Goals of Second Life

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Revision as of 14:55, 4 August 2008 by Gally Young (talk | contribs) (Based on Help:Second_Life_FAQ)
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This world is completely open ended -- there are no goals. People create whatever they can imagine, or explore the things and events that others create. It's complete madness and addictive as hell... Welcome =)

Second Life is a virtual 3d community. There are no levels, requirements, or goals for what you need to do here. The world is the most open-ended 3d community ever made, and you are given the tools to create nearly anything you can imagine.

You are free to explore, build, sculpt, socialize, design clothes, play games, write scripts, host an event, DJ music, throw a party, make a game, publish a magazine, dance, create a new look for yourself, or whatever you're inspired to do.

If you're not sure what to do first, I recommend going out to explore the world and attend some events and basic classes in the first week they are here. Click the Search button at the bottom of your screen, then the Events tab to see what events are going on today. All event times are listed as Pacific time, which is shown at the top right corner of your screen.

You can teleport to any location by clicking the Teleport button near the event or location shown. After teleporting, you will arrive near the location, but then may need to walk or fly toward the red arrow/beacon to get to it.