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Emblem-important-yellow.png LSL Feature Request
The described function does not exist. This article is a feature request.


Function: integer llEval( string code );

Returns an integer to see the success of eval´d code.
-1 = Parse error in Eval´d code
0 = Success, but without return in Eval´d code

• string code a string with different LSL-functions


<lsl> default {

       string code = "llOwnerSay(\"Hello World\");";
       if( llEval(code) != -1 )
           llOwnerSay("...it works !!! Try now more complex :");
           llOwnerSay((string)llEval("llOwnerSay(\" must be 23\"); return 23;"));
           llOwnerSay("Parse Error in Eval´d code");
   // Output :
   // Hello World
   // ...it works !!! Try now more complex :
   // 23 must be 23




With this function its now possible to write code more dynamic. You can read your functions from a Notecard, external WEB-page and much more...
Vote for this function at :SVC-1671

Deep Notes


//function integer llEval( string code );