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< LlPushObject
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// This is not quite pseudo code for how the llPushObject() effect is computed.
// Really it is simplified C++ code that doesn't quite reflect our true API
// (for instance, the LLObject class doesn't actually exist), but it is a
// fairly accurate outline of what is going on.  This code probably doesn't
// compile.  Fix any syntax errors you find -- it's a wiki! -- Andrew
void llPushObject( 
		const LLObject& pusher, 
		const LLObject& pushee, 
		const LLVector3& linear_impulse, 
		const LLVector3& angular_impulse, 
		bool use_pushee_local_frame )
	LLPhysicsBody& pushee_body = pushee.getPhysicsBody(); 
	if (!pushee_body || pushee_body.isKeyframed() )
		// some objects don't have collidable bodies (trees, grass)
		// and keyframed (non-dynamic) objects can't move

	if ( pushee.isAvatar()
		&& pushee.isGod()
		&& pusher.getOwnerID() != pushee.getID() )
		// avatars in admin mode cannot be pushed 
		// unless they are the pusher's owner

	// How much effect an llPushObject() call has depends on whether
	// the pusher had enough "script energy" to execute.  If the pusher
	// only has half of the required energy then it will push, but the
	// effect of the push is reduced to half of what it would be, and the
	// pusher is left with zero energy at the end.
	// The "script energy" system was implemented waaaaay back in the beginning
	// and was done for a few reasons:  (1) as a pre-emptive goo and grief
	// throttle for problems that we expected to encounter (certain operations
	// cost energy, and hence an one object's effectiveness is throttled by its
	// energy budget) and (2) to provide a sort of balance/tradeoff when
	// designing in-world objects that had some sort of gaming application (big
	// guns should have more potency than small guns, hence the larger the
	// object the more energy).
	// In any case, the energy bugdet is recovered at some fixed rate over time
	// but the holding tank of each object depends on its mass, up to some
	// maximum.
	// Way back in in 2003 or so we added a distance^3 term to the cost of
	// llPushObject() designed prevent huge impulses from pushing people
	// around.  Unfortunately the original implementation was severely flawed
	// in a particular way -- the term was additive instead multiplicative.
	// The cube power gets big fast, but not all that big or fast.  If the
	// original push magnitude dwarfed the cubed term then you still ended up
	// with a giant effect.  In other words: 
	// 10^26 * (energy_recovered_during_last_frame) = Very_Big_Number
	F32 distance = (pushee.getPosition() - pusher.getPosition()).length();
	F32 distance_term = distance * distance * distance * SCRIPT_ENERGY_PER_METER_AWAY;

	// How to fix this?  We can't change the energy consumption since
	// lots of Residents have tuned their pushers just right.  But we
	// don't want arbitrarily high impulses over arbitrarily large 
	// distances.  So here's what we'll do:
	// (1) clamp obnoxiously large impulses (after the energy consumption)
	// (2) actually attenuate the impulse by distances that are beyond
	//     some threshold

	F32 pusher_mass = pusher.getMass();

	// (2) we compute the distance attenuation factor early since it applies to
	// both the linear and angular cases.  This attenuates pushes that are
	// beyond (max_distance + 1) 
	F32 distance_attenuation = 1.f;
		// +1 below to avoid the asymptotic part of 1/x
		F32 normalized_units = 1.f + (distance - PUSH_ATTENUATION_DISTANCE) / PUSH_ATTENUATION_SCALE;
		distance_attenuation = 1.f / normalized_units;

	// linear
	LLVector3 applied_linear_impulse = linear_impulse;
		// consume energy according to the intended impulses
		F32 impulse_length = linear_impulse.length();
		// NOTE: the pusher_mass factor in the desired_energy calculation 
		// is just wrong, it should be the pushee_mass, but now that it
		// has been wrong for years we can't fix it!
		F32 desired_energy = impulse_length * SCRIPT_ENERGY_PER_MOMENTUM * pusher_mass;
		if (desired_energy > 0.f)
			desired_energy += distance_term;
		// LLObject::consumeEnergy() returns 1 if there is enough energy,
		// else returns the fraction of energy available.
		F32 scaling_factor = pusher.consumeEnergy(desired_energy);
		// (1) clamp obnoxiously large impulses
		// the max push possible is what it would take to levitate the
		// smallest object that has the max script energy
		F32 max_push_impulse_length = MAX_ENERGY_MASS * fabsf(GRAVITY) * PHYSICS_TIMESTEP;
		if (impulse_length > max_push_impulse_length)
			// reduce the scaling factor by the ratio
			scaling_factor *= max_push_impulse_length / impulse_length;
		// (2) attenuate pushes that are from very far away
		scaling_factor *= distance_attenuation;
		applied_linear_impulse *= scaling_factor;

	// angular
	LLVector3 applied_angular_impulse = angular_impulse;
		// NOTE: same comments here as to the incorrectness of the mass units
		// with an extra problem: the angular energy consumption should be
		// proportional to the actual change of angular momentum (i.e. should
		// involve the inertia tensor) so the linear mass factor here is not
		// only from the wrong object but is also the wrong property.  Oh well.
		F32 desired_energy = angular_impulse.length() * SCRIPT_ENERGY_PER_MOMENTUM * pusher_mass;
		if (desired_energy > 0.f)
			desired_energy += distance_term;
		// consume energy
		F32 scaling_factor = distance_attenuation * pusher.consumeEnergy(desired_energy);

		// (1) clamp obnoxiously large impulses
		F32 impulse_length = angular_impulse.length();
		if (impulse_length > max_push_impulse_length)
			scaling_factor *= max_push_impulse_length / impulse_length;
		// (2) attenuate pushes that are from very far away
		scaling_factor *= distance_attenuation;

		applied_angular_impulse *= scaling_factor;
	if ( use_pushee_local_frame )
		// rotate the directions of the impulses into the pushee's local frame
		LLQuaternion rotation = pushee.getRotation();
		applied_linear_impulse *= rotation;
		applied_angular_impulse *= rotation;

	if (pushee.isAvatar())
		// NOTE: we ignore the angular part since the avatar cannot yet be spun
		// from external or attachment forces
		if (pusher.isAttachment()
			&& pusher.getAvatarID() == pushee.getID())
			// this is an attachment pushing its avatar, so the push must go
			// through the avatar controller which will guard against too fast
			// velocities and do the right thing for the current movement mode
			// this is an attachment pushing another avatar, so the push must
			// go through the avatar controller which will gaurd against too
			// fast velocities and do the right thing for current movement mode