri Holrych: kk
  • [13:26 SLT] Jon Linden: this discussion is extremely timely given Kate's new KB Article of the Week, heh
  • [13:26 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: it just did not used to be like this....
  • [13:26 SLT] Torley Linden: Yes Jon!
  • [13:26 SLT] Torley Linden: Thanks Ellla!
  • [13:26 SLT] Jeremy Linden: We hold office hours in text for logging purposes. I'll be posting a transcript at the end of the hour for anyone who missed today's meeting.
  • [13:26 SLT] Jonit Ivory: Ella yes! that's the, to use Torley's words.. pigslop issue
  • [13:26 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: everyone I know talks about this issue....the gray people thing
  • [13:27 SLT] Sipo Honi: Hello Kate, did you get to hear about the textureSearch me and Jor3l made? :)
  • [13:27 SLT] Torley Linden: Heh, I used "pig slop" to refer to social media dreck, but I'm sure it can be applied elsewhere too.
  • [13:27 SLT] Jor3l Boa: :D
  • [13:27 SLT] Jonit Ivory: too much "transparency"
  • [13:27 SLT] Terri Holrych: and the driver issue
  • [13:27 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: <---doesn't feel grey.
  • [13:27 SLT] Marianne McCann: All are rezzed for me, though it is kinda annoying to see people so close ot me in "impostor" (Jon) or others jes across the way who's legs get cut off due to an impostor glitch
  • [13:27 SLT] Jonit Ivory: applicable I hope
  • [13:27 SLT] Jaymes Kjeller: I would say there could be many culprits for graphical problems. The graphics card itself (I tend to call them GPUs), the driver, the viewer...there are quite a few.
  • [13:27 SLT] Torley Linden: Well Jonit the "transparency" I meant has to do with companies that claim to communicate but don't. Not literal transparency of graphics in a virtual world. =))
  • [13:28 SLT] Ghosty Kips: I agree with Mari, I think the imposters come in much too close ...
  • [13:28 SLT] Torley Linden: Ghosty, even when you move Avatars Mesh Detail all the way to the right?
  • [13:28 SLT] Marianne McCann: Torley - maybe those companies should use alphas?
  • [13:28 SLT] Marianne McCann winks
  • [13:28 SLT] Torley Linden: Hahaha. ;D
  • [13:28 SLT] Jonit Ivory: of course, but it seemed a good lead to your vids, I enjoy them a *LOT*
  • [13:28 SLT] Ghosty Kips: yep
  • [13:28 SLT] Torley Linden: Oh thanks Jonit! =D
  • [13:28 SLT] Ghosty Kips: still too close, at least for me :)
  • [13:28 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Yes!
  • [13:29 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: I meant the videos.
  • [13:29 SLT] Torley Linden: Ghosty, I bet you can override that with a Debug Setting. (Use at your own risk.)
  • [13:29 SLT] Torley Linden: Awwwe. ^_^
  • [13:29 SLT] Ghosty Kips: hehe maybe
  • [13:29 SLT] Ghosty Kips: what setting would that be
  • [13:29 SLT] Torley Linden: Perhaps RenderAvatarLODFactor and boost that crazy high?
  • [13:29 SLT] Ghosty Kips: lemme check that
  • [13:30 SLT] Torley Linden: Else tho, might as well just turn off impostors, as it won't benefit you that much if its impact is negligible.
  • [13:30 SLT] Jaymes Kjeller: You could do that, or you can turn imposters off, but I don't know if it's reccomended or not...
  • [13:30 SLT] Torley Linden: It's fine to turn impostors off. Just slower. If you feel fine, then that's cool.
  • [13:30 SLT] Torley Linden: I turn impostors off for machinima.
  • [13:30 SLT] Ghosty Kips: well, for me, imposters are fine and ;likely a good thing. But ... not at 30m :) thats a bit close
  • [13:30 SLT] Viorel Daviau: Since we're on the topic of textures, and I noticed the KB mentioned something about .jp2. Is that the format all images uploaded are converted too?
  • [13:31 SLT] Torley Linden: Ghosty I think it was Runitai Linden who worked out that distance and why that was a good balance between performance and quality.
  • [13:31 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: ok noooow I see Jor31 Boa :) very cute AV
  • [13:31 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Yeah. Impostors exist to boost performance at the slight expense of some graphical quality in avatars... if it winds up making people disappear or look strange, it isn't doing its job :-)
  • [13:31 SLT] Marianne McCann: From where I sit, Jon and Spino amonsgt others are impostors. That seems awful short
  • [13:31 SLT] Jor3l Boa: :D ty
  • [13:31 SLT] Jonit Ivory: maybe WorkingOnIt should pass 9317 to Runtai?
  • [13:31 SLT] Jeremy Linden sees Jon as an impostor too. Maybe he just left a cardboard cutout of himself here.
  • [13:31 SLT] Marianne McCann: But I could gripe about some of that all day (TreeLOD is 0.5? Why on earth?)
  • [13:31 SLT] Sophie Wellesley is glad to know she is not the only one with this problem
  • [13:32 SLT] Torley Linden: Perhaps but that would be good to bring up at a Bug Hunters Office Hour, Jonit. :)
  • [13:32 SLT] Ghosty Kips: I see Jon as an imposter also ... that's really too close
  • [13:32 SLT] Torley Linden: FLAT JELLO
  • [13:32 SLT] Jonit Ivory: I'll do
  • [13:32 SLT] Jonit Ivory: :)
  • [13:32 SLT] Spino Forcella: io avevo questo problema con la versione ufficiale , la release candidate lavora molto bene
  • [13:32 SLT] Spino's translator: I had this problem with the official version, the release candidate works very well
  • [13:32 SLT] Torley Linden: I think, am not sure... but Impostors may have to do with avatar motion too. So if someone is moving around a lot and not static in a scene, they're less likely to be impostered. Seems vaguely familiar but I don't have hard facts to back that up.
  • [13:33 SLT] xstorm Radek: will there some day be cut path in mesh layer in tools ?
  • [13:33 SLT] Ghosty Kips: shouldnt this scale based on the criteria of the system doing the rendering also?
  • [13:33 SLT] Terri Holrych: ok gimme bears
  • [13:33 SLT] Ghosty Kips: rofl
  • [13:33 SLT] Viorel Daviau: lol
  • [13:34 SLT] Spino Forcella: ㋡
  • [13:34 SLT] Spino's translator: ㋡
  • [13:34 SLT] Ghosty Kips: not even a please
  • [13:34 SLT] Terri Holrych: NOW
  • [13:34 SLT] Jonit Ivory: nah! it's bearzzz we need them?
  • [13:34 SLT] Jonit Ivory: NOW!
  • [13:34 SLT] Jeremy Linden: If you guys want Linden bears from us, please IM us directly... it makes it easier for us to make sure everyone gets one :-)
  • [13:34 SLT] Ghosty Kips: you can haz bearz
  • [13:34 SLT] Terri Holrych: whats a impostor
  • [13:34 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: all I want is not gray people, no bear for me :) lol
  • [13:35 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: and no cloud people..
  • [13:35 SLT] Ghosty Kips: let me know when i can bring up somethign not related to the RC :) I dont want to derail the meeting
  • [13:35 SLT] Colton Linden: reminds me to make a cloud bear
  • [13:35 SLT] Jeremy Linden:
  • [13:35 SLT] Natalya Debevec chuckles
  • [13:35 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: or marshmallow
  • [13:35 SLT] xstorm Radek accepted your inventory offer.
  • [13:35 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Just an observation...I changed my graphics setting lower and several people disappered---until I moved around my camera controls...then they re-rezzed.
  • [13:36 SLT] Ghosty Kips: oof ive not seen that thankfully
  • [13:36 SLT] Jonit Ivory: that's natural selection, they were meant to dissapear
  • [13:36 SLT] Terri Holrych accepted your inventory offer.
  • [13:36 SLT] Ghosty Kips: darwinism in the code
  • [13:36 SLT] Ardy Lay: RenderAvatarMaxVisible ?
  • [13:36 SLT] Jeremy Linden: There is also a hard limit of about 35 avatars that your viewer can see at one time. It is possible to increase that number, but it could do bad things to your performance...
  • [13:37 SLT] Ghosty Kips: hmm
  • [13:37 SLT] Marianne McCann: I brought my own impostor, just in case
  • [13:37 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Thanks Jeremy.
  • [13:37 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Dreamin22 Nitely has pinged you.
  • [13:37 SLT] Torley Linden: Aye, you'll see distant avatars fade out as that number is exceeded.
  • [13:37 SLT] Jonit Ivory: seems incongruous with the private estate max avatar of 100 non?
  • [13:37 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: well you dont need to see all of them at once though...
  • [13:38 SLT] Torley Linden: Not necessarily Jonit, because that many people on a region could be doing different things on 4 corners.
  • [13:38 SLT] Jor3l Boa whispers: crash :)
  • [13:38 SLT] Sipo Honi: :P
  • [13:38 SLT] Jonit Ivory: well yes
  • [13:38 SLT] Torley Linden: Or a musician with a popular concert doesn't need to see all like Sophie points out, but performance is more important.
  • [13:38 SLT] Ghosty Kips: well, would it be possible to have impostered avatars exceed that max?
  • [13:38 SLT] Ghosty Kips: as a toggle, perhaps
  • [13:38 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: ok someone tell me what an imposter is
  • [13:39 SLT] Torley Linden: Well Ghosty, that's why we put in the Debug Setting, so you can increase at your own risk (both impostors and non-impostors).
  • [13:39 SLT] Ghosty Kips: an avatar imposter is a very scaled down version of an avatar you see at distance
  • [13:39 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Sophie:
  • [13:39 SLT] Torley Linden: Sophie, Jeremy pasted an earlier link with info. :)
  • [13:39 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Torley Linden has pinged you.
  • [13:39 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: is that a cloud puff, like what I am sitting next to?
  • [13:39 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: ok thanks :)
  • [13:39 SLT] Torley Linden: The cloud puff is "Ruth 2.0". :)
  • [13:39 SLT] Torley Linden:
  • [13:39 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: lol
  • [13:39 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Hahahha
  • [13:39 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: funny how men used to be ruthed
  • [13:39 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Basically, your computer decides to show far-away avatars as 2D cardboard cutouts to save computing power. :-)
  • [13:40 SLT] Marianne McCann: "Ruth 2.0" needs a way better name than "Ruth 2.0"
  • [13:40 SLT] Ghosty Kips: which I am very happy about. Ruth 1.0 was seriously desturbing as a newbie. ... "Oh, look, I am a small Asian-looking woman with a moustache."
  • [13:40 SLT] Torley Linden: AND A FREAKIN' MULLET.
  • [13:40 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: and boobs
  • [13:40 SLT] Torley Linden: CUT... THE... MULLET.
  • [13:40 SLT] Torley Linden: (Tribute to Wesley Willis there.)
  • [13:40 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: man boobs
  • [13:40 SLT] Torley Linden: Moobs.
  • [13:40 SLT] xstorm Radek: i think i need a cheat sheet for the debug settings i need to make it work better with nvidia SLI
  • [13:40 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: lol
  • [13:40 SLT] Jor3l Boa: :O
  • [13:40 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: I wonder which linden thought that up
  • [13:40 SLT] Marianne McCann: I hear there's a nice one, XStorm
  • [13:40 SLT] Torley Linden: We found it was embarrassing for businesspeople (and others) who'd try to be all serious, then end up having a fuller-than-expected bossom at their well-attended conference.
  • [13:41 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: I have picks of my man friends being ruthed
  • [13:41 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: it is sooo funny
  • [13:41 SLT] xstorm Radek: is there ?
  • [13:41 SLT] Marianne McCann: (Cue the URL...)
  • [13:41 SLT] Jonit Ivory: you can buy Ruth 1.0 on Xstreet now
  • [13:41 SLT] Kate Linden: Sophie:
  • [13:41 SLT] Ghosty Kips: no kidding xstorm, there's so many I like to set now I cant keep track between installations
  • [13:41 SLT] Viorel Daviau laughs!
  • [13:41 SLT] Jonit Ivory: collector's item
  • [13:41 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Cheat sheet for the debug settings on the wiki:
  • [13:41 SLT] Marianne McCann: Heck, I have ruth in my inventory. Why buy?
  • [13:41 SLT] xstorm Radek: ty
  • [13:41 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: lol
  • [13:41 SLT] Ghosty Kips: theu that mari
  • [13:41 SLT] Jonit Ivory: still in Library
  • [13:41 SLT] Jonit Ivory: ?
  • [13:41 SLT] Ghosty Kips: *true
  • [13:41 SLT] Torley Linden: Ruth for sale, LOL.
  • [13:41 SLT] Torley Linden: "(Formerly known as: I've suddenly and unexpectedly turned into an ugly woman.)"
  • [13:41 SLT] Jonit Ivory: kinda Gorean
  • [13:41 SLT] Marianne McCann: If not, then it's likely in tht box in Stillman
  • [13:41 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: ok Lindens
  • [13:42 SLT] Torley Linden: HAHAAHAHHAA OHHH if I was drinking milk, HOWWW it would spewww
  • [13:42 SLT] Ardy Lay: Ruth 2.0 hmm....
  • [13:42 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: I teach SL /RL classes
  • [13:42 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: to educators in my training lab
  • [13:42 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: (on my other avatar
  • [13:42 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: they come to my homestead, and RL in my lab
  • [13:42 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: LOL
  • [13:43 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: and then I show them how to use SL from newbie to then attend a class at the iste or DEN
  • [13:43 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: my question is about homestead
  • [13:43 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: is it settled
  • [13:43 SLT] Torley Linden: I'm glad to hear you're helpful, Sophie! Explain what you mean by "settled" more, please? :)
  • [13:43 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: lol I get paid, I am not altruistic LOL
  • [13:43 SLT] Ghosty Kips: :)
  • [13:43 SLT] Marianne McCann: Gotta jump. Have fun, all!
  • [13:44 SLT] Ghosty Kips: bye mari
  • [13:44 SLT] Marianne McCann: Bye Bye!!
  • [13:44 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Thanks for coming, Marianne.
  • [13:44 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: anyway :) scripts, homesteads weregoing to be limited
  • [13:44 SLT] Jaymes Kjeller: See you Marianne.
  • [13:44 SLT] Torley Linden: T'care Mari!
  • [13:44 SLT] Spino Forcella: BYE mARI
  • [13:44 SLT] Spino's translator: BYE MARI
  • [13:44 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Marianne, take care!
  • [13:44 SLT] Jonit Ivory: damn' Kate's impostering..
  • [13:44 SLT] Jonit Ivory moves camera
  • [13:44 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: has a decision been made about homesteads and scripts
  • [13:44 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: that is my question
  • [13:45 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: becasue that is where I teach
  • [13:45 SLT] Jon Linden: i have no visibility into land decisions
  • [13:45 SLT] Jaymes Kjeller: I doubt it will settle, I can see lots of fighting ahead before a conensus is reached. Even then, I'm being optimistic!
  • [13:45 SLT] Holocluck Henly: Belated and blind hello
  • [13:45 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Hello Holo
  • [13:45 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Hello, Holocluck.
  • [13:45 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: wow, cool glasses Holocluck :)
  • [13:45 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Nice specs.
  • [13:46 SLT] Holocluck Henly: ty I see in 3D
  • [13:46 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Sophie, I'm afraid it looks like we don't know the answer to your question at this time. As soon as we hear, we'll definitely update the Knowledge Base with the information :-)
  • [13:46 SLT] Terri Holrych: sorry i crashed cuz three ppl in SL at the same time in the house
  • [13:46 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: ty Jeremy
  • [13:46 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Sophie Wellesley has pinged you.
  • [13:46 SLT] Torley Linden: Cool Terri!
  • [13:46 SLT] Terri Holrych: on one internet connection
  • [13:46 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: So Sophie, did you get the clarification you wanted?
  • [13:46 SLT] Ghosty Kips: dial-up
  • [13:46 SLT] Terri Holrych: thankx
  • [13:46 SLT] Sophie Wellesley smiles I know sometime they will know Dreamin
  • [13:47 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: but at least I am not limited at the moment
  • [13:47 SLT] Jonit Ivory: ok? soooo how are the new blogs going?
  • [13:48 SLT] Ghosty Kips: I like the new blogs a lot
  • [13:48 SLT] Torley Linden: They go well, thanks for asking! We're off to a nice start and more tips & tricks are coming.
  • [13:48 SLT] Torley Linden: For anyone who missed the link earlier or hasn't visited us,
  • [13:48 SLT] Courteous Avedon: I have a general question...What determines where the Second Life MOON is located?
  • [13:48 SLT] Jonit Ivory: you all seem more verbose now, it's good to see :)
  • [13:48 SLT] Torley Linden: Feel free to comment if you want to say something when we're not actively around to talk inworld like this.
  • [13:48 SLT] Ghosty Kips: it's opposite the Sun :D
  • [13:48 SLT] Terri Holrych accepted your inventory offer.
  • [13:49 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Hahahha
  • [13:49 SLT] Jon Linden: man, that is a good question, courteous
  • [13:49 SLT] Holocluck Henly: It rises due east and sets due west
  • [13:49 SLT] Torley Linden: Courteous, you can control the moon too. :D World menu > Environment Settings and get into the Environment Editor's Advanced Sky.
  • [13:49 SLT] Ghosty Kips: I created a sunbdial that works on the SL sun some time ago, so I learned quite a bit about it
  • [13:49 SLT] Courteous Avedon: I was at about 3500 meters and it was still high overhead
  • [13:49 SLT] Courteous Avedon: Thank you Torley
  • [13:49 SLT] Torley Linden: That changes it locally so other people don't see your changes, but it is pretty AWESOME to change the moon and sun!
  • [13:49 SLT] Torley Linden: AND SKY! AND WATER! OK, too excited here.
  • [13:49 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Heh! I think the moon is a bit higher in the sky than 3500 meters.
  • [13:50 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Ghosty, a sundial? I've thought of doing one.
  • [13:50 SLT] Ghosty Kips: a lot higher, Ive been there :)
  • [13:50 SLT] Jor3l Boa: hmmm, food :D
  • [13:50 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: thanks so much for the help Lindens :) and for the office hours :) this is great.. time for me to go teach again...
  • [13:50 SLT] Torley Linden: You're most welcome Sophie. Happy teaching!
  • [13:50 SLT] xstorm Radek: yes it is
  • [13:50 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Thanks for coming, Sophie!
  • [13:50 SLT] xstorm Radek: the moon is much higher
  • [13:50 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Good luck Sophie!
  • [13:50 SLT] Jor3l Boa: yw :)
  • [13:50 SLT] Jon Linden: feel free to come back next week!
  • [13:50 SLT] Torley Linden: Bring friends!
  • [13:50 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: ...and food!
  • [13:51 SLT] Jeremy Linden: You know, it's harder than you might think to find good food in Second Life.
  • [13:51 SLT] Courteous Avedon: Any plans of letting Second Life explore and populate the moon?
  • [13:51 SLT] Spino Forcella: Torlley , io posso avere il piacere di aggiungere te come amico? :-)
  • [13:51 SLT] Jeremy Linden: I mean, there's plenty of Jello here, but...
  • [13:51 SLT] xstorm Radek: *GIGGLES* :)Jeremy Linden 21:03, 11 March 2009 (UTC)
  • [13:51 SLT] Ghosty Kips: in either case, the sun follows a bizarre path through the sky ... rising in the SE and setting in the SW. it took me months to figure out how to make a sundial that follows that :)
  • [13:51 SLT] Jonit Ivory: i believe thare are pizza delivery companies
  • [13:51 SLT] Torley Linden: I dream of finely-sculpted sushi.
  • [13:51 SLT] Terri Holrych: we should have pho in SL
  • [13:51 SLT] xstorm Radek: they have sushi
  • [13:51 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Mmmmm, sushi.
  • [13:51 SLT] Torley Linden: Ghosty, there's also a weird crossover at 8:00 AM. ;)
  • [13:52 SLT] Ghosty Kips: I like sushi
  • [13:52 SLT] xstorm Radek: i have had it
  • [13:52 SLT] Lephty Lewsey: that jello looks pretty yummy
  • [13:52 SLT] Jeremy Linden:
  • [13:52 SLT] Torley Linden: I like sushi so much I named my cat Sushi.
  • [13:52 SLT] Ghosty Kips: yes there is Torley! but I found I was able to ignore it, largely
  • [13:52 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Thanks Jeremy!
  • [13:52 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Dreamin22 Nitely has pinged you.
  • [13:52 SLT] Jon Linden: this jello is only marginally edible
  • [13:53 SLT] Ghosty Kips: um I have a question too, one bound to cause pain in all the Lindens, much as I love you guys :) ..
  • [13:53 SLT] Jeremy Linden braces for it.
  • [13:53 SLT] Courteous Avedon: So, with that major article in the NYTimes (I think over a million in circulation) it would have been good to have a 2nd Life ad running in the same Magazine...
  • [13:53 SLT] Ghosty Kips: when, oh when, will we see new forums? for the old ones are rifde with alts and nonsense
  • [13:53 SLT] Torley Linden: In Second Life, jello eats YOU!
  • [13:53 SLT] Ghosty Kips: not that I mind nonsense on occasion :)
  • [13:54 SLT] Holocluck Henly: its nice for a change that there's an SL article not about perves and how everything is their fault for damaging the children of america
  • [13:54 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Ghosty, we're working on it, but this team isn't directly involved... I don't think we have a solid release date on it.
  • [13:54 SLT] Jaymes Kjeller: I hate forums, enitrely!
  • [13:54 SLT] Torley Linden: Courteous, my take is that we'd have to do something special. Old-skool advertising gets too easily tuned out.
  • [13:54 SLT] Torley Linden: See Seth Godin's Permission Marketing for why.
  • [13:54 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Oh Darn!
  • [13:54 SLT] Torley Linden: Hey Tourma. :)
  • [13:54 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Its the timezone hour thingy
  • [13:54 SLT] Jaymes Kjeller: Holoduck: That's why I hate the media.
  • [13:54 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Hey Torley :) Hey everyone
  • [13:55 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: I'm late cos you all went forward an hour :(
  • [13:55 SLT] Torley Linden: Spino plz send friendship to my alt (listed in my profile).
  • [13:55 SLT] Jor3l Boa: Hola tourmaline
  • [13:55 SLT] Torley Linden: Awwwe.
  • [13:55 SLT] Ghosty Kips: Jeremy, I and a whole lot of folks would loke to get at least a general date for this. Its really important and badly needed. Any chance you could get one for us?
  • [13:55 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Ghosty Kips has pinged you.
  • [13:55 SLT] Courteous Avedon: Right, I thought the special was to synergize with an article running, Just a thought
  • [13:55 SLT] Holocluck Henly: the media is there to be impressed and if you hide in the shadows people will think otherwise of you
  • [13:55 SLT] Torley Linden: Well there's always next week.
  • [13:55 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Hey Tournaline!
  • [13:55 SLT] Spino Forcella: thanks lol ok
  • [13:55 SLT] Spino's translator: lol ok thanks
  • [13:55 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: lol yeah
  • [13:55 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Sorry Ghosty. There might not actually *be* a firm date.
  • [13:55 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Hey Dreamin
  • [13:55 SLT] Ghosty Kips: I'll take a maybe-month? A given year in supposition? A firm maybe?
  • [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: Courteous yeah, and of course if you tell your friends about SL that'll help even better because they trust you more than an ad square on a piece of paper. :-D
  • [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: Hahah @ "A given year in supposition."
  • [13:56 SLT] Jonit Ivory: myths can easily be displelled by talking to people, showing them SL
  • [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: Best not to speculate on what we can't promise, Ghosty.
  • [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: Or else it'll be another Blue's TOLD YA SO.
  • [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: But worse.
  • [13:56 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Ghosty, you might be able to get a more informed answer from Blue at his office hours. His are on Wednesdays at 4pm.
  • [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: Not fun like that was.
  • [13:57 SLT] Ghosty Kips: because to be honest, the moderation is non-existant in RA, the other forums seem underused often-times ... and I'll take a Blue "told ya so' any day :D
  • [13:57 SLT] Viorel Daviau: Was it mentioned that the twitter link on that page is an invalid URL?
  • [13:57 SLT] Torley Linden: Viorel, where? Link plz?
  • [13:57 SLT] xstorm Radek: Secondlife Self Image and how you handle your self around others is verry impotent
  • [13:57 SLT] Ghosty Kips: groovy, thats today, I'll be there
  • [13:57 SLT] Ghosty Kips: err no wait ... 4pm slt yes?
  • [13:57 SLT] Viorel Daviau: The topic page
  • [13:57 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: sigh, have to relog
  • [13:57 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Yes. All Lindens use Pacific (SL) time.
  • [13:58 SLT] Ghosty Kips: juuuuust checkin :)
  • [13:58 SLT] Ghosty Kips: ty Jeremy
  • [13:58 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Ghosty Kips has pinged you.
  • [13:58 SLT] Torley Linden: Oh yes good catch Viorel! Kate do you see that too?
  • [13:58 SLT] Viorel Daviau: For the grid status report, very bottom.
  • [13:58 SLT] Terri Holrych: do avatars have low self esteem
  • [13:58 SLT] Holocluck Henly has fine sl twitter contacts already. if i have too many more i wont see my friends' tweets
  • [13:58 SLT] Jonit Ivory: please Nicholas, Pepe was getting scared
  • [13:58 SLT] xstorm Radek: is there any other time but SL time ?
  • [13:58 SLT] Jon Linden: fixing it now
  • [13:58 SLT] Torley Linden: Thx Jon!
  • [13:58 SLT] Viorel Daviau: Sweet, thanks. Good tweet to have
  • [13:58 SLT] Torley Linden: We officially deprecated usage of saying "SL Time" aka "SLT".
  • [13:58 SLT] Ghosty Kips: all avatars start with low self esteem. it only lasts until they get decent clothes, a good AO and some prim hair.
  • [13:59 SLT] Torley Linden: Yeah it was on the Message of the Day the other day too, Viorel.
  • [13:59 SLT] Kate Linden: *checking*
  • [13:59 SLT] xstorm Radek: he he he he
  • [13:59 SLT] Viorel Daviau: Other than that, the page really says all that can be said. It's a tough page to do.
  • [13:59 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: sigh
  • [13:59 SLT] Ellla McMahon: Is there an RSS feed for updates and new KB articles ?
  • [14:00 SLT] Jon Linden: kate did a really great job on that article
  • [14:00 SLT] Torley Linden: Hats off to Kate for persisting with that one, Viorel!
  • [14:00 SLT] Holocluck Henly: I dont have AO or prim hair.
  • [14:00 SLT] Holocluck Henly shrugs
  • [14:00 SLT] Torley Linden: Ellla that's a great question. I don't know of one... ?
  • [14:00 SLT] Jon Linden: i don't think we have one
  • [14:00 SLT] Torley Linden: I'd be glad to plug that into the blog sidebar.
  • [14:00 SLT] Holocluck Henly: make most of my clothes LOL
  • [14:00 SLT] Terri Holrych: sometimes i thiis there a quality of second life quality of life thing
  • [14:00 SLT] Jon Linden: i wonder how easy that'd be to set up
  • [14:00 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: :)
  • [14:00 SLT] Holocluck Henly: ok some of my clothes
  • [14:00 SLT] Ellla McMahon: I would find it very useful :)
  • [14:00 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: Agreed Terri.
  • [14:00 SLT] Ghosty Kips: Holo, I have a free one you can have, youll have to put yer own animations in it tho
  • [14:00 SLT] Ghosty Kips: AO
  • [14:01 SLT] Torley Linden: RSS feeds are so good for broadcasting in external sources and helping people to help others be informed.
  • [14:01 SLT] Jon Linden: folks, i've gotta run -- we've hit the end of our hour, and i have another meeting to get to pretty soon
  • [14:01 SLT] Jon Linden: thanks for stopping by!
  • [14:01 SLT] Holocluck Henly: i dont want AOs
  • [14:01 SLT] Holocluck Henly: i like these avs
  • [14:01 SLT] Torley Linden: If you notice any weirdness with the blog RSS feeds let me know, I'll talk with our blog peeps about it.
  • [14:01 SLT] Viorel Daviau: Take care Jon.
  • [14:01 SLT] Natalya Debevec: bye Jon
  • [14:01 SLT] Jonit Ivory: ciao Jon
  • [14:01 SLT] Holocluck Henly: LOL i am supposed to be quirky
  • [14:01 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Bye Jon
  • [14:01 SLT] Torley Linden: Thanx so much for being with us on this fine day!
  • [14:01 SLT] Ghosty Kips: ok JOn, TC
  • [14:01 SLT] Jor3l Boa: hasta luego Jon! :)
  • [14:01 SLT] Dreamin22 Nitely: There goes the Jello!
  • [14:01 SLT] Holocluck Henly: tc
  • [14:01 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: lol
  • [14:01 SLT] Sipo Honi: See you Jon :)
  • [14:01 SLT] Holocluck Henly: actually i need to go too but it was nice catching a few minutes of this
  • [14:01 SLT] Holocluck Henly: take care all!
  • [14:01 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: *grins*
  • [14:01 SLT] Ghosty Kips: take care
  • [14:02 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Thanks for coming, Holocluck. EMH Mark I FTW.
  • [14:02 SLT] Torley Linden: I'm going to go too. More... doc'ing to do.
  • [14:02 SLT] Torley Linden: Rock on everyone.
  • [14:02 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Bye Torley
  • [14:02 SLT] Jonit Ivory: cheers Torley and Jeremy

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