How to change your appearance/it

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< How to change your appearance
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Nella tua Second Life puoi cambiare quasi tutti i parametri del tuo aspetto: altezza, peso, capelli, viso, colore della pelle...but rather than explaining, we'll just show you.

  1. Cerca e apri i controlli della telecamera regolandoli per una migliore osservazione.
  2. Li puoi trovare in alto, nel menù VIEW.
  3. Clic destro su te stesso/a e seleziona Appearance.
  4. Sometimes, There may be a short delay. before the sliders work.
  5. use the camera controls to turn your avatar to face you
  6. Click the Shape tab to edit your body shape.
  7. Click the Body button. Now try moving the Height and Thickness sliders. Neat, huh?
  8. Click the Nose button and try moving the Nose Size and Nose Thickness sliders. How about that!
  9. Try some of the other buttons and sliders. Click Randomize for a whole new look!
  10. If you don't like what you got, click Revert to go back to your original look.
  11. Se ti piace quello che vedi, clicca Save As e scegli un nome per il tuo nuovo shape.
  12. In 'edit appearance interface', lo ritroverai con il nome che hai scelto.

Ricorda che puoi cambiare il tuo aspetto in qualsiasi momento, ogni volta che lo desideri, gratuitamente - pertanto non preoccuparti se non è tutto perfetto. Puoi rimetterci le mani non appena ti senti pronto.

Nota: È anche possibile raggiungere la finestra Appearance cliccando sul menù Edit (Modifica) nella barra dei menù e selezionando Appearance.


Eric Linden The Tell Merlin

Remember also one very important thing about changing your Appearance in Second Life : with your first avatar shape and skin, you can edit as much as you want or like, as there are literally millions of changes you can make using the all the different sliders. But... most new residents will eventually want to buy a new shape, or at least a new skin (or pick up one of the excellent freebies available).

As a new resident you may think that a new skin can be edited as much as your first avatar's skin. Not so! Usually there are minimal or no changes you can make, and if you decide that the new skin (or shape) has changed the familiar 'you' which you spent so long creating, the only thing you can do is to revert to the saved 'you'. Er, you did save it, didn't you? Rule #1 : always save versions of yourself before wearing new shapes or new skins.

The other alternative is to get used to the changed 'you' which the new skin gives you - or have various 'you's' to choose from : a new skin for certain occasions, and your first avatar skin for others.

Tid Kidd