Open Source Meeting/Agenda

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Open source meeting - Thursday, 2pm PT.

Teleport to the Linden Open Source Project headquarters.

Please try to add your items as early as possible in the week to give Merov a chance to round up any Lindens that may be appropriate to the discussion. Please also bring large or contentious items up on OpenSource-Dev before or concurrently with adding them as agenda items.

Agenda Thursday, 18 March 2010

  1. Weekly Snowglobe update - Merov Linden
  2. Snowglobe 1.4: fixed building issues on Parabuild, produced binaries
  3. Snowglobe 2.0: Things that happened this week and plan for next:
  4. SNOW-495: create a BINDIST CMake variable for producing (hopefully) legally distributable binaries
    • Pending update from Legal, through Merov

Test Sprint

What to do in RC Test Sprints (template, should move to a different wiki page):

Default agenda

(after agenda above):