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Say the current time (PST)

integer H; //Hours
integer M; //Minutes
string AP; //AM or PM

        integer T = (integer)llGetWallclock(); // Get time PST
        if (T > 43200) //If it's after noon
            T = T - 43200; //Subtract 12 hours
            AP = "PM";  //set to PM
            H = T / 3600; //get hours
            M = (T - (H * 3600)) / 60; //get minutes
            if(H == 0) //if the hour is 0
                H = 12; // make the hour 12
            AP = "AM";
            H = T / 3600; //get the hour
            M = (T - (H * 3600)) / 60; //get minutes
            if(H == 0) //if the hour is 0
                H = 12; // make the hour 12
        llOwnerSay((string)H + ":" + (string)M + AP);