Group General Tab Test

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Revision as of 14:04, 12 August 2008 by Dan Linden (talk | contribs)
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1. Describe the expected behavior and purpose of the new code

To display general information about the group to non members and members without additional abilities. This information includes the name of the group, group charter, a group insignia, the owners of the group (and maybe the members) and some general group options.

The general tab is also the place that most of this information (except group name and member list) can be changed by those with the appropriate abilities.

2. List any dependencies the new code may have -- what other systems may be affected?

These changes effect most of groups and the Finder (Groups Tab specifically).

3. Detailed plan(s) for testing new functionality, including success and failure cases if possible

Creating a new group

1.1 From the 'Edit' menu choose 'Groups...' to open the group floater.

1.2 Choose 'Create'

1.3 Verify that the group window opens and looks correct for creating a group:

1.3.1 The name field should be editable and contain text indicating the purpose of the field.

1.3.2 The Charter text box should be editable and contain text indicating the purpose of the text box.

1.3.3 The Group Preferences options should be enabled: Show in search (checked), Open Enrollment(unchecked), Enrollment Fee(unchecked).

1.3.4 The 'My Active Title' box should be empty, and 'Receive Group Notices' and 'List group in my profile' should be disabled.

1.3.5 The Group Insignia is blank, but is settable

1.3.6 All tabs besides General are greyed out

1.4 Enter a name

1.5 Enter a group charter

1.6 Change the group insignia

1.7 Change Group Preferences:

1.7.2 Check Open Enrollment

1.8 Click 'Apply'

1.8.1 Verify a window pops up asking if the group contains Mature content.

1.8.2 Click Cancel

1.8.3 Verify the Group Window remains open

1.8.4 Click 'Apply' again.

1.8.5 Click either Yes or No

1.9 Verify a window pops up asking to confirm group creation at the appropriate group creation fee.

1.10 Choose Yes

1.11 Verify the group window opens to the 'Members & Roles' tab, with the Members sub tab selected.

1.11.1 Verify the Members sub tab is selected

1.11.2 Verify there is 1, and only 1, member in the group - the account that created it.

1.11.3 Verify the bottom half of the floater is blank

1.11.4 Select the group member.

1.11.5 Verify the member is in the Everyone and Owners roles

1.12 Open the Roles sub-tab

1.12.1 Verify there are 3 roles - Everyone, Officers, Owners

1.12.2 Verify the bottom half of the floater is blank

1.12.3 Verify the member counts: 1 person in the Everyone, 1 in the Owners and 0 in the Officers

1.13 Choose OK. Verify that at no point did it ask you to save changes (none were made)

1.14 Verify the created group is now in the Groups floater

1.15 Open the information floater for the new group

1.16 Verify everything looks right

1.16.1 The name of the group is correct

1.16.2 The charter is correct

1.16.3 The insignia is correct

1.16.4 The member list is correct

1.16.5 The Group Preferences are correct

1.16.6 The Members & Roles, Members sub tab is correct

1.16.7 The Members & Roles, Roles sub tab is correct


2.0 Log into an account that is not in the group previously created. Note the name of the previously created group.

2.1 Open the Finder, choose the Groups tab

2.2 (invalid step. search is no longer updated immediately)Search for and find the group previously created

2.3 Open the group owners profile and double click the newly created group from his Groups list.

2.4 Verify the page looks correct

2.4.1 The name of the group is correct and not editable

2.4.2 The founder is correct and not editable

2.4.3 The charter is correct and not editable

2.4.4 The insignia is correct and not changeable

2.4.5 The members list is correct and shows at least one group member with bold text indicating they are an owner

2.4.6 The Group Preferences are correct (as set in the previous test) and aren't editable

2.4.7 'My Active Title', corresponding drop down box and 'Receive Group Notices' check box should not be visible.

2.4.8 There is a 'Join (L$0)' button if the group is Open enrollment, and it shows the correct L$ amount if there is a fee.

2.4.9 All tabs besides the General tab are disabled

2.5 Click 'Join (L$0)'

2.6 Verify the confirmation dialog displays the correct fee. Choose Join.

2.7 Verify you the correct amount was deducted from your balance, if there was a fee.

2.8 Close the Group Info window.


3.0 Close the finder, open the group window (Edit -> Groups...) and select the newly joined group and click the Info button.

3.1 Verify the window looks correct

3.1.1 The name of the group is correct and not editable

3.1.2 The founder is correct and not editable

3.1.3 The charter is correct and not editable

3.1.4 The insignia is correct and not changeable

3.1.5 The members list is correct and shows only the owner in bold indicating they are an owner, and your name.

3.1.6 The Group Preferences are correct (as set in the previous test) and not editable

3.1.7 'My Active Title' and corresponding drop down box are visible, current title (Member) is selected.

3.1.8 'Receive Group Notices' check box is visible, enabled and unchecked.

3.1.7 There is NO 'Join (L$0)' button.

3.1.8 All tabs are enabled (Members & Roles, Notices, etc)

3.2 Use the drop down box to select a title, only Member should be available.

3.3 Check 'Receive Group Notices'

3.3.1 Close the group info window, click Apply Changes when prompted.

3.3.2 Re-open the group info window

3.3.3 Verify the 'Receive Group Notices' checkbox is still checked.


4.0 Log into the owner account

4.0.1 Add the Member to the Officer Role.

4.0.2 Log into the (now) Officer account and open the group info window for the same group

4.1 Verify the window looks correct

4.1.1 The name of the group is correct and not editable

4.1.2 The founder is correct and not editable

4.1.3 The charter is correct and editable

4.1.4 The insignia is correct and changeable

4.1.5 The members list is correct and shows both group members

4.1.6 The owner is apropriately indicated in the member list

4.1.7 The Group Preferences are correct and all are editable

4.1.8 'My Active Title' and corresponding drop down box are visible, current title (Member) is selected.

4.1.9 'Receive Group Notices' check box is visible, enabled and checked.

4.1.10 There is NO 'Join (L$0)' button.

4.1.11 All tabs are enabled

4.2 Use the drop down box to select a title, Member and Officer should be available.

4.2.1 Verify that changing the selected title immediately changes your title in world

4.3 Change one or more of the Group Preferences

4.3.1 Close the group info window

4.3.2 Re-open the group info window

4.3.3 Verify the changed Group Preferences remain changed.

4.4 Verify that the sort order of the Members is switched when the Member Name column header is clicked

4.5 Verify that the members are sorted by Title when the Title column header is clicked

4.6 Verify that the members are sorted by last loging time when the Last Login column header is clicked


5.0 Log into the owner account and open the group info window for the same group

5.1 Verify the window looks correct

5.1.1 The name of the group is correct and not editable

5.1.2 The founder is correct and not editable

5.1.3 The charter is correct and editable

5.1.4 The insignia is correct and changeable

5.1.5 The members list is correct and shows both group members

5.1.6 The owner is apropriately indicated in the member list

5.1.7 The Group Preferences are correct and all are editable

5.1.8 'My Active Title' and corresponding drop down box are visible, current title (Owner) is selected.

5.1.9 'Receive Group Notices' check box is visible, enabled and checked.

5.1.10 There is NO 'Join (L$0)' button.

5.1.11 All tabs are enabled

5.2 Use the drop down box to select a title, Member, Officer and Owner should be available.

5.2.1 Verify that changing the selected title immediately changes your title in world

5.3 Change one or more of the Group Preferences

5.3.1 Close the group info window

5.3.2 Re-open the group info window

5.3.3 Verify the changed Group Preferences remain changed.

4. Detailed plan(s) for testing dependent code, including success and failure cases if possible

See test plans for Group Abilities, Group Membership & Roles Tab (and coresponding sub-tabs)

5. Requirements for gathering data on existing feature being modified, if applicable

Are users able to find the data they want about groups in the finder? I do not know how to quantize this question, but it is the primary one being addressed with these changes, besides just adjusting to the new group system.

5a. Follow this with requirements for gathering data on new feature in new format, etc.

Same as 5.

5b. Explain how to compare data to ensure new feature is not worse (i.e. lower framerate, higher bandwidth, more db queries, etc.)

Same as 5. Easier to use? Not more difficult to use? All data that could be found, still can be found?