Arti e Culture

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Un Ricco Medium Creativo, un Pubblico Internazionale

"Second Life è il futuro adesso, offrendo possibilità illimitate agli artisti." — Nick Rhodes, Duran Duran

Gente creativa

Artisti di tutti i generi hanno trovato un potente nuovo medium per l'espressione creativa in Second Life. Ballerini, artisti di teatro, pittori, graphic designers, fotografi e architetti usano la piattaforma di Second Life per sviluppare eccitanti nuovi lavori e espandere il loro pubblico. Second Life è un nuovo "tela" con infinite possibilità.


Il mondo virtuale offre agli artisti uno straordinario medium creativo. Gli strumenti per costruire e di scripting permettono agli artisti di aggiungere multi-dimensionalità ai loro lavori — luci, suoni, sculture 3-D e movimento. Second Life è un formato ideale per condividere questi lavori. Ogni giorno, centinaia di gallerie inworld e musei ospitano mostre di artisti da ogni parte del mondo, mostrando ogni cosa dalla fotografia ai pittori, dal reale al surreale. Per una lista aggiornata di gallerie d'arte in Second Life, guarda


Second Life è un mondo in continua espansione riempito con diversi ambienti, da città a mondi fantasy, tutti creati dai Residenti. È un paradiso degli architetti. Non ci sono limiiti a cosa puoi creare — modelli in scala di case del mondo reale o strutture fantastiche che sfidano la fisica. I costruttori possono lavorare simultaneamente sullo stesso progetto, e tutti i membri della squadra possono vedere il lavoro dallo sviluppo e quindi ottimizzare al volo. I clienti del Real-world possono camminare attraverso un modello virtuale della loro casa. Second Life può aiutare gli architetti a visualizare prototipi, costruire, e poi vendere un progetto.

Creative Tools

Built-in, easy to use creative tools give Residents the power to change the world. Professionals and beginners alike can quickly learn to make anything from hairstyles to houses, personal photo galleries to interactive art installations. Second Life offers an environment unlike any other, merging many of the best qualities of the Web, online games, social networking, user-generated content, creativity applications and telecommunications technologies. Residents also benefit from these tools and features:

Build & Script

Residents use simple 3-D modeling tools embedded in the Second Life platform to create clothes, buildings, landscapes, sculptures and whatever else they can imagine, and they can animate objects and avatars using the built-in scripting language. Because everything happens in real time, creative work can be highly collaborative.

Images & Textures

It's easy to convert digital photos and designs from popular graphics applications into an Second Life-compatible format and import them to the Second Life servers. All images can be applied as "textures" to objects and avatars for an infinite variety of creative results.

Audio & Video

The Second Life platform supports streaming media, and enabling it is as easy as copying and pasting the artist's media server URL into a control panel. Theater artists, dancers, musicians, and spoken word acts can put on live or prerecorded performances inworld.

Intellectual Property Rights

Linden Lab, the makers of Second Life, decided in 2003 to break away from industry standards and allow users to have intellectual property rights over what they create in-world. Built-in features allow creators to label work as their own and flag it with the level of copy permissions they want to assert over their work, e.g., all-rights reserved or freely modifiable and transferable. You own your work, so you can sell it, swap it, hang it in your virtual mansion and enjoy it.

Micropayment System

Since you own the rights to your work, you can sell and trade your objects, scripts, and animations for pleasure or profit. The inworld micropayment system (Linden Dollars) allows you to easily pay other avatars for products, services and entertainment. Similarly, the audience at a performance, concert, or film screening can pay a "tip jar," or event organizers can charge for admission. Some talented Residents have been able to quit their day job and live off what they make selling their goods and services in Second Life.

Second Life offers professionals and amateurs alike a vast canvas for imaginative expression. Theater artists, dancers, painters, musicians, designers, sculptors, and creative people from around the globe have already made their mark on the virtual world, and the wonders have only just begun.