Bug Reporting 101/fr

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< Bug Reporting 101
Revision as of 17:59, 26 November 2008 by Zai Lynch (talk | contribs) ({{Help/fr|Parent=Bug Reporting 101|BugFixes=*}})
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Regardez les Release Notes

(Elles se trouvent dans le répertoire de Second Life) ou sur la page Beta Release Notes. Ex: "Pourquoi est-ce que je ne peux pas vendre mon terrain pour L$0 à tout le monde?". Ce ne sont pas des bugs! Ce sont des fonctionnalités! Regardez cette page pour être sur que vous avez rencontré un bug, et non quelque chose que nous avons intentionellement changé.

Vérifiez la version de vos Drivers

Beaucoup de choses bizarres peuvent arrivés quand vos drivers vidéos sont obsolètes. Second Life supporte officiellement les chipsets NVIDIA et ATI. Le chipset Intel Extreme Graphics n'est pas officiellement supporté, mais peux fonctionner. Vous pouvez vérifier la version actuelle de votre driver OpenGL dans le menu Help > About Second Life. Regardez pour 'OpenGL Version'. C'est aussi une bonne idée de mettre à jour vos drivers dès que vous télécharger une nouvelle version de Second Life. Le site des drivers Omega http://www.omegadrivers.net/ est un excellent endroit pour trouver des drivers perfomants et à jour. Vous pouvez aussi regarder le site officiel de NVIDIA http://www.nvidia.com ou le site official d'ATI http://www.ati.com. So vous avez un ordinateur portable ou une carte mère avec un chipset intégré, consultez le site web de votre revendeur. Si vous ne trouver rien, essayez les drivers Omega.

Utilisez votre bon sens pour les failles de sécurité.

Nous prenons les failles de sécurité très au sérieux. Au lieu de signaler la faille à tout le monde sur le forums ou dans Second Life, cherchez un officier de Bug Hunters et expliquez lui la situation. Les failles de sécurité sont des bugs qui peuvent être utilisé pour prendre avantage sur les autres joueurs, manipuler des données ou autres bugs très compromettant pour la sécurité de Second Life. Veuillez signaler les bugs ou failles en utilisant les instructions sur la page Security issues en plus de contacter un Linden.

Cherchez avant de poster

It's generally a good idea to search the Public Issue Tracker for an issue before you file a bug of your own, It's possible someone has filed the issue before and you may have some reproducable steps that can help us narrow down an issue and having them all in the same place is very usefull for us as well as other users with similar issues.

For more information see the issue tracker page to learn how to search.

Write the steps thoughtfully.

"I crash when I upload something" is not a good reproducible issue. List the steps that you take one by one, such as ...

  • Click File > Upload Image ($L10)...
  • Choose a .TXT file instead of a .JPG file
  • Click the Open button

Using http://jira.secondlife.com, you can Upload Screenshots or even take video clips and add them to the report (Max 10Mb per file). We encourage you to use the new system instead of the in-world reporter as it allows information you report to be seen by other Residents. Additionally, it encourages the Community at large to comment on issues to provide Linden Lab with more detailed information to use in solving the problem!, also an Open Source developer may see your issue and provide a fix. You may find some extra details in your secondlife.log file that may be useful, but be careful not to reveal any confidential information as it will be seen by other Residents.

For more information see the issue tracker page to learn how to file a Bug.

Ask a friend to try your repro.

If your friend can follow the steps chances are we can too!

Vetting bugs

This is just as important (if not more so) than filing bugs. We need to know whether each bug that's been filed is a problem for one person, or a problem for many. Try reproducing some of the bugs that have been filed, and see if they are problems for you. If you can't figure out how to reproduce the problem, make a comment on the bug, asking the person to describe their problem in more detail, if you can reproduce the bug you can decide if the bug report needs more detail, better steps or to include photos and different locations etc.

Attend a bug triage

From time-to-time, Linden Lab will hold Bug triages to sort through what can be a daunting list of bugs. Please show up, and help us figure out what is really important for developers to spend their time on. See Bug triage for more.

Help with conformance suite

See Category:Conformance Test

Help with getting useful info for debugging

If you need to learn how to:

  • Send crash logs
  • Find your system configuration
  • Find your SecondLife.log file
  • Get your Fast Timers results

Please see the Debug Info page.