SL5B Locations - Extended Version

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Revision as of 17:36, 28 June 2008 by Meghan Dench (talk | contribs)
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Here's the Full List of locations on the SL5B Sims. For a shorter list or general event information please click here.

Alliance Navy SL5B Avatar (62,222) 8,432 SL5B Phantom (66,122) 3,984 Making a Mandala SL5B Flexi (28,180) 512 Defying The Rules - Suzi Phlox SL5B Phantom (44,104) 1,024 The Isle of Lesbos @ SL5B SL5B Physical (228,32) 1,024 Muslim Culture Project SL5B Rebake (38,64) 9,120 German speaking Linguists SL5B Dwell (96,158) 2,112 French Cook Recipies BING... SL5B Delegoose (176,194) 8,928 Wolkam Winger, 240 m2, Data... SL5B Stretch (10,162) 240 Rez Magazine SL5B Hippos (8,104) 512 SL5B Render (106,146) 112 Park space SL5B Flexi (58,142) 560 Man One SL5B Flexi (8,212) 512 Pennywhistle Cameron SL5B Move (114,226) 3,344 Allison Selene Studio 72 SL5B Rebake (152,192) 1,280 ExtroVirtual Tiny Town SL5B Ruthed (192,100) 1,024 Lynsey Fleury SL5B plot SL5B Prim (214,228) 4,704 Vint and Loki SL5B Flexi (60,240) 1,024 Second Life Paganism -- A... SL5B Rebake (100,36) 1,024 Education SL5B Linked (216,44) 4,096 SL5B Delegoose (128,128) 22,032 SL5B Render (174,192) 32 Dancing Ink Productions SL5B Stretch (90,78) 240 First Call Musician's Co-op... SL5B Physical (84,200) 432 (3) Ballet Pixelle... SL5B Move (168,228) 1,152 Skin Expo @ SL5B Skin City SL5B Phantom (104,72) 7,680 The Bavarian State Library... SL5B Rotate (232,76) 1,024 Tallbear Platypus SL5B Sculpty (2,2) 16,352 Maxx Flyer SL5B Sculpty (240,240) 512 SL5B Sculpty (222,20) 1,248 Brigitte Kungler - Chameleon SL5B Rebake (200,64) 512 Rossy Morenz, 240 m2, Science SL5B Stretch (30,44) 288 SL5B SL5B Phantom (244.907,206.711) 9,184 Midian City SL5B Avatar (190,222) 8,432 Metaverse Messenger SL5B Hippos (212,168) 4,096 Asian Culture SL5B Prim (2,2) 21,536 Machinima for the Public Good SL5B Rebake (200,32) 1,024 CLUB SCHOOL @ SL5B: The... SL5B Dwell (113.995,93.3804) 512 Second Life Car Evolution -... SL5B Physical (180,224) 8,192 Walkway SL5B Sculpty (128,128) 4,032 Reslez Steeplechase - Your... SL5B Physical (74,202) 16 Stampshady Grimm SL5B Rebake (56,216) 256 Arianna Barbarossa, 240 m2,... SL5B Stretch (110,102) 240 Walkway SL5B Rebake (2,126) 3,840 Grid Works SL5B Hippos (56,104) 512 German Mentors SL5B Dwell (196,92) 1,024 '512 Unassigned' SL5B Dwell (22,90) 560 Through the Frame by... SL5B Delegoose (138,110) 560 Monday Beam, 896 m2 SL5B Edit (158,16) 896 SL5B walkway Second Life Birthday (2,122) 16,576 SL5B Render (92,222) 416 Story of Singapore SL5B Prim (64,208) 12,128 SLSBA Simboarding SL5B Edit (190,76) 1,056 Share your Second Life SL5B Rebake (20,198) 2,080 SL5B - Dwell Common Land SL5B Dwell (2,134) 3,216 Down the Rabbit Hole SL5B Render (28,192) 2,144 SL5B Rebake (78,152) 496 Dave Surface, 512 m2, Data... SL5B Edit (180,16) 512 Unassigned 800 m2 SL5B Edit (88,114) 800 SL5B Rebake (80,236) 128 Cranial Tap SL5B Ruthed (2,2) 15,184 KSG Fashion Show - Kylie Seale SL5B Phantom (140,168) 4,096 Artfox Daviau SL5B Flexi (218,100) 2,880 Walkway SL5B Avatar (160,90) 64 Southwest Mercantile SL5B Dwell (196,144) 768 Reslez Steeplechase - Your... SL5B Physical (74,206) 16 Psoul Tolsen... SL5B Render (136,78) 4,368 frageurs Hock, 3360 m2,... SL5B Rotate (228,226) 3,360 Rail Station SL5B Prim (162,162) 144 Exclusive Weapons SL5B Avatar (64,156) 768 Madddyyy Schnook, 96 m2,... SL5B Rotate (168,48) 96 SL5B Dwell (4,62) 992 SL5B Copy (108,152) 512 Celebrating the creative... SL5B Hippos (60,16) 1,024 SL5B Avatar (4,62) 992 Progressive Christianity Glade SL5B Stretch (216,48) 2,048 Walkway SL5B Move (128,128) 4,032 Giant Snail Racing SL5B Copy (88,94) 416 Grafix Writer... SL5B Render (212,218) 4,320 Lyssa Sapeur SL5B Phantom (192,152) 1,024 SL5B Avatar (244,66) 3,040 SL5B Sculpty (8,180) 512 Hogwarts Reborn SL5B Copy (36,48) 2,048 Art from Westfriesland -... SL5B Flexi (152,206) 1,280 International and... SL5B Rotate (232,16) 1,024 Hazelee Haller & Tinsel... SL5B Phantom (16,240) 576 Asterion Coen SL5B Move (212,88) 4,096 Maldoror Damone SL5B Copy (192,16) 1,024 Machinma Theater Coastline SL5B Rebake (182,230) 2,896 Hiro Velliz, 240 m2, Science SL5B Stretch (6,46) 240 deus ex machina Second Life Birthday (156,88) 2,048 Walkway SL5B Render (128,128) 3,904 VooDoo Lounge@SL5B for CLUB... SL5B Dwell (104,102) 192 Primtings MiniMuseum SL5B Render (204,78) 8,096 SL5B Rebake (20,168) 320 The Art of Contest Boards SL5B Dwell (156,150) 1,152 Aeneas Beaumont - Sezessio SL5B Delegoose (104,194) 8,928 Second Life Music Community... SL5B Move (132,36) 4,096 Clowey Greenwood, 7936 m2,... SL5B Rotate (82,32) 7,936 TUi Neophytes, 512 m2,... SL5B Edit (124,116) 512 Cherry Bomb Tattoos -... SL5B Phantom (228,152) 1,024 SL5B Rebake (78,2) 2,240 Peace Haven Communities -... SL5B Rezzed (116,92) 512 Machinima as a Promotional... SL5B Rebake (22,148) 1,152 The Land Of NoR - Roleplay SL5B Avatar (192,26) 4,160 SL5B Copy (2,2) 9,680 dddA la folie creation SL5B Edit (32,62) 7,936 Syl Darcy JAZZ ARTZ... SL5B Sculpty (28,212) 512 Reslez Steeplechase - Your... SL5B Physical (70,206) 16 Wunderbar Basilica SL5B Ruthed (212,54) 2,304 Second Life Birthday Second Life Birthday (88,136) 576 Eleanora Newell and Tiny TAMA SL5B Render (60,228) 2,240 Kee Llewellyn, 512 m2,... SL5B Rotate (160,16) 512 SL5B Rotate (2,2) 6,480 Have a happy mood SL5B Sculpty (62,196) 2,304 Silverdrake Sparrow - Musa... SL5B Sculpty (116,180) 512 SL5B Flexi (8,180) 512 The Holy Grail SL5B Ruthed (40,224) 4,096 Massachusetts General... SL5B Edit (164,108) 1,024 Bill Stirling, 240 m2,... SL5B Stretch (110,62) 240 Plot - Apachie Bachem SL5B Prim (200,64) 1,024 Money Trees - Traven Sachs SL5B Physical (114,26) 2,048 The Independent State Of... Second Life Birthday (102,60) 8,160 SL5B Dwell (174,134) 544 I AM Columbia, 7936 m2,... SL5B Edit (120,194) 7,936 SL5B Prim - CodeBastard... SL5B Prim (172,64) 512 Analuiza Memel SL5B Dwell (36,192) 2,560
Parcel Name Location Size
Urban Elf SL5B Dwell (156,116) 512
Veritas Raymaker - A... SL5B Prim (204,100) 512
Green belt land SL5B Stretch (72,16) 512
Isle of Wyrms Celebrates... SL5B Copy (36,220) 4,096
Daruma Picnic - SL5B Sculpty (62,248) 832
SL5B Prim - Asian Culture -... SL5B Prim (94,66) 12,176
Cake Plaza SL5B Physical (32,128) 6,464
Walkway SL5B Phantom (128,128) 4,032
White Spot - The Movie SL5B Rebake (152,40) 512
Emilin Nakamori, 1024 m2,... SL5B Stretch (72,164) 1,024
Green Belt land SL5B Stretch (88,164) 1,024
Epsilon Photography -... SL5B Sculpty (106,206) 720
Persephone Phoenix, 240 m2,... SL5B Stretch (234,142) 240
Norjo Enterprises / Sonic... SL5B Rezzed (156,88) 2,048
Antique Artistry Home and... Second Life Birthday (140,166) 1,440
Garden Plot SL5B Sculpty (8,212) 512
none SL5B Render (124,252) 1,984
Churches of the Grail Memory SL5B Ruthed (56,158) 1,408
Message in a Bottle SL5B Copy (38,160) 4,256
Mecca Merosi SL5B Sculpty (116,148) 512
Church Of Greenies SL5B Ruthed (114,230) 2,288
NCI/New Citizens Incorporated SL5B Physical (90,160) 2,048
Fashion & SLebrity - Callie... SL5B Phantom (188,88) 4,096
none SL5B Hippos (128,128) 26,672
Tanishi Nishi, 240 m2,... SL5B Stretch (234,190) 240
DHSL SL5B Rotate (88,96) 128
Random Calliope SL5B Flexi (232,216) 512
Little Mos Eisley SL5B Copy (164,104) 2,048
Divivty SL5B Edit (110,106) 208
Kali Idziak, 240 m2,... SL5B Stretch (234,154) 240
Green belt land SL5B Stretch (42,44) 288
Green belt land SL5B Stretch (2,34) 5,152
Brett Stand - 512 - The... SL5B Stretch (234,212) 640
none SL5B Render (72,204) 256
ZA Motors & ZA Marine - IAm... SL5B Edit (178,50) 1,904
Katrina Bixby, 2048 m2,... SL5B Stretch (32,16) 2,048
none SL5B Dwell (136,194) 992
Furry Pride SL5B Ruthed (196,210) 8,064
Walkway SL5B Edit (128,128) 4,032
DHSL SL5B Rotate (88,118) 192
none SL5B Dwell (214,78) 9,184
Xe Oh SL5B Rebake (94,158) 352
Portuguese Speaking People... SL5B Dwell (180,38) 8,512
SL5B SL5B Move (2,2) 16,480
CreaSL GNUlab SL5B Sculpty (72,148) 512
Saddle Canyon Rodeo SL5B Dwell (196,116) 512
SL Looking Glass SL5B Hippos (16,60) 1,024
Luskwood and the Spirit of... SL5B Delegoose (34,194) 8,432
Studio Freenote SL5B Ruthed (226,96) 1,120
none SL5B Avatar (176,58) 192
Interdisciplinary Practices SL5B Rotate (120,108) 512
SL5B Prim - We moved a... SL5B Prim (36,82) 96
Kids5B SL5B Move (208,28) 4,032
none SL5B Dwell (24,102) 288
Seasons alter wiccan sim... SL5B Dwell (62,236) 4,320
Alliez Mysterio SL5B Rezzed (116,64) 1,024
Divivity SL5B Edit (106,52) 7,904
Art-ista by Adia Clary SL5B Sculpty (60,108) 512
SL Coast Guard SL5B Rotate (240,148) 512
Ian Pahute - Ritual Circle SL5B Render (136,222) 4,160
Robin Sojourner's... SL5B Dwell (22,114) 560
Alcoholics Anonymous SL5B Stretch (240,116) 256
SL5B Prim - Asian Culture -... SL5B Prim (158.041,127.34) 2,624
Surfline Exhibit SL5B Move (56,144) 512
SLASCAR SL5B Dwell (36,152) 2,048
The 60's - Belack Zenovka SL5B Copy (176,226) 8,160
Second Life Day of... SL5B Rebake (152,76) 1,024
DHSL SL5B Rotate (88,106) 192
SLCC 2008 SL5B Physical (236,68) 512
VooDoo Lounge@SL5B for CLUB... SL5B Dwell (102,84) 144
none SL5B Render (60,146) 224
Somewhat Weird Collections... SL5B Physical (236,104) 512
Body By Eve SL5B Ruthed (16,80) 1,920
Plot - Alanagh Recreant SL5B Rezzed (210,152) 2,176
DiVAS - A Virtual Sitcom SL5B Rebake (152,152) 1,600
SL5B Cold Steel's Oriental... SL5B Prim (214,178) 3,696
none SL5B Rebake (94,176) 32
Sezessio n House SL5B Delegoose (98,78) 4,784
Alice Klinger, 540 m2,... SL5B Rotate (94,78) 560
Herd Thinners Tavern SL5B Hippos (16,16) 1,024
First Call Musician's Co-op... SL5B Physical (82,194) 16
Grandma Bates, 1120 m2,... SL5B Rotate (124,78) 1,120
Green Belt Land, 1920 m2 SL5B Stretch (144,226) 1,920
The Shed at Meatspace -... SL5B Phantom (66.1714,9.83357) 3,472
White Lebed visual... SL5B Render (84,146) 1,120
Grace McDunnough - A... SL5B Physical (24,30) 2,048
Style Generic - Chipley... SL5B Flexi (196,152) 960
Saskia Juarez - 50 years of... SL5B Flexi (28,88) 4,032
Arteer Oliva SL5B Flexi (218,58) 2,160
Encore Design Group SL5B Rotate (232,108) 1,024
::Grim Babies:: SL5B Ruthed (212,16) 2,048
Looker Lumet SL5B Flexi (220,180) 512
none SL5B Rebake (176,62) 992
Knuw Kidd, 2048 m2, Diplomacy SL5B Stretch (48,92) 2,048
September McKinney SL5B Sculpty (18,242) 1,008
Sv Donat u Zadru, Croatia SL5B Render (72,180) 1,280
Amilie Anatine - Clipeze SL5B Dwell (100,198) 1,120
PG Sims/ 3 Great Clubs SL5B Avatar (138,110) 560
Solange Benoir, 240 m2,... SL5B Stretch (110,50) 240
Virtualities &... SL5B Phantom (236,24) 512
Be... - Lua Vendetta SL5B Phantom (12,152) 512
Chant Newall Development Group SL5B Rotate (100,194) 24,288
:: Atelier :: Emo Biedermann SL5B Flexi (220,148) 512
Simplesmentenuma Boa, 1024... SL5B Stretch (16,108) 1,024
SL5B Prim - Neil Robinson SL5B Prim (180,100) 1,024
SL5B land SL5B Rezzed (128,128) 25,600
Green Belt Land SL5B Edit (80,150) 576
Shinichiro Beck SL5B Rebake (104,216) 512
Dave Surface, 240 m2, Data... SL5B Stretch (10,150) 240
AnonLiterary Magazine SL5B Hippos (80,104) 512
DHSL SL5B Rotate (104,108) 512
THE BEST OF SL MAGAZINE SL5B Hippos (160,16) 512
Walkway SL5B Rotate (2,126) 3,552
none SL5B Rebake (134,2) 2,400
none SL5B Flexi (78,240) 128
Raglan Shire Airfield SL5B Ruthed (138,26) 2,160
Home of Via Media and the... SL5B Sculpty (240,152) 512
Strawberry Holiday SL5B Sculpty (106,240) 1,152
Artee's Land SL5B Render (82,84) 4,176
Walkway SL5B Copy (128,128) 4,032
Skycat Ranger SL5B Sculpty (96,180) 512
Walkway SL5B Stretch (128,128) 4,032
none SL5B Rebake (152,174) 160
Positive Quantum Energy... SL5B Rebake (104,92) 2,048
VooDoo Lounge@SL5B for CLUB... SL5B Dwell (104,120) 128
Prim Perfect Magazine SL5B Hippos (78,210) 5,872
Star Wars Galacitic Unity SL5B Copy (228,16) 1,024
Plot - BahDahBoomBaDa Bing SL5B Avatar (138,88) 672
Green Belt Land SL5B Edit (24,150) 1,728
*2142 RP Combat Group* SL5B Avatar (24,158) 2,496
none SL5B Rebake (98.3978,136.029) 1,616
Exhibit for HeroineNouvel... SL5B Copy (236,104) 512
Brooklyn is Watching SL5B Edit (44,194) 4,576
NITWACKET MACHINIMA SL5B Rebake (152,16) 512
Roleplay Vampyre Culture SL5B Copy (228,76) 512
Green Belt Land SL5B Edit (2,222) 11,424
Peaceful Garden, just sit... SL5B Render (98,178) 720
Podcasting in Second Life SL5B Hippos (226,104) 1,152
Metaverse TV -... SL5B Hippos (34,170) 4,080
Jaid Marsi SL5B Flexi (8,148) 512
none SL5B Rebake (42,134) 512
none SL5B Avatar (126,194) 496
Days & Nights of Gor SL5B Flexi (90,142) 560
Eshi SL5B Delegoose (36,58) 4,352
none SL5B Ruthed (202,150) 112
Cranial Tap SL5B Edit (194,144) 1,056
black box theater SL5B Render (156,164) 2,048
Flying Tribe Sculpties SL5B Sculpty (8,148) 512
[SL5B Rezzed] Second Life... SL5B Rezzed (128,180) 256
none SL5B Render (126,22) 8,640
none SL5B Rebake (20,228) 320
sLiterary Magazine @ SL5B SL5B Hippos (104,104) 512
Fashionetics PrecisionWear SL5B Phantom (202,28) 2,048
The Great Hall SL5B Copy (36,16) 2,048
DeeDee - Sl Art & Photography SL5B Flexi (168,240) 1,024
World2Worlds SL5B Stretch (90,102) 240
Infamous Designs - built by... Second Life Birthday (88,194) 7,776
Hippos Community Area SL5B Hippos (60,60) 1,600
none SL5B Hippos (136,16) 512
Darius Lehane's Infomyth SL5B Rotate (68,140) 512
Rail Line SL5B Rezzed (158,16) 896
[SL5B Rezzed] Second Life... SL5B Rezzed (112,180) 7,760
***POLICE DEPARTMENT***... SL5B Stretch (86,66) 240
Seeing Spots - Sponsored by... SL5B Phantom (12,104) 512
Fahn Falta SL5B Flexi (28,148) 512
none SL5B Rebake (70,182) 448
Cranial Tap SL5B Edit (196,108) 1,024
Education SL5B Linked (98,222) 4,464
none SL5B Render (20,44) 1,024
Green belt land SL5B Stretch (84,16) 256
Summarized - Kiya McMahon SL5B Flexi (176,108) 512
Ahkums Razor SL5B Flexi (240,180) 512
GM Nikolaidis SL5B Sculpty (12,102) 1,056
Venkman Family Tree SL5B Sculpty (144,162) 1,440
Darkness ~Cienega Soon SL5B Sculpty (116,78) 8,096
CodeBastard Redgrave SL5B Render (16,230) 1,152
none SL5B Rebake (58,138) 640
Insight Virtual College SL5B Rotate (200,92) 2,048
The Victorian Abode -... SL5B Physical (84,82) 2,432
Maxx Monde - Flexi SL5B Flexi (152,164) 4,096
Hannes Breda, 240 m2,... SL5B Stretch (238,102) 240
Elf Circle ~ The Heart of... SL5B Avatar (2,186) 9,008
SL5B Prim - Asian Culture -... SL5B Prim (228,64) 512
Belmakor Pintens - Painter... SL5B Sculpty (178,162) 2,640
Marianne McCann: A Second... SL5B Move (36,146) 1,360
Cult of Ruth Eternal-CORE TM SL5B Ruthed (224,150) 1,120
none SL5B Copy (180,32) 4,096
A Short History Of Fashion... SL5B Phantom (236,104) 512
Daden Limited - Health and... SL5B Stretch (16,76) 1,024
Undiscovered Florida SL5B Dwell (176,228) 4,032
Quirk Kas SL5B Avatar (160,108) 512
none SL5B Dwell (176,198) 288
Camp Duck Itch SL5B Move (92,104) 2,048
Winter Ventura SL5B Flexi (90,162) 560
VooDoo Lounge@SL5B for CLUB... SL5B Dwell (104,112) 128
Beacon BeCloud, 2048 m2,... SL5B Stretch (216,80) 2,048
A touch of Lace SL5B Hippos (32,104) 512
Success in Germany (GFN) SL5B Stretch (104,16) 1,024
FutureWork Institute, 224... SL5B Rotate (168,40) 224
Colossus of Ludo Kressh SL5B Copy (44,94) 4,160
Childhood Dreams SL5B Move (30,64) 4,160
Giant Snail Racing SL5B Copy (108,104) 1,024
EFA - Ewing Fashion Agency SL5B Phantom (68,194) 8,192
Christi Charron, 240 m2,... SL5B Stretch (110,38) 240
Santo City SL5B Avatar (74,30) 5,808
NCI SL History Maps Collection SL5B Move (20,112) 512
[SL5B Rezzed] 1024 Plot -... SL5B Rezzed (192,72) 1,024
Max Chatnoir, 240 m2, Science SL5B Stretch (18,46) 240
hexx Triskaidekaphobia SL5B Rezzed (44,216) 4,128
Youthful Creativity and... SL5B Copy (92,32) 2,048
>>>>> Welcome Area <<<<< SL5B Physical (16,128) 1,728
(2) Ballet Pixelle... SL5B Move (194,214) 560
Infrastructure SL5B Dwell (122,128) 6,544
SL5B Prim - Asian Culture -... SL5B Prim (214,128) 1,632
elros Tuominen SL5B Sculpty (170,230) 3,952
MadeVirtual SL5B Stretch (176,194) 3,968
[SL5B Rezzed] Second Life... SL5B Rezzed (120,200) 256
Zero Point SL5B Flexi (112,92) 2,048
Skusting Dagger SL5B Flexi (58,162) 560
First Opinions Panel SL5B Stretch (110,118) 240
Walkway SL5B Avatar (80,62) 4,208
THE MARQUEZ EXPEIRENCE SL5B Flexi (74,192) 2,400
none SL5B Render (2,62) 496
Chandrayaan Art Gallery &... SL5B Render (210,160) 4,256
Aussie culture flora & fauna SL5B Rezzed (178,94) 3,056
2nd Magazine SL5B Flexi (196,194) 1,056
Renee Faulds SL5B Rezzed (112,20) 2,048
Honeydew Hilite SL5B Move (94,168) 2,304
Ellie Brewster, 1024 m2,... SL5B Rotate (200,16) 1,024
Primtionary SL5B Move (156,104) 1,024
Wolfgeng Hienrichs, 3968... SL5B Stretch (208,194) 3,968
KANSAI SL5B Edit (158,76) 480
Transgender Resource Center... SL5B Stretch (234,178) 240
Quadrapop Tree celebrates SL5B SL5B Flexi (96,240) 1,024
none SL5B Ruthed (106,64) 448
SL5B Cold Steel presents SL... SL5B Prim (232,100) 1,024
>Introduction of Japanese... < SL5B Ruthed (138,80) 2,944 SL5B Rebake (200,112) 512
>>> Asian Culture - Meeting Area <<< SL5B Prim (120,110) 896
Studio 33 SL5B Flexi (28,212) 512
Timi Allen SL5B Flexi (216,240) 2,048
Madison Gardner SL5B Rezzed (58,44) 4,000
Stampshady Grimm SL5B Rebake (72,216) 256
That's Amore SL5B Sculpty (52,148) 512
Scarlet Creative SL5B Stretch (152,62) 7,936
QTLabs Apogee, 4096 m2,... SL5B Stretch (128,164) 4,096
ChangHigh Fireshow of... SL5B Render (20,78) 1,152
Breeze from Aegean Sea... SL5B Delegoose (36,108) 2,048
>>>> Arrival Courtyard <<<<< Second Life Birthday (2,126) 8,128
Latvia SL5B Delegoose (138,66) 1,200
The Prims Abuser SL5B Flexi (132,240) 1,024
Kathleen Jewell, 288 m2,... SL5B Stretch (226,110) 288
none SL5B Ruthed (212,34) 256
Christians SL5B Rebake (100,12) 512
Fairlight Flight - Garth... SL5B Physical (90,234) 1,936
Enniv Zarf SL5B Flexi (76,92) 2,048
Joshua Morane SL5B Render (50,70) 1,456
MJC Career Courses - SL5B SL5B Rotate (176,108) 512
SharpShooter Studios SL5B Rebake (200,88) 512
http://Meta.Live.Nu - Arts... SL5B Copy (88,224) 2,048
Airethilian Banach SL5B Copy (224,50) 1,024
none SL5B Rebake (152,218) 800
(1) Ballet Pixelle... SL5B Move (226,214) 720
Raspirit Heron SL5B Render (124,164) 2,048
Casting About for Words SL5B Sculpty (220,244) 576
Walkway SL5B Flexi (128,128) 4,032
Olmia Tenk - artist's RL... SL5B Sculpty (60,54) 1,056
Reslez Steeplechase - Your... SL5B Physical (70,202) 16
Rail Line SL5B Prim (158,228) 224
MindSpace Galleries - Come... SL5B Move (36,220) 4,096
Haute Style SL5B Ruthed (174,150) 1,456
Dreams Tuts, Sandbox and... SL5B Edit (232,62) 3,968
Bye Bye I Miss CSI -... SL5B Physical (182,32) 2,048 SL5B Stretch (50,152) 1,024
Data Realizaton SL5B Stretch (22,180) 1,056
ChinChek Rest Area SL5B Move (36,172) 1,024
VooDoo Lounge@SL5B for CLUB... SL5B Dwell (104,92) 128
Open Stargate Network SL5B Copy (90,158) 1,040
Boston Harbor - RJ Kikuchiyo SL5B Physical (146,154) 2,048
Ta-Sardar-Gor SL5B Avatar (102,156) 2,112
Transgender Lounge -... SL5B Physical (184,88) 4,096
Sandbox Culture, Old and New SL5B Move (180,168) 8,192
Plot - BahDahBoomBaDa Bing SL5B Avatar (138,66) 560
Kolor Fall SL5B Flexi (240,148) 512
Chel Norfolk SL5B Sculpty (240,196) 640
none SL5B Sculpty (208,160) 384
none SL5B Flexi (146,86) 2,128
(5) Ballet Pixelle... SL5B Move (226,242) 720
none SL5B Sculpty (184,20) 576
The Red Rock & Native Lands... SL5B Dwell (62,38) 8,208
Walkway SL5B Ruthed (128,128) 4,032
Spirit Of The Panther SL5B Copy (212,104) 512
>> SL5B Prim - Asian Culture << SL5B Prim (198,24) 864
FOSSL Vending System SL5B Edit (200,16) 512
none SL5B Sculpty (28,180) 512
Gay History Museum - Bri.. SL5B Physical (132,88) 2,048
MPFGroup Kohime SL5B Copy (156,16) 1,024
Tiny Quad Puppy Avatars SL5B Ruthed (154,58) 784
>>>>> SL5B Welcome Area <<<<< SL5B Physical (128,128) 19,696
Narnia Hat Collection -... SL5B Phantom (236,64) 512 SL5B Stretch (72,108) 512
Amor Goldlust SL5B Render (14,152) 1,120
Carabella Babii:... SL5B Flexi (176,76) 512
DCS2 Exhibit @ SL5B - The... SL5B Avatar (42,94) 4,080
none SL5B Sculpty (28,148) 512
Take a Walk on the Tiny Side! SL5B Ruthed (68,64) 8,064
none SL5B Render (48,110) 224
"The Upper East Side"... SL5B Rezzed (212,208) 4,096
>>>Rail Line<<< SL5B Prim (158,158) 208
Kianeira MacDiarmid SL5B Phantom (16,202) 1,024
InfoHub Culture -... SL5B Physical (212,152) 2,048
iZa boutique SL5B Exhibit SL5B Phantom (160,228) 1,024
none SL5B Rebake (90,190) 336
Gweneth Lange, 2048 m2,... SL5B Rotate (216,164) 2,048
Brunel University School of... SL5B Rotate (18,2) 4,096
Izzy Robbiani The... SL5B Render (42,148) 1,248
Giardino Galleria - Petr... SL5B Sculpty (96,148) 512
SL5B Time Capsule Second Life Birthday (194,28) 4,800
Kali Idziak, 240 m2,... SL5B Stretch (234,166) 240
Boston Harbor as it was 150... SL5B Dwell (176,180) 2,144
Toxian City Exhibit @ SL5B... SL5B Copy (180,164) 8,192
Ballet Pixelle (formerly... SL5B Move (212,228) 512
Daden Limited - Visualisations SL5B Stretch (30,142) 240
Jokay Wollongong, 1024 m2,... SL5B Rotate (168,76) 1,024
none SL5B Rebake (38,2) 304
none SL5B Ruthed (196,166) 384
Walkway SL5B Avatar (146,52) 96
Renegade Gray SL5B Rezzed (116,112) 512
Walkway SL5B Avatar (124,128) 1,984
Al Supercharge, 2048 m2,... SL5B Stretch (216,16) 2,048
Christos Atlantis, 512 m2,... SL5B Rotate (176,16) 512
none SL5B Rebake (176,190) 928
>> Greenies BIG BANG! << SL5B Ruthed (110,172) 4,320
The Blackhearts Experience SL5B Avatar (98,90) 1,872
MetaNetwork Media SL5B Hippos (160,88) 4,096
Notes Development,... SL5B Stretch (90,118) 240
Okui Korobase, 240 m2, Data... SL5B Stretch (10,138) 240
Broadway Live! SL5B Sculpty (204,78) 8,096
none SL5B Rebake (100,2) 128
none SL5B Rebake (2,134) 15,264
none SL5B Hippos (104,32) 2,048
Treasure Box, 1024 m2,... SL5B Stretch (202,110) 1,008
OZ designs Birthday wishes... SL5B Render (24,110) 1,120
none SL5B Flexi (2,2) 21,248
none SL5B Rebake (82,176) 304
Dance Floors! - Kimo Junot SL5B Avatar (192,90) 4,672
none SL5B Sculpty (208,176) 128
none SL5B Avatar (192,54) 320
Education SL5B Linked (128,128) 56,976
SL Shakespeare Company... Second Life Birthday (22,192) 4,032
The Writing On The Wall SL5B Hippos (108,172) 4,672
Russian artists - Ane Oh &... SL5B Rotate (240,180) 512
Sunn Thunders SL5B Sculpty (22,64) 1,056
Green Belt Land SL5B Edit (64,150) 576
Scripting from Scratch SL5B Dwell (64,102) 2,112
(4) Ballet Pixelle... SL5B Move (194,242) 560
Maxx Monde, 7936 m2, Data... SL5B Stretch (64,224) 7,936
Calamity's Haute Models... SL5B Phantom (212,208) 4,096
Hibiscus Flossby SL5B Sculpty (36,108) 512
"A livella", a Toto' machinima SL5B Rebake (152,112) none