Groups Panel Test

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Revision as of 12:39, 4 August 2008 by Dan Linden (talk | contribs)
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1. Describe the expected behavior and purpose of the new code

The Groups panel's purpose is to display all direct information relating to the new Groups system. This includes five tabs covering: the General group info, as well as the Members & Roles and Abilities within a group, the Notices and Proposals which can be sent and received, and group-owned land and L$. In other words, it's an overview which provides access to further details about a group. The Groups panel appears both within a floater and in the Finder.

2. List any dependencies the new code may have -- what other systems may be affected?

These changes affect overall group usability and functionality, and the Finder.

3. Detailed plan(s) for testing new functionality, including success and failure cases if possible

These are meant to be run through from beginning to end.



01-01 Go to Edit menu > Groups...

01-02 Click Create.

01-03 Give your new group a name and click OK.

01-04 Click Yes on the dialog asking you if you're sure.


02-01 Verify that the Group Information floater opens.

02-02 Verify the Groups panel appears within the floater as expected.

02-03 Verify the Members & Roles tab is active.

02-04 Verify Apply button is grayed out because no changes have been made.

02-05 Click the General tab.

02-06 Again, verify Apply button is grayed out because no changes have been made.

02-07 Click "List group in my profile" checkbox so it's cleared.

02-08 Verify Apply is now pressable. Don't press it.

02-09 Click Cancel.

02-10 From the list of groups, click the group you created, and press Info.

02-11 Verify that the Group Information floater reopens.

02-12 Verify Apply button is grayed out because no changes have been made.

02-13 Verify "List group in my profile" is checked as expected.

02-14 Click "List group in my profile" to clear it, and press OK.

02-15 Again, press Info for the same highlighted group.

02-16 Verify "List group in my profile" is cleared as expected.


03-01 Verify the Group Information floater is centered on the screen.

03-02 Look at the title bar where it says "[GROUP NAME HERE] - Group Information".

03-03 Verify it displays the group name properly. (For example, a group named "Char Linden Fan Club" should show up as "Char Linden Fan Club - Group Information".)

03-04 Drag the title bar where it says "[GROUP NAME HERE] - Group Information".

03-05 Verify the Group Information floater moves freely around the screen to where you want.

03-06 Verify there are five tabs near the top, and they are all enabled: "General", "Members & Roles", "Notices", "Proposals", and "Land & L$".

03-07 Click each tab.

03-08 Verify each tab becomes active and shows the appropriate info beneath when clicked.

03-09 Verify no dialogs come up asking you to apply changes.

03-10 Click the Minimize button (the "_") in the upper-right corner, next to the X.

03-11 Verify the Group Information floater minimizes and collapses to a small box near the bottom of the screen.

03-12 On the now-minimized Group Information floater, click the Maximize button, next to the X.

03-13 Verify the Group Information floater expands to full size and retains the position it was at before you minimized it.

03-14 Verify there are still five tabs near the top, and they are all enabled: "General", "Members & Roles", "Notices", "Proposals", and "Land & L$".

03-15 Click each tab.

03-16 Verify each tab becomes active and shows the appropriate info beneath when clicked.

03-17 Verify no dialogs come up asking you to apply changes.

03-18 Verify that no user interface elements--text, tabs, columns, buttons, checkboxes, etc.--appear differently than before you minimized the floater. Nothing should be cut off, truncated, distorted, or otherwise altered.


04-01 Click General tab.

04-02 Uncheck the "List group in my profile" checkbox.

04-03 Click Members & Roles tab.

04-04 Verify a dialog asking you if you want to apply changes comes up.

04-05 Click Cancel.

04-06 Verify nothing happens and that you remain on the same tab.

04-07 Click Members & Roles tab.

04-08 Verify a dialog asking you if you want to apply changes comes up.

04-09 Click Apply Changes.

04-10 Verify Members & Roles tab is active.

04-11 Click General tab.

04-12 Confirm the "List group in my profile" checkbox is unchecked.

04-13 Check the "List group in my profile" checkbox.

04-14 Click Members & Roles tab.

04-15 Verify a dialog asking you if you want to apply changes comes up.

04-16 Click Ignore Changes.

04-17 Verify Members & Roles tab is active.

04-18 Click General tab.

04-19 Confirm changes have been ignored and the "List group in my profile" checkbox should still be unchecked.

04-20 Check the "List group in my profile" checkbox.

04-21 Press the Apply button at the bottom of the Group Information floater.

04-22 Verify Apply button is grayed out to indicate that changes have been applied.

04-23 Click the close button (the "X") in the upper-right corner.

04-24 Verify that the Group Information floater closes.


05-01 Go to Edit menu > Find...

05-02 Click Groups tab.

05-03 Search for the name of the group you created earlier using the box in the upper-left.

05-04 Click on it in the search results.

05-05 Verify the group info appears on the right and looks similar to the Group Information floater's contents.

05-06 Verify that under the Members column on the left, the count is shown correctly. It should be "1" for your new group.

05-07 Look at the group info on the right again.

05-08 Like earlier, verify there are five tabs near the top, and they are all enabled: "General", "Members & Roles", "Notices", "Proposals", and "Land & L$".

05-09 Click each tab.

05-10 Verify each tab becomes active and shows the appropriate info beneath when clicked.

05-11 Click General tab.

05-12 Uncheck "List group in my profile".

05-13 Click Members & Roles tab.

05-14 Verify a dialog asking you if you want to apply changes comes up.

05-15 Click Apply.

05-16 Again, search for the name of the group you created earlier.

05-17 Verify the group doesn't show up because you just applied changes.

05-18 Go to Edit menu > Groups...

05-19 Select the group you created earlier and click Info.

05-20 Click "Show In Group List" and "Open Enrollment".

05-21 Click OK.



06-01 Login to Second Life using a different account.

06-02 Go to Edit menu > Find...

06-03 Click Groups tab.

06-04 Search for the name of the group you created earlier (on the other account).

06-05 Verify it shows up.

06-06 Click on it.

06-07 Verify the group information shows on the right.

06-08 Verify only General tab is lit; the other four should be grayed out.

06-09 Click on those tabs: "Members & Roles", "Notices", "Proposals", and "Land & L$".

06-10 Verify they don't do anything.

06-11 Verify General tab is still active.

06-12 Click "Join (L$0)".

06-13 Click Join to proceed.

06-14 Verify you've been added to the group.

06-15 Search for the same group again.

06-16 Verify the Members column count is now 2.

06-17 Verify that "Notices", "Proposals", and "Land & L$" tabs are now enabled.

06-18 Verify that "Members & Roles" tab is grayed out.

06-19 Click on the "Notices", "Proposals", and "Land & L$" tabs.

06-20 Verify they become active and display appropriate info beneath when clicked.

06-21 Click on Members & Roles tab.

06-22 Verify nothing happens.

06-23 Click the "X" to close Find.


07-01 Go to Edit menu > Groups...

07-02 From the list of groups, click the group you joined (it should already be active), and press Info.

07-03 Verify that the Group Information floater (window) opens expectedly like before.

07-04 Verify General tab is active.

07-05 Verify that "Notices", "Proposals", and "Land & L$" tabs are still enabled.

07-06 Verify that "Members & Roles" tab is grayed out.

07-07 Click on the "Notices", "Proposals", and "Land & L$" tabs.

07-08 Verify they become active and display appropriate info beneath when clicked.

07-09 Click on Members & Roles tab.

07-10 Verify nothing happens.

07-11 Click the "X" to close the Group Information floater.

07-12 Verify it closes.

4. Detailed plan(s) for testing dependent code, including success and failure cases if possible

I'm not sure of this, but it appears that since the Group Information floater is like an "umbrella" for things group-related, the other Group tests are dependent or relate in some way.

5. Requirements for gathering data on existing feature being modified, if applicable


5a. Follow this with requirements for gathering data on new feature in new format, etc.


5b. Explain how to compare data to ensure new feature is not worse (i.e. lower framerate, higher bandwidth, more db queries, etc.)