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LSL Portal | Functions | Events | Types | Operators | Constants | Flow Control | Script Library | Categorized Library | Tutorials |
<lsl> // 2009, Nexii Malthus // Public Domain
float Spread = 15.0;
state_entry(){ Spread *= DEG_TO_RAD; } touch_start( integer d ){ float x = (llFrand(1)-0.5)*PI; float y = (llFrand(1)-0.5)*Spread; rotation rSpread = <0,llSin(y),0,llCos(y)> * <llSin(x),0,0,llCos(x)>; llSetRot( rSpread ); }
} </lsl>
<lsl> // 2008-2009, Aeron Kohime // Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License //
float spread = 15.0;
state_entry(){ spread *= DEG_TO_RAD; } touch_start( integer d ){ float y = spread*(llFrand(1)-0.5); float z = spread*(llFrand(1)-0.5); rotation rSpread = llEuler2Rot(<0,y,z>); llSetRot( rSpread ); }
} </lsl>