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Revision as of 09:05, 1 March 2010 by Epilort Byrne (talk | contribs) (HTTP 302 Redirects not being followed)
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I have a Question .. Does POST work ? I couldnt get it working Anylyn Hax 13:34, 28 July 2007 (PDT)

The following headers will be present, usable by scripts running on the HTTP server if the scripting language allows you to access the headers.

An PHP example on how to check to see if the call came from the main grid:

    if ($_SERVER["HTTP_X_SECONDLIFE_SHARD"] == "Production") {
        echo 'You are using the main grid';
    } else {
        echo 'You are not using the main grid';

Odd format for header names

Why are the headers listed as HTTP_SOME_HEADER_NAME, when the sent headers are in the format Some-Header-Name? Is there some benefit to putting false values that match conventions used by CGI, but aren't actually correct?

  • This is because you are looking at a global property with a lot more information than just headers. Some functions like listed below handle the stripping of the HTTP_ information, but you could also just use substr to remove the HTTP_ Wouter Hobble - 4 July 2008

I am aware that the example given above works, but (assuming that you're using mod_php) this would too, and reflects the real header names:

$headers = apache_request_headers();
if($headers['X-SecondLife-Shard'] == 'Production')
    print "You are on the main grid.";
    print "You are on a preview grid.";

Additionally, the current information does not show the capitalisation, thus further confusing the matter. Katharine Berry 09:55, 21 June 2007 (PDT)

Root Certificates

Can someone add a list of root certificates to this article?

I know that Verisign, Thawt, and RapidSSL are accepted, I know that is not.

HTTP_VERIFY_CERT behavior clarification

Even when HTTP_VERIFY_CERT is set to FALSE, if the certificate domain name does not match the URL domain you will get a HTTP 499 response. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Apotheus Silverman

That does not sound like a bug. That sounds like a feature. If I tried to access and the certificate was for I would be thinking there was a man-in-the-middle attack happening. On the flip side if you don't verify the signing authority you can pretend to be anyone you want. I don't know which is worse, the false sense of security or certificate impersonation. -- Strife (talk|contribs) 13:21, 15 October 2008 (PDT)

Region limit

Besides the 25/sec/script limit there is some limit per time per REGION. Error Message "This region currently has too many in progress HTTP requests." so what is it?

I am totally confused

I gulp a stare. I hope it makes sense to me one day. -- Eddy (talk|contribs) 15:55, 10 June 2009 (UTC)


I Could Not Get Post To Work To A PHP page, It Was Picked Up By The Page As A Get.

llHTTPRequest(url, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST"], "");

Post, Put, And Get All Came Across As Get On The Server. So Does HTTP_METHOD Not Work?Adi 19:48, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

References to forum threads are now broken

The references to threads in the now closed old forums (re caveat on throttling) are now broken; LL have indicated that (at the time of writing) it will be four weeks until the archives are available. I've added a comment to this effect on the page, but perhaps someone knows a better way to handle this. Pete Olihenge 10:09, 16 February 2010 (UTC)

HTTP 302 Redirects not being followed

I POST form data to my server which in turn redirects me sending an HTTP 302 status code which does not seemed to be followed as it says in the Wiki. Any comments?