PyOGP Inworld Meetings

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We meet regularly to discuss Pyogp, its status, and the future work. In the beginning we will be having longer meetings just to get started. Eventually, they will become standing meetings just to keep everyone up-to-date on what is being worked on.

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In World Meetings

Pyogp/In-World-Meetings - visit this page to see the agendas and discussions that took place
We're going to start having daily meetings at "infinity is full of stars" in Levenhall at 9:30AM SLT each day. These meetings are for the PyOGP coders to meet and discuss design, process and status. In the near term, these are likely to be "somewhat beefy" meetings where design issues are discussed and differences hammered out. In the longer term, these will hopefully be more "Agile Stand-Up" style meetings where we discuss: a. what we've done in the last 24 hours, b. what we're going to do in the next 24 and c. what we're blocked on.

what PyOGP Coders Meeting
who PyOGP l33t C0d3rZ
where "infinity is full of stars" @ Levenhall/91/208/22
when 9:30AM SLT / 12:30PM Eastern Time / 5:30PM GMT / 6:30PM Central European Time
why for PyOGP contributors to hash out architecture, design, test and deploy issues
notes there were some notes taken and posted here. Sai posted the transcript here.