User:Sarah Nikitin

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Revision as of 13:00, 29 July 2008 by Sarah Nikitin (talk | contribs)
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About Me

Sarah Nikitin - Second Life Mentor

Hiya and welcome to my Wiki :) Here's the lowdown on me, myself and I...
Age: 36
Location: East Coast USA
Field: Theme Park Engineering/IT Support
Rez Date: October 27, 2007
Mentor Date: July 6, 2008
Favorite Disney Character: Figment
Likes: Shopping, helping, dancing with friends
Dislikes: Rude and obnoxious people!


Eve (from Disney's Wall-E)

I became a mentor in early July 2008 and since that time I have found my niche in working OIs and HIs. The one benfit I have is that I live, sleep, dream and breathe Disney! The philosophies of Disney are "that you never get a 2nd chance to make a first impression on your guest". I know the importance of making the new resident feel special and welcomed. As many mentors have stated, if it wouldn't have been for a mentor's personal touch, I never would have stayed in SL. That statement is as true for me as it is for them.

So far, I have learned much about the mentoring process and have developed my own style. It seems to be working and I'm thrilled about that! However I always pick up new tips when sharing a location with other mentors and watch how they approach different situations. After being hit on several times, I rarely go in with my normal avatar. Eve (from Disney's Wall-E) has become my avatar of choice. New residents love her and they voluntarily strike up conversations within minutes of their arrival. Those who don't know her just think I'm a :)

Second Life

What can I say? I'm addicted to SL!! I don't watch CSI and yet one night, it just happened to be on while I was working on my laptop. Low and behold, it was the episode "Down the Rabbit Hole" which centered around SL. It caught my attention and within minutes following the show, I found myself logging in. I've lost a lot of sleep since that fateful day but I regret absolutely nothing! Kudos to LL for partnering with CSI:NY because there are a plethora of residents who joined simply from the show.

SL vs RL

When I joined SL, I made a commitment that would not allow my SL and RL to ever cross paths. The more time I spend in-world and the more friends I grow to cherish, that commitment gets harder to hold. But the internet can be a dangerous place and must be approached with utmost caution! Never let your guard down. I will continue to treat SL as the vehicle it was designed to be...a Second Life. For everything we cannot achieve, build or possibly attain in RL, SL grants our wishes with the help of pixie dust and a spark of Imagination ;)