Posing stand

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What is a 'Posing Stand'

A posing stand is usually included with some items you can buy in stores. They help you adjust your attachments and other things when building.

The script in action!

Okay, let's see the script!

Here's the basic script. I'm not the first to post this in Second Life but I can't see it in the Script Library :P.

//Bella all the way xD

key mkLoungingAgentKey = NULL_KEY;
integer miPermissionsAcquired = FALSE;

         //overriden sit target
         //lower them a bit
         vector vLoungeTarget = <0.00, 0.00, 1.00>;
         rotation rX;
         rotation rY;
         rotation rZ;
         rotation r;
         //build rotations
         //Note: this is broken out like this to simplify the
         //        process of finding the correct sit angle.  I 
         //        use the following form until I have the rotation 
         //        that I want perfect, and then I simply 
         //        hardcode the perfected quaterion and remove   
         //        this mess.
         rX = llAxisAngle2Rot( <1,0,0>, 0 * DEG_TO_RAD);         //cartwheel
         rY = llAxisAngle2Rot( <0,1,0>, 0 * DEG_TO_RAD);       //sumersault
         rZ = llAxisAngle2Rot( <0,0,1>, 0 * DEG_TO_RAD);       //turn in place
         //combine rotations
         r = rX * rY * rZ;
         //override 'sit' on pie menu
         llSetSitText( "Stand" );
         //override default sit target and rotation on prim
         llSitTarget( vLoungeTarget, r );
     changed(integer change) 
         if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
            key agent = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
            if ( mkLoungingAgentKey == NULL_KEY && agent != NULL_KEY ) 

                //changed user
                //cache new user key and request their permissions
                mkLoungingAgentKey = agent;
            else if ( mkLoungingAgentKey != NULL_KEY && agent == NULL_KEY) 
                //user is getting up
                if ( miPermissionsAcquired ) 
                    //restore anims
                //reset the script to release permissions
    run_time_permissions(integer parm) 
            //set permission flag
            miPermissionsAcquired = TRUE;
            //cancel the sit anim