Volunteer-sponsored Classes

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Timezone Chart to check with your Local Time
(Note: This chart does not include Daylight Saving Time corrections often used in many countries during summertime)

General information

Mentor Coaches: Please list the class you intend to teach on this page in the following format below the line

You can request a class at: Coach Class Request

For other events, please review the Official Linden Meetings and Events Schedule and Volunteer-sponsored Events. For classes hosted by mentors at the mainland, please have a look at the Mainland Mentor Coaches Class Schedule.

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Upcoming Optional Classes: ((month name))

Title: Example Class
Hosted by: Example Mentor
Date: 01-Sep-2008 (Monday)
SL Time: 1 AM SLT
Length: 1 hour
Location: Tenera (sandbox)🖈
Language: English
RSVP: (none required)
Description: This is an example class, just copy and paste this to add your own under the edit tab above :D

Upcoming Optional Classes: November

Title: Advanced Scripting Techniques - In-world/Out-world Communications
Hosted by: Nava Muni
Date: 16-Nov-2008 (Sunday)
SL Time: 3 PM SLT
Length: 1 hour
Location: Mephilo Tor (educational grounds)🖈
Language: English
RSVP: (none required)
Description: An overview of some practical techniques.

Notes: a moderate understanding of LSL and URL construction required

Upcoming Optional Classes: December

None scheduled at the moment.

VTEAM OFFICE HOURS: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Volunteer_Specialist_Office_Hours

This is the SLURL for the location of orientation.

SLVEC Orientation Classroom

Thanks and welcome aboard!