Bug triage/2007-11-05/Transcript

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< Bug triage‎ | 2007-11-05
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  • [14:58] Bridie Linden: how've you all been?
  • [14:58] Daedalus Young: hi Alexa
  • [14:59] Alexa Linden: Hi Daed!
  • [14:59] Jacek Antonelli: Hey Alexa
  • [14:59] Alexa Linden: Hi Squirrel :D
  • [14:59] Alexa Linden: Hi Jacek :D
  • [14:59] Bridie Linden: Hey Squirrel!
  • [14:59] Daedalus Young: I've been good :D
  • [14:59] Squirrel Wood: Doesn't it irk you all that the client never remembers volume settings in voice chats for your chat partners? I mean, teleport out and back in or just cross parcels and you have to re-set the volume for everyone... it's annoying!
  • [15:00] Squirrel Wood: Yellow ^^
  • [15:00] Bridie Linden: I'
  • [15:00] Jacek Antonelli: I can't say I've ever noticed that. Oh, wait, maybe that's because Linux users don't have Voice. *evil penguin grin*
  • [15:00] Jason Swain: nods at Squirrel, "Yes it is"
  • [15:01] Daedalus Young: hi Soft
  • [15:01] Bridie Linden: Heya Soft!
  • [15:01] Soft Linden: Hey hey!
  • [15:01] Squirrel Wood: So soft and cuddly ^^
  • [15:01] Soft Linden: Lies and rumors!
  • [15:01] Squirrel Wood: hehe
  • [15:01] Daedalus Young: hi Sidewinder
  • [15:01] Sidewinder Linden: hi daedalus
  • [15:01] Jacek Antonelli: Hey Soft!
  • [15:02] Jacek Antonelli: and Sidewinder :D
  • [15:02] Sidewinder Linden: hi jacek
  • [15:02] Bridie Linden: Hey Sidewinder!
  • [15:02] Sidewinder Linden: brb phone
  • [15:03] Aric Linden: ouch
  • [15:03] Daedalus Young: hi Aric
  • [15:03] Alexa Linden: D'oh!
  • [15:03] Daedalus Young: hey Gigs
  • [15:03] Gigs Taggart: holy crap lag
  • [15:04] Aric Linden: Howdy all
  • [15:04] Jacek Antonelli: hullo Aric! heya Gigs
  • [15:04] Gigs Taggart: aric this sim is pinging 1800ms to me
  • [15:04] Aric Linden: sorry to be late. I host a QA team meeting right before this meeting
  • [15:04] Aric Linden: gigs: Oh?
  • [15:04] Gigs Taggart: is it like that to anyone else?
  • [15:04] Alexa Linden: not so far
  • [15:04] Jacek Antonelli: No problem here
  • [15:04] Aric Linden: nope.
  • [15:04] Daedalus Young: I've had that too in the past, but that was Bittorrent eating up my bandwidth
  • [15:04] Gigs Taggart: must be my connection
  • [15:05] Aric Linden: it's running nicely for me
  • [15:05] Daedalus Young: 150-200 for me currently, quite fast really
  • [15:05] Jason Swain: looks at all the nice shiny new green lag indicators, "No lag here"
  • [15:05] Daedalus Young: all Normal
  • [15:06] Gigs Taggart: traceroute says it's first hop for me
  • [15:06] Gigs Taggart: so it's just me
  • [15:06] Aric Linden: Sidewinder? you're joining us? How excellent
  • [15:06] Sidewinder Linden: and i'm back @aric
  • [15:06] Sidewinder Linden: (was on phone :)
  • [15:06] Sidewinder Linden: hiya
  • [15:06] Aric Linden: cool.
  • [15:06] Aric Linden: should we start?
  • [15:06] Jacek Antonelli: Sounds good
  • [15:06] Aric Linden: VWR-786
  • [15:07] Aric Linden: IM does not respect "allow user to see my online status" flag in friends list
  • [15:07] Soft Linden: I know this one's been up before...
  • [15:08] Gigs Taggart: yes
  • [15:08] Alexa Linden: yup
  • [15:08] Gigs Taggart: it's gotten 35 votes since the last time we triaged it
  • [15:08] Aric Linden: I don't recall it myself.
  • [15:08] Gigs Taggart: it was 2 weeks ago
  • [15:08] Soft Linden: 2007/10/22 yeah
  • [15:08] Soft Linden: Looking at the result from last time...
  • [15:08] Gigs Taggart: there is an actionable bug there, though it might not be easy to fix
  • [15:08] Daedalus Young: [1] indeed
  • [15:08] Soft Linden: We were going to leave it alone to see if it got a lot of results.
  • [15:09] Aric Linden: ahh.
  • [15:09] Soft Linden: 44 votes is non-trivial :)
  • [15:09] Aric Linden: it appears to have gotten a lot of results
  • [15:09] Jason Swain: Is it a problem that can be solved as a script can ask the dataserver regardless of the users choice
  • [15:09] Sidewinder Linden: i tend to agree with the comment that we either provide privacy or we don't
  • [15:09] Aric Linden: Let's import it
  • [15:09] Alexa Linden: noted
  • [15:09] Gigs Taggart: the immediate bug can be fixed but the larger problem is this illusion of privacy
  • [15:10] Soft Linden: Yeah. Consistency is good here.
  • [15:10] Sidewinder Linden: gigs?
  • [15:10] Jacek Antonelli: From the comments I've read from other Residents, on this and other issues, the general opinion is "Make it good, even if it's not perfect."
  • [15:11] Soft Linden: Of course, this is then incomplete. You can also probe whether someone is online by attempting to send a notecard or a texture.
  • [15:11] Gigs Taggart: this bug regarding there being two different messages depending on whether someone is really offline or not can be fixed, but it won't solve the half-assed-ness of the entire idea of hiding online status as it is implemented now. :)
  • [15:11] Aric Linden: I mostly agree with you gigs, but I think working toward consistency is the best we can hope for here. I don't think we can dictate policy for all of SL
  • [15:11] Sidewinder Linden: i think there is something to be said for "fix known problems" even if the entire concept is not bulletproof
  • [15:11] Sidewinder Linden: yet ;)
  • [15:11] Gigs Taggart: right, which is why I put it back up :)
  • [15:12] Gigs Taggart: because the immediate issue is actionable and popular
  • [15:12] Sidewinder Linden: <- wonders if you drop inventory to someone who's online you'd see the same thing...
  • [15:12] Daedalus Young: especially for direct person-to-person IMs it is solvable, and draw the line there
  • [15:12] Jacek Antonelli: nods. It's a small step towards consistency.
  • [15:12] Sidewinder Linden: is that another bypass? drop an inventory item and see if you get the "offline, storing" message?
  • [15:12] Aric Linden: ok. it seems as though we agree: we're not going to solve the problems of the entire metaverse, we're just going to fix a bug. yes?
  • [15:12] Soft Linden: With objects, you're told they're offline, or you're told it's been accepted after they accept. With some other types, you see a message one way or the other instantly.
  • [15:13] Sidewinder Linden: /thanks soft
  • [15:13] Bridie Linden: nods
  • [15:13] Daedalus Young: you can never solve it for the whole metaverse, if people happen to run into eachother in a popular region, you can't hide them from eachother
  • [15:13] Aric Linden: VWR-2605 is next
  • [15:13] Aric Linden: Problem with the current fonts and cyrillic characters
  • [15:14] Jacek Antonelli: This is also a problem with Japanese and other non-Latin characters. The font that's shipped with the client just doesn't have many of the Unicode glyphs
  • [15:15] Aric Linden: grins at Daedalus - you can run but you can't hide?
  • [15:15] Saijanai Kuhn: The fonts that come with the client are ascii only. Allisa explained it to me on the SLDEV list
  • [15:15] Saijanai Kuhn: it doesn't have ANY a far as I know
  • [15:15] Saijanai Kuhn: its pure ASCII
  • [15:15] Daedalus Young: hehe, yes Aric
  • [15:15] Soft Linden: The included font can never include everything - the available choices that do are many megabytes. The real solution here is to do better at choosing OS fonts.
  • [15:15] Soft Linden: But that makes this bug valid.
  • [15:15] Saijanai Kuhn: utf-8 fonts are filled in with OS fonts of various kinds.
  • [15:16] Gigs Taggart: well, not ascii, 8859-1 I believe
  • [15:16] Aric Linden: I suspect that if we import this one, some one will take it
  • [15:16] Gigs Taggart: in the existing fonts
  • [15:16] Squirrel Wood: mayhaps make the fonts available as downloadable assets which you can select in the preferences ?
  • [15:16] Saijanai Kuhn: 127-bit ASCII as far as I know
  • [15:16] Aric Linden: I know simon is very interested in this stuff
  • [15:16] Alexa Linden: noting - import
  • [15:16] Saijanai Kuhn: 7-bit, 127 char
  • [15:16] Gigs Taggart: saij, it goes on the clipboard as 8859-1 latin-1 data
  • [15:16] Gigs Taggart: I don't know if that's accurate or not
  • [15:17] Soft Linden: Any reason not to import?
  • [15:17] Gigs Taggart: I don't see any
  • [15:17] Alexa Linden: nope
  • [15:17] Saijanai Kuhn: hmmm... perhaps thats the official designation for the 7-bit ascii... but you only get those and nothing else from what I can see
  • [15:17] Jacek Antonelli: Import :)
  • [15:17] Alexa Linden: yup it's marked to import
  • [15:17] Gigs Taggart: saij you get some diacritics with 8859-1
  • [15:17] Saijanai Kuhn: Strife's ascii library lists them
  • [15:18] Squirrel Wood: look at it from the bright side: Everybody gets the same and thus nobody is discriminated ^^
  • [15:18] Gigs Taggart: I don't think there's consistancy though, some fonts may be 8859-1 and some may be low ascii only
  • [15:18] Soft Linden: I'm trying to think of good reasons for this person to be SLing from 2003 Server. I'm coming up short. :)
  • [15:18] Jacek Antonelli: hehe Soft
  • [15:19] Sidewinder Linden: running oh what's it called... the screen sharing service on win 2004 server...
  • [15:19] Sidewinder Linden: 2003
  • [15:19] Sidewinder Linden: like citrix?
  • [15:19] Aric Linden: glances at Soft
  • [15:19] Gigs Taggart: RDP?
  • [15:19] Jacek Antonelli: Next?
  • [15:19] Aric Linden: Now now.
  • [15:20] Aric Linden: we shouldn't be snobbish about hardware.
  • [15:20] Sidewinder Linden: ahh right remote desktop services or something like that "RDS"
  • [15:20] Aric Linden: grins
  • [15:20] Aric Linden: SVC-483 is next
  • [15:20] Gigs Taggart: This one is tough, the user is still flipping out
  • [15:20] Squirrel Wood: 483 looks like an evil one
  • [15:20] Gigs Taggart: it IS technically a duplicate but he wants some personal attention
  • [15:20] Bridie Linden: Max explains why he thinks it is not a dupe
  • [15:21] Gigs Taggart: Isn't all this just a side effect of the overzealous dead UUID culling algorithm?
  • [15:21] Aric Linden: um, maybe.
  • [15:21] Saijanai Kuhn: ah, recalls now. Somone wrote a font dump for me in java. there are only 127 chars in the base fonts. Everything else is composed on-the-fly
  • [15:21] Soft Linden: This is a dupe of VWR-2148
  • [15:21] Aric Linden: I wonder if we should import this and let Hamilton play with it
  • [15:22] Gigs Taggart: we duped it before soft, he reopened it angrily :)
  • [15:22] Soft Linden: But it could still go to inventory loss for... yeah.
  • [15:22] Sidewinder Linden: fwiw - that might be on the beta preview database... it was synced a few days ago but i don't remember the exact datetime
  • [15:22] Squirrel Wood: from what I read out of that information he was saving the script when he crashed ?
  • [15:22] Sidewinder Linden: if he had an earlier version
  • [15:22] Sidewinder Linden: not perfect solution but something
  • [15:22] Squirrel Wood: so I guess the compiled code made it to the asset server but the uncompiled script code did not and thus got lost.
  • [15:22] Jacek Antonelli: Is this a bug or a support issue?
  • [15:23] Sidewinder Linden: sounds like both to me
  • [15:23] Sidewinder Linden: the bug part is that if "something happens" while saving a script it can go missing in the db
  • [15:23] Seg Baphomet: HAY GUYS!
  • [15:23] Jacek Antonelli: Ah
  • [15:23] Sidewinder Linden: <- has seen this one very occasionally
  • [15:23] Soft Linden: It's really a support issue, but the data may be useful. We can poke at it ourselves, but he should also file a support ticket if he wants a direct answer.
  • [15:23] Aric Linden: Just the thing for Hamiltons inventory loss project
  • [15:23] Aric Linden: Heya Seg
  • [15:23] Sidewinder Linden: yes
  • [15:23] Daedalus Young: hi
  • [15:23] Jacek Antonelli: heya Seg
  • [15:24] Aric Linden: nothing more satisfying than spreading bug love internally.
  • [15:24] Alexa Linden: so what is our desired action on this Aric?
  • [15:24] Jacek Antonelli: Perhaps the reporter will be satisfied by importing and saying it will be looked into?
  • [15:24] Bridie Linden: Someone else want to re-mark as a dupe or suggest other action then?
  • [15:24] Pavig Lok: missing scripts when saving seems to be more prevalent under packet loss conditions
  • [15:24] Aric Linden: VWR-2948
  • [15:24] Aric Linden: is next
  • [15:24] Alexa Linden: am I importing the last one Aric?
  • [15:24] Squirrel Wood: I have had messages a couple times that the script could not be saved
  • [15:24] Aric Linden: Pavig, that's true. we've noted that internally and are looking at it
  • [15:25] Aric Linden: Alexa, yes please and assign it to Hamilton Linden
  • [15:25] Squirrel Wood: in which case I modified and re-saved. which usually worked.
  • [15:25] Daedalus Young: the missing part of the bug may be a dupe, but it's fairly clear what causes it with scripts, so that may be a separate issue
  • [15:25] Alexa Linden: ok - noted
  • [15:25] Gigs Taggart: should probably relate it to be BLT meta-bug too then
  • [15:25] Gigs Taggart: for network simulation reproduction
  • [15:25] Gigs Taggart: if someone could do that for me, ironically I'm still pinging 1500ms :)
  • [15:26] Aric Linden: soft? how does 2948 differ from what is being done internally by the viewer team? Do you know?
  • [15:26] Gigs Taggart: MISC-506 is the BLT meta bug to relate that script bug to
  • [15:26] Bridie Linden: was just going to ask that...
  • [15:26] Squirrel Wood: mayhaps those menus are hardcoded into the client ?
  • [15:27] Jacek Antonelli: The menus are hardcoded into the source, yes. Or at least they were ;)
  • [15:28] Gigs Taggart: if it's being done internally then this patch will be a good help to them :)
  • [15:28] Aric Linden: Gigs, that's true.
  • [15:28] Jacek Antonelli: I don't know if one of your teams was working on this already. But if they're not already done, maybe the patch will save them 10 minutes :)
  • [15:28] Jacek Antonelli: hehe
  • [15:28] Aric Linden: let's take it and see if it helps.
  • [15:28] Alexa Linden: noteed
  • [15:28] Aric Linden: they're not that far along.
  • [15:28] Aric Linden: Alexa, you can assign that one to me and I'll discuss it with Richard
  • [15:28] Alexa Linden: will do
  • [15:29] Aric Linden: notes that richard sits right behind him
  • [15:29] Alexa Linden: muahahaha
  • [15:29] Soft Linden: Well, they're reworking the menu system completely in the long run, but it would make sense to get them generated consistently with the rest of the UI so they don't start by porting a giant hack.
  • [15:29] Soft Linden: Looks like a valid task - just funny to see this one come from pJIRA!
  • [15:29] Jacek Antonelli: giggles. It was itchy for me ;)
  • [15:29] Aric Linden: VWR-2947 is similar, I think
  • [15:29] Squirrel Wood: 2947 looks like its also part of this menu stuff
  • [15:30] Jacek Antonelli: yes, VWR-2947 is "Part 1"
  • [15:30] Aric Linden: jinx
  • [15:30] Soft Linden: You might run VWR-2948 through triage, see if Steve says they already have a task for it.
  • [15:30] Aric Linden: Let's take it as well, Alexa. Same thing.
  • [15:30] Alexa Linden: noted
  • [15:30] Soft Linden: If these are good for accomplishing that, he might be grateful too :)
  • [15:30] Gigs Taggart: Soft: really it shouldn't feel funny. We need to get to the point where it doesn't seem funny anymore. :)
  • [15:30] Aric Linden: I'll just talk to Richard about it. he and I have been chatting about related stuff as is (automating testing the UI)
  • [15:31] Soft Linden: Alexa, please consider a big "Patch attached" reminder on that - unfortunately that's not visible when imported.
  • [15:31] Alexa Linden: ok
  • [15:31] Soft Linden: For 2947 and 2948 both
  • [15:31] Alexa Linden: yup
  • [15:31] Soft Linden: Cool :)
  • [15:33] Alexa Linden: next up is SVC-483
  • [15:33] Alexa Linden: Script is missing from Database
  • [15:33] Soft Linden: Scanning back - agree 100%, Gigs. :) What was odd was that this is a good bit of cleanup, but I can't see where the contributor would have had this as an itch!
  • [15:33] Gigs Taggart: hehe alexa
  • [15:33] Alexa Linden: oos sorry
  • [15:33] Jacek Antonelli: giggles. We already did that one ^_^
  • [15:33] Gigs Taggart: alexa had a temporal anomoly
  • [15:33] Alexa Linden: VWR-2865
  • [15:34] Aric Linden: jira is dying for me
  • [15:34] Daedalus Young: oh! I thought I was being throen in a timewarp
  • [15:34] Gigs Taggart: VWR-2865 is a big "YES PLEASE" for me
  • [15:34] Alexa Linden: New SConstruct flag to (not) make tarball after compiling
  • [15:34] Squirrel Wood: sounds like a good addition to me
  • [15:34] Alexa Linden: hahaha
  • [15:34] Seg Baphomet: This is something I'm hacking around, yes.
  • [15:34] Gigs Taggart: I use releasefordownload to get everything in the right place like Jacek does, and the tar-gzip-untar is unnecessary
  • [15:34] Gigs Taggart: so making it optional is good
  • [15:35] Seg Baphomet: Heh. I do a "release" build but patched to give the source the "releasefordowload" flags.
  • [15:36] Seg Baphomet: Then handle the install myself.
  • [15:36] Gigs Taggart: hehe, yeah we all have workarounds for that annoyance :) I have a script that untars it automatically
  • [15:36] Seg Baphomet: Note that my hack predates the manifest rewrite.
  • [15:37] Aric Linden: sounds as though we should just take this one
  • [15:37] Gigs Taggart: yeah
  • [15:37] Alexa Linden: noted
  • [15:37] Soft Linden: yup, patch looks valid
  • [15:37] Aric Linden: VWR-2834
  • [15:37] Jacek Antonelli: Okies. I gotta run now, I'm actually supposed to be in another SL meeting now. *giggles* Take care, all!
  • [15:37] Alexa Linden: Builds fail on with no mozlib
  • [15:38] Squirrel Wood: 2834 looks like its already imported ^^
  • [15:38] Alexa Linden: Bye Jacek
  • [15:38] Aric Linden: see ya jacek
  • [15:38] Daedalus Young: see you later
  • [15:38] Aric Linden: I thought I'd seen it before
  • [15:38] Squirrel Wood: or at least assigned
  • [15:38] Soft Linden: No, someone just assigned it to Aric to get his attention :)
  • [15:38] Aric Linden: notes when you look at 200+ bugs a week, it's a blur
  • [15:38] Soft Linden: It looks valid though - I'd take this in
  • [15:38] Alexa Linden: ya, assigned but not imported
  • [15:38] Michelle2 Zenovka: yea just some simple #ifdef mising
  • [15:38] Alexa Linden: I will import
  • [15:39] Gigs Taggart: well, the ifdefs are in the wrong place, cause uninitialized variables to be used, etc
  • [15:39] Saijanai Kuhn: what is scary is that it still builds on the mac.
  • [15:39] Gigs Taggart: in any case it's valid to import
  • [15:40] Aric Linden: /MISC-292 is next
  • [15:40] Seg Baphomet: Mozlib is a can of worms I've avoided opening. :)
  • [15:40] Soft Linden: Ha - they attached the cpp instead of a patch for this :)
  • [15:40] Michelle2 Zenovka: ohh i've opened the can seg
  • [15:40] Squirrel Wood: updater retry option i like ^^
  • [15:40] Gigs Taggart: interesting
  • [15:40] Seg Baphomet: Heh.
  • [15:41] Seg Baphomet: You fix it and I'll put it in Fedora. :)
  • [15:41] Seg Baphomet: Actually supposedly Spot got bored and packaged it a loooong time ago.
  • [15:42] Seg Baphomet: But I never got around to trying to actually build SL against it.
  • [15:42] Michelle2 Zenovka: I've got it as a shared library running 100% agains native GRE debian packages with SL working against it
  • [15:43] Gigs Taggart: looks like it could be imported at least for reference, someone will have to figure out the base version and patchify it though hehe
  • [15:43] Aric Linden: I'm not sure who we'd assign it to, but that makes sense
  • [15:44] Soft Linden: Ambivalent about this one. Looks like a valid feature but I reckon it'd just sit there if it didn't get more votes before import.
  • [15:44] Seg Baphomet: What it needs is resume.
  • [15:44] Alexa Linden: ok - importing to you in the mean time Aric ;)
  • [15:44] Aric Linden: oh boy. Thanks Alexa :-)
  • [15:44] Alexa Linden: lol
  • [15:44] Alexa Linden: my pleasure
  • [15:44] Seg Baphomet: If I'm on a flaky connection it becomes impossible to update the client.
  • [15:45] Aric Linden: VWR-2946 is next
  • [15:46] Saijanai Kuhn: error?
  • [15:46] Saijanai Kuhn: an nm. too fast on the cut and paste
  • [15:47] Seg Baphomet: Its Vista.
  • [15:47] Soft Linden: Yow - this should go in. That may mean that a translation is missing or mistagged, or that string's not loaded that early in execution.
  • [15:47] Gigs Taggart: or the installer is borked and left an old file around
  • [15:47] Soft Linden: Right
  • [15:47] Daedalus Young: it's regarding the RC, would like to know if the official viewer still works
  • [15:48] Seg Baphomet: Bug itself has a total lack of info. But at least it has a log. :)
  • [15:48] Entering god: mode, level 150
  • [15:48] Aric Linden: let's take it and pass it to steve immediately please
  • [15:48] Bridie Linden: nods
  • [15:48] Bridie Linden: I'll import it and assign to Steve
  • [15:48] Alexa Linden: noted
  • [15:49] Soft Linden: /softask See about getting locale & language choice into logs
  • [15:49] /softask: Task: from Soft Linden accepted by server.
  • [15:49] Aric Linden: pjira is slower than molasses today
  • [15:49] Aric Linden: it's glacial
  • [15:50] Aric Linden: VWR-1402 is next
  • [15:50] Gigs Taggart: 1402 is real old
  • [15:50] Gigs Taggart: surprised it's not imported yet
  • [15:50] Aric Linden: this one looks like we need to provide a support network for
  • [15:50] Alexa Linden: there are a lot of eyes/skin turns black pjiras
  • [15:50] Aric Linden: avatars beating up avatars and giving 'em black eyes
  • [15:50] Daedalus Young: The Black Eyed Avatars - Isn't that a band?
  • [15:50] Alexa Linden: hahahah
  • [15:50] Aric Linden: hehehe
  • [15:51] Soft Linden: Huh - not totally black though - you can still see the shape of the eyes...
  • [15:51] Daedalus Young: yes, more dark brown
  • [15:51] Soft Linden: This one's not a texture baking thing or anything. Looks like something new!
  • [15:51] Aric Linden: I wonder if this is still an issue
  • [15:51] Alexa Linden: it is a dup of another one that has more votes I believe
  • [15:51] Aric Linden: has the other been imported, Alexa?
  • [15:51] Alexa Linden: I can find the other one and cross reference and make sure it's imported
  • [15:52] Soft Linden: She says she makes her own eyes... I wonder if we could get a copy, see if she isn't making a bad assumption about alpha or something.
  • [15:52] Aric Linden: sounds good. I think we should also update this one and make sure it's still valid
  • [15:52] Alexa Linden: searching now and will tie in after the meeting
  • [15:52] Soft Linden: Yeah. How about needs-more-info and ask for a sample eye if it's still happening
  • [15:53] Soft Linden: (this somehow sounds barbaric)
  • [15:53] Bridie Linden: lol
  • [15:53] Gigs Taggart: my ping went down. I suspect it was my son. I'll give you one of his eyes if I find out he's been running P2P stuff.
  • [15:53] Squirrel Wood: Mmm. Eye samples ^^
  • [15:53] Aric Linden: SVC-171 is next
  • [15:54] Gigs Taggart: Re: NULL_KEY UUIDs in inventory, this seems extremely common and may be unrelated to the issue.
  • [15:54] Soft Linden: Ugh. Would also take this in for Hamilton. May be a dupe, but may be more useful info.
  • [15:54] Gigs Taggart: I often find fully functional, full perm items with null uuid in inventory
  • [15:54] Aric Linden: I agree with soft.
  • [15:54] Sidewinder Linden: yup
  • [15:55] Alexa Linden: importing to hamilton
  • [15:55] Daedalus Young: I just got NULL_KEY from an all-perms object
  • [15:55] Aric Linden: SVC-255 is next up
  • [15:55] Daedalus Young: but it rezzes perfectly
  • [15:55] Gigs Taggart: SVC-255 I had happen to me when my sim was entirely screwed up
  • [15:55] Gigs Taggart: soft you remember when I told you GT HQ was really broken for days? :)
  • [15:55] Soft Linden: Yar
  • [15:57] Soft Linden: JIRA is officially dead for me.
  • [15:57] Gigs Taggart: Aren't the atlassian people at LL this week?
  • [15:57] Gigs Taggart: Can you beat them over the head for me?
  • [15:57] Aric Linden: funny. that's what my dad said about me when I became a working musician
  • [15:57] Soft Linden: If they are, they're getting beaten harshly!
  • [15:57] Soft Linden: Yes!
  • [15:57] Squirrel Wood: Mmm. Beatings!
  • [15:58] Squirrel Wood: give 'em blood 'n vinegar ^^
  • [15:58] Gigs Taggart: You might need to call in Torley, I hear he has locked bridie in a closet for 3 weeks. :)
  • [15:58] Aric Linden: 255 seems pretty intense to me
  • [15:58] Soft Linden: Actually, this wouldn't be Atlassian, but our hosting people I think. Maybe we could get the two talking.
  • [15:58] Bridie Linden: It was dark in there!
  • [15:59] Gigs Taggart: I'm sure it's crappiness all around.
  • [15:59] Alexa Linden: but we did slide you food in Bridie
  • [15:59] Aric Linden: I wonder if we could repro this
  • [15:59] Daedalus Young: watermelon slices
  • [15:59] Alexa Linden: LOL
  • [15:59] Bridie Linden: Delicious flat food! Poptarts!
  • [15:59] Gigs Taggart: Aric, the bug makes it look like the parcel still has the bad prims on it
  • [15:59] Bridie Linden: watermelon poptarts
  • [15:59] Aric Linden: hmm
  • [15:59] Gigs Taggart: Aric I don't know if that's still the case or not
  • [16:00] Gigs Taggart: someone would have to go look :)
  • [16:00] Seg Baphomet: Crashola.
  • [16:00] Gigs Taggart: if you don't see any bad prims then it's reproduced, like the invisible pink unicorn
  • [16:00] Seg Baphomet: We still on SVC-225?
  • [16:00] Soft Linden: I sure wish we had a good repro for this. It's not much fun on a running server without full debugging tools, and it doesn't persist across restarts.
  • [16:00] Alexa Linden: yup
  • [16:00] Soft Linden: SVC-255 I think
  • [16:01] Aric Linden: I'd like to be able to give the devs steps to repro it, not just see the prob
  • [16:01] Seg Baphomet: Dur dyslexxxia.
  • [16:01] Alexa Linden: :P
  • [16:01] Aric Linden: And the bug doesn't have steps, just circumstances about when it appears.
  • [16:01] Gigs Taggart: aric, when a similar thing happened to me, the whole region was broken. Seems to have lost connection to something critical. :)
  • [16:01] Alexa Linden: request for repro steps?
  • [16:01] Aric Linden: Gigs, do you remember what you were doing at the time?
  • [16:01] Gigs Taggart: I doubt they can repro it, since it would require a broken server
  • [16:02] Gigs Taggart: Aric: it was an ongoing breakage, 3 days, logging in there you'd be ruthed, no L$ transfers working, etc
  • [16:02] Squirrel Wood: rumors say packet loss plays a role in it ?
  • [16:02] Aric Linden: oh. we know how to break servers. in fact, if you read our email, we're the best at it.
  • [16:02] Aric Linden:  :-)
  • [16:02] Seg Baphomet: How recent is this?
  • [16:02] Gigs Taggart: aroudn the time of his bug filing
  • [16:03] Gigs Taggart: a couple months ago
  • [16:03] Seg Baphomet: Appears its kinda old.
  • [16:03] Gigs Taggart: I'd be surprised if the server was still broken there :)
  • [16:03] Aric Linden: yeah
  • [16:03] Sidewinder Linden: guy - sorry i was pulled away - is this about a "how to crash a server" report?
  • [16:03] Sidewinder Linden: *guys
  • [16:03] Aric Linden: let's ask for repro deets
  • [16:03] Gigs Taggart: sidewinder heh no
  • [16:03] Sidewinder Linden: oops
  • [16:03] Sidewinder Linden: ok
  • [16:03] Gigs Taggart: sidewinder I guess you saw the bug report Sean made me file? :)
  • [16:03] Squirrel Wood: not part of todays triage but vote if you use voice ^^ https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2970
  • [16:03] Daedalus Young: last comment from someone who experienced something like this is 8 Oct
  • [16:04] Aric Linden: I think we're done for today.
  • [16:04] Pavig Lok: oooo and please vote on [2]
  • [16:04] Sidewinder Linden: ahhh...