User:Andrew Linden/Office Hours/2010 03 12

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[16:00] Ashiri Sands: hihi
[16:00] Rex Cronon: hello everybody
[16:00] Alexia Leborski: Hello
[16:00] Arawn Spitteler thinks Alexia should now give PAthfinder a call.
[16:00] Quarterback Orcenhall: quarterback orcenhall
[16:01] Rex Cronon: hiii...
[16:01] Alexia Leborski: Hi...ardy...we are in our usual chairs...LOL
[16:01] Kaluura Boa: Happy new year, Morgaine... =^_^=
[16:01] Alexia Leborski: there was an earthquake at my SL home...must have been a 4.5
[16:01] Ardy Lay: Yes, I have been sitting here since sometime in July 2009 I think.
[16:01] Eddi Decosta: hi Andrew ㋡
[16:01] Morgaine Dinova: Thanks Kalura. I really need a new tag :P
[16:01] Andrew Linden: hello
[16:01] Ashiri Sands: hiya Andrew
[16:01] Arawn Spitteler: I was just watching a package on Hoarders, a condition of imminant importance, with so many people moving from their homes: I think my Stirring Cauldron might be in season, more broadly than I thought.
[16:01] Alexia Leborski: yeah? why?
[16:02] Eddi Decosta: how are you before the weekend? ㋡
[16:02] Rex Cronon: hello andrew
[16:02] Ardy Lay: Hi Andrew
[16:02] Morgaine Dinova: Hi Andrew :-)
[16:02] Alexia Leborski: hahahaha
[16:02] Rex Cronon: .
[16:02] Alexia Leborski: hmmmmmmmm
[16:02] Alexia Leborski: Hi Andrew
[16:03] Andrew Linden: Simon Linden won't be able to make it today.
[16:03] Morgaine Dinova: Awww
[16:03] Andrew Linden: He's going to be attending some Friday evening performance of something, I think.
[16:03] Arawn Spitteler: Hi, Andrew, I was just looking to append something to our sacred list of SVC-22 SVC-03 and SVC-2931, but I forget its number. About the Save Object to My Inventory.
[16:03] llSetLinkPrimitiveParams content breakage, only moves agents 54 meters now
[16:03] Vehicles crossing region borders aren't always treated as vehicles and can get incorrectly returned if the destination parcel is no-entry or parcel-full
[16:04] Eddi Decosta: svc-3 ? LOL
[16:04] Andrew Linden: Ok Arawn, what is the new item?
[16:04] Andrew Linden: Oh I see, you forgot the number.
[16:04] Sebastean Steamweaver: I live!
[16:04] Kaluura Boa: svc-93
[16:04] ROTATION and llSetRot incorrectly implemented for child prims
[16:05] Liisa Runo: i wonder if there is some reason that SVC-2931 happened, why it got limited?
[16:05] Andrew Linden: SVC-3 is resolved.
[16:05] Sebastean Steamweaver: SVC-3?
[16:05] Arawn Spitteler: svc-3947
[16:05] Save Object Back to My Inventory
[16:05] Eddi Decosta: grrrr, i hate taht on 2.0 always write for nothing when i dont click on the type bar .....
[16:06] Arawn Spitteler: It's reopened, because Soft tried to close a similar sounding issue.
[16:07] Andrew Linden: Ok, I'll keep that bug in mind when looking for stuff to fix.
[16:07] Andrew Linden: I was trying to get to region crossing bugs this week
[16:07] Andrew Linden: but didn't succeed
[16:08] Andrew Linden: instread I got sidetracked by a crash bug emergency and then a permissions bug (non emergency)
[16:08] Arawn Spitteler: There was an SEC issue, that the option was closed to handle, but there must be a more elegant handling.
[16:08] Arawn Spitteler: Perms are important, and also a demand for Elegance.
[16:08] Andrew Linden: Oh, that rings a bell... the SEC issue
[16:09] Sebastean Steamweaver: Which is why they don't work in v2.0 ;)
[16:09] Andrew Linden: I recall stepping through the problem with another LL dev and concluding that it could probably be reimplemented
[16:09] s on SL2, and a bit slow user side.
[16:09] Andrew Linden: however I forget the details now, and another thing...
[16:09] Morgaine Dinova: Not sure what your sim-side debugging environment is like, but do you have a scripting system of the PyOGP type but interfacing to your intra-region handover protocol instead, for testing?
[16:09] Andrew Linden: Phoenix concluded that it couldn't be fixed
[16:10] Andrew Linden: but maybe he meant it couldn't be fixed *easily*
[16:10] Andrew Linden: Morgaine, some people here at LL are playing with PyOGP
[16:11] Andrew Linden: I once downloaded PyOGP codebase to see if it would work for something I needed, but decided not.
[16:11] Andrew Linden: Specifically, I think Enus Linden is looking to use PyOGP for automatic testing purposes.
[16:11] Morgaine Dinova: Oh, I know, lots of you. :-) The latest is Joshua, who has just produced a Jabber and IRC gateway for the forcoming IETF VWRAP meetting --- he did it in a stunningly short amount of time!
[16:12] Morgaine Dinova: Using PyOGP
[16:13] Morgaine Dinova: I was following up your point about handover bug though, so it's couldn't be PyOGP, different purpose entirely. But a scripting system that interfaces to your intra-region protocol could be very powerful for you.
[16:14] Andrew Linden: Yes, it would be useful for automated testing. And maybe as a harness for shorter-term testing on experimental code.
[16:14] Morgaine Dinova nods
[16:15] Andrew Linden: I expect when I get to region crossing bugs I'll be doing only a few region crossings
[16:15] Morgaine Dinova chuckles
[16:15] Andrew Linden: and spending most of my time examining the details of those crossings
[16:15] Eddi Decosta: Morgaine, can you find me the french docs on PyOGP , if you have time? ㋡
[16:16] Morgaine Dinova: It's a concurrency problem. Having done my research in concurrency, I appreciate your pain there :-)
[16:16] Xugu Madison: Andrew, this might be so obvious that it's not worth saying, but tried simulating packet loss while doing sim crosssings?
[16:17] Andrew Linden: Xugu, no I haven't tried that yet. I think most of the bugs I'll be looking at have to do with new data that needs to be included
[16:17] Andrew Linden: either during region crossings, or just between region neighbors
[16:17] Morgaine Dinova: Eddi: I wasn't even aware that anything had been internationalized for PyOGP docs. (Anyway, what docs? There's a few wiki pages :P)
[16:18] Andrew Linden: such as SVC-22 which requires some parcel data to be shared between neighbors
[16:20] Rex Cronon: hearing the crickets here...
[16:20] Andrew Linden: Oh, I should mention before I forget... I'll be on vacation for the week of March 22
[16:20] Xugu Madison: Have fun Andrew!
[16:20] Sebastean Steamweaver: Yes yes :)
[16:20] Rex Cronon: right. enjoy it:)
[16:20] Andrew Linden: so Simon will probably be the only Linden attending for March 23 and 26th
[16:20] Sebastean Steamweaver: One wonders what lindens do for vacation.
[16:20] Morgaine Dinova: Aye, have a good one --- preferably without your laptop :-)
[16:21] Liisa Runo: Have fun vacation, and if you go to some exotic place, bring me a stone and a stick
[16:21] Andrew Linden: unless he recruits someone to come with him
[16:21] misty Putzo:
[16:21] misty Putzo: ooooo soz
[16:21] Andrew Linden: I'll bring my laptop, but it probably won't be very useful in the wilderness.
[16:22] Sebastean Steamweaver: HEhe, there's always solitaire.
[16:22] Morgaine Dinova: Heh
[16:22] Ashiri Sands: ah, truely escaping !
[16:22] Sebastean Steamweaver: It will be nice for you to not have to worry about anything.
[16:22] Eddi Decosta: ojh sorry nice for you Andrew ㋡
[16:23] Sebastean Steamweaver: I love the fact that RL has megaprims enabled X)
[16:23] Morgaine Dinova: HAHAHA Seb
[16:24] Liisa Runo: RL megaprims are enabled, but 0.5meter wooden cube cost you like 100$ or something... i prefer SL
[16:24] Rex Cronon: rl already had a mega-prim revolution. here the revolution died:(
[16:25] Andrew Linden: so another LL dev was telling me...
[16:25] Andrew Linden: Squid Linden has been working on instrumenting the simulator with some better profiling tools
[16:25] Xugu Madison 's with Liisa on this. Mostly because his RL living space is "limited"
[16:25] Andrew Linden: and had a test region up with a bunch of other Lindens using it
[16:25] Xugu Madison: you have a Squid Linden? I mean, instrumenting, excellent!
[16:26] Andrew Linden: and the region was running slow
[16:26] Andrew Linden: so he profiled it and found lots of fertile ground for making improvements
[16:26] Andrew Linden: naturally one of the largest hotspots was our interestlist code
[16:26] Andrew Linden: which many of us have been complaining about internally for a long time
[16:27] Andrew Linden: wondering why people higher up weren't putting its overhaul on the schedule
[16:27] Andrew Linden: it has been on the schedule now for a while... somewhere later this year I think
[16:27] Techwolf Lupindo: I've like the client to get ALL object data. Let the client handle culling.
[16:28] Andrew Linden: anyway with the prfiling tools that are going out it will be easier for the resource allocators here at LL to make better decisions on where to focus
[16:28] Andrew Linden hopes.
[16:28] Xugu Madison: TEchwolf, wouldn't that be an insane amount of bandwidth though?
[16:28] Xugu Madison nods to Andrew "Excellent!"
[16:29] Andrew Linden: Yeah, we need to be able to do culling at the server side
[16:29] Techwolf Lupindo: Not if probperlly done. Right now, the sim handles culling. The order to recived object can be the same, only imporove, but drop the active culling.
[16:29] Andrew Linden: however, what would be nice would be to make the data streams subscribable
[16:29] Andrew Linden: so a client with lots of bandwidth could just subscribe to more data streams
[16:30] Andrew Linden: and if we can group multiple subscribers to one data stream then we should be able to make the interestlist stuff more efficient
[16:30] Techwolf Lupindo: I have 6M, most of the one i've talked to eaither got 1Meg or less or have geater then 5M, like 10 to 50Meg of some cable modems and FOIS
[16:30] Xugu Madison has 2mb
[16:30] Alexia Leborski: when you are using the term subsribable...are you speaking in terms of paid subscriptions or are you merely referring to provisioning?
[16:31] Xugu Madison: Although it's outbound from the server I was mostly thinking of...
[16:31] Andrew Linden: no, not paid subscriptions -- I mean the simulator would provide a list of all streams available to the client
[16:31] Alexia Leborski: ...just curious
[16:31] Andrew Linden: and then the client could tell the simulator which streams it was interested in
[16:32] Andrew Linden: which would make it easier for a low-end client (handheld computer, for example) to subscribe to a minimal set of streams (nearby streams)
[16:32] Techwolf Lupindo: Hmm...have a fix number of streams, each one corrisponding to a block of area on the sim....each cleint would then figure out what stream to connect too just by location and the sim just keeps a fixed list of objects to send out on taht stream....that can work very well if implemted correctory.
[16:33] Ardy Lay: I'd love to be able to exclude gesture noises from downloading at times.
[16:33] Techwolf Lupindo: And a text only client would subscript to zero streams.
[16:34] Sebastean Steamweaver: Ardy, that would totally exclude you from communicating with those of whom gestures are the primary means of communication!
[16:34] Liisa Runo: ^^
[16:34] Ardy Lay: Sabastean, exactly!
[16:34] Ashiri Sands giggles.
[16:34] Xugu Madison was about to say, he fails to see the issue :)
[16:34] Andrew Linden: the subscription model for interestlist would probably start with location based streams, but perhaps the actual data types would be differentiated too
[16:34] Alexia Leborski: ...such as provisioning for additional bandwidth ...on opposed to paying a premium service charge for additional bandwidth and connection speed
[16:34] Sebastean Steamweaver winks at Xugu.
[16:34] Ashiri Sands: It is true that some people only seem to communicate with gestures.
[16:35] Andrew Linden: so a client might not be interested in all audio... maybe
[16:35] Xugu Madison does wonder if making subscriptions normally match the parcel you're on, would make sense...
[16:36] Techwolf Lupindo: I hope when the http texture switch is turned on, rezzing performance improves.
[16:36] Ardy Lay: While you are at it, make a Windlight Parameter stream. :-)
[16:36] Andrew Linden: "rezzing" has become an ambiguous term
[16:36] Techwolf Lupindo: Not rezzing prims, rezzing the sence on the computer. right now its slow due to very slow texture downloads.
[16:37] Andrew Linden: it is used for the act of creating objects (it's original use) and also for objects showing up in view
[16:37] Eddi Decosta: loll, Ardy the windlight affect the moap when i try to read some website ㋡
[16:37] Xugu Madison: Must run, need to be awake again in 6 hours. Night all!
[16:37] Andrew Linden: I assume you're using it in the second sense
[16:37] Ashiri Sands: bye Xugu
[16:37] Rex Cronon: tc xugu
[16:37] Eddi Decosta: bye bye Xugu ㋡
[16:37] Techwolf Lupindo: Ever sence the last rollout and viewer 2.0, getting data from the sim has been very slow. Takes over 5 mintes to rez the are you TP into. Most of that time is grey prims.
[16:38] Ashiri Sands: Using Emerald?
[16:38] Sebastean Steamweaver: I've been noticing that as well, actually.
[16:38] Techwolf Lupindo: Across all client.s
[16:38] Ashiri Sands: Oh, I've only really noticed it on one client
[16:38] Eddi Decosta: i use emerald and 1.23.5 some time
[16:39] Ardy Lay: I haven't really noticed texture downloading being slow consistently. It's just at moments when you all jump in here at the same time. :-)
[16:39] Andrew Linden: I think the HTTP texture download will indeed improve the flow of textures and will probably also improve the simulator performance
[16:40] Andrew Linden: however, it will take a while for all clients to move over to the HTTP texture download pipeline
[16:40] Techwolf Lupindo: I like to see the switch turn on sim side so folks can start debuggin it.
[16:40] Andrew Linden: so it will be a while before we can rip out the old pipeline from the simulator code
[16:40] Eddi Decosta: Ardy yeah, i notice that to, and each time i see a sculpty load, i notice a clothing texture rebake on my human avi
[16:40] Sebastean Steamweaver: I'm using HTTP texture now, but it's tucked away in the "Develop" menu. I don't know why it's back in there if Linden prefers people use it.
[16:41] Techwolf Lupindo: Seb, that only affects teh map
[16:41] Andrew Linden: I dunno, I haven't been able to keep track of when HTTP texture will be turned on server-side
[16:41] Andrew Linden: I've asked around and the reply I get is: it is currently in testing now
[16:42] Sebastean Steamweaver: Hmm
[16:42] Jonathan Yap: Andrew, I have http turned on in Snowglobe 1.3 and textures seem to load twice as fast
[16:42] Ardy Lay: Placeebo effect
[16:43] Kaluura Boa: =^_^=
[16:43] Ardy Lay: Simulator CAP is off
[16:43] Ardy Lay: I'd love to catch it on again some day. That was fun.
[16:43] Eddi Decosta: on viewer 2.0 develop menu, what i supposed to observ when i check http textures?
[16:44] Kaluura Boa: A much faster map... At least that what you get with SnowGlobe
[16:44] Arawn Spitteler: Back to the subject of Subscription Lists, the use of Paid Membership, to limit who can implement MoaP, might be a good Premium Benni.
[16:44] Arawn Spitteler: Back Burner thought, really
[16:44] Morgaine Dinova: "It's slow", "It's fast" isn't engineering. We need the viewer to gather numbers.
[16:44] Andrew Linden: Yeah, there are a bunch of people pondering what should be premium only and what should not
[16:45] Andrew Linden: when I consider the list I usually decide that most features should be free for all
[16:45] Kaluura Boa: Yeah... We pay. We should a little more than 300 L$ a week
[16:45] Eddi Decosta: Arwan, honestly im againts this .. cause i think all users have right to the moap ..
[16:45] Kaluura Boa: +have
[16:46] Andrew Linden: the only ones that should be premium-only are ones that are expensive to run
[16:46] Arawn Spitteler: All should see the MOAP, but should all produce?
[16:46] Andrew Linden: or that have more grief potential...
[16:46] Saijanai Kuhn: seeing how there are no simulator rsources used by moap, I think its a VERY bad idea
[16:46] Sebastean Steamweaver: I still think LL needs to get away from the "premium" account idea, and I know I've said this a dozen times before, but they need to move to a modular charge system where people can purchase services they want.
[16:47] Andrew Linden: that is probably the right direction Sebastean
[16:47] Arawn Spitteler: I'd be leary of the Nickel and Dime nature of Modular, although it's otherwise sensible.
[16:47] Morgaine Dinova: There's no protection in MoaP currently. It's a Beta release, don't use it for MoaP except for short tests in a controlled parcel. Samuel is looking at the security issues.
[16:47] Ardy Lay: I think I would not subscribe to the random griefer service module. Don't have much use for that.
[16:47] Andrew Linden: however the only modularity there is in land ownership and a few other services (classifieds for example)
[16:48] Andrew Linden: er... the only current modularity
[16:48] Eddi Decosta: the Moap are implated for all resident in first time and honestly you need the premium account to have right at that or this .. and seriously i dont need to activ the moap only for premium member its a total disrimination.
[16:48] Andrew Linden: if there were premium and non-premium then it would be a step toward more modularity
[16:48] Sebastean Steamweaver: Arawn, I don't think it needs to be nickle-and-dime. I think it can be reasonable, but it also allows LL to be more lucrative. A lot of people don't get premium accounts because of what they don't need, even if there are some things they would be willing to pay for.
[16:48] Arawn Spitteler: MoaP could be modular, and has griefing potential. Whether it should be free for all, can also be debated.
[16:49] Morgaine Dinova:
[16:49] powerful facility totally without user protection
[16:49] Rex Cronon: there is a rumour going on that neil life could rip scripts, and that ll might have fixed it recently. how true it is?
[16:49] Eddi Decosta: geez
[16:49] Alexia Leborski: so far...I have seen absolutely no value proposition in the Premium Membership
[16:49] Rex Cronon: rumor*
[16:50] Alexia Leborski: I have tried the bennies and don't see any value...quite honestly
[16:50] Sebastean Steamweaver: Eddi, the idea isn't to make everything a service, the idea is just to allow LL to break up the things they currently charge for, and perhaps a few future services, so that more people have access to them without having to pay the "big sum" for a premium account and getting a lot of what they don't need.
[16:50] Arawn Spitteler: That's a problem, where you might sell Jack your consulting services.
[16:51] Sebastean Steamweaver: If you don't need any of the services and are fine with what you have now, you don't have to pay for them.
[16:51] Arawn Spitteler: Non-Premies could go Mod, on their MoaP, but that's really for a late night thinking
[16:51] Sebastean Steamweaver: One thing i've mentioned that a lto of people would be willing to pay for, is being able to get homesteads from LL without having to own a full sim.
[16:52] Sebastean Steamweaver: I think LL did that to avoid everyone getting homsteads instead of full sims, but people who needed and could afford them, still would.
[16:52] Arawn Spitteler: I think Homesteads could still be rented, or borrowed, from those with Full Sims.
[16:53] Sebastean Steamweaver: Arawn, that's what I do currently with a few friends of mine.
[16:53] Morgaine Dinova: It won't happen, but if MoaP were to become Premium-only, and no protection is put into MoaP, then Premium members will be paying to get hacked :P
[16:53] Sebastean Steamweaver: And since it's on an at-cost basis, it isn't really an issue.
[16:53] Eddi Decosta: welcome at the new expensiv virtual world ..
[16:53] Eddi Decosta: your business, your world
[16:54] Ashiri Sands: I find that MoaP hasn't worked for me... I think "noScript" blocks it
[16:54] Sebastean Steamweaver: Eddi, we're not talking about things that are currently free. We're talking about things that people already pay for.
[16:54] Arawn Spitteler: Do you expect your electricity fro Free? I could help you track down Nicolai, whereever he is today.
[16:54] Sebastean Steamweaver: If LL started offering homsteads, it would actually be cheaper in most cases because people wouldn't have to pay the markup of whoever they rent from.
[16:55] Arawn Spitteler: LL shouldn't undercut the middleman, as far as that goes.
[16:55] Morgaine Dinova: Ashiri: MoaP doesn't go through Firefox.
[16:55] Sebastean Steamweaver: You might have a point there Arawn, estate is a large part of SL's economy.
[16:55] Eddi Decosta: sorry Andrew, but im little furstrating and againts this idia ..
[16:56] Arawn Spitteler: Againstedness is welcome, in Brain Storming.
[16:56] Andrew Linden: Eddi, could you elaborate on exactly what you're against?
[16:57] Eddi Decosta: that proposition to have a premium member for active the moap plugings, honestly its riddiculouls ..
[16:58] Andrew Linden: Oh. I don't think that will be limited to premium accounts -- but I'm not positive.
[16:58] Andrew Linden: Personally I think there is value in just improving the funtionality and feature set of SL
[16:59] Andrew Linden: MOAP doesn't cost LL anything as a feature to support, beyond its implementation
[16:59] Arawn Spitteler: I thought I was being original; is it already posited? Pay to present, what's freee to view, is what funds our Penny Press.
[17:00] Andrew Linden: compared to other stuff like bottomless inventories which translate to hardware that must support the load and backups and all that
[17:00] Eddi Decosta: honlestly i love moap since the first time i have tested
[17:00] Arawn Spitteler: I haven't yet discovered how to place MoaP
[17:00] Eddi Decosta: and if some people abuse of moap its not mine trouble and i dont need to paid for this abuser ..
[17:01] Morgaine Dinova: MoaP is being marketted as "Shared Experience", so it would be bizarre if it were to be for some residents only. Seems highly unlikely, assuming that "Shared Experience" means something.
[17:01] Arawn Spitteler: I think there's a small griefing potential, where a tax would also filter, but I'm really just offering a comparative profit op
[17:02] Eddi Decosta: Arwan what griefing? lol
[17:02] Techwolf Lupindo: How about a prim litter tax?
[17:02] Techwolf Lupindo: That bi-plane been stuck on that ship for three weeks.
[17:02] Andrew Linden: What if posting MOAP links cost onlyi 1L$ per unique and required some level of account verification
[17:02] Arawn Spitteler: MoaP, doesn't that allow some to get the IPA?
[17:02] Eddi Decosta: Awndrew i think ll need to add a Tos sections about Moap ㋡
[17:03] Eddi Decosta: like guide line to use
[17:03] Andrew Linden: that might be enough to limit some grief potential
[17:03] Liisa Runo: ill vote for taxing no-autoreturn. way too many parcels are getting full of vehicles and pyramid schemes
[17:03] Arawn Spitteler: Payment Info might be the Verification needed.
[17:03] Eddi Decosta: moment andrew i past you a jira in im
[17:03] Eddi Decosta: let me fin that
[17:03] Morgaine Dinova: There isn't a small griefing potential. There is a massive griefing potential, and worse, a massive viewer exploit potential that will lead to compromized PCs and emptied L$ accounts, not to mention your credit cards. This isn't a joke. It's happening hundreds of thousands of times every day, as Javascript and Flash exploits compromize PCs.
[17:04] Andrew Linden: hehe, that's a new idea I hadn't heard of -- taxation on no-autoreturn
[17:04] Rex Cronon: if u have to pay for these moap links, that could mean a newbie will have a very restricted view of sl
[17:04] Ashiri Sands: maybe autoreturn should be the default on parcels
[17:04] Arawn Spitteler: Better not to send distracting IMs.
[17:04] Arawn Spitteler: There uysed to be a linden's per prim rezed.
[17:04] Andrew Linden: yeah, that per-rez cost would be recovered when you deleted prims -- what an accounting mess
[17:04] Arawn Spitteler: Aren't those parcels the old Beta ones, that have Free-Premium grandfathered in?
[17:05] Andrew Linden: Office hours are up. I've got an interesting permissions problem I'm working on.
[17:05] Alexia Leborski: ...sorry, folks but I have to go somewhere and have to leave early
[17:05] Sebastean Steamweaver: I have to leave soon, but taxation on no-auto return should be for mainland only if it's done.
[17:05] Alexia Leborski: Catch you later
[17:05] Andrew Linden: Mabye I can complete it before I go home.
[17:05] Sebastean Steamweaver: Wow, three people at once.
[17:05] Alexia Leborski: Bye
[17:06] Sebastean Steamweaver: Take care Andrew, and all
[17:06] Andrew Linden: Thanks for coming, everyone.
[17:06] Morgaine Dinova: Cyu Andrew, have a good weekend :-)
[17:06] Rex Cronon: tc andrew
[17:06] Ashiri Sands: bye Andrew. thanks.

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