Disc Jockey (DJ)

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Un disc jockey o DJ è una persona che seleziona e suona musica preregistrata per un pubblico.

In Second Life i Disc Jockeys (o DJs) sono gente che suona musica per eventi o posti. I DJ sono solitamente molto rispettati e spesso ben conosciuti perchè un buon DJ può fare di un evento qualcosa di memorabile, specialmente se possiedono una grande libreria di musica ed accettano richieste.

Musica (o qualsiasi audio) è suonato in second life configurando il Music URL nel tab Media nelle tue impostazioni della land. Clic destro sulla land e seleziona "About Land..." dal menu. Nella finestra "About Land" che appare, seleziona il tab "Media". Puoi inserirci il tuo music URL favorito (per esempio per oldies rock).

Questo URL punta ad un media server che trasmette musica digitalmente via internet. Questa musica è inviata direttamene al tuo computer, e non è manipolata dai server di Second Life.

Prima di essere un DJ hai la necessità di avere un media server con un URL a cui la gente può connettersi. Fortunatamente ci sono diverse software utilities gratuite che possono fare questo per te. Fondamentalmente avrai bisogno:

  1. Un media server - che effettivamente trasmette la musica
  2. Un source client - che seleziona la musica da diverse sorgenti e la invia al server.

Ci sono molti modi per impostare il tuo ambiente di trasmissione, ma solo uno è descritto qua nel dettaglio. Nota: può essere frustrante impostare un ambiente di trasmissione perchè spesso queste utilities hanno poca documentazione, e possono essere molto complesse da configurare correttamente.

Example Broadcast Environment


  1. Icecast - server
  2. WinAmp - media player
  3. OddCast - source client plugin for WinAmp
  4. Music - files or CD you can play via WinAmp
  5. Computer 1 - for broadcasting
  6. Computer 2 - to test that you are broadcasting
  7. Internet Router/Gateway

This example uses

  • Windows XP for Computer 1
  • Windows Vista Ultimate 64 for Computer 2
  • D-Link router.

but other combinations are possible.

Setting Up the Server

Install the latest version of IceCast on Computer 1.

Run the IceCast user interface (in this case Icecast2.exe)

From the "Configure" menu select "Edit Configuration."

Change the following passwords in the icecast.xml file:



for example (but select you own passwords)



While this was not strictly necessary, it is always good practice to change passwords to your own secret versions.

Save you changes and close the window for the icecast.xml files.

Click the "Start Server" button.

Setting up WinAmp

Install the latest version of WinAmp on Computer 1.

Try playing a few tunes so you can get the hang of it.

Stop WinAmp

Setting up the WinAmp OddCast Plug-In

Install the latest version of OddCast on Computer 1.

Start WinAmp again.

Under the "Options" menu select "Preferences..."

In the Preferences window select (under Plug-ins) "DSP/Effect"

In the top right of the window select "Oddcast DSP..."

The Oddcast window should open up. Click the "AddEncoder" button.

Under "Encoder Settings" right-click the encoder you just added and select "Configure" from the menu. A Configuration window will open up.

In the "Encoder Type" field, select "OggVorbis"

In the "Server Type" field, select "Icecast"

In the "Encoder Password" field type your source-password, in this case "Play4Me"

In the "Mountpoint" field type "/different.ogg"

Finally, click the "OK" button to close the Configuration Window.

In the Oddcast window click the "Connect" button.

If the server is running properly you should see the word "Connected" under the "Transfer Rate" column in the table next to the encoder you just added and configured. If it's not connected there's something wrong or your server is not running.

In the Icecast window (your opened earlier) you should be able to see 1 connection.

Testing the Broadcast

If you don't have WinAmp installed on Computer 2 do that first.

On Computer 1 start a play-list going in WinAmp - something that will be playing for a while.

On Computer 1 start WinAmp, and from the "File" menu select "Play URL".

In the "Open URL" window enter "" - where is the Internet Protocol address of computer 1.

To find the IP address, go to Computer 1 and open a Command Prompt and run the "ipconfig" command. You should see something like

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
        IP Address . . . . . :
        Default Gateway  . . :

If all has gone well Computer 2 should be playing the same music that is playing on Computer 1.

If you go to Computer 1 your will see the VU meters in the Oddcast window indicating that there is music playing. From then on, any music you play in WinAmp on Computer 1 will play on Computer 2. Note: if the music stops on Computer 1, it will probably stop on Computer 2. Whey you start the music on Computer 1 again, it may not start playing on Computer 2 until you push the play button again (or something similar).

Testing the Broadcast on Second Life

Chances are your broadcast server is your personal computer at home, and it's behind a router/gateway.

The way things are set up now only computers on your personal Local Area Network can find your music broadcast, so you will have to configure your router/gateway.

Most routers have a web user interface that you can access by typing in the address of the router to your web browser. For example, from the ipconfig command discusses previously you might enter

First you will need to find the IP Address of the router that is know on the Internet. This will be published somewhere in the UI. For example, let's say it's ""

Next you will need to set up a mapping to your Icecast service on Computer 1. This usually looks something like:

Application Name: icecast
IP Address:
Public Port: 8000
Private Port: 8000
Protocol: both (TCP/UDP)

where IP Address is the address of Computer 1. There may be other information. After you've saved the changes you may need to restart your router (but not usually).

Go back to Computer 2 and start Second Life. In your land, configure the following URL for you land's audio feed

but don't use "" - use the external address you got from your router. You should now be able to hear the music from your broadcast server on Computer 1 playing via Second Life. Anyone else on your land should also be able to hear the same music.

Altre impostazioni

Ci sono di solito molte altre impostazioni per configurare e suonare con il tuo ambiente broadcast, come il punto di mount nel tuo URL. Per esempio, te non devi usare "/different.ogg" nel tuo URL, ma puoi configurare qualcosa di differente, del tipo "/rockme.ogg"

Controlla la documentazione fornita con le tue utilities per informazioni addizionali sulla configurazione di altre impostazioni.


Qualche volta un DJ ha la necessità di annunciare le canzoni prima di suonarle, oppure aggiungere altri commenti. I players di musica come WinAmp e Source Clients come Oddcast hanno spesso il modo per aggiungere input da una varietà di sorgenti, come un microfono.