Torley island

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Revision as of 10:26, 28 July 2008 by Torley Linden (talk | contribs)
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Friendly greetings! Here is Torley Linden's island in Second Life. It's focused on video tutorials which teach you skills in a fun and fast way. There's also swatches of content creativity to explore and enjoy. By gaining a greater hands-on understanding of the beauty of Second Life, you'll be more confident and open to the fantastic possibilities which await you. In other words, Enlightened.


What it looks like Here

Check it out and add your own pictures on Flickr!


Hotspots on Here

Click any of these to teleport in Second Life:

How we got Here

After all this time, I finally have an island. I mean, it was an eventuality... I began my Second Life with no land, and even when I started working for Linden Lab, I usually scrounged parcels here and there. Sometimes I'd "camp out" on other Lindens' land when reproducing bugs and running other tests.

Things came together gradually. I:

  • Kept getting asked by awesome Residents where video tutorials could be watched inworld.
  • Wanted an increasing amount of space to advance research & development — you know that show MythBusters? I do sort of the same thing in SL.
  • Needed a place to store example content objects referred to in my videos. (It's frustrating to follow an older video up to the end, only to find featured "Come here and get this!" items no longer exist!)
  • Believe it's of the utmost importance for Linden Lab employees to understand Second Life by simply being a part of it and doing casual everyday stuff. Here is my manifestation of that.

Among other reasons. And so, I packed up my stuff from my longtime inworld residence of the Linden Village in Grasmere, and have since moved... here.

Special thanx to Harmony Linden & Concierge Team for getting me setup, my wife Ravenelle Zugzwang for being my collaborator — some things, like wildly gesticulating at a computer screen and say "Move that here!" are still easier done in first life — and of course, thank you for visiting.

If you possess a curiosity to contact me, you may do so here. I warmly welcome your awesomeness!