User:Benjamin Linden/Office Hours/2008-06-19

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Transcript of Benjamin Linden's office hours:

[15:01] Benjamin Linden: hi all
[15:01] Squirrel Wood: Hello Benjamin
[15:01] Grant Linden: hello lya
[15:01] Grant Linden: hello Ben!
[15:01] Benjamin Linden: how is everyone?
[15:01] lya Parx: hello
[15:01] Dusan Writer: hi ben, good thanks
[15:01] Dunan Wilder: waouhn spiky benjamin ^.^
[15:01] Benjamin Linden: Dusan, thanks for joining us.
[15:01] Argos Dreamscape: benjamen
[15:01] Benjamin Linden: it's nice meeting you, I enjoy reading your blog :-)
[15:01] Dusan Writer: aww sure my pleasure Grant held a great session last week
[15:02] Argos Dreamscape: your avatar is amazing
[15:02] lya Parx: Ican espanish
[15:02] Squirrel Wood: a full sim is too expensive, an openspace sim is out of question (need to own a full sim to be able to order one) and a parcel is either too small or too pricey
[15:02] Jacek Antonelli: heya Kippie!
[15:02] Dunan Wilder: well you can always buy an open space to a landlord, you'll pay a bit more but you won't need to won a regular island
[15:02] Grant Linden: so, we have not created the best land offering for you yet, Squirrel?
[15:02] lya Parx: i can espanish?
[15:02] Squirrel Wood: Not yet ^^
[15:02] Grant Linden: hello Kippie
[15:03] Kippie Friedkin: HI everybody!
[15:03] Benjamin Linden: thanks Argos :-)
[15:03] Echo Seigo: hi kippers
[15:03] Benjamin Linden: Hi there Kippie
[15:03] Argos Dreamscape: you are welcome
[15:03] Argos Dreamscape: lindens get the best avs
[15:03] lya Parx: merci
[15:03] Squirrel Wood: besides I'd have to add 20% VAT to it
[15:03] lya Parx: Hey!
[15:03] lya Parx: Hey!
[15:03] Benjamin Linden: glad to hear things went well last week. I actually just have a couple things to discuss then I'm going to let Grant run with the rest of the meeting again since I have to take off at 3:30
[15:04] Grant Linden: we just know how to shop :)
[15:04] Benjamin Linden: the main thing I wanted to bring up was that we have a user experience mailing list now
[15:04] Argos Dreamscape: oh yea and u have money too
[15:04] Benjamin Linden: as requested :-)
[15:04] Argos Dreamscape: *GIGGLES* :)Grant Linden 16:02, 23 June 2008 (PDT)
[15:04] Jacek Antonelli: Yay, mailing list! o/
[15:04] Benjamin Linden: so I'd like to encourage everyone to sign up for the list
[15:04] Benjamin Linden: we will being using it to announce topics for office hours
[15:05] Benjamin Linden: Jacek also reminded me to send an announcement of the list to SLdev
[15:05] Benjamin Linden: which I'll do shortly
[15:05] Benjamin Linden: but I was wondering if there are other places you think we should post an announcement
[15:05] Benjamin Linden: perhaps on the blog?
[15:05] Argos Dreamscape: blog would be a good idea
[15:05] Dunan Wilder: great :)
[15:06] Dunan Wilder: blog is defintely a good place to put it
[15:06] Squirrel Wood: sl forums, blog, other sl mailing lists, ...
[15:06] Bridie Linden is Offline

[15:06] Benjamin Linden: good call on the forums, Squirrel
[15:06] Benjamin Linden: are there specific ones we should look at?
[15:06] Argos Dreamscape: oh! to jump off topic for just a second i have to say i love alt ctr h'
[15:07] Argos Dreamscape: sorrry the hippos one
[15:07] Jacek Antonelli: hehe
[15:07] Argos Dreamscape: so cool
[15:08] Squirrel Wood: specific forums? the SL forums.... whereever it fits in
[15:08] Benjamin Linden: what is alt ctr h
[15:08] Argos Dreamscape: shift
[15:08] Benjamin Linden: ok squirrel I'll have a look
[15:08] Argos Dreamscape: too
[15:08] Grant Linden is looking

[15:08] Benjamin Linden: lol
[15:08] Argos Dreamscape: alt ctr shift h'
[15:08] Benjamin Linden: oh jeeze
[15:08] Argos Dreamscape: hippos!
[15:09]  hippos!
[15:09] Jacek Antonelli: :D
[15:09] Echo Seigo: lol
[15:09] Grant Linden laughs

[15:09] Benjamin Linden: does everyone here know how to subscribe to the list?
[15:09] Benjamin Linden: or has already subscribed
[15:09] Argos Dreamscape: no i dont
[15:09] Dusan Writer: i think i'm on it but havent seen anything posted yet
[15:09] Jacek Antonelli: ^_^
[15:10] Argos Dreamscape: ty
[15:10] Argos Dreamscape: ill do it in a bit
[15:10] Benjamin Linden: thanks Jacek
[15:10] Argos Dreamscape: im lagging fierce
[15:10] Benjamin Linden: another thing I was discussing with the team was creating a user experience page on the public wiki
[15:10] Dusan Writer: yay
[15:10] Benjamin Linden: where we could have info like the mailing list, office hours, transcripts, links to projects, etc.
[15:10] Jacek Antonelli: That's a good idea
[15:11] Squirrel Wood: an agenda mayhaps?
[15:11] Kippie Friedkin: I like that
[15:11] Dusan Writer: which actually brings up a question now that you mention the Wiki - is there some way of understanding the broader road map for UX?
[15:11] Benjamin Linden: yes good idea squirrel
[15:11] Squirrel Wood: like
[15:11] Grant Linden: agendas and maybe suggested agendas
[15:11] Benjamin Linden: Dusan, there is a roadmap on the wiki for development work on the client, but I fear it's rather out of date
[15:11] Benjamin Linden: we do need a user experience roadmap, and that's something we're working on currently
[15:11] Dusan Writer: ya, was kind of scouting around but thanks
[15:12] Dusan Writer: wonderful
[15:12] Benjamin Linden: it would be great if the user experience page could start to get a little community support and maintenance, such as posting transcripts
[15:12] Benjamin Linden: you may have noticed I tend to fall behind on keeping the transcripts up to date :-)
[15:13] Dunan Wilder: hi hi :)
[15:13] Jacek Antonelli: hehe
[15:13] Grant Linden will pitch in and help

[15:13] Benjamin Linden: cool, thanks Grant
[15:13] Echo Seigo will offer moral support :)

[15:13] Dusan Writer will correct typos

[15:13] Benjamin Linden: I would love to start harnessing all the creative energy in the community around improving the UI
[15:13] Benjamin Linden: that's why I love Dusan's contest
[15:14] Benjamin Linden: Dusan, how has the response been?
[15:14] Dusan Writer: hmmmm
[15:14] Dusan Writer: well, it's all anecdotal really....i have no clue how many entries we'll get
[15:14] Dusan Writer: i have a feeling people are being sort of guarded about it
[15:14] Kippie Friedkin: Dusan, what was the deadline for that contest again?
[15:14] Jacek Antonelli needs to sit down and work on that. Too much stuff keeps popping up :(

[15:15] Dusan Writer: but the response has been really positive, have had lots of people say they're looking at it, etc
[15:15] Dusan Writer: hmm 29th
[15:15] Benjamin Linden: make sure McCabe Maxstead knows about it
[15:15] Dusan Writer: good judges i think, should make some good discussion
[15:15] Dusan Writer: will do
[15:15] Benjamin Linden: I'm sure he'll have some ideas :-
[15:15] Benjamin Linden: :-)
[15:15] Harleen Gretzky: what contest?
[15:15] Benjamin Linden: how are you planning to run the judging Dusan?
[15:15] Benjamin Linden: will it be an in-world discussion?
[15:16] Dusan Writer:
[15:16] Dusan Writer: depending on how many entries, we'll narrow it down to 10 or so, and then hold an in world discussion
[15:16] Dusan Writer: each entrant will be allowed to present their ideas and field questions
[15:16] Grant Linden: it would be great to sit in the audience for that
[15:16] Kippie Friedkin: nice
[15:17] Dusan Writer: Linden's are welcome with open arms Grant :)
[15:17] Grant Linden needs a "fly on the wall" avie

[15:17] Dusan Writer: hahaha
[15:17] Benjamin Linden: that's great Dusan
[15:17] Dusan Writer: we'll make appropriate disclaimers for you if you like grant
[15:17] Alwa Voight: hello everyone
[15:17] Benjamin Linden: if you could let Grant know when you schedule it, that'd be great
[15:17] Jacek Antonelli thinks Dusan forgot to close an tag :D

[15:17] Grant Linden: hello Alwa
[15:17] Dusan Writer: haha oops
[15:18] McCabe Maxsted: ahoy!
[15:18] Dusan Writer: ah yeah updated the entry and made a mistake
[15:18] Dusan Writer goes to close tag

[15:18] Benjamin Linden: hi McCabe
[15:18] Grant Linden: hello McCabe
[15:18] McCabe Maxsted: what're we talking about today?
[15:18] Dunan Wilder: i had a little question about the UI, well two really but they're related :p May i ?
[15:18] Benjamin Linden: ok well those were the main things I wanted to bring up
[15:18] Jacek Antonelli: Hey McCabe :)
[15:19] Dusan Writer: you McCabe
[15:19] Dusan Writer: haha
[15:19] Dunan Wilder: i wanted to know if it was possible to get a shortcut back for the environment editor ? And something else too : how about being able to load automaticly spy presets at startup ? i tried to change the default but it still loads the sim preset and i have to to the changes manually every time i login (which can happen quite often)
[15:19] Benjamin Linden: McCabe, I just reminded folks about the user experience mailing list, the possibility of creating a UX page on the wiki, and we briefly discussed Dusan's contest
[15:19] Benjamin Linden: which you should enter :-)
[15:19] Dusan Writer: yes, i was wondering about the windlight presets good question
[15:20] Jacek Antonelli: Dunan, what are "spy presets"? Oh, sky?
[15:20] McCabe Maxsted: adding a shortcut yourself:
[15:20] Benjamin Linden: Grant or Kippie, did you have specific things you wanted to discuss with the group today?
[15:20] McCabe Maxsted: and yes, I plan to!
[15:20] Dunan Wilder: sky sorry, i have two left paws ^.~
[15:20] Grant Linden: I have some topics about the profile that I would like to offer up for brainstorming
[15:20] Kippie Friedkin: Nothing specific from me. The team is busily working on the latest build.
[15:21] Benjamin Linden: alright Grant, fire away!
[15:21] McCabe Maxsted: if you find a good shortcut let me know and i'll add it to my viewer skin:
[15:21] Grant Linden: thanks McCabe
[15:22] Grant Linden: so, as the "newbie Linden" I might be asking quesitons that have been asked before
[15:22] Dunan Wilder: well the environment editor had ctrl alt E sortcurt for a short period and then it disapeared and never came back
[15:22] Grant Linden: but I am looking at the ways that residents already use SL
[15:22] Dunan Wilder: shortcut *
[15:22] Squirrel Wood: ctrl-alt-e is used for the '80 symbol on german keyboards.
[15:23] Dunan Wilder: aah that's why
[15:23] Squirrel Wood: so its a no-no shortcut
[15:23] Alwa Voight: yup
[15:23] Jacek Antonelli wonders about Grant's "newbie Linden" questions. "How I wear this box?" "Where I get free L$?"

[15:23] McCabe Maxsted: reminds me: need to file a jira for changing the ctrl-n shortcut for beacons. It's just too darn easy to press
[15:24] Grant Linden: I was hoping to invite people to talk about the "Picks" tab on the profile
[15:24] Squirrel Wood: ctrl-alt-shift-k-e-f9-N ?
[15:24] Alwa Voight: I do have a question about UI usability on the Mac
[15:24] Dusan Writer: ah picks
[15:24] Jacek Antonelli: Let's focus on Grant's topic for a while
[15:24] McCabe Maxsted: picks, interesting topic :)
[15:24] Kippie Friedkin:
[15:24] Grant Linden: what was your quesiton, Alwa?
[15:24] McCabe Maxsted: have you browsed a lot of user's picks, grant?
[15:24] Grant Linden: I have browsed many
[15:24] Alwa Voight: I was on a PC before and flying around with the PAge keys was a lot of fun
[15:25] Dunan Wilder: picks ? what about them ?They're fun and i have no problems at all with this tab, looks fine :)
[15:25] Grant Linden: and I have noticed that most are not places
[15:25] Alwa Voight: on the Mac you cannot do that continuously
[15:25] Dusan Writer nods

[15:25] Alwa Voight: that is, is I am flying around using the regular arrow keys
[15:25] Dunan Wilder: yes, that's what i like about it, it's very flexible
[15:25] Dusan Writer: it's because people find workarounds for the scarcity of proper social networking tools
[15:25] Alwa Voight: I need to lift my finger from those keys
[15:25] McCabe Maxsted: hehe mine are funny quotes and friends
[15:25] Alwa Voight: then hit the FN key
[15:25] Grant Linden: yes, Alwa?
[15:25] Alwa Voight: before proceeding
[15:26] Alwa Voight: that means I cannot change my flight altitude
[15:26] Kippie Friedkin: Dusan..exactly. It's become a mini-social networking tool
[15:26] Alwa Voight: without interrupting it
[15:26] Dusan Writer: yup....but dont picks also influence search results?
[15:26] Alwa Voight: it's quite a drag
[15:26] Jacek Antonelli: Alwa: Ah, because Pg Up / Dn are the Fn key + arrows?
[15:26] Alwa Voight: yes
[15:26] McCabe Maxsted: we've converted the picks into our own little myspace pages
[15:26] Dunan Wilder: they do ?
[15:26] Jacek Antonelli has that on her lappy

[15:26] Dusan Writer: so they're being used for places maybe for search, and for people, and as a little personal bookmark list
[15:26] Kippie Friedkin: I believe it does affect search.
[15:26] Kippie Friedkin: Isn't that way stores and clubs are always asking you to add them to your Picks in return for money?
[15:27] Dusan Writer: and the information isn't aggregated at all visibly anyways
[15:27] Alwa Voight: but you cannot just hit FN while pressing the arrow keys
[15:27] McCabe Maxsted: wasn't that changed? I know searching for a person's name used to bring up quotes of theirs in other people's picks
[15:27] Grant Linden: I notice a great deal of cutomization of Pics and very little use of "Interests"
[15:27] Alwa Voight: you must lift your fingers off of those keys, therfore interrupting your flight
[15:27] Jacek Antonelli: the interests tab is too limited / limiting
[15:27] Grant Linden: that is an interesting feature, McCabe
[15:27] Kippie Friedkin: I don't think Interests is encompassing enough
[15:27] Grant Linden: that one is new to me
[15:27] Dusan Writer: interests arent searchable except on an individual's profile
[15:28] Dunan Wilder: well interests you can only check some subjects and you have one free line
[15:28] Alwa Voight: on the PC you can hold the arrow keys while simultaneously pressing the PageUp or PageDown ones
[15:28] Grant Linden: if you could look at a resident's picks and then comment on them, would you want to?
[15:28] McCabe Maxsted: it's not very visual either, just a series of checkbox; there's little appeal
[15:28] Dunan Wilder: in picks you can put in longer texts and even choose your pic
[15:28] Alwa Voight: anyway, I thought that might be of your interest
[15:28] Grant Linden: thank you Alwa
[15:28] Dusan Writer: yes, or look at places and see what the pick comments are
[15:28] Dunan Wilder: exactly
[15:28] Dusan Writer: so before i teleport somewhere, see if people have picked that place and see what the comments are
[15:29] McCabe Maxsted: so comments tied to a particular place, or comments tied to a particular profile?
[15:29] Kippie Friedkin: One thing that came out of the NAV project, was a Resident desire to be able to create a landmark from someone's Picks
[15:29] Grant Linden: do you thing that being able to copy a person's pick might be interesting?
[15:29] Echo Seigo: how does a person control the comments on his/her/its picks?
[15:29] Grant Linden: you could control the comments on your profile
[15:29] Dunan Wilder: you just go ahea and write
[15:29] Dunan Wilder: ahead *
[15:29] Grant Linden: they would not be visible unless you approved them
[15:30] Dunan Wilder: aaah i see
[15:30] Grant Linden: in that way it might be a social reputation system
[15:30] Jacek Antonelli imagines having thousands of spam comments on her picks to moderate.... ~_~

[15:30] Echo Seigo: exactly lol
[15:30] Kippie Friedkin: heh...scary thought
[15:30] Echo Seigo: a new place to spam lol
[15:30] Grant Linden: that could happen, Jacek
[15:30] McCabe Maxsted: I would like that; it'd turn into the rating system again, prolly
[15:30] Dunan Wilder: a bit like comments people leave on flickr, that would be very interesting yes
[15:30] Kippie Friedkin: Has anyone played around with Plurk?
[15:31] Grant Linden: we could limit how many comments you could make in 24 hours
[15:31] Grant Linden: what is Plurk?
[15:31] Echo Seigo: and since picks seem to be mostly people, it;s be comments on a person in a lot of cases
[15:31] Kippie Friedkin: Their Karma ratings are kind of interesting - based on your activity with the tool. I was wondering how that might work with Second Life.
[15:31] Dunan Wilder: wouldn't that add some load to the server ? downloading many comments ?
[15:31] Grant Linden: ahh
[15:31] Kippie Friedkin: Plurk is a new, shinier Twitter.
[15:31] Grant Linden: interesting
[15:31] Kippie Friedkin:
[15:31] Dusan Writer doesnt twitter, hears it's addictive

[15:32] Kippie Friedkin: Basically another micro-blogging platform.
[15:32] Kippie Friedkin Twitters too much ;)

[15:32] Grant Linden: so, consider if you could drag a "pick" out of your profile
[15:32] Dunan Wilder: i don't dare start :p
[15:32] Echo Seigo: i posed my first twinter in a month today ;)
[15:32] Grant Linden: and rezz it
[15:32] Jacek Antonelli loves Plurk :D

[15:32] Dusan Writer: rezz the pick?
[15:32] McCabe Maxsted: I don't think people would like being able to comment on picks; they'd be used too easily for adding somoene's name then bad mouthing them; but profiles would be good
[15:32] Dunan Wilder: that would be great !
[15:32] Kippie Friedkin: So with Plurk, you get Karma points for different activities. It would be an interesting to think about a karma point system in SL. (Anyway, back to comments in Picks) I digress :)
[15:33] Echo Seigo: well I wouldnt want someone commenting on me in someone elses profile
[15:33] McCabe Maxsted: that sounds really cool
[15:33] Grant Linden: your store could have a Best picks comments"
[15:33] Grant Linden: like reviews
[15:33] Dusan Writer: yeah
[15:33] Grant Linden: and they could be copied
[15:33] Dusan Writer: the whole concept of what i talked about last time - some sort of Amazon-type "other people also liked" idea
[15:33] Grant Linden: consider a pick that is not a place - like"Torley Vidoes Rock"
[15:33] Geneko Nemeth: XD
[15:34] Dunan Wilder: this would create a sort of giant landmark web
[15:34] Dunan Wilder: sounds good :p
[15:34] Grant Linden: and then the system knew that 66600 residents had comiped that pick
[15:34] Kippie Friedkin: Very interesting
[15:34] Kippie Friedkin: I like that
[15:34] Grant Linden: copied that pick
[15:34] Squirrel Wood: Do I use picks? not really. Do I use landmarks? Hardly ever :p
[15:34] Ellla McMahon: I think there would need to be a no comments allowed options .. I have no wish for anyone to comment on my picks
[15:34] Grant Linden: it becomes a review and a meme
[15:34] Grant Linden: that is good feedback, Ella
[15:35] Dusan Writer: mmmmm memes
[15:35] Dunan Wilder: i like to vuiew profiles and visit the places they have put in picks when it looks interesting
[15:35] McCabe Maxsted: so you'd have a sort of traffic metric... for things that are basically classifieds....
[15:35] Grant Linden: so I pick couls be a new SL feature idea
[15:35] Echo Seigo: See I wouldnt want anyone to comment on me in someone elses pick
[15:35] Grant Linden can't type

[15:35] Grant Linden: that is an excellent point, Echo
[15:35] Kippie Friedkin: What if you could designate different types of picks
[15:35] Grant Linden: I arrived in that space, too :)
[15:36] Kippie Friedkin: Shout-out to Friends, Favorite Places, Memorials, Learning...that sort of thing
[15:36] Grant Linden: yes, catagorized picks
[15:36] McCabe Maxsted plots adding a "Grant Linden" pick

[15:36] Jacek Antonelli: hehe
[15:36] Dunan Wilder: well perhaps you could just check a box to allow comments and jsut leave it unchecked squirrel :)
[15:36] Grant Linden: heh
[15:36] Kippie Friedkin: lol
[15:36] Grant Linden: so, are comments valuable?
[15:37] Echo Seigo: or I put a pick for Jacek's bubbles in my picks.. and a competitor posts comments trashing it...
[15:37] Echo Seigo: it would be great, but it could also be abused
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli: Optional comments on picks is an interesting idea.... but not (IMO) needed or particularly valuable
[15:37] McCabe Maxsted: I'd like to see the profile page completely redone, first
[15:37] Dunan Wilder: being able to copy picks would be very nice and the comments, well, the idea is interesting to say the least
[15:37] Grant Linden: you could control the coments on your own profile - but others could trash you on thiers
[15:37] Alwa Voight: agreed McCabe
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli: There are other changes to Picks that would we more useful, and require less infrastructure
[15:38] Echo Seigo: I really like the Amazon idea. Of you like Kippie? You might also enjoy Grant!
[15:38] Grant Linden: would you like to suggest some, Jacek?
[15:38] Grant Linden likes small changes too

[15:39] Jacek Antonelli: Having the picks be generalized so they're not just places -- be able to attach any item (permissions allowing)
[15:39] Echo Seigo: It's be nice to set the location to anywhere, easier
[15:39] Grant Linden: nice
[15:39] Squirrel Wood: picks.... allow "categories" like "private", "business", "cool places", ..
[15:39] Alwa Voight: Echo, that would also be awesome if applied to "places" as well as people
[15:39] Grant Linden: very good
[15:39] Jacek Antonelli: Or be able to make a pick about a person, and select them from your friends list / people search
[15:39] Jacek Antonelli: And then have a "Profile for this person" button
[15:39] Kippie Friedkin: Nice.
[15:39] McCabe Maxsted: categories would be a great start; so would more picks; I don't like the differentiation between classifieds and picks, either; I'd like to see those combined so I don't have to post something twice in my profile, with an unlimited classified space, and the ability to show one classified on the front of my profile when first viewed
[15:39] Grant Linden: all excellent ideas
[15:39] Echo Seigo: I like that. like a button similar to see a pertners profile
[15:40] Grant Linden: I would love to be able to pick a builder's store out easier
[15:40] Echo Seigo: custom skining my profile - so other people see my color scheme :)
[15:40] Alwa Voight: how about having an option so that people can know who you are friends with? in esse,ce replicating facebook :)
[15:40] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah, categories would be good. And different colored labels
[15:40] Grant Linden: that could be powerful!
[15:40] Jacek Antonelli: Like how Gmail lets you pick a different background color for the label
[15:41] Echo Seigo: profile customization would be awesome
[15:41] Dunan Wilder: using different colors for the categories would be a help
[15:41] Grant Linden: on Facbook I can set a small statut - what I am doing now - would that be helpful?
[15:41] Grant Linden: satus
[15:41] Echo Seigo: i'll make my profile like some teenagers myspace!
[15:41] Grant Linden: status
[15:41] Kippie Friedkin: A status would be very cool.
[15:41] Echo Seigo: a status in the friends list might e helpful
[15:41] McCabe Maxsted: that would be tying into the social networking thing again: customized profile layouts people could choose from. Skinning would provide that
[15:41] Squirrel Wood: status: permanently afk.
[15:42] Alwa Voight: yes, status is very NICE thing
[15:42] Kippie Friedkin: lol
[15:42] Dunan Wilder giggles

[15:42] McCabe Maxsted: something that shows up on other people's friends list
[15:42] Alwa Voight: people can know what you are up to in RL even while offline
[15:42] Echo Seigo: I imagine looking at all my friends online, and in a glace seeing whos doing what (if they share)
[15:42] Alwa Voight: that is a great idea Grant
[15:42] Grant Linden: I was thinking of two kinds of status - one as used in IM that is "this second" and another that is "this week"
[15:42] Dunan Wilder: in contacts then this time
[15:42] McCabe Maxsted: that could be cool, scrolling through looking at what everyone's doing; it'd be like a twitter in contacts
[15:43] Alwa Voight: hmmm..that might be overly complicated Grant
[15:43] Grant Linden: true, "too many pixels"
[15:43] Dunan Wilder: i'm not sure if many would use that status for anything else than busy or afk / building though
[15:43] Alwa Voight: lol, maybe
[15:43] Jacek Antonelli: Hrmm. I know people put some big status things in their profile description -- "On vacation from SL until July", etc.
[15:43] Grant Linden: well, I can see "rollplaying"
[15:44] Echo Seigo: I think seeing if someone is "at a club" or "roleplaying"
[15:44] McCabe Maxsted: "slexing, bbl"
[15:44] Grant Linden: yes
[15:44] Dunan Wilder: yes, very true
[15:44] Dunan Wilder giggles

[15:44] Jacek Antonelli: lol McCabe
[15:44] Grant Linden: "with my family"
[15:44] Echo Seigo: "naked. go away."
[15:44] McCabe Maxsted: haha
[15:44] Dusan Writer: if you could group friends better, and have a status like Gmail does something like that?
[15:44] Dusan Writer: problem is you can't be busy to just SOME people
[15:44] Grant Linden: does Gmail have status?
[15:44] Kippie Friedkin: Grouping friends...ooooo...
[15:44] Dusan Writer: yeah
[15:44] Kippie Friedkin: Gmail has status via Google Talk
[15:44] Echo Seigo: i'd like to be able to catagorize my friends list
[15:44] Dusan Writer: gchat or whatever it is
[15:44] Jacek Antonelli: Gtalk has statuses. Yeah.
[15:44] McCabe Maxsted: yeah, you can set customizable statuses
[15:45] Jacek Antonelli: "AFK, getting some food"
[15:45] Alwa Voight: yes, it does
[15:45] Dusan Writer: if you could categorize friends and have toggles, then a global status is less relevant
[15:45] Grant Linden: Grouping Friends is in the public Jira now
[15:45] McCabe Maxsted: mine is "I'm here, really"
[15:45] Grant Linden: (go vote)
[15:45] Dusan Writer runs, sprints to vote

[15:45] Grant Linden: that would be handy, Dusan
[15:45] McCabe Maxsted: oh speaking of jiras!
[15:45] Echo Seigo: flickr stype tagging on peoples profile picks :)
[15:45] Squirrel Wood: friends... I would like to see names shown in different colors on my friend list... like, those that have not logged on in six months show up on a red background... to make cleaning up that list easier?
[15:45] Kippie Friedkin rushes off to vote

[15:45] Dunan Wilder: like making conference chat easier ? that would be nice also
[15:46] Echo Seigo: i didnt know it was hard now?
[15:46] McCabe Maxsted: I wanted to ask you guys what name I should pick for doing profile cuts for boxes, since it's a bitawkward to clal it that; I was thinking "slice"
[15:46] Grant Linden: is there anything that is compelling about "Interests?"
[15:46] McCabe Maxsted: sorry, off topic
[15:46] Kippie Friedkin: Anyone have a link to that PJIRA for grouping friends?
[15:46] Geneko Nemeth wonders how to tranlsate that "slice"

[15:46] Grant Linden: humm
[15:47] Grant Linden: the jira was in last weeks transcripts
[15:47] Jacek Antonelli: Interests would be more useful if it was just a big block of text that you could put whatever you want in it, hehe
[15:47] Kippie Friedkin: okay, cool...I can dig it up :)
[15:47] Echo Seigo:
[15:47] Jacek Antonelli: The checkboxes are... meh.
[15:47] Echo Seigo: i think
[15:47] Kippie Friedkin: I agree. The interest section is very limited now
[15:47] Geneko Nemeth: Checkboxes has one good thing,
[15:47] Alwa Voight: ya, the checkboxes are too inflexible
[15:47] Geneko Nemeth: that is they can be translated.
[15:47] Dunan Wilder: well hard no, but if a friend hadn't showed how to do it i wouldn't have guessed how to. Dragging the calling cards in a folder...
[15:47] Kippie Friedkin: Thanks, Echo
[15:48] Squirrel Wood: interests, yes. not searchable either
[15:48] McCabe Maxsted: thanks echo
[15:48] Kippie Friedkin: I'd like to be able to search People by interests now that you mention it
[15:48] Alwa Voight: me too
[15:48] Geneko Nemeth: If someone types in, like, French and I only know Chinese, I won't be able to read it.
[15:48] Grant Linden: for skills?
[15:48] Echo Seigo: as well as languages
[15:48] Squirrel Wood: no way to search for a scripter who seeks to be hored
[15:48] Squirrel Wood: hired even
[15:48] McCabe Maxsted: that's a really good point squirrel
[15:48] Kippie Friedkin: exactly
[15:49] Dunan Wilder: oh yes, that would be nice, especially when you want to hire people for certain skills
[15:49] Grant Linden: languages seems to need to be checkboxes and free text
[15:49] Alwa Voight: yp
[15:49] Geneko Nemeth: Maybe listboxes instead of checkboxes.
[15:49] Geneko Nemeth: With hundreds of languages out there...
[15:49] Echo Seigo: need an "rss" tab, where people see my rss feeds whem tehy look at my profile! :)
[15:49] McCabe Maxsted: there's a few outside websites for hiring people like contractors but something inworld that the whole population could use as a resource for stuff like finding scriptors/builders or staff would be great
[15:50] Jacek Antonelli: Hrmm. "Seaching for [X] Scripting [X] Wants to be hired... 25,521 results found."
[15:50] Grant Linden: what do you use the "web" tab for?
[15:50] McCabe Maxsted: haha
[15:50] McCabe Maxsted: don't click mine if yo uhave default loading enabled
[15:50] Kippie Friedkin: I use it for nothing at the moment
[15:50] Geneko Nemeth: My weblog? A personal page of mine?
[15:50] Jacek Antonelli: I have my blog
[15:50] Echo Seigo: oh hey i have my blog too
[15:50] Echo Seigo: i didnt know that!
[15:51] Jacek Antonelli: hehe
[15:51] Grant Linden: heh
[15:51] Alwa Voight: i am not using it
[15:51] Jacek Antonelli: Having the link is kinda useful, but the profile window is so tiny...
[15:51] Geneko Nemeth: Poser anim in Blender! Whoa!
[15:51] Squirrel Wood: too bad that the rating system has been taken out... it could be of use with skills....
[15:51] McCabe Maxsted: somethign I've been wondering: what if we made all profiles part of the web, and could access/edit them outside of SL'99
[15:51] Grant Linden: we could populate that with your own SL web page of some kind
[15:51] Echo Seigo: and add bling to them!
[15:51] Echo Seigo: :)
[15:51] Grant Linden: yes, McCabe
[15:51] McCabe Maxsted: could have a second life social networking site out of world that ties to in
[15:52] Kippie Friedkin: yes!
[15:52] Jacek Antonelli: embedding the actual web page in the profile is not so useful. I'd rather just have a button to open up the link in the regular web browser window
[15:52] Grant Linden: or links to your avies flirk
[15:52] Squirrel Wood: Yes! Profiles need Bling! Pimp My Profile!
[15:52] Grant Linden: flikr
[15:52] Grant Linden: yes
[15:52] Echo Seigo: yes! Primp of Profile :)
[15:52] Alwa Voight: I would love to see a snpshot of my webpage on the Web tab
[15:52] Jacek Antonelli: That would be cool -- have a list of URLs intead of just the one. And maybe have some presets. Flickr / Twitter / Blog / Email ?
[15:52] Jacek Antonelli: MySpace, etc
[15:52] Kippie Friedkin: That's a great idea.
[15:53] Dusan Writer: i'd like to see 3D avatars in facebook like Spore has :)
[15:53] Kippie Friedkin: I use my 1st Life tab for that now
[15:53] Jacek Antonelli: hehe, Spores pictures are so cool. I love how they embed the creature data right in the PNG! So clever
[15:53] Dusan Writer nods

[15:53] Dusan Writer: we need that here, avatar creation ahead of entering the Grid, but i'm a broken record on that :P
[15:54] McCabe Maxsted: and decent avatar creation UIs
[15:54] Echo Seigo: I wish my profile had an option to show a rendering of my avatar at that very moment, in motion :)
[15:54] Dusan Writer nods

[15:54] Jacek Antonelli: Borrow Spore's creature creator to make avatars in SL >:D
[15:54] McCabe Maxsted: you can't even change the layout from xml, and the presets are so so horrible
[15:54] Squirrel Wood: spore? Isn't there an inofficial contest going on atm as to who makes the biggest penis spore creature ?
[15:54] Jacek Antonelli: lol Squirrel
[15:54] Echo Seigo: lol
[15:54] Geneko Nemeth: Sounds like Mabinogi ^_^
[15:54] Dusan Writer: see? user engagement!
[15:54] Grant Linden: I have another crazy Idea
[15:54] Bridie Linden is Online

[15:54] Dusan Writer: attracts newbies too haha
[15:55] Grant Linden: if under your profiel picture there was a button that took your picture
[15:55] Squirrel Wood: crazy ideas? file a ticket with me and I'll get back to you with one asap ^^
[15:55] Grant Linden: it spun the camera around to face you
[15:55] Dusan Writer: uh oh, photo studios wont like you grant
[15:55] Echo Seigo: i dont like it.
[15:55] Grant Linden: and the photo upload was free
[15:55] Alwa Voight: good idea Grant, right now you donwload and you upload/pay 10L$
[15:55] Dusan Writer nods

[15:55] Dusan Writer: good idea
[15:55] Echo Seigo: But some people night
[15:55] Jacek Antonelli: Free is good... easy for newbies is good....
[15:56] Echo Seigo: yup
[15:56] Char Linden is Online

[15:56] Jacek Antonelli: The rest I am not so enthusiastic about, lol
[15:56] Kippie Friedkin nods

[15:56] Grant Linden: most newbies don't understand the whole "turn the camera aound" idea
[15:56] McCabe Maxsted: people would like that; people would like that even more if we had better camera presets and controls *coughs and beats a dead horse about it*
[15:56] Squirrel Wood: Oh! Oh! With the current UI there is one thing I absolutely dislike - focus your camera anywhere with your avatar still visible. then click your avatar where there is no "touch" event script active and the camera immediately "resets"
[15:56] Echo Seigo: I think the best idea i've heard was profile skinning
[15:56] McCabe Maxsted: I'd lov eto be able to actually set my camera
[15:56] McCabe Maxsted: so that when I move through SL'99 my camera *stays*
[15:57] Grant Linden: interesting
[15:57] Echo Seigo: yeah, having locked in camera positions
[15:57] Squirrel Wood: if you click anywhere in the environment or any attachment part with a touch handler - camera stays.
[15:57] Jacek Antonelli: I think it would be okay if it was limited -- it'd take a snapshot of your face/shoulders automatically, and upload it and put it in your profile
[15:57] Echo Seigo: like a built in follow cam sort of
[15:57] McCabe Maxsted: camera lock: a serious feature we've been missing
[15:57] Grant Linden: yes, I am thinking limited
[15:57] Alwa Voight: agree Echo, I'd like to see myself from a different perspective while flying
[15:58] Kippie Friedkin: LImited head and shoulders is good. The postcard/snapshot method is too clunky now
[15:58] Echo Seigo: yeah every other game has that
[15:58] Geneko Nemeth: Joystick Flycam is kinda like camera lock if yo udon't move the camera.
[15:58] McCabe Maxsted: but how would it tell what's the head and shoulders?
[15:58] McCabe Maxsted: I don't think it's doable, considering the variety of avs
[15:58] Grant Linden: we are coming to a close, are there any other ideas that need to be brought up to this fine group?
[15:58] Geneko Nemeth: But per Alwa, it's a good idea to only lock the angle and still let the camera move with you.
[15:58] Echo Seigo: i'd be curious to see what percentabe it woulf work for
[15:58] Alwa Voight: that is what i meant Geneko
[15:59] McCabe Maxsted: yes; are people posting to the mailing list? because I haven't gotten anything this week
[15:59] Geneko Nemeth: That's why I said "per Alwa".
[15:59] Squirrel Wood: Give us time till next week to cook up more crazy ideas? ^^
[15:59] Alwa Voight: :)
[15:59] Kippie Friedkin: The list has been pretty quiet
[15:59] McCabe Maxsted: so I was wondering if I should send some ideas out or not I have
[15:59] Jacek Antonelli: It probably woludn't work for the really unusual avatars (giant mechs, etc.), but for the majority you'd be able to figure out where the head is based on the avatar skeleton
[15:59] McCabe Maxsted: nobody replied to my skinning group question, made me sad
[15:59] Kippie Friedkin: I would love to see some of these topics continue on teh list
[15:59] Dusan Writer: yeah get the mailing list going!
[16:00] Geneko Nemeth will have his head cut out from the avatar picture if this gets implemented

[16:00] Jacek Antonelli: McCabe: please do send out ideas. We need to get the motor running I think
[16:00] Dusan Writer: i just joined i'll try to say something um half relevant
[16:00] Grant Linden: good feedback, more use of the mailing list
[16:00] McCabe Maxsted: grant: your mission is to post on the list now! I will join you
[16:00] Jacek Antonelli: Also, I didn't even know that the mailing list was up until McCabe IMed me asking why no one was replying, lol
[16:00] Grant Linden: thanks to everyone for coming!
[16:00] Dusan Writer: send the skinning question again maybe :)
[16:00] Jacek Antonelli: Thanks for hosting, Grant and Ben!
[16:00] Dusan Writer: thanks grant and ben
[16:00] Squirrel Wood: Thanks for having us ^^
[16:00] Alwa Voight: thanks Grant and Ben
[16:00] Kippie Friedkin: Thanks everybody!
[16:00] Jacek Antonelli: Dusan, you should start a discussion about your contest :D
[16:00] Grant Linden: see you all next week :)
[16:00] McCabe Maxsted: take care. Say hi to malbers!
[16:01] Grant Linden: I will
[16:01] Dunan Wilder: thank you :)}