HTTP Post request to a PHP server

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Revision as of 11:20, 30 June 2008 by Corto Maltese (talk | contribs)
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Second life allow script to make requests to a web site. This now works quite well but scripters need to be careful of potential attacks.

In any scenario, it is safe to check that the request comes from one of your scripts only.

So I made a little function called xrequest, this function will make a request to a PHP page using your own secure SECRET_NUMBER password. The PHP script can check that the password is right before processing the request.

This is simple and uses a good algorithm present in both LSL and PHP.

How to use

The second life script

In the beginning of your script you must copy the xrequest function and also choose a SECRET_NUMBER and a SECRET_STRING. In SL you should also make sure that the script is not visible to other people than yourself (this is the default access right).


integer SECRET_NUMBER=123456789;
integer SECRET_STRING="XD4@5#-m";

xrequest(string url, list l)
    integer i;
    integer len=llGetListLength(l) & 0xFFFE; // makes the list count even
    string body;

   for (i=0;i<len;i+=2)
        string varname=llList2String(l,i);
        string varvalue=llList2String(l,i + 1);
        if (i>0) body+="&";
    string hash=llMD5String(body+SECRET_STRING,SECRET_NUMBER);
    http_request_id = llHTTPRequest(url+"?hash="+hash,[HTTP_METHOD,"POST",HTTP_MIMETYPE,"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],body);


To make a call to the function you have to provide 2 parameters:

For example:

xrequest("",["parameter1",123,"parameter2","parameter2 value"]);

The first parameter is the address of the webpage which will process your request. I assume, you own a website which supports PHP (about any version).

The second parameter is a list containing the parameters you want to pass to the page. They will be sent to the page as if they had been type in a WebForm. The list can be empty [] or contain any number of 'variable name','variable value' pairs.

The PHP Page

The php page must contains the function below, if you're a PHP wiz, you also include it inside another file.

Note that the page must be modified to contain your own SECRET_NUMBER. Your page will then use the function checkHash() to make sure the correct password was used. If the password is wrong, the page won't run any further.

If the password is right you can then read the content of the parameters using a simple $_POST["parameter_name"]


 // this function tweak slightly urlencode to make it behave exactly like llEscapeURL in Second Life.
 function llEscapeURL($s)
 	return str_replace(
 // this my main SL page XML-RPC page
 function checkHash()
 	global $body;
 	foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
 		if ($cpt++>0) $body.="&";
 	if ($hash!=$calcHash) 
 		sleep(2); // slow down the requests
 		echo "result=FAIL\nMSG=Invalid hash"; + $body=""; 
 // You can use the parameters here by simply using $_POST["parameter_name"] 
 echo "OK";


I hope it helps. Don't hesitate to ask any question to Corto Maltese or improve this page.