Adult Grid Mentors

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Adult Grid Mentors (hereafter referred to as AGM) was created to fill a obvious gap for the SecondLife residents that elect to live and play on the adult sims of SL.

AGM will be the core group that will lead this exciting initiative and bring much needed mentor support to the adult sims.

AGM is an independent group of like minded mentors that are not associated with the Linden Lab Resident Help Network (RHN) initiative that Linden Lab is currently running.

AGM has a plan that is currently being developed, that will benefit, ALL SL residents on the adult Sims.

AGM will never be associated with any other group unless deemed so by its management team.

Mission Statement

AGM has chosen to offer its services to the adult Sims; this is a pioneering effort on the part of AGM and its professional mentors.

By electing to establish this project, AGM will be adding value to the residents that elect to live, work and play on the adult Sims, and it is hoped that this act will add to the retention rate that is often on the Linden Lab agenda.

Given that AGM is leading this rather exciting venture, we fully expect other mentor groups to follow our lead once we have established that it works and is of value to the SL community at large and the adult Sims in particular.

Recruitment Policy

The criterion for joining AGM is slightly more demanding than joining other mentor groups.

  • Prospective AGM Adult mentors must have been in SecondLife for not less than 12 months.
  • Must be age verified as we operate in adult rated areas.
  • Must be committed to general mentoring principles.

If applicants are successful in being accepted as Apprentice Adult Mentors, they will be invited into the AGM group and be given an Apprentice Mentor Tag.

Group Roles


AGM Buddy's hold a crucial role in the Adult Mentor training process.

Once an apprentice has been trained in the theory aspects of adult mentoring, the AGM Buddy will take the apprentice and complete the field training aspect of the course.

The field training element comprises of visiting an adult sim of the Buddy's choice, and evaluating the apprentice in real situations of mentoring.

The AGM Buddy has the final say on whether the apprentice graduates to a full Adult Mentor.


The role of the AGM Librarian, is to collate and maintain the notecards that are given out to all residents, maintain the community library and ensure that information within each note card is accurate.

This is a full time role and will have officer rights within the AGM group.

Due to the enourmous scope it is likely that two librarians will be appointed, so both will need to work together.

Applicants will be required to be able to write correct grammatical english.


The AGM Liason is the contact between AGM and other Mentor Groups, either RHN or other.

This roles provides that all important bridge between mentor groups, that allows for cross communications.

Will Have send Notice rights


There will be a AGM Lead Trainer, said person will be responsible for co-ordinating the training for the group. The trainers will report to the Lead Trainer.

The Adult Grid Mentor Trainer(s) is/are responsible for training AGM mentors in a variety of subjects.

All the training has been written or is in the process of being written.

AGM Trainers will have officer rights.

Training Requirements

The Apprentice Mentor Tag will remain in force until such time as the apprentice has attended and passed the Adult Mentor training, which will consist of:

Two theory lessons, the first being training that general mentors have to complete before being accepted as a regular mentor, the second is adult grid specific. When the theory elements have been completed, the apprentice will be dropped in the deep end of an adult sim with an experienced Adult Mentor.

The Adult Mentor will decide if the apprentice is suitable for graduation to the Adult Mentor Tag.

The apprentice mentor is responsible for seeking out and selecting a full Adult Mentor for this task.

Exisiting mentors will be required to attend the adult specific training. There are no exceptions to this.

Group Roles