Touch Coordinates

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Feature Request: Get Touch Coordinates


Implement the following command:

 list [integer x, integer y, integer side, integer link_number] = llDetectedTextureCoordinates(integer num_detected);

This function returns the texture x and y coordinates from within a touch event.


The goal is to get more detailed feedback about where exactly an object was touched. It will return the prim number within the linkset, the side on that prim and the coordinates (x,y) where on that side it was touched.

This will greatly help HUDs and other Panels to implement a user interface without using additional prims as buttons. You could make 10 switches as texture, put them on one single prim and then use the llDetectedTextureCoordinates function to find out which button was pressed.

How to implement:

 * Add support for the llDetectedTextureCoordinates LSL-command for the server and client.
 * Change handling of client touching things so it is possible for the server to find out where the object was touched.

Requested by: User:Fairlight Lake


 * greatly improve User Experience with HUDs
 * reduce the number of used prims on operator panels and other objects that heavily rely on touch events to do different tasks


 * eventually slightly more overhead on touch event notification from client to server

Please use the talk page to discuss this Feature Request.